That Koa story has been particularly perplexing and I never could figure out exactly how it fit in. I am very sorry about your lossI hate cancer and congrats on doing good, keep strong. I was devastated when I found out that I missed it. Not sure about the legs. If it is made up, then she is an amazing writer. I wish Demri had that same desire, to want to be an actress/model, who read books, studied acting. So thanks for always showing us the best of Demri! Red carpet photos. I just wanted to share my story because i dont think alot of heroin addicts think about the other consequences that iving heroin can cause such as endocarditis. Get help for yourself from someone whose been there or a professional and they can help you learn how to handle your specific situation better. Mad Season, Layne's side projects/art, Jerry's solo work. Jul 10, 2014 - Layne with fans New Years Eve 1999, reportedly last public photo in circulation. Im so glad to see the people who are able to look past her addiction because obviously there was so much more to her. Prayers. You were making fun of it and you crooned the line you are so superduper bravissimo to me like the big goofball that you were. play a tattletale game. Her cause of death was an accute intoxication and the combined effects of opiate, meprobamate and butalbital. But i get drug tests and go to counseling and outpatient classes. How did Demri Lara Parrott died? - Heimduo Just some random thoughts I had. Opiate Addiction is selfish to the core. -Jesse, I came across this website a few days ago, and I have to admit that this is wonderful.thank you so much Barbara Darin and Mom Kathleen for sharing her memories with us! For me, layne was Alice in Chains. Demri Parrott was buried at the Miller-Woodlawn Memorial Park in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA. We talked about how we KNEW that AiC was going to be the biggest band in the world, and she insisted that I tell Layne that, because he didnt believe it coming from his girlfriend. She had talked him into putting a lot of big purchases in her name. Demri is a beautiful woman. RIP. Suffice to say that she got the wrong ideas about some things, Layne was hurt by her assumptions and they parted ways for a while. Layne was around more drugs due to his lifestyle. It was supposedly him who reconnected once she became ill. She suffered a lot in life, from around 1993 (I think) until her death in 1996, she was in and out of hospital constantly. She is not, as widely but wrongly believed, the woman on the cover of Alice in Chainss album Dirt, released on September 29, 1992, that is model and actress Mariah O'Brien. AiC was playing a show that night at an old fire station in Redmonddo you remember that place? Self: 1991 MTV Video Music Awards. Nice she was, but not very independent. She was just honestly sweet and kind to literally everyone around her. Not just a story about Layne and Demri. She had been using off and on for a few months. I wouldnt call her suicidal but definitely self destructive. Its been lonely here without him. I guess there is so little real information out there, so these kinds of stories become defacto fact. She was so young, so beautiful the tragic muse, a fairy. Its people like demri and Layne who would really make you think life was worth living. I too lost a sister. He lived through it, but they were kicked out of the apartment. So beautifully said, I believe the same. Yes, she was sick from herion, but so was Marilyn. His father was an addict as well. I know she had siblings and her name changed from Murphy to Parrott at some stage (as per yearbook photo). I would love to see them all again, Thank you Niki! I cant get over how freaking gorgeous Demri truly is. I had nothing left of them myself so it was like a true gift and to find pictures of my loved ones online. I remember a few months after she got the pacemaker that certain friends of Laynes were blaming her illness on him. Demri went to rehab a few times and she had a pig valve in her heart. She studied at the Arlington High School, Washington (1984 1986); the Lakewood High School, Arlington, WA (1986); and the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Jacksonville, Florida (1985 1989). (Back then we were still afraid of Aids and stuff and I dont mean Layne and Demri but others that came over. Demri Parrott - IMDb That couldnt have been put in a better way! Media can put entertainers on the highest pedestals and even encourage the descructive behavior, but drop them like hot potatoes or make matters even worse when the downward spiral goes into overdrive. He loved Layne more than anything, I think even more than Courtney sometimes (Courtney as you all know was Jerrys on off gf.) The village to raise a child or extended family member or friend to help re-direct those who are going off track, is not here anymore. Layne and Demri in the Sea of Sorrow video. It was just so shocking and upsetting. Ive been thinking a lot lately about Andrew, Demri, Layne etc, because Im currently waiting for a bed to open up at a detox facility to hopefully help me kick this awful ten-year addiction to painkillers. And even when dealing with something as delicate as the history of these people you always share your stories and never treat us like crazy people. Please go to a support group. I love you still, sweetheart, and Im so sorry. Haha! Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. Ive been tormented by my addiction to IV heroin for the last 14 years, my best friend in the world, my everything, my older sister, is the spitting image of gorgeous angelic Dem. The EMTS never did anything but save your friends life. Again not blaming if we knew then what we know now. What do I have to do? But hes right here with us now on the fire place! No clue.. maybe they didnt even know Rosheen was as important as she was to Demri. God bless her mother, cause mine would have let me die without hospital stays. Anyone of her friends would have given her money to buy cotten besides its free at the hospital and they do send you home with a ton of supplies and she was there a lot. I KNOWI just wanna try it onceBELIEVE ME I am not stupid it doesnt usually end up working out like that. MRSA has been around for quite some timeI first found out about it back in 1994/95 with some of my first nursing home patients that I transported to the E.R. Jason Buttino, who has recordings of both versions, attributes the change to the fact the second version was recorded more than a year after the death of Demri Parrott, Layne's longtime girlfriend. I also took the photo of Demri with the red white and blue tights on, I gave her the tights from my work Fantasy Unlimited, and we went to see our friend Pony and I think she and Pony dressed up then we took a few photos, this being one. We never celebrated my birthday so she wanted to be clean so we could which was on the 28th. Same symptoms. It was even sadder when we found out Mike Starr was the last to see him and saw that he was in troublebut Layne wouldnt let Mike call 911now hes dead, too. His style was like no other. It was copied and posted to several different places. When Demri passed, Layne really took that hard. I noticed the list of books on the home page and decided to go check out Everybody Loves Our Town by Mark Yarm at our public library. I respect that. Layne Staley's Last Photo: The Mystery Behind His Arm Mike met with her because when Layne got mad she refused his calls so Mike did it to tell her off and because he wanted to find out why he was ejected from the band and figured it was from Melinda and Sean breaking up. The truth about the ways she lied, cheated, manipulated and stole from him have all been conveniently forgotten.". Staley's physical appearance had become even worse than before: he had lost several teeth, his skin was sickly pale, and he was severely emaciated. So heartbreaking for everyone. Demri was bisexual, and she was a nudist. Maybe someday I will write that book but as of right now I do not have any concrete plans to do that.. and if I ever did write a book it would be about MY life not just theirs and then I would include stories that involved them but I could never write just a book about them.. to me that would be..weird, wrong possibly? Demri died in October 1997, and you say that Rosheen died six months later. Prayers for those trying to beat opiate addiction out there. 1). Stills. Demri Lara PARROTT Left this world October 29, 1996; born in Bremerton, Wa, on Feb 22, 1969 and attended school in Arlington. People call to make sure they are listed in the Thank Yous on an album. You are the only one on the internet who knows about those days, and any info on Demri, Layne, Chris, Andy, or others in the Seattle Grunge Scene would be appreciated. Layne Staley believed that the ghost of Demri visited him just days before his April 2002 death. As a result, there is a last photo that was published in 1998 and one final photo that was taken in 2002, just weeks before his death. She was an addict, just like Layne. She moved around to different high schools in the 1980s. But unless you knew them.. because they were so private I just cant imagine anyone can ever get it right.. unless you were there and you felt their life spirit.. you know what I mean? I think there's so much to love about her. According to David de Solas book Alice in Chains: The Untold Story, it was love at first sight. I feel a very strange connection to him, like I can almost remember bits and pieces of his life through my own eyes. . They werent dating at the time, just sharing the apartment. Thats when he came back and Demri left. In October 1996, Staley was deeply shocked by the death of Demri Parrott, the vocalist's long-time girlfriend and fellow drug addict. Demri looking sweet and beautiful.. she was such a natural beauty. So crazy cool and I know youd agreeor I wouldnt of told my stories or shared your pictures. Love and support to you and your family, God bless to you! e_biggrin.gif ) His anime of choice back then was Vampire Princess Miyu. Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of America's Pacific Northwest. Dear Barbara, thanks so so much for this post. I could go on for days with stories, but I wont. Who was she as a child and a teenager? People also asking: . He was known for his distinctive vocal style and tenor voice, as well as his harmonizing with guitarist/vocalist . I pray every day that he does not experiment with H, because I know that he will not come back from that. I can see where someone would think it was her if they did not know her personally.. you know how you could pick out your best friends from just a shadow or the back of their head well that is how I am as well and that is not her. She was tiny (around 4'11", 150cm or 5, 152 cm), dark-featured, with long dark hair and dark eyes. That means 13 times she was clean. They both died alone, I know Demris mother and Aunt were with her, but in truth, everyone dies alone. I just dont know what happened after 98 99. xx. Much love to you, from W. Seattle xoxo. Then bring on the lying to hide it from everyone who loves you, bring on the HORRIBLE shame and actual disgust for yourself for turning into everything you had always looked down on or at least never thought youd become..a junkie. This website was also made with the AIC fans in mind and to introduce you to themthe real Demri not just the girlfriend of Layne Staley. She did not need makeup to shine. More rehab for both. Let me just say that its truly a pleasure to meet you here Xana. God Bless your sobriety! Drugs was his escape to find what he was longing forlove. I do get it a little but its silly. It speaks volumes about this site that a guy sitting in his living room in Iceland in 2017, can read through it and feel as if he were a fly on the wall in all these parties and gatherings. God Bless your sobriety! In short, you loose the will to live and probably have lost your soul wayyy before this point. He was already quite reclusive in 1996" The last time Demris mother, Kathleen Austin, saw Layne Staley, was in 1997. Just human. Happy to know you found and enjoy the web site. Apparently, he found that lasting love with Dem or did he? I love it. I dont think a lot of people understand how much damage it does. Yes, she was sick from herion, but so was Marilyn. That sucks! From everything you say about Demri and what a force of personality she was, this drug seems to have had an unbreakable hold on her. Demri Parrott (born Demri Lara Murphy on February - Demri Lara Parrott I dont remember the exact story Lanegan told in Sing Backwards and Weep, but seems to me that after she got the pacemaker, she left the hospital (possible with an IV pole?) Layne continued touring, they both continued the drugs. Everything has already been said here, but I want to thank you personally. Truly a loving person. Addiction is no joke, I go to med school so I spend a lot of time in the hospital and its just awful what being addicted to something does to people. So go to youtube and search for this: That person that did comment bitched because nobody else did when they should have simply offered condolences or said something sweet but nooooooit was an asshole post. I get so busy I dont even recognize the date sometimes. A loving comment from Kathleen (Demris Mother) after she ran into Darin Lamb and found out about my website for the first time what a blessing. Im all up for experimenting with certain things with responsability but heroine, cocaine, meth and those kind of drugs are out of the question. not demri.will try and find the link to the post that says she was not available/she and Layne not together at the time. And their angel wings. After her passing, Layne looked after him. I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. As for the book both Mike and Layne told me they wanted to sue her because it was full of lies. By the way by the way , I am a female b. but I wanted to make a note on the message posted by D but written by koa know that runs online for about 8 years I know for sure because we put the message in alternativegrunge forum in Italy .. T urning the steering wheel hard to the right and stomping his foot on the gas, Alice in Chains ' lead singer, Layne Staley, accelerates full speed into the back of a . He told me that the first time he did it, he was exhausted and feeling like shit. A place for Demri's fans to meet and discuss what little information we can gather on her. I realize this stuff is old news for you guys, but for people who are just coming to this subject (who have a passion to know the truth) the information via comments on this site is vital. After a long time of trying to stop and being unsuccessful you willingly succumb to ityou just give up!!! He told me that he I love it! Other things as her signature scent, patchouli oil, which brightens your home & others, have brought me joy. Im lucky to have 2 beautiful little girls that keep my life full. I wanted to also check in on you and see how youre doing with your recovery and your heart? It is a horrible existence. Its hard to have someone understand that you didnt get off the couch all day because you just couldnt get up or because you want to rip the painful gaping hole out of your chest. But as a fan who collects all kinds of memorabilia, it is nice to have. But Demri seemed to live an existance of from here to there, no where to run, but her mom had a home waiting just for her. I have no clue where or how that rumor ever got started but it is for sure not Demri. I also like to believe that there is an afterlife where we get to see our loved ones who have passed before us and we get to watch and protect the ones who are still here on earth. I know its a picture and not a video but just thought Id share in case it could add to Layne and Demris pics. If you need to talk to someone when times get tough just shoot me an email my address is and I will chat with you. We tried to before but couldnt really connect with Nancy- too much focus on Laynes addiction and Heroin, and yknow there was a lot more to those times than just that. Demri, who was the cutest, most beautiful thing in the world, came up to me one night and lifted up her shirt. Demri Parrott's Death, Mystery About Her Life And Layne Staley - JukeBugs He also did Mad Season at some point in there. I am sober now and I understand this and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about how bad I was for all those years of stealing and lying to them and my mom crying worried if I was going to die. You also made people smile and giggle and anyone who was ever part of your life no matter how long or how short.. will NEVER forget you. I know we all hear this and we all have been told over and over to stay away from drugs but I wish I could drill it into kids heads who might consider trying it. From the time I bought Facelift (14 then), until Laynes deathand to the present. Rare photo of Demri Parrott & Layne Staley from a photo shoot they did together. But god, if he isnt just a little gratified also. At that point, once the pig valve is in place, and so many surgeries, and pain, she continues to go for the drugs to soothe and medicate her misery. I will forever cherish our short time together. I think of her all the time, and how our similarities made me feel so much better about myself as a teenager. Demri Parrott - Listal I bring it up also because I know her family would prefer it be used that way. The next time Id run into those people who just meant to try it once would almost always be totally caught up and addicted. Alice In Chains. Unconditional love? Staley's girlfriend, Demri Lara Parrott, started shooting smack and Alice in Chains got famous. Or did he just appear that way because of being really thin and probably feeling sick a lot? She did her movies, needed a babysitter for many, but she got through it all. Please I beg of you. Today the sitereceived a comment from Demris Mom Kathleen which is so special because she thought of us and wanted to let us know how she felt today and I personally wanted everyone who watches this site.. friends, fans and people who loved her a chance to hear from her Demris Mom today. Are there any photos of Demri during the last year of her life? Tommy who bragged about selling Andy his last dose and Michael who was in El Steiner would invite themselves over, before AIC got home and did the Moore show. I left Seattle because I was very stupidly stuck on Layne and I knew that probably nothing was going to come of it. They were both so beautiful in their own weird way. "he would never talk badly about her and apparently it was the same with her. . (Im sure this is an exaggeration but you get the idea.) Such a sad story. I miss Laynes voice so much, but I have to admit that I absolutely love Black Gives way to Blue (the song). I came across this site while listening to Laynes music on line.I along with many others loved his music and now I see why Layne loved Demri.I never new them but feel such a love from this website and the pictures of Demri and Layne. Oh my she was so beautiful, so beautiful. Im a long time AIC fan and think Layne was the most underrated ARTIST of our time. I have never had anyone die on me but I have given more people then I can actually count or remember CPR and I was never afraid to call the ambulance either. In October of 1996, his fianc Demri Parrott, died as a result of bacterial endocarditis, as she was also a heroin addict. But not anymore. You have enough money, you can go buy a cottage on the beach and be there with Demriwho was also very artisticand you can go and create whatever art you want., DAVID DUET Layne and Demri had kind of an open relationship. I dont update it much because Ive basically said all I have to say and it was the most healing thing I ever did. I have never known Mike to lie and I knew him a long time. It is not worth your life and the heartbreak of your family just to see what its like. Many of us found them through Laynes music, which has evoked so much feeling and emotion from my heart and I just want to learn anything that I can from someone who actually knew & loved them. Layne Staley died aged 34 on April 5, 2002 due to an overdose, and his funeral was held at the same place he intended to marry Demri, Kiana Lodge on Bainbridge Island. Thank you, I know you may not get the chance to answer this. Im confused. Demri lapsed into a coma and spent the last 12 hours of her life unconscious in an intensive care unit at Evergreen Hospital, with only her mother and her aunt by her side, before doctors turned off the life-support machines on the morning of October 29, 1996. My husband purchased it as a christmas gift for me. I was anonymous when I knew Layne and there were lots of reasons for that. I am thinking more of teens I have been watching grow up from their young years. I just look forward to hearing from someone. So im postive thats why Demri got so sick again after her heart surgery cause her new valve was so sensitive. She died that night with her mother and aunt by her side. Demri Parrott - Facebook Then management needs to discuss the contents with the bandlet them know its a brotherhood or sisterhood. It was love at first sight. Mind, I never knew him entirely well and I never saw him do it, but its what people were saying. At the time of her death, she was clean, but for her last hours, she was at a friends house, who took her to Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Washington, and recognized too late that she wasnt doing well on the pills shed ingested. Jerry was REALLY different back then. What could he dofight back? Oh that thing about walking down a hall and druggies is b.s. then announces the song say hello to heaven. Just dropping in to see if there have been any new stories to read , Its awesome designed for me to have a web page, which is valuable designed for my knowledge. Demri has haunted me on a regular almost daily basis since I first learned about her story. Someone asked for a video of Demrigot this from youtube its Demri and Layne singing together hope this helps The would cut and bag their heroin. Stay strong, stay strong, you can beat this. Kathleens comment was left on one of my older posts.. so I just wanted to share it so that everyone would get a chance to readitbecause I know a lot of us love and respect Kathleena lot. they're narcissists what fuck over and throw away everything good they have in their lives.. feel sorry for fuckers struggling to survive in the third world instead of overprivileged fucks who destroy themselves on drugs cos they're so obsessed with themselves and their inadequacies.. self-fulfilling prophecies.. gross.. when you really think about it. Friends comment that after Demri died, Layne was put on suicide watch for 24 hours. This site has been around. Thank you Barbara for making this site and memorial! It happens a lot to drug addicts. I wish they had suboxone and subutex available then instead of methadone clinics, I think it wouldve been easier on them. Demri always and forever a wild wood pixie. I listen to Chloe Dancer and think of how I want my life to be as beautiful as that song. Hope to read some more posts soon. He was getting more and more into one of his favorite hobbies too, which was anime (which he helped get me into. Dealers came to them. Alice in Chains: The Untold Story - Layne Staley's final - guitarworld More information. They have many members,some who knew Layne personally,and they are always being updated with member participation. Hopefully, this still reaches you today. When I called Christy about Demris Wake she asked what happened because Demri had just been there Monday night, which was the 28th which matched with Tom. Drugs are not fun, and will never try again. *Please watch her video called What the Cancer Industry doesnt want YOU to know and her video called Terminal Brain Cancer Cured On Raw Food. A month after I saw her on the bus, she was dead. It means so much to me. She had an amazing confidence which shines through in her modelling pictures and her pieces of writing. or Tracy Johnson.. all of them can be found on my Facebook friends list. Youre a wonderful woman. Reading through the stories of Demris existence is at the same time beautiful and awful. Previous Next. I miss you, Demri. I needed to get back to work and Id drive them crazy getting up every couple hours and putting my ears to their mouth to make sure they were breathing. Im not saying they were gay, lol! If people only knew how stuck in grief I was for YEARS and today I still miss them all but I dont break down crying anymore. Its a terrible disease and I have seen so many patients that I treated and transported from the streets of Detroit that had it from shooting up. I have heard that she is a very sweet and caring person. Genealogy for Demri Lara Parrott (1969 - 1996) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. He didnt seem to want to do it because he had a bad feeling about it. Its even worse when you have a lot of responsibilities to take care of because you find yourself stuck to where you have to keep using to try and keep up with those responsibilities and it works at first but it tricks you and then you loose everything if you dont loose your life. Once he moved to that place, I didnt talk to him. But he wanted to be left alone. Sadly, Demri passed away in 1996 of endocarditis caused by her drug use. My tricuspid valve was infected and a large vegetation had grown on it. Miss Layne so much. (I never knew about Demri until I discovered this site and got to know BarbaraI consider her a friend and thank her for putting this wonderful site together.). EVER. They didnt have it so they ordered one for me and thats what Ive been reading these last couple of weeks. She was really sweet and really cool. Love you Barb, I totally agree and share the love and respect I am a recovering addictthis month I got my 6yr 6mo clean time!!! Some people say that, on tour, Layne ran out of coke, and Demri went looking but found Herion instead. It ruins your health and your self confidence, your self esteem and your creativity. New Blog - Remembering Layne and Demri..: ibdreamy LiveJournal If youre saying to yourself Ahh.. Demri had family, many friends, and Layne, but she kept on running to the end. . She once called herself an alien waiting for a ride home., Around 97, Layne had moved to the U Dist. This website is simply amazing, a treasure trove of information for those wanting to go under the surface. ago These are the last photos of Demri taken 8 weeks before her death. You have done so much, been through so much, God bless you. So right now and since june of 18 ive been sick as hell waiting to have my new valve replaced again. Blessings to each of you! Layne loved Clean Demri it gave him hope. I have the second version and it was at the bookstore and we got it for like $20 or so. Boredom plays a role and if your a recovering addict you have to keep yourself busy. Later, as he got deeper into heroin, he almost seemed stooped over and maybe a little bow legged in AICs last concerts in 96. I visit Demris Facebook page every once in a while and Ive learned that her closest friends dont like to disclose a lot. I feel empathy for all addicts. I got an errorto be continued, First I would like to thank you for this site. Laura. Big hugs! Maybe some of Dems other friends can help you to confirm if that is really her but I say 100% NO.. but you should ask Fab what she thinks or Darin Lamb. On the other hand I also dont flatter myself that I could have done something for him; I just dont know if I was that important. Barbara thanks for putting your heart into this and also for educating people about drugs. Then Demri starts to get sick, and shes in the hospital many times, her heart, her lungs. Not a day goes by when I dont think of the both of them. Believe me they love you!! Layne Staley's Haunting Wedding That Never Was Will Break Your Heart Bigs hugs! Hope you write that book about the two of them and/or those times! It usually has nothing to do with how much they love YOU.
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