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Mutual support is essential to your relationship, and if you ever sense this basic ingredient is going by the wayside, do your best to get it back. You react quickly, directly, and spontaneously on an emotional level to one another. In general, one may be more aggressive or demanding than the other. Composite Ascendant in Cancer. The fact is, they have been eating at you for some time, but you havent been able to bring them to the light. When transit Pluto is in the composite 8th house, you may be more intense with whatever you focus on together. You handle everyday demands with emotion, directness, and perhaps even anger or irritability. Another possibility is having had to deal with real roadblocks in order to be together at all. You project a practical and reliable image. Sun In 8th House, Sun In Eighth House Meaning, Sun In 8th House Past However, if you understand the influence, you can work with it, rather than letting it be the dark cloud that drags you apart. Schedules and routines are rebelled against, and it can be hard to feel organized with one another. Others see you as a bonded, caring couple. Saturn In 8th House Positive Aspects - Intense, Intuitive, Deep, Faithful, Loyal, Dedicated Saturn In 8th House Negative Aspects - Demanding, Arrogant, Suspicious, Reactive, Anxious, Skeptical 8th House Also Known As - House Of Sex Ruling Planet - Mars, Pluto Ruling Zodiac Sign - Scorpio Saturn in The 8th House In any of these situations, the element of responsibility is the overwhelming factor. It could be very hard to let go of each other, as you bond on a deep, perhaps inexplicable level. It will be especially important to manage emotions in your relationship. Saturn in the third house of a composite chart brings a heaviness to this otherwise light house. Sun : Need for balances ego's in order to make it work. If Saturn is very close to the Ascendant, natural enthusiasm and spontaneity may be lacking. Generally, you are noble with one another. This may influence your interest in the occult, mystery and psychic matters. Conversations between the two of you are generally playful and lively. Both might eventually find that maintaining the relationship is draining. If you have Chiron in 8th House in your birth chart, your wound centers around loss and death, physical intimacy and sexual dissatisfaction, and financial matters. As well, others see you as quite protective of one another. You are willing to go the distance, and you are patient about it as well. Do your best not to make so many sacrifices for one another that you end up ignoring your own needs for happiness. In its own house, Saturn's effect is amplified, and reinforced. When transit Uranus is in the composite 8th house, you may change the way in which you approach intimacy in the relationship. It tends to make things more conservative in a house it occupies. You are unlikely to get into a rut when it comes to conversations, as you dont focus only on talking about the basicswhat needs to be done, how things should be done, etc. It's undefinable, so you can't work on eliminating it. Adaptability is the hallmark of your relationship. Chiron in 8th House: The Wound of Transformation and Rebirth With awareness, you can manage the problem and bring yourselves to the point where there is only an awkwardness in your communication that makes you hesitant about sharing. There may be conflicts in your relationship that revolve around travel, adventure, and personal belief systems, where one or both of you feel restricted or limited by the other in these areas. Saturn is associated with the number four or the cross. Composite Sun in the 8th House July 13, 2009 astrologyplace The composite Sun placed in the 8th house is symbolic of a private couple who keep their affairs behind closed doors and have more layers to their relationship than what is visible on the surface of their connection. This partnership has much potential to be a rewarding, lighthearted, and creative one. Demanding too much attention from each other, becoming bossy and self-centered in your interactions with each other, and focusing on instant gratification rather than long-term happiness are all strong possibilities if the energy is misusedand can be the downfall of the union. The secret relationship will be private, but it will also be sexually satisfying. The sixth and the eighth house are also karmic houses. Rather, it comes from an awkwardness about your self-expression as a couple or as individuals when you are together. Composite Venus in the 5th House. twice as hard to accumulate money and possessions, perhaps making you. Your relationship is spontaneous and light, and you are more able than most couples to remain objective about your relationship and the issues you face. You have a strong sense that this relationship was fated or meant to be. The chances of you achieving a truly bonded and stable relationship are high with this position, unless the Sun is severely challenged in the composite chart. This can be good if it keeps you out of trouble and it drives you toward morals that keep you together. An 8th House Saturn indicates that a person's wealth will come from taking advantage of a system, rules, authority, or their connections to others. Stifling one anothers feeling of freedom of expression is one of the worst things you can do. You are careful to follow proper rules of etiquette with acquaintances and you treat matters relating to friend networks equally seriously. This is exactly the case with 8th house Saturn. Your Chiron in 8th House Wounds Because the Eighth House is the House of death and rebirth, your wounds are transformative in nature. Dying and rebirth. Composite Sun in the 4th House. You may not say anything though, which can lead to resentments, and you each may bottle up any bad feelings you have until you explode. You might want to examine whether addressing real problems makes you nervous, and that could be the reason why anger is expressed over petty things. You may find that you feel insecure when either of you connects with others or expresses independence. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. It brings a deep interest in the matters ruled by the 8th house. Saturn is symbolic of a father-figure. Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. They may feel compelled to explore the macabre, taboo, and darker side of society. Generally, you tend to joke around with each other, make one another smile, and treat each other with respect and plenty of attention! However, emotions flying all around you can cause some chaos. Both of you need extra attention, romantic or otherwise, in order to keep things alive and vital. Watch that you dont develop a tit for tat attitude towards one another. It can be a real challenge to develop predictable routines in this relationship. Less common examples include intelligence and secret services. This is a potentially very intimate union, and care must be taken to nurture one another. Composite Ascendant in Scorpio. When applied to the fourth house, this focus can make your home family life feel like a hard-labor prison sentence rather than a cozy haven with the people you love. You are both intuitive and practical. Not surprisingly, my husband and I have a 8th house composite Sun. There is a whole lot of energy generated between the two of you, and you could feel pressed to stay active together. Always putting work first can be a drag and keeping up your public image can be stressful. Your self-image as a couple is tested when your composite Saturn is found in your first house. Saturn person helps House 2 person set the foundation for their long range success. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. Generally, taking the relationship itself seriously and as a responsibility is the ultimate result of this placement. A general feeling that the relationship is closing in on you is often experienced and it makes the relationship feel restrictive. The Eighth House of Pluto and Scorpio in Astrology - LiveAbout Venus in 8th House - - Donuts There will be a. fear of not having enough on which to get by, thus making you work. One of you may end up feeling used or less than satisfied. This is because you stimulate strong feelings in each other. Sun in 2nd or 8th house in composite chart: You will be incredibly secure in this relationship and may focus a lot of attention on creating security, whether that is material or spiritual. You tend to think in terms of constancy and the long term. This is actually helpful in the beginning of a relationship because you both keep things positive and ignore the negative. Your conversations tend to revolve around practical and material concerns. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. You are flexible with one another, and you give each other much freedom. There is a powerful theme of protectiveness in this relationship. If you are not on the go, you can be quite restless. This is also the case with the composite Ascendant (as well as the composite Midheaven). Correspondingly, we live (and shine) in the shadow. You may be nervous and restless as a couple, or always on the go. Do your best to avoid the shadow side of this position: manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness. However, over time, negative feelings build in the unconscious and put a dark cloud over the whole relationship. It doesn't seem to have real source, and you can't find a way to bring it out into the open and discuss it. Composite Sun in the Houses - South Florida Astrologer Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. The physical side of your relationship is accentuated with this position of the composite Sun. House 2 person helps Saturn person remember what luxuries or pleasures they are working for in the first place. You are an interesting couple that projects an image of being fun to be around. If you don't operate this way as a. Tucked away in the twelfth house, Saturn can seem non-existent here at first. Fears of betrayal or loss of the partnership can lead you to very negative states of mind and even underhanded tactics with each other. If you can keep Saturn in check, you can use its conservative energy to keep yourselves practical enough not to spend foolishly, while remembering that life is also meant to be enjoyed. You dont appreciate sweeping changes, which can throw you off-center. Dealing with imbalances is an inescapable part of your relationship, and its best to use strategies to do so without inflicting or absorbing guilt. Emotional expression tends to be spontaneous, which can be a benefit. The fourth house is the house of family karma. Anything that feels negative is not discussed or even acknowledged. If challenged, you may be very wrapped up in your own relationship, or you could nag each other endlessly. You come across as a somewhat traditional and practical couple. Your sex life may be sporadic or there could be a feeling that one of you makes more sacrifices than the other. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Suns house placement is especially important. Your main drive is to have fun with each other, and this feeds the love you have for one another. However, as Venus is a natural benefic planet it has the capacity to lessen the harsh effects of the eighth astrological house. It shows where and how the couple shine and express their vital life energy. Often, one person is older than the other and the older person cares for the younger person. However, it also has the potential of being quite challenging, as it tends to pull two people together in such a way that either or both feel almost as if they have lost their personal identity. You joke around with each other a lot, and tend to keep things light and airy. This takes the spontaneity out of this house. This is great as long as it doesn't overwhelm the fun and frivolous side of your relationship. You easily put the blinders on and gloss over the bad stuff. Transit Saturn in the 8th House Transit Chart Interpretation Meaning This transit is one of the most difficult and has the potential to change your life forever. You may both be somewhat shy as individuals, for example. With this placement, there is a deep, almost unconscious belief that each of you need the other to feel complete. If the basic needs represented by the Composite Sun are not being met satisfactorily, the relationship will be in trouble. Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships - Astrology The 8th House is known as the House of Sex, but physical contact becomes a problem when Saturn is placed in this House. Where the 10th house is based on social standards and accepted ways of being in the world, the 11th house is based on affinity and mutual expression. Composite Moon in the 4th House. When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. This influence will make them simply resist transformations, change, and growth. You may blame each other for financial difficulties and accuse each other of wastefulness or laziness in matters of maintaining material security. Its always wise to remind yourselves that youre on each others sides, not pitted against each other. You tend to be reliable, and others know they can count on you. Issues of possessiveness, jealousy, attachment, and intimacy are faced almost on a daily basis. house indicates you may be very insecure in your relationship with. You have come together to learn about your own deepest feelings and needs, and this may not always be pleasant! As the third house relates to navigating your immediate environment, it is an active house. Keeping busy together is important, as you might feel that idle time together makes you feel a little restless or impatient. Together you are focused on the deepest issues of the relationship, and the focus isn't intellectual, like an air house would be, or practical like an earth house would be. Transit Mercury in the Composite 8th House. People with Moon in the 8th House tend to be sensitive . Composite Sun in the 1st House. A negative potential of this placement is making your arguments everybodys business, perhaps because you cant seem to control yourselves in public. It also shows how the couple copes with daily ups and downs. an 8th house stellium shows a relationship with transformative and heavy energy in which the partners have deep understanding and connection with eachother, however not an easy stellium for some people. There is a shared feeling of growth and support of one another. There is a strong tendency to encourage each other to be self-indulgent. Saturn can be imagined as an old father-figure whose focus is on avoiding danger, following rules, and working hard to provide for a secure future. The sun in this house can create a feeling of finality, which could lead to feelings of despair or sadness. You have the power of determination and strength on your side, and passion is your middle name. Such a relationship brings individual pain and suffering to influence a transformational change in the partners' personalities. Arguments over these matters are quite possible, or these matters can be at the root of petty arguments. Problems and frustrations between you are hard to define and therefore hard to resolve as they are effectively swept under the carpet. In order for this partnership to function best, however, neither of you should try to force a commitment from the other. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! If the Sun is seriously challenged, lack of fun can become a major issue. You may have expensive taste, or you might encourage each others indulgent side. You are a security-conscious couple, and sweeping changes make you feel insecure. It is important to have a true understanding of Saturn's influence when your composite Saturn is in the fourth house because it often puts a feeling of restriction and burden on home and family life that is strong enough to drive people apart. No matter what makes up the inner workings of your relationship, you come across as undemonstrative. You are likely very eager to learn and grow, and generally ready to laugh. This position can bring challenges that most people find very difficult to deal with. Composite Mars in the 5th House. What Chart Markers Indicate Age Difference In Relationships? Nervousness and tension can be the result. How these positions will play out will depend on the aspects the planet makes, as well as which houses and positions the planet rules. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Then, once some time passes, it festers. You need lots of attention from each other, and you are generally willing to give each other just that. They can sense if someone's mood has changed. You each see the other clearly and you have no misconceptions about how you appear to the world as a couple. You need to maintain a feeling of peace and balance, but the process involved in order to achieve this harmony can be lengthy! As a couple, you are on the move, friendly, and sociable. You may tend to exclude others, preferring to be alone together much of the time. The ability to harness and manipulate energy is often present within them and many 8th House placements are said to create psychic abilities . Composite Sun in the 3rd House. If other positions suggest a more emotional bond between the two of you, then this position adds a happy and friendly boost to your interactions. Your reputation and status as a couple is also a serious matter and you are likely to be seen as a hard-working, practical couple. You may both feel uneasy about how you appear to others as a couple, or you may each feel uneasy about your individual self-expression when you are together. However, when Saturn is strong and dignified, there are positive outcomes extracted from the difficult energies of the 8th house. Composite Venus in the 12th House. However, if you stifle each others creativity and individuality, the partnership will suffer. it may be difficult for you to share with one another, and you may have a hard time using resources that you have or finding any new resources together. Possessions may be a source of conflict between you. You treat each other as true peers. By understanding the propensity for these manifestations of Saturn in the fourth house, you can consciously work to avoid falling into their negative traps. Composite Sun in the 11th House. In the sixth house of daily work routines, lifestyle and doing things correctly, Saturn puts an overly serious tone on an already serious house. A tendency for each of you to take your beliefs too seriously is a common manifestation of a composite Saturn in the ninth house. Composite Houses: The Third Quadrant - The Inner Wheel One of you may be in a helping or teaching role, for example. This relationship is life-changing in that if it were to end, you will take something from it and feel that you are somehow a different person. Composite Sun in the 7th House. With that being said, the 8th house is a natural malefic house in which Saturn ignites a lot of intense experiences throughout life. You tend to expect the best from one another, which helps your relationship along tremendously. Composite Ascendant in Virgo. Saturn In 8th House Meaning: Commitments - SunSigns.Org Communication, learning, information, trips around town, visits with neighbors and relatives, gossip and news all fall in this house. It can make your home life feel overly serious. Your relationship is a stimulating, compelling one, and you easily attract attention as a couple. This can be difficult in a relationship, but if you are determined and persistent, it will reward you with strength and stability. You are gracious with one another, warm and loving, and compassionate. Finding a way to work through negative feelings and issues is necessary with this placement. The mental component of this relationship is strong, and you are very much involved in one anothers daily affairs. Commitment to each other and dedication to your relationship are important for your sense of security as a couple. Be careful not to put too much weight on how you come across to others, as this could place undue pressure on your relationship. We offer a Couples Report based on the composite chart. Sexual attraction of a mysterious, intense, and deep nature is indicated here. The eighth house also rules other people's property and money include real estate, inheritances, and investments. It takes work, but it's worth it in the long run. Without clear-cut plans and activities, this dynamic energy can easily become restless and impatient energy.