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A. Clayton Spencer; President, ex officio Lewiston, Maine. All events take place virtually including the May 30, In response to the police killing of George Floyd and subsequent protests, the first post in an Instagram account, @Blackatdanahall, appears. He and his wife, Jodi, recently served on Harpeth Halls Annual Fund major gifts committee. The support I felt from teammates and coaches, on and off the field, inspired me to playin college. GWENClass of 2021. Chicago, Ill. Janet Crown 85, B.A., M.S. Regular meetings - Open Session - will be held at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday via Zoom meetings . From designing earthquake-proof buildings to competing in poetry slams, Dana Hall students have endless opportunities to express themselves and explore their creativity inside and beyond the classroom. John joined the Board in February 2021, originally as the Tate Liaison Trustee. Columbus, Ohio. She is a retired principal at Wichita Collegiate School. Campus Town Hall; You can learn more about how we define Community, Equityand Inclusion. Our mission requires ongoing collective effort, strategic planning, reflection, and deep listening to members of our community. The endowment is managed and administered by the board of trustees which consists of twenty two members. Weekly surveillance testing begins for faculty, staff, and students. Senior Vice President for Global Inclusion,and Strategic Innovation; Chief Diversity Officer New York University dana hall board of trustees - Take a look at our student-led programs and explore how we celebrate and honor our community. ", Collaboration and cooperation are hallmarks of Dana Hall culture, both in the classroom and in our broader community life. The Board of Trustees is the managing body of the Association, vested with the power to conduct all business of the Association, subject to Illinois law, the Association's governing documents and the mandates of the House of Delegates. To this end, all parents/guardians of current students of color interested in community, equity, and inclusion are encouraged to participate; our hope is that parents/guardians of students of color will find this an especially welcoming home-away-from-home. Dayton, Ohio, Joseph H. Thomas 56, B.A., M.B.A. Many of our leadership donors are past parents or alumnae, and do not have children who will learn inside of the new building. ", When my students recognize that their voices and opinions are important in determining how we shape the world around us and come up with multiple solutions to problems that seem impossible, they have succeeded in learning what it is to be a future engineer and leader. . Harpeth Hall salutes trustees whose terms concluded at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Trustees make Nassar-related announcements; Campus Town Hall; April. Now in our second century, Dana continues to build on its proud heritage with people that further our passionate pursuit of innovation. Trustees. The Comparative Politics classs virtual guest speaker series features three alum speakers this fall. Dana Walker was elected for Place 1 on the Austin Community College District Board of Trustees in 2020. Marc E. Brown . Thomas and Company LLC Expand inclusiveness of board-hired vendors. Louisville, Ky. Ro Nita Hawes-Saunders 73, B.A., M.A. Betts, Elaine Wiswall (1925-2021) Headmistress (1984-1995), Cooke, Helen Temple (1865-1955) Principal (1899-1932),Head of Dana Hall Schools (1932-1951), andPresident of Board of Trustees (1927-1955), Eastman, Julia Arabella (1837-1911) and Sarah Porter (1839-1930) First principals of Dana Hall School, Erisman, Caroline Kent P2011 Head of School (2008-2016), Jenkins, Blair Head of School (1993-2007), Johnston, Alnah James P1948 (1896-1987) Principal (1938-1962), Phelps, Edith Blakeslee P1968(1917-2009) Principal (1963-1973), Waldo, Dorothy (1885-1960) Associate Principal (1926-1932), Principal and Associate Head of the Dana Hall Schools (1932-1938), Wertheimer, Dr. Patricia Headmistress (1973-1981). Students exhibit unrestrained excitement for the discoveries, activities and conversations that happen herein every class, every space, every day. She served on Harpeth Halls National Advisory Council from 2012 to 2019, and was the co-chair from 2017 to 2019, which included an ex officio term on the Board of Trustees. She was a senior director at Sotheby's and chairman of the Sotheby's . House Council - Dana Hall - Student Government Association The magic of what happens in the classroom building the vigor with which we approach teaching and learning should be visible. In Memoriam. Identify opportunities for Trustees to engage a diverse spectrum of students and alumnae on occasion to improve their understanding of the Board of Trustees work and composition, and for the purpose of deepening the Board of Trustees exposure to the multiplicity of student experiences and shared community. by | Jun 10, 2022 | dcps admin wifi password | what is an advantage of modern synthetic pesticides? Contact Information. Dana Hall School. All students have access to a full suite of state-of-the-art facilitiesincluding a 25-meter six-lane pool, 34-foot climbing wall, dance studios, ice hockey rink, turf and grass fields, and a well-stocked fitness center. Ridgeland, Miss. Some Dana-Farber Cancer Institute trustees stood to - BostonGlobe Paula Johnston: Trustee Area I. John Sheehan, Trustee Area IV. Jennifer Knebel Email & Phone Number - Dana Hal.. | ZoomInfo It is through our employees, executive leadership team, and board of directors that we are able to deliver on the commitment of being the global technology leader in efficient power conveyance and energy management solutions. She later earned a Master of Business Administration, and a master's degree in Nonprofit Management from the University of Maryland, University College. Vero Beach, Fla. Sharon Smith Martin 65, B.A. 2022-2023 Board of Trustees. Amera Youssef is the last graduate to receive her diploma. dana hall board of trusteessan juan airport restaurants hours. Vice President, People and Organization Development Mass General Brigham-Integrated Health Care System Dana Hall became interim dean of the School of Music in November 2022. Sep 16 2022. Their daughter Emery is a rising 9th grader and Lila is a rising 5th grader. Michael D. Eisner 64, B.A. Four elected to Dana-Farber Board of Trustees UVI Board of Trustees to Convene on March 4 | St. Thomas Source Administration | About | DePaul University | DePaul University, Chicago John D. Lowenberg 64, B.A. Beverly Hills, Calif. John V. Faraci Jr. 72, B.A., M.B.A. Sort by People. Attend two Board Meetings each year to advise and support the Board in its role as the governing body, creating and sustaining the rules and policies of the Board . The group focuses on helping students learn to advocate for themselves, talking about strategies that support their learning, and creating a safe environment where students can share their experiences. Glencoe, Ill. Rayshon Walker 22, B.A. Executive Chairman (retired) ESPN Dana Hall | Yamaha Artists Discover. Dana Hall School admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Image of Trustee Name and Contact Information; Monique Forster. Caroline T. Brown '86, P'19. She has served for multiple years on The Annual Fund alumnae committee and has been a reunion class chair. Birmingham, Mich. Abigail Pringle 96, B.A. dana hall board of trustees - Dr. Kevin Trutna - Secretary. Board of Trustees | Carnegie Hall She founded the VUMC Office of Inclusion and Health Equity at Monroe Carell Jr. Childrens Hospital at Vanderbilt and serves as its director. Our students, our teachers, our administrators are remarkable, and that should translate directly into the built environment that surrounds them, said Caruso, who acknowledged the magnitude of the project the most transformative in modern Dana Hall history and thanked donors for their leadership and support. Marc B. Lautenbach 83, B.A., M.B.A. Election of Trustees. Dana Hall Dance presents its annual dance concert, Rhapsody, on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m., in Bardwell Auditorium. 60, Issue 3', from 'Lunds & Byerlys REAL FOOD Winter 2018', from 'FLOOD 8 Side B Kate Berlant and John Early Version', from 'FLOOD 8 Side B Roy Choi Version', from 'FLOOD 10 SIDE B Alex Honnold Version'. Board of Trustees | Administration - Feather River College After the event, students were invited to commemorate the occasion by donning a hard hat and vest and posing with a shovel full of dirt. Feb 8 2023. It is characterized by a community where everyone is a participant. With her deep roots in Harpeth Hall history, Patty was a contributing writer to Celebrating Milestones: The Life and Legacy of the Harpeth Hall School published in 2001. Bahar is a current member of the Board of Directors of the Nashville Bar Association, and she has served on the Board of Directors and executive committee for First Steps, Inc. Bahar served on Harpeth Halls Heads Young Alumnae Council from 2010 to 2019 and served as co-chair from 2015 to 2017. Dallas, Texas. And when past, current and prospective families walk through the new space, this will finally be on display for all to see.. Chicago, Ill. Lauren S. Haarlow 90, B.A. (ex-officio) Dr. Dana Ware, Board Vice-President, Area III. Click here to send email . 00000. Ms. Neshe was appointed to the Framingham State Board of Trustees in 2011. Stay up to date with the latest campus news and upcoming events. Get to Know your Trustee : Breaking Ground for Dana Hall's Future. It evolved from the Women of Color Club which began circa 1991/1992, Mandarin Chinese is offered as a language course to Dana Hall students for the first time, Blair Jenkins retires, and the second Dana Hall faculty chair, The Blair Jenkins Faculty Chair for Math and Science, is fully endowed, Caroline Kent Erisman P2011 begins her tenure as Dana Halls 10, School enrollment for the school year starting in the fall is 500 students in grades 6-12, a record number, The inaugural Amor Caritas Day, a day of community service by members of the extended Dana Hall community, takes place in May, Dana Hall launches the Girls Summer Leadership program, a residential program for rising 9th-graders designed to build confidence and self-awareness as students transition to high school, Dana Hall hosts its first She Sails: Inspiring Dana Hall Women womens leadership conference with addresses, panels, workshops, and networking opportunities for students, alumnae, faculty/staff, and parents, In the fall Dana Hall launches its 1:1 iPad program for students and faculty, The Riding Center is renamed The Karen Stives 68 Equestrian Riding Center in appreciation of Karen (Wennbergh) Stives $3.5 million gift, Katherine L. Bradley begins her tenure as the eleventh Head of School in July, and is installed on Parents Weekend in October, A fifth grade class of 14 students (Class of 2024) is added to the Middle School, In response to recommendations by consultants from Diversity Directions, Dana Hall creates a new Administrative Team position, Director of Community, Equity and Inclusion, and names Erica Ramirez to the position on July 1, In October the newly opened outdoor riding ring in the Karen Stives 68 Equestrian Center is dedicated and named the Cookie DeSimone Riding Ring to honor Cookies 44 years of service as a riding instructor at Dana Hall, The first home game is played in September on the new turf field which is officially opened during Family Weekend in October, and subsequently named Sisters Field, Mid-year assessments of student academic work are administered late January early February in place of first trimester exams before Thanksgiving Break, The campus remains closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Community, Equity and Inclusion - Girls Day School | DHS - Dana Hall Summer 2017. Principal (1899-1932); Head of Dana Hall Schools (1932-1951); President of the Board of Trustees (1927-1955) .3 Dorothy Waldo, Principal and Associate Head of Dana Hall Schools (1932-1938) .4 Alnah James Johnston, Principal (1938-1962) He was appointed to the National Gallery Board and as Chairman in August 2021. The Class of 1924 is the first to wear it and thereafter three stone colors red, black and green in a gold setting are used successively to coordinate with class colors, Lathrop House is built for Pine Manor Principal Adele Lathrop, The Orchestra is formed, made up of members from Tenacre, Dana Hall, Pine Manor and other friends of the schools, The Dana Hall Riding Club is formed by Frederik Boswell, Riding Instructor and Director, Marcellus E. Wheeler, Miss Cookes business partner since 1898, dies on February 1, Bardwell Auditorium is dedicated on May 5, Arthur P. Dana sells Helen Temple Cooke the remainder of the Charles B. Dana estate, including all the land between Grove House and 160 Grove Street (now Maple Manor), The student World Affairs Club is started, Charles B. Danas barns are renovated and become Westlea (later Beveridge), a New England version of a Greek temple, Alnah James Johnston becomes Principal of Dana Hall.