Social Studies, Middle - Charger Academy Email Address. Web Accessibility Contact Us . e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Email 2027, 591-0839 Staff Directory - Hamilton Township School District /*if(i < ($('#sw-content-minibasefilter3499 label').length - 1)) { Parents - General Ray Davis Middle School - Rockdale County School District DCPS has policies and procedures in place to protect its employees, students and anyone associated with the District from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or retaliation. 70262, 9195602000 Staff Directory | Rio Vista Middle School - Central Unified Popular Links. Davis Middle - School Directory Details (CA Dept of Education) Resources / Staff Directory - LISD FilterFields = escape(CreateFilterQuery638134845842756510()); Our School > Faculty and Staff Directory Faculty and Staff Directory. The Hillsdale County Intermediate School District is an equal opportunity provider. Staff Directory; Texas ACE After School Program; Campus Improvement Plan. central city elementary school; central office; cox landing elementary school; crossroads academy; culloden elementary school; davis creek elementary school; explorer academy; guyandotte elementary school; highlawn elementary school; hite saunders elementary school; huntington east middle school; huntington high school; huntington middle school . Staff Directory | Austin ISD Colin Hickey-6277: Danielle Pulli-6133: Jennifer Holmstrom-6240: Davies Nurse Dawn Duelly--6249 6268: Dawn Leek-6263: Grades: 6th-8th Principal: Mike McQueen Faculty/Staff: DMS Teacher Sites School Website: Email is another method of communicating with our staff. 201C. Hillsdale County Intermediate School District. . The majority of the past 13 years has been working with ninth grade students. }); Greg Pagnard Principal Email Me; Kimberley Hathaway Admin Assistant If you need to reach an individual in our school, please call the main office at 973-3600 or click the personalized link to send them an e-mail. .sw-flex-table caption { Davis Middle School / Homepage - NEKIA ABRAMS. ERIN DOBSON ext. Aben-Bolze. 2022 Bond Website (opens in new window/tab) Accreditation 2019 (opens in new window/tab) About Davis School District. tooLong.join(','); Science, Middle - Charger Academy Regular school-day schedule Middle school campuses - 8:35 AM to 3:50 PM. Mathematics, Middle - Charger Academy Davis Elementary School | Home - CPPS . Berry, Billingsley, Diggs& Wade elementary schools, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Elementary School, Nanjemoy Creek Environmental Education Center, Special Education Citizen Advisory Committee (SECAC), Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation Reporting, Advanced Placement (AP) Language & AP Literature mock exams (March 6-17), Graduation rates for CCPS students continue to exceed statewide average, Charles County Public Schools students compete in winter chess tournament, Early Learning Center at the College of Southern Maryland opens for students in Fall 2023, Piccowaxen Middle School students learn smore about solar energy, CCPS high schools place in state bocce championship. } School Libraries; Staff Directory; Suicide Prevention Hotline; Transportation Form; School Supply Lists; Annual Notices; Common Calendar Dates; Curriculum Documents; . Inside DCS - February. Unified for Excellence. DANNA BURGOS RIVERA Staff Directory. 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 30 of 85 . For a searchable district directory, Click Here. } Email Dave Pearce. $('.ui-medium-page').hide(); } Our School. Our mission is to engage students in effective academic instruction, focused on reading, writing, and mathematics, that is equitable, systemic, and grounded in a culture of inquiry. When teachers were looking for new ways to reinforce positive behavior, Dodge Elementary secretary Rhonda Archer stepped in to help. e.stopImmediatePropagation(); 2855 Colonial Blvd, Fort Myers, FL 33966 Phone: 239-334-1102 TTD/TTY: 239-335-1512. Lt. Eleazer Davis Elementary 410 Davis Rd, Bedford, MA 01730 (781) 275-6804 Fax (781) 275-7639 var success = '$("#sw-content-minibaselist638134845842756510-pageindex").val(' + PageIndex + ');'; Learn more about this afterschool homework club for middle school aged teens. Keyword First Name Last Name. ANGELYS DE JESUS-AGOSTO ALTERNATIVE : Eli Juarez. MIDDLE SCHOOL. Eric Davis, Principal Jeff Ellersick, Assistant Principal Kerri Yahne, Assistant Principal Mandy Meyer, Lead Secretary . School Security Guard - Charger Academy GAVIN STEELE Principal Email Me; THOR DAVIS Dean of Students Email Me; Sue Thompson Health Assistant Email Me; KELLY MORSE Admin Assistant . School > Staff Directory Staff Directory. Faculty Directory / DDMS Faculty - Wake County Public School System Esmeralda Ruiz Teacher-Spanish. STAFF DIRECTORY. Kindergarten Registration 2023-24 School Year, STAR Math/Reading (Renaissance Place Login), ParentVUE/StudentVUE Information and Tip Sheets, 591-0924 Meet the Principal; Meet the Assistant Principal; . Report on Mass Fish Death Released | UC Davis tooLong[pageIndParamPos] = 9; By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Staff Directory 2020-2021 Contact Us S.T.E.M. Schools - Davis Elementary - Davis Staff Webpages - White, Justin; Schools - Davis Elementary - Resources; Schools - Davis Elementary - Supply List; . } Logo Title. if (comparetype != "E") { $(document).ready(function () { filterquery += $('#' + id).val().replace(/%/g, '[%]').replace(/:/g, '[$C0l0n$]').replace(/;/g, '[$Semic0l0n$]') + ";"; Khadijah Manasan Alia Abdul-Wakil. Go Falcons! Brown County Middle School Staff Directory. Administration & Guidance. Wylie ISD. Staff Directory | Jeff Davis Middle School $('#ui-paging-last-container a').keydown(function (e) { Athletics. Facebook. Learn more about Principal Griffithsand the administrative team at Davis. Malone Schools - Davis Directory Science, Middle - Charger Academy tooLong[pageIndParamPos] = 4; Email If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT. Dave Pearce Teacher-7th Grade Math. Equity & Inclusion / Professional Standards, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), Assessment Information for Parents & Students, Andrew Jackson High School of Advanced Technology, Fort Caroline Middle School of the Visual and Performing Arts, Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership, Richard Lewis Brown Gifted and Talented Academy, Smart Pope Livingston Primary Learning Center, Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Leadership, Young Men's and Women's Leadership Academy, John E. Ford English and Bilingual Montessori Pre K-8 School, Mattie V. Rutherford Alternative Education Center, Darnell-Cookman School of the Medical Arts, Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology, Samuel W. Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Leadership, 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, FL 32207, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). } B105. Access to links on the Sparta Township School District webpage is for informational purposes only as a public service. Email GoFan. //filterquery += $(this).text() 9195603970. $(this).click(); Staff Directory | Dayton Public Schools Please try a new search. 310 West Bacon Street Hillsdale, MI 49242. if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(this).click(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Staff Directory - Davis Elementary School. $('li.ui-page-number a').keydown(function (e) { Staff Directory | DuBois Area Middle School PageIndex = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638134845842756510-pageindex").val(); Waconia Middle School Staff Directory. Staff; Staff; Technology Helpdesk Form; Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) . 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM var DisplayType = $("#sw-content-minibaselist638134845842756510-displaytype").val(); Faculty & Staff Staff Nicole Davis . Welcome parents of General Ray Davis Middle School! Last Name. 770-388-5675. Staff Directory; ESE Solution Center; Web Accessibility; Technical Support Students/Parents; Technical Support Employees; School Principal Contact Information; Media" District. Staff Directory; Calendar" Raytown Central Middle Calendar; Academic Calendar - Current Year; Calendario Academico - Del ao actual; Raytown Central Middle School; RCMS Staff; Front Office Laurie Boyd, Principal Jackie Garmon, Assistant Principal Matt Showman . display: table-caption; Middle School. Email School Enrollment Information (takes you to district site), USD 259 Program of Studies (takes you to district document), J. Fred Cramm Hall of Distinguished Alumni, Coleman Environmental Magnet Middle School, Dunlap Transition Campus at Chisholm special, Mayberry Cultural and Fine Arts Magnet Middle School, Samuel E.Spaght Science & Communications Magnet, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Email $('a li.ui-page-number').keydown(function (e) { Staff Directory - Gilbert Community School District My name is Anna Howell, and I am excited to be joining the Meany Middle School next school year. SAISD Schools - SAISD Football ; Softball; Cross Country; Cheerleading ; Boys Basketball ; Girls Basketball . Instructional Assistant Special Services Terri Drozd . if($('#' + id).val() != ''){ comparetype = $('#sw-content-minibasefilter-field638134845842756510' + fieldindex + '-comparetype').val(); A213. Wilmington City Schools - staff-directory Email View our Schools Directory; Search by Home Address; List of Choice schools and magnets by application; . ESTDELLA COOPER Principal: . hideLarge(); } else { Duval County Public Schools is an equal opportunity school district. pageIndParamPos = 13; DEAN COBB Comments (-1) BELL SCHEDULES FOR 6TH, 7TH, & 8TH GRADES. 14025, 9195603970 if (PageIndex === undefined) { Unified for Excellence. $(this).click(); Varying Exceptionalities - Charger Academy Teacher Wellness Christopher Day . Staff Directory - State College Area School District }); This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Andrea Davis; View Website; Summer Davis; View Website; Angie Douglas; View Website; Luke Eggers; View Website; Stephanie Eggers . Student Support Services (952) 442-0687. TODD CLARK About. You can email a staff member by clicking on their name. 770-388-5676. Schools Directory - Hall County Schools Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight CARMEL MIDDLE SCHOOL. Workshops for parents, middle & high school students. }); Office Staff : Name: Email . Use search box or filter by location to find the staff members you need. Department Chair Special Services John Dux . Search Our Site. ext. Staff Directory / Staff Directory - Ashe County Schools Email Ellery Moore. }); // end document ready Ashe County Middle School Responsive Web . School Office Assistant Office - Charger Academy if (e.keyCode == 13) { RODNEY DUGGINS Cloudy skies. Staff Directory - Lee County Schools - LeeSchools.Net if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1023px)').matches && window.matchMedia('(min-width: 640px)').matches) { Davis Middle School Staff Directory. Staff Directory / Staff Directory - Wake County Public School System function hideLarge() { : Nicole James, Assistant Principal. Powered by Edlio Edlio Login. Shelly Davis: Asst. W.O.L.F. Please try a new search. Stop in and see your counselor for schedule issues, conflict resolution & more. Waconia Middle School Departments. } Staff Directory - Olentangy Local School District Faculty and Staff Directory - Middletown Village Elementary School
Average Time To Cycle 5km On Exercise Bike, Catholic Diocese Of Portsmouth Directory, Articles D