I have called BofA since the end of November 2020 on a weekly basis over $350.00 in unauthorized charges made the end of October 2020. According to the lawsuit, California residents receiving benefits from the states Employment Development Department (EDD) are each provided with a Bank of America-issued debit card through which they can access the funds. They duplicated my card I was told and used at a atm ! This morning, I got an email saying regarding profile information being updated. Basically similar to everything everyones saying our 4 person eddBofA cardholders have been through! On January 26, 2021, Altshuler Berzon LLP, together with co-counsel, filed a federal class action lawsuit brought by plaintiffs Roland Oosthuizen and Rosemary Mathews on behalf of themselves and thousands of other Californians who have been victimized by fraudulent transactions in their Bank of America-issued unemployment benefit debit card accounts. Please, get ahold of me about this. This is ridiculous Ive already been victimized by the predator that took my money, now Im waiting on one (B of A) to unemployment. KPIX 5 first exposed how hackers took advantage of people in need. Please add me to this lawsuit as well. Class Action Lawsuit Against Bank of America EDD Bank of America sued over EDD unemployment debit card fraud edd bank of america - Loginkk.com There was a remaining balance of $25 but they closed the account and canceled the card and issued another card which was also closed. A new federal lawsuit takes aim at Bank of America for failing to secure the unemployment debit cards of thousands of Californians, part of a chaotic response to record jobless claims that has made the state Employment Development Department the target of widespread fraud. Seems alot like an inside job on the banks end. I never heard anything from the bank. I was introduced to < (CryptoMundia) via Yahooocm] they took legal actions against them and they helped me retrieve my funds couldnt be more thankful, I lost an incredible amount of money to a fake Binary option Brokers. Bank of America Sued for Failing to Protect Unemployment Insurance Same thing is happening to me for months now. Now I just received a letter stating they closed my claim & was not crediting me back the money! document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please note: Top Class Actions is not a settlement I checked my deposit and it showed that there was a deposit on March 29 and then I checked my last 10 transactions and before the gas station was a $440 with drawl from a Bank of America located in Vista California which is 30 minutes from me. I dont know whether to send in my EDD claim for benefits because now I have no active account. A settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California (the "Court") entitled Joanne Farrell v. Bank of America, N.A., Case No. Please send me information on how I may join this law suite. SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) -- A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction against Bank of America Tuesday in the wake of widespread fraudulent Employment Development Department (EDD) claims totaling billions of dollars and the suspension of unemployment benefits to the hundreds of thousands of Californians affected. So from my social security, birthday, password, address, phone number, mothers maiden name, birth certificate, and my Oregon ID which way is expired. That is because if you ignore a lawsuit then Bank of America (or whichever company is suing you) can obtain a legal judgment against you - called a "default judgment.". I called customer service who referred me to 9 different departments. said Yick. I had 300.00 taken out of my account then they froze my account. I was taken for over a thousand dollars in February 2021. I know most of the ones leaving comments here are not even close to being done with what they have to said or what they had gone through. I have tried contacting bank of America and they say they have nothing to do with the account and payments. The bank was also ordered to pay provisional credits to EDD claimants and improve its customer service after it failed to handle the flood of customer phone calls and complaints over the lost funds and lack of security measures. Click Change Settings if you want to tailor the use of your cookies. I introduced them to a friend of mine and I have also heard a lot of great reviews about them here and I am glad to inform you that they are indeed a very reliable recovery team. I called, and while verifying the agent said my apartment number was wrong. Bank of America had urged the panel to allow the class action lawsuits to proceed separately using "informal coordination" to organize the legal proceedings. Over $200 was stolen from my unemployment bank of America account. After weeks when I finally got throught to a boa rep. She told me that the System needed to Update and that once it did my funds would be added to my card..that never happenedfor the next few weeks I didnt recieve my $300 dollar deposits until the -$1300 balance was paid.!!! 3 months prior to them granting approval I was evicted from my apartment and had no choice but to live on the street. I am losing everythingthing I own so fast its terrifying. B of A flagged it, but never informed me when they closed my acct. BofA keeps giving me the run around, saying my case is still pending, and its been over 60 days. Who is responsible for making sure our money is safe while in Bank of Americas care? Rebecca Quirin. Because magnetic-stripe cards use the same transaction data each time a card is used, the cards are extremely easy for thieves to duplicate, the suit explains. My hold times are normally 2 hours or more. Bank of America exposed unemployed California workers to fraud and suspended jobless payments after the banking behemoth failed to properly safeguard their benefits accounts, a federal. My card was froze after swiping. When I called b of a they said they they would file a fraud claim and then they froze my account . Please help me! Please help us in this dilemma. 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Currently having the same issue Edd now sends paapwr checks but I cannot get anywhere with BOA. I have been going through living hell because of this please help me, Acct closed since 1/23/21 after I opened claim and reported stolen funds boa called edd Edd closed card 1/25/21 I verified on 1/28/21 sent release of fund form boa sent 4 freeze tracker account still closed as of 3/9/21 no help either side. They have brought smiles back to the faces of the people who have been previously defrauded. But no clue if BofA will help me. It also notes that, even though the bank has removed the freeze it put on accounts with reports of fraud, it has not taken any action to reimburse the stolen funds. Some of the specifics of the lawsuit include: My benefits card declined. McCune Law Group, alongside co-counsel Tycko & Zavareei LLP and Kelley | Uustal Trial Attorneys has filed a class action complaint against Bank of America on So I gave up. I have called her 5 times, she has not contacted me back. The. Please provide any additional information about your inquiry. While EDD is still holding onto my money. So I told her lets call B of A and ask them if they sent them already. Highly recommended, Bank of America currently has a freeze on my funds, I am open to sharing my experience with bitcoin investment and losing money to scammers and to also enlighten everyone on how I was able to recover my stolen bitcoins from these scammers fronting as an ICO, feel free to reach out to the recovery company that helped me. They then locked me out of all of my online access. The three plaintiffs, California unemployment benefits recipients who reported fraudulent transactions relating to their EDD accounts, claim to have lost access to their funds as a result of Bank of Americas conduct. My portal is showing moneys in there but I can not check my balance so I have no idea if there has been money stolen. status of any class action settlement claim. I even emailed them at the corporate office and I assume I was passed along to asomeone else, because I never received a reply email either. Please help. It is as you want my money to be stolen. The police told me that this isnt the first time a credit card skimmer has been located at this particular branch! on Dec 18, 2020. No one has answers. 2021 I know its BOAs fault and they do not want to fix the problems. . Because they are allowing it, and not doing nothing about it. It's certainly progress in the case. Supervisor picks up the phone and hangs up on me after I had been screamed at for 2 hours. This is my honest experience. I never did resolve anything in this situation. I told them, I have no money. Last Updated on January 30, 2023 9:42 AM. ALSO READ: Sheriff's Office Releases Harrowing Body Camera Footage From VTA Massacre. I was unable to purchase my items. Cybercriminals appear to have been draining funds from the EDD accounts attached to the cards. The same thing happened to me on April 26th! v. Bank Of America, N.A., Case No. same here.,.BofA today said it was pulled from a wells Fargo ATM. In June, a judge overseeing a similar case signed off on an agreement through which Bank of America will provide temporary relief to those who the lawsuit is looking to cover. Many people believe that they would be unable to win this case. I called b of a and they put a freeze tracker as they call it. Went to use card to buy food for my family and declined. Please include me in this lawsuit, just yesterday someone withdrawal $1,000 from my account, I just filed a claim and was told it will take 90 Days. He called the bank and notified them. A class-action Bank of America lawsuit settled for $410 million was approved by a federal judge on Thursday. I just found out that EDD unfrozen my account on April 1, 2021. She did not give me a reason. Bank of America EDD Class Action Lawsuit. A month later and nothing is resolved. Bank of America EDD Funds Fraud and Lack of Response Complaint, Unauthorized Credit or Debit Card Charges. On Dec 17, 2020. Something fraud but not my fault. The class-action lawsuit option is best suited to those homeowners who were wrongfully denied a loan workout. I keep being told that it should be there any daY just bee PATIENT THAT IT SHOULD BE THERE ANY DAY THATS BEEN SINCE FEBRUARY NOTHING YET. stolen from my Bank of America EDD card account. My account then went negative. It was like Jeckl and Hyde. One day later my claim was closed and the funds have never been reimbursed. I had made a transfer from my BofA EDD account to my other bank account. They have sent one letter in late March telling me that my claim was declined AGAIN, after being closed and reopened over 6 times for what they call Reconsideration. I even filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and nothing has been done as of yet. Now a class action lawsuit has been filed against Bank of America. Thank you very much. I have had the same problem with BOA and without notice they froze my account. My other bank had declined the transfer and sent it back to my BofA account. i said that isnt possible I am holding my card and was sleeping and only I know my pin. Id love to get it on this. I want our voices to be heard, I don't want to feel like I'm second class just because I have an EDD card. So I went to the app and it shows BOA FOR -340. THE BEST!!! Please add me. I proceeded to insert my card into the machine at teller booth and she said even my withdrawals are being declined and she has never seen anything like that happen. I have had excessive overdrafts and missing payroll deposits since may 2020 indentity theft fradulently closed my account with money couldnt access the money still being deposited and unable to access my hsa money to pay my medical bills please contact mr asap Thank you. Shame on them their deception continues..please add me. 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