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. Piranhas will always stay away from unknown objects in a tank. Has anyone had both, which did you enjoy more. Almost always, such behavior isnt due to their aggressiveness but because of self-protection or abnormal weather conditions. [19] They also tend to feed only on weak, injured, dying, or dead animals in the wild. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Females can be distinguished from males by the slightly deeper red color of their bellies. Visually you may see the difference only due to continuous observations of the fish behavior, especially during the spawning period. The eggs will hatch in 3 to 5 days, depending on the temperature. Piranha | Description, Size, Diet, Habitat, & Facts | Britannica The fish is rather gluttonous. Maximum Size: Red Belly Piranha have teeth even though you cannot see them by looking. JavaScript is disabled. Consider positioning the tank in a low-lighted area. For security, your IP address is recorded as. from what I have been reading they are a little better with people. In some parts of its range, it is among the most common fish species. Are the Caribe the same? Unfortunately, it is not easy to tell the difference between male and female Red Belly Piranhas until they are mature. Only found in the Rio Orinoco lowland basin and the Llanos region in Venezuela. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Piranha was followed by a sequel, Piranha II: The Spawning, in 1982, and two remakes, one in 1995, and Piranha 3-D in 2010, which also got a sequel of its own, Piranha DD. Start feed for them can consist of brine shrimp nauplii, and later you may feed them with blood worms and other live feed. In theory, you could keep 3 red-bellied piranhas inside a 55-gallon tank. You need to feed your piranhas from time to time regularly and maintain the cleaning and environment inside the aquarium. For a group of fish 2 in (5 cm) large, a tank of about 22 gals (150 liters) will be enough for a start, but its better to get a more spacious tank because, for a school of adult red bellied piranhas, a tank 110 gals (500 liters) large will not seem to big. Small pieces of food fallen on the tank bottom are usually ignored. Home Piranhas Piranha Tank Size The Complete Guide. Normally they bark as an alarm, but that prepares for confrontation. Until the eggs have hatched, adult Red Belly Piranhas have been seen circling and protecting their nests from predators who want to eat their eggs. They do best when kept in a group of at least 4 or more. Piranha-Info.com :: Cariba Piranha This is also the very minimum number of piranha specimens to keep. approx. The eggs stick into place, and the male comes along and fertilizes them. when you say be segregated is that because RBP attacked caribe or caribe attacked rbp? Red Belly Piranha fish that are well fed and properly cared for can be successfully kept with other fish without issue. These rivers basins are in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Uruguay. This means that they will eat both plant and animal matter. I am dedicated to giving you the very best information, with a focus on complete information, including how to take care of your Fish in the aquariums. Black Piranhas sport super sharp teeth and prefer to live alone, unlike Red Belly Piranhas, who appreciate company. When chasing its prey, the red-bellied piranha relies on the speed and suddenness of the attack. This will ensure that all of your fish have enough space to thrive, but also to keep their water parameters stable at all times. However, they should be fed a varied protein-packed diet to ensure that all their dietary needs are met. They are believed to have almost the same genetic, Read More Endler Guppy Care Guide: Diet, Tank Mates, & TipsContinue, Paradise gourami is a beautiful species, and its body is similar to the round-tailed betta fish. They are found everywhere and inhabit the worlds cold and tropical waters but are mainly distributed in the indo-pacific ocean. Their thick lips cover them up. ( Pygocentrus piraya) From $75.00 Sold Out. Setting up a home for such mysterious and outstanding aquatic creatures is certainly something that every keeper wants to get right from the very beginning. They also love to eat live foods like feeder fish, earthworms, and river shrimps, but that is not ideal because it puts a big waste on the surface. The number of people who aremaintaining piranha in their aquariumis increasing time by time. Click here for more information about this surprisingly popular aquarium fish. Piranhas have a high sense of smell, and they can find their potential prey even in the complete dark among thick vegetation. ), Hybrid Stingray 5"-6" Female 4 (Potamotrygon sp.). That said, we have to point out that this can only work as a temporary home for young fish, which have still not reached their full body size. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. In a school of ten species, the chances that it is you wholl be eaten are quite low. Corrections? If theyre hungry they regularly open up and shut their eyes. Provided with good feeding, the juveniles grow very fast. More often, red belly piranha can be encountered in some shallows, in deep and muddy waters. Indeed, they are schooling fish, meaning that they can thrive only when there is a functional group of at least 4 specimens. Breeding occurs over a two-month period during the rainy season, but that can vary by area. Indeed,piranhas are not easy to handle, and they can be challenging to handle. With most piranha species being massive-sized schooling fish, you should house at least 4 or 6 of them in order to ensure the basic predispositions for them to thrive. The spawning doesnt depend on the season. Their strong jaws were made for biting and tearing apart, while their solid well-muscled bodies are capable of moving and twitching incredibly fast under water. Also, they need places to hide in dim light. Sometimes they can get on well in one tank with their close relatives such as pacu, silver dollar. Piranha, also called caribe or piraya, are any of more than 60 species of razor-toothed carnivorous fish of South American rivers and lakes, with a somewhat exaggerated reputation for ferocity. Piranhas are challenging to handle bot if you follow the basic guidelines and educate yourself about how to treatpiranha in a tankand how to keep them happy, then you will have no problem. Its general red-bellied piranha lifespan is about 10 years, but some cases were recorded when the fish lived over 20 years. It is not impossible to successfully keep Red Belly Piranhas with Oscars, but you would have to have lots of room. A standard general rule for Pygocentrus species is at least 20 gallons (80 liters) per adult fish and a minimum of 40-48 (100-120 cm) long tank for the smaller singular Serrasalmus species. [1] Bechara et al., 1996 finds P. nattereri is almost immune to gas bubble disease which is devastating to almost all fish in the same environment. Piranha has odd criteria forcompanionship. They also inhabit northeastern Brazils coastal rivers and several other small waterways. Facts About Piranhas | Live Science if not mixing then which would you. PYGOCENTRUS CARIBA. This can be a sick or injured fish, and it doesnt matter if this is one of their kind or another tank dweller. Make sure to have a tank screen optional on top. They are surrounded by a mysterious feeling and are often showcased as overly aggressive and dangerous-to-humans, but they are actually not such vindictive killing machines as the media tend to present them. One more month later, more dark spots appear on their bodies. Thus its better to get the juveniles from one offspring, this way significantly decreasing the chances of cannibalism in this case. They can live in waters that are between 15 and 35C (5995F) but are able to survive temperatures as low as 10C (50F) for a period. I even purposely try to freak them out by moving fast in front of their tank and they just look at me like they are saying "Cmon, who you trying to scare? There were some cases when piranhas attacked and injured their owners. The swimming larvae are now on their own. They inhabit both still and fast-moving freshwater in the Amazon River Basin. 35cm. The spawning usually begins in the early morning. The omnivorous Piranhas are famous for their very sharp teeth and their love for meat. Red-bellied piranha has vibrant adult coloring. Therefore, prevention is always the best medicine. The head can be of different shape, and it notably depends on the diet. You can select the lighting that you like since piranhas can easily stand both dim and bright lighting. 10 of the World's Most Dangerous Fish | Britannica They live in shoals but do not group hunt, although they may occasionally enter into feeding frenzies. In tanks, red bellied piranhas arent quite a crowd puller. Manueli Piranha (Serrasalamus manueli) . Sometimes, they may inhabit flooded forests such as those found in the Brazilian Amazon. [3] The collection and trade of the species to aquariums may locally present a low risk to the red-bellied piranha. [6] They were introduced to China, probably by the aquarium trade. Pygocentrus nattereri encompasses a larger geographic area than any other piranha species, covering much of the Neotropical region. To keep track of the temperature level adds a thermometer to the aquarium. . This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. If they are all around same size it should be good but caribe have been known to be segregated from RBP of 3 or more. However, piranhas, considered to be predators hungry for flesh and blood, are actually quite timid fish. Piranhas food is first of all fish; also, they attack any mammals while they are swimming or drinking water, and birds which fly close to the water as well. [1], The breeding habits of piranhas in nature are mostly unknown, with most spawning research being done in aquariums. The piranha will then capture its prey. [11] California and Washington prohibit P. nattereri and encourage surveillance to prevent its introduction. Everyone in the group rushes in to take a bite and then swims away to make way for the others. In the wild, Red Belly Piranhas are an active species that is always on alert so that they do not become prey themselves. is it ok to mix cariba juveniles with red bellys? The amount you feed them depends on the size of the fish. When red-bellied piranhas are introduced to other parts of the American continent, there are usually negative consequences for the local fish fauna,[14] partially due to its generally aggressive behavior. The Pinnatus batfish is a type of saltwater fish, scientifically called platax. Red-bellied piranha - Wikipedia Piranhas are exclusive creatures and require therefore exclusive rules to be set. Optimal tank water parameters are the following: temperature 2230C (7286F), pH 5.5-7.5, GH 4-15. Groups of the Piranha eat communally. If you want to purchase Red Belly Piranha for your home aquarium, you will first want to look up your local laws. [10]:75, No piranha is found in the United States including this one. They eat quickly and messy, trying to eat as much as possible for future use. There are at least 20 species of piranha, but scientists are unsure of the exact number: there could be over 60 species. Affiliate Disclosure: AquariumNexus.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. . With aging, the black spots disappear, and the body becomes dark silver colored with small golden sparkles on the scales. imho. These fish species are sometimes called caribe or piraya. [24], Nearly all sounds produced by red-bellied piranhas are produced in the context of social interactions between individuals. You will want to monitor how much and how often you are feeding your Red Belly Piranhas, and depending on their age and size, you will want to alter the amount you feed them. [20] Piranhas are usually able to breed by the time they are one year old. The best part is thatyou can keep piranha as a pet in your aquarium, but you will need to take a lot of care of the Piranha fish. It is also important to note that you will not only need to keep a large open swimming area for them to roam, but you will also want to make sure that you purchase a secure lid for their tank, so they do not jump out. Its better to keep a school of 5-10 species. [14], Red-bellied piranhas often travel in shoals as a predatory defense, as well as for the offense. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Piranha noun. In simple, they live between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit in freshwater. They have small eyes located very close to their mouths. What do Piranha Fish Eat? Monsterfishkeepers.com, a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. The minimal requirement is clean and warm water, sufficient tank capacity, plus a diversified diet. piranhas fighting with red devil and oscar but you cant really see the oscar It is recommended that not to keep Oscars with piranhas in the aquarium. However, the fact is while feeding, if it feels like eating something solid, the fish will try to bite a smaller piece, and if this doesnt help, it will refuse to eat this food at all. However, you shouldnt forget that you are dealing with a predator, so a cornered adult species when you are trying to catch is quite capable of injuring you. The red-bellied piranha is often thought of as highly carnivorous, while most other fish that are not piranhas in the family are primarily herbivorous. It belongs to the piranha Serrasalmidae subfamily, which is one of the most well-known kinds of piranha. ), African Tiger Fish 4"-5" (Hydrocynus Vittatus), Red High fin Wolf Fish 4"-5" (Erythrinus erythrinus), Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 2"-2.5"" (Nandopis Octofasciatus), Electric Catfish 4"-5" (Malapterurus electricus), Tigrinus Catfish 12" (Merodontotus Tigrinus), Silver Arowana 6"-7" (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), Saber Tooth Payara 6"-8" (Hydrolycus scomberoides), Tigrinus Catfish 3"-4" (Merodontotus Tigrinus), Platinum RedTail Catfish 2"-3" (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus), Granulosus Catfish 2" (Synodontis Granulosus), Blue Diamond Piranha 3" (Serrasalmus Rhombues), Piraya Piranha 5"-5.5" (Pygocentrus Piraya), Copper Oscar 1.5"-2.5" (Astronotus ocellatus), Hybrid Stingray 5"-6" Male 3 (Potamotrygon sp. They feed on insects, fish, plants, and organic debris. What Do Mollies Eat? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'fishcaring_com-box-3','ezslot_27',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishcaring_com-box-3-0');The Piranha Fish (also known in Venezuela as the Caribe) is a fearsome, schooling, fresh-water species. Just several days later, the bite can be barely seen. Comments: Acoustic communication is common and is sometimes exhibited along with aggressive behaviors. Color Aquatics - Tropical Fish Online Store - Piranha Catfish Cichlids The Caribe were an infamous, warlike native tribe, but no longer exists. Sometimes, blackish spots appear behind the gills and the anal fin is usually black at the base. The piranha fish is usually viewed in large schools, known as a vicious fish hunting species. A significant amount of lore regarding the ferocity of the red-belied piranha can be traced to President Theodore Roosevelt following the completion of the Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition. !" jp80911 Dovii Manage Settings Tank water acidity and hardness arent important when breeding. In movies such as Piranha (1978), the piranha has been depicted as a ravenous indiscriminate killer. (Favorite Foods & Feeding), What Do Baby Koi Fish Eat? During the breeding period, the male fish spit foam into the nest and gather the eggs. Your email address will not be published. The upper jaw teeth are a bit smaller than these of the bottom one. They can eat everything from bugs, crustaceans, other fish, insects, aquatic plants, algae, and even small animals and birds that wander too close to their nesting grounds. The male fishes even eat water plants. How Many Red Belly Piranha Should Be Kept Together? Other necessary equipment that youll need is an aerator, heater, and lighting system. Red-bellied piranhas, particularly when juvenile, will sometimes bite one another in the aquarium, normally on the fins, in behavior called 'fin nipping'. To decorate the tank, you can use various elements: stones, snags, live and artificial plants. The juveniles just lay down on their sides and pretend to be dead. i find your red belly piranhas behavior to be odd, mine were right back to normal within a few minutes of me clearing the tank. Red Belly Piranhas can be found in whitewater but have also been found in blackwater and clearwater. It later surfaced the fish had been corralled and starved for over a week, into a section of the river, into which the unfortunate cow was driven for the event. Tank: To preserve wild habitats,keeping piranha is prohibited or tightly controlledin most US states. This is the strongest bite among all fishes (respectively to their body size), and it is three times stronger than the one of alligators of the same size. Red Belly Piranhas are great parent fish that will guard their nest of eggs against other fish so that they are not eaten until the fry have hatched and can hide amongst the plants. As a result, part of the eggs gets suffocated. Piranha fish is an integral component of their natural ecosystems. The red-bellied piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) is a predatory freshwater fish kind. In 1998, a single red-bellied piranha was collected from a Simi Valley Golf Course lake in Ventura County, California. Recall that you should try to recreate their natural environment.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fishcaring_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_16',157,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishcaring_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); Clean freshwater is an utter requirement for the well-being of your fish. its approx 550 gallons + the sump. The lobetoothed piranha (P. denticulata), which is found primarily in the basin of the Orinoco River and the tributaries of the lower Amazon, and the San Francisco piranha (P. piraya), a species native to the San Francisco River in Brazil, are also dangerous to humans. Depending on the size of the fish, you will want to alter the amount of food and even the number of times they are fed in a day. If you are looking to provide a home to greatly extravagant creatures such as piranhas, you are probably already aware of the fact that these unique fish do require a certain amount of extra planning and care. They are also present in larger water bodies, including lakes, rivers, flooded forests, and Southwestern Brazils Pantanal wetlands. All Rights Reserved. Its recommended to put some fluctuates in it. Caribe vs. Piranha - What's the difference? | Ask Difference Red-bellied piranhas often travel in shoals as a predatory defense but rarely exhibit group hunting behavior. [18], Research on red-bellied piranha breeding behavior in nature has revealed certain behavioral patterns around nesting sites. Another challenge of fish can contribute to violent actions such as chasing, sometimes taking a bite out of the good, and even causing wounds. [8] They are mainly found in whitewater,[9] but have also been recorded in blackwater and clearwater. Since a small-sized one gets pressed quickly and the males actions only increase the process. Caribe Piranha 2"-2.5 (pygocentrus notatus) (FwF Piranha Pygo Caribe 4) Fish Size: Scientific Name: PYGOCENTRUS CARIBA. The female lays about 1500 bright orange eggs about 2 mm in diameter. Serrasalmus medinai: Medinai Piranha, Red Throat Piranha, "Caribe . Now, they are completely like adult species. Thats why pinnate is one of the most important fishes for, Read More Pinnatus Batfish Guide: Size, Behavior, Feeding, & TankContinue, Yasha goby fish is a distinctive variety of goby fish known for its fantastic behavior and appearance. In fact, if you notice that your fish are acting sick, it is most likely due to stress. This species accepts the same foods as most other piranha's: fish (fresh fillets, frozen fish, live feeders), shrimp, krill and other crustaceans, worms and other insects, small mammals. Piranhas are schooling fish and require consequentially to be housed in schools. All Rights Reserved. [24], The red-bellied piranha is widespread and locally abundant. Red Belly Piranha are not easy to care for, as they require a lot of time and attention to keep happy. Which Piranha Is the Most Aggressive? {Will They Eat Each Other?} Films such as these, and stories of large schools of red-bellies attacking humans, fuel their exaggerated and erroneous reputation as being one of the most ferocious freshwater fish. The very minimum size to house 4 red-bellied piranhas (juveniles!) The eye is silvery, with black pigments above and below iris, like a dark vertical band. Hello!I am one of the passionate Fishkeepers and love to share information with fishkeeping beginners as well as other needy aquarists. Most of the head is grey, with some orange or red on the lower side. Once all school members make sure that its safe, they all attach their prey, and in a blink of an eye, nothing is left. From time to time, he performs abrupt circular movements around the nest and waves the clutch with its fins creating the necessary water flow. Smaller fish will search for food during the day, while larger fish will forage at dawn, in the late afternoon, and in the early evening. Piranhas range from northern Argentina to Colombia, but they are most diverse in the Amazon River, where 20 different species are found.The most infamous is the red-bellied piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), with the strongest jaws and sharpest teeth of all.Especially during low water, this species, which can grow up to 50 cm (about 20 inches) in length, hunts in groups that can number more than . Usually, piranha schooling occurs in a group of 20 to 30 fish. The key to keeping them healthy is providing them with a setup that gives them plenty of space to hide and de-stress. Quite often, it is mentioned that the fish can almost cut through a steel wire. Live feedings to captive piranhas can introduce diseases[citation needed], and goldfish contain a growth-inhibiting hormone, which in turn will affect piranhas[citation needed]. This idea was formed from the previous assumption that piranhas built schools for hunting. If you want to purchase Red Belly Piranha for yourself, you can find them online from reputable breeders. However, nowadays, the fish is called Pygocentrus nattereri. And the best point to start with is choosing an appropriately sized tank. Keeping other fishes with piranha is still a dream of many fishkeepers. ", u will enjoy caribe more, i had reds 1st, and after i went to caribe i will never buy another red. This is also the very minimum number of piranha specimens to keep. The biggest and most aggressive fish will typically predominate. Some time later, usually, the smallest species decides to swim closer to the food and bite it. They have been known to attack people, but only in extreme situations where they are starving, their territory is threatened, or they are scared. Piranhas prey upon crustaceans, insects, mollusks, lizards, birds, rodents, amphibians, fish, and carcasses. Common Names: Common Names: Cariba Piranha, Black Shoulder Piranha, Orinoco Piranha, Black Eared Piranha, Venuzuelan Red Belly Piranha. Or, even better, 6. Because in the wild they may not eat every day, those in captivity do not need to be fed daily, but when hungry, they can eat each other.[26]. I have been doing RBP's for years now and I have recently been looking into the Caribe world. [16]:288. Panic-stricken, they hit the tank walls, try to hide in any shelter, and even, it happens, that they pretend to faint by freezing at some unnatural pose and getting on the tank bottom. imho Quote: http://youtu.be/ZK-2FY9yntk "TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE!! Accordingly, plan of ensuring at least 20 gallons of water per 1 adult specimen, and never less than 75 gallons as a starting tank, as you will otherwise have huge difficulties in maintaining stable water parameters. All of them are given different common names with the suffix flatfish. Piranhas range from northern Argentina to Colombia, but they are most diverse in the Amazon River, where 20 different species are found. Red-bellied piranhas prefer prey that is only slightly larger than themselves or smaller. (Food List & Eating Habits). Oscars dont like to be kept in aquariums with other fishes, and their aggression increases as their age increases. The pectoral and pelvic fins may vary from red to orange. Their intensifying colors suggest that they are furious or extremely happy. The Latin name is given in honor of the Austrian naturalist Johann Natterer (17871843). In general, they eat smaller fish. The red-bellied piranha, also known as the red piranha ( Pygocentrus nattereri ), is a type of piranha native to South America, found in the Amazon, Paraguay, Paran and Essequibo basins, as well as coastal rivers of northeastern Brazil. A Meat-containing diet should prevail (fish, prawns, worms) with some addition of plant/vegetable components. They have neither bright coloring (general body tone of the adult species is silvery with black tints with the reddish abdomen and sparklets scattered over the body) nor unusual body shape. Furthermore, direct sunlight or heat can stimulate germ growth, which can damage and upset them. Smaller fish usually seek food throughout the day, while the larger fish look for food at dawn, late afternoon, and early evening. The beginning of the spawning period is easily seen since the fishes start making a nest, their coloring becomes darker, and they leave their school. Required fields are marked *. Their natural diet consists of live prey and dead animals or fish. The typical diet of red-bellied piranhas is omnivorous[17] including fruit,[18][17] leaves,[17] insects,[17] mollusks,[17] carrion[17] and fish. Several groups can converge in a feeding frenzy if a large animal is attacked, although this is rare. Pyocentrus cariba (Humboldt 1821) Common Names: Cariba Piranha, Black Shoulder Piranha, Orinoco Piranha, Black Eared Piranha, Venuzuelan Red Belly Piranha. ), African Tiger Fish 4"-5" (Hydrocynus Vittatus), Red High fin Wolf Fish 4"-5" (Erythrinus erythrinus), Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 2"-2.5"" (Nandopis Octofasciatus), Electric Catfish 4"-5" (Malapterurus electricus), Tigrinus Catfish 12" (Merodontotus Tigrinus), Silver Arowana 6"-7" (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), Saber Tooth Payara 6"-8" (Hydrolycus scomberoides), Tigrinus Catfish 3"-4" (Merodontotus Tigrinus), Platinum RedTail Catfish 2"-3" (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus), Granulosus Catfish 2" (Synodontis Granulosus), Blue Diamond Piranha 3" (Serrasalmus Rhombues), Piraya Piranha 5"-5.5" (Pygocentrus Piraya), Copper Oscar 1.5"-2.5" (Astronotus ocellatus), Hybrid Stingray 5"-6" Male 3 (Potamotrygon sp. Remember, a stressed fish is a sick one. When well-fed and provided with adequate space, you will have a much calmer, more predictable fish. Piranha bite is from 67 to 320 Newton strong, which is quite significant for such a small mouth. [21] Piranhas will travel to their nesting sites in shoals in order to reduce the likelihood that any single individual will be attacked by a predator. Doing this ensures maximum comfort for your fish, and they will most likely be rewarded with Red Belly Piranhas, who hide much less. Red Belly Piranhas typically eat about 1/8th of their body mass daily. Red bellied piranha male takes all care about their offspring he guards the eggs, fans it with his fins. It is not recommended to feed captive Red Belly Piranhas feeder fish as they are often bred and kept in unsanitary conditions and could potentially introduce disease into your aquarium and to your fish. [3] They have lots of small black dots on their bodies and have shorter dull colored fins that are powerful enough to help them get around quickly. Shoaling behaviour of the Amazonian red-bellied piranha", "Population ecology of Red-bellied Piranha, "Sound production in red-bellied piranhas (, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Red-bellied_piranha&oldid=1140318384, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 14:56.