Even though they have similar names, it is indeed best to think of them as separate and unrelated. I have removed all of the C++ using the windows Programs and Features from my W10 machine after a restart (with no issues) I have been running various programs to see if they require any version of C++ so far nothing I am sure something needs it, but I have downloaded the redistributable versions from Microsoft just in case . Took my friendly geek hours to fix things up. For example, a Windows 10 comes with 2005, 2012, 2013, and 2015-2019 versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Does anyone know the programs I can delete to maximize space and eliminate sharing my laptop with any other devices. Visual C++ is Microsofts implementation of that programming language. Yeah, the backward compatibility is the reason why Windows uses all these libraries. Fall in love with the hardware technology in early 2008. I was uninstalling a few programs and noticed that I have like 13 or so versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. However, I had to do a complete reinstall of my win 10 and the 2005 MSVC++ did not reinstall. I have grown accustom to PCs and am kind of stuck using them as all my work, files, programs and data are PC based. 1 Can I uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable package x64? Some programs you have installed might require those. Qt have separate IDE and SDK so assume it is the same in Window SDK. You can also find the Visual Studio Installer in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe. You could start by looking at the install date of the Visual C++ Redistributable package (via Control Panel -> Programs and Features) and then compare that to any corresponding programs installed at the same time. Since they are both the same version of the program, albeit with a slightly different size, can I assume that the second program is exactly the same as the first and will replace it if needed? One day when looking through your installed applications, you notice that this program is installed many times. Click here to Download ". What a mess it is, and how sad that this seems intended. John. Microsoft Visual C++ Eat Up Hard Drive Space? In the Windows Start menu, you can search for "installer". Hey! i am curious because that doesnt make sense does it? The programming environment includes access to a lot of shared code libraries, which let developers use already-developed code for specific procedures instead of having to write their own from scratch. Works for Me. If you insist on freeing up disk space by removing the Visual C++ Redistributable packages installed on your system, I will avoid it from now on. Ariel was born in Pennsylvania and lives with her husband and a lovely dog. I cannot tell you how many times this question has come up in my mind going back many years. Well Barbara If Leo tells you Yes delete that software and you do and it all f$cks up youll come screaming back to complain. He's authored or co-authored over 30 computer-related books in more than a dozen languages for publishers like Microsoft Press, O'Reilly, and Osborne/McGraw-Hill. Reinstalling Windows and all of your programs from scratch is the only 100% sure way to get rid of what hes installed on your computer. Then click onOK to save the change. @VicTheChicA 64 bit computer is capable of running both 64 bit and 32 bit (x86) applications. Sorry, I dont understand your question, or how it relates to the article? Makes reformatting nothing more than an evenings work. I invest my time in ways that I believe will best serve my readers. Any ideas how to uninstall it. Why hasnt someone written an app that tells us explicitly which redistributables are needed for which apps? When Leo says I have no idea if you need them. One approach could be to uninstall all of the redistributables and then reinstall the software that you know you need. Security. service (currently located at the bottom left of the screen); optionally, you Hi,I needed info on the necessity of having the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributables and saw the invitation to sign up for your newsletter (and get the Slow Computer report). not advisable that you uninstall any of your C++ Redistributable Packages on However, Your Newsletter signup is NOT working for me When I tried my email address, twice the page fell over and I had to restart the process.. Transporter is still under development, Im afraid. Personally I keep data on a separate physical drive. Ask - For example, you might see multiple versions of the 2008 redistributable. 2023 LifeSavvy Media. Thank you for the article describing what the C++ Redistributables do. Weve tested this and found it to be unreliable. Explained: Do I need a VPN? If those steps fail to resolve the problem, you can try uninstalling and then reinstalling the version in question. If you cannot determine which program installed it how can you be certain it is not a hack or virus of somekind? Here's What to Do, Scammed by PC / Web Network Experts? Does Microsoft have a redistributable update utility which will check my computer and download any updates I need please? She always says Life is full of magic, but writing means the world to me.. Laptop and smartphones are computers.Turn off remote access? Complete data recovery solution with no compromise. Instead, they use this collection of pre-written and thoroughly tested software. I'll explain why below. At this point it would be safe bet that the two programs are related. In Control Panel, open the Programs and Features item. If the software that youve installed on your machine needs them well, then you need them. Everytime i uninstall and reboot it, in the next day it shows up again. Theres a lot to go through here, so well start with the basics. Here's What to Do. Just leave it alone. RELATED: How to Scan for (and Fix) Corrupt System Files in Windows. Unable to unistall Microsoft visual C++ 2010 prompting for disk Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Hangs During Install. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. And, IMO, Microsoft will never dump Windows and start over. Can I uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable package x64? The best protection against foistware is to read every screen carefully when you install a program, even paid ones as some vendors will go for the few cents they get for bundling foistware. Hi, I use the Driver Booster program which tells me that there are updates for the Microsoft redistributable programs on my computer but though I can find updates on the internet Im not sure whether they are appropriate. Next, choose More, and then choose Uninstall. Anyway, I have tried to unenroll my computer but didnt work. Cannot install or uninstall Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable When you install a program, the setup program may have the option of installing the Visual C++ Redistributable if its not present. If you uninstall a program, that program will not automatically remove the redistributable upon which it relied, since it has no way of knowing if other applications also rely upon it. Hopefully, that at least explains what these Visual C++ Redistributable packages are and why so many are installed on your PC. If you experience a catastrophic error and can't repair or uninstall Visual Studio, you can run the InstallCleanup.exe tool to remove installation files and product information for all installed instances of Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019, or Visual Studio 2022. As you can see in the image above, my machine has ten instances of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, including 2010 ,2012, 2013, and 2015-2019 versions, in a mixture of x86 (32 bit) and x64 (64 bit) editions. This would give him access to all my browsing activity, emails, etc. Sometimes when you install an application in Windows, you might be asked to install an additional application called Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. The maintenance time needed to keep it running efficiently has grown out of hand. Patron Perks - They go back to 2005 and there are different versions for 32 and 64-bit computers. Check and install all the Windows update. Then, when the workload selection screen is displayed, close the window and follow the steps on this page again. He doesnt know what is on your machine. Difference. Thats why sometimes you are required to install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable version. 3.Make sure that your system is patched up before install it. The double quotes enclose a command containing spaces: If you can't find InstallCleanup.exe under the Visual Studio Installer directory, which is always located at %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio, here's what to do next. The why did you write this article? After reading what you had to say , IM just gonna leave em alone .Thanks again Leo . Folders which if you open them, promptly move their contents to another directory, (and sometimes right back again). Do I Need All These Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables? We dont recommend that you delete any Visual C++ redistributable, because doing so could make multiple applications on your computer stop working. Uninstall and Reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libraries Given how little space they take up and how broadly they are used, it doesnt seem worth the hassle to mess with your current ecosystem of standard library files. And if youre running 64-bit Windows, youll see both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of each package. There are several advantages to using aredistributable. Today, they could create something new, with clarity and an intuitional logic to it. There was NO warning when the software was removed that it was needed by another application. As opposed to crap that MS places on my machine simply because I MIGHT have need of it someday in the future?I can live with that. TRUST THE PROGRAMS. , he means you personally, not computer users in general. Android, iOS data recovery for mobile device. Subscribe to Confident Computing! Should I reinstall it or not?Should I get a newer version of it? On the other hand, if you have five programs all using the same Visual C++ Redistributable, there need be only one copy installed. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read billions of times. TYSM! Open config.xml from the location where you have stored the Microsoft Project package (File Location :<share>\\Visio2016\vispro.ww\config.xml). Leaving them all in place is by far the safest thing to do. Is it OK to delete older versions of Windows 10 SDK? Confirm that you are uninstalling. That really bothered me because it made me think that I might have a returned laptop. Download (right-click, Save-As) (Duration: 9:40 10.2MB). It is a trusted partition manager that can analyze disk space, convert NTFS to FAT, migrate OS, and help fix various issues. This is because its hard to know which application relies on each Redistributable. So weve established that the C++ redistributables are software libraries that are bundled with applications written using Microsoft Visual C++ Studio. Not all programs use the same versions of the code libraries, however, so it is common to have multiple versions installed at the same time on Windows. I install the latest version of Windows 10, make sure its up to date. If you dont, then theres no reason to do so. There is one way guaranteed to leave you with only the Visual C++ Redistributablesyou need. The framework is there to help programmers integrate their programs seamlessly into Windows - so I don't see how having multiple C++ redistributable packages is a "Microsoft issue". I never use window SDK before so i don't how it work. 12 Fixes to Try, How to Recover a Deleted Item or Folder in Outlook. Why? Click the button below to subscribe! 2 How do I know if Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable package is installed? How to remove and reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libraries in order to correct a problem with Autodesk software, such as a "general failure" during installation (due to a conflict with installer prerequisites) or any type of misbehavior or crash during normal operation. Concerning newer versions. The short answer is: yes, but you probably shouldnt. If not, it gets added to the list. *** Update -The prices are down again. The program needs this specific package, newer yearly packages won't work. :-). If you change your mind later and want to reinstall 2022, start the Visual Studio Installer again, choose the Available tab, choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want to install, and then select Install. Step 3. Same response re[peated over and over even where the question is different. If so, check out our YouTube channel from our sister site Online Tech Tips. If you want to clear up some big files, go to the control panel and search by size. If installed, you see "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) - 14.22. If youre not tech savy thats ok but maybe just try explaining this to Leo in a professional manner with manners youd be surprised at how far being nice will get you ;). And after all that, you may find youre right back where you started. Whats worse, in some cases, it may cause issues with your Windows installation itself. To change the location for some of your Visual Studio files, it's possible to do so without uninstalling your current instance as described in Select the installation locations. having multiple instances of .NET framework installed on the system, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Hangs During Install, Calculating disk space wasted by C++ Redistributable, Which Processor is Better: Intel or AMD? Here's how to run the InstallCleanup.exe tool: Open an administrator command prompt. Uninstall the Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable. A. I also have several versions of C++ 2005, 2010. A status bar will appear guiding you through the process. What Is a PEM File and How Do You Use It? An application written using a specific version of Visual Studio would need the library redistributable of that version of the developer tools. Unfortunately, newer ones dont supersede older ones. http://ask-leo.com/is_it_safe_to_delete_duplicate_files.html, https://askleo.com/how-do-i-remove-pups-foistware-drive-bys-toolbars-and-other-annoying-things-i-never-wanted/, https://askleo.com/how_and_when_should_i_update_drivers/, https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/950683/vcredist-from-vc-2008-installs-temporary-files-in-root-directory, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, https://askleo.com/creative-commons-license/. Find Microsoft Visual C++ in the list of installed programs and click on it. Fortunately, this post helped me a lot. rename msfile01 to XXmsfile01. Explained: Difference Between VPN Server and VPN (Service), Forgot Password? If your Visual Studio installation fails, see Troubleshoot Visual Studio installation and upgrade issues for step-by-step guidance. You sound too lazy or too unconcerned to look up tech things or solve problemsso why have this site? An issue occurs during the installation of certain programs that requires the Visual C++ packages. Fast-forward about 6 months later (approx 6 months ago), apparently Windows Update installed a Win 7 update on my machine that had Win 10 on it. Youll notice this a lot if youre a PC gamer, especially if you get your games through Steam. Can I Uninstall Microsoft Visual C++? Get the Answer Now - Tennessee I just downloaded CS:GO and it made me install this two microsoft visuals, and i found the game boring (its alright but i like moba games) and i wanted to uninstall this two Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019, is it safe or should i just stay it installed on Its really more about Windows software and how Windows software is architected. If you change your mind later and want to reinstall Visual Studio 2019, start the Visual Studio Installer again, choose the Available tab, choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want to install, and then select Install. Theres no automated way to determine what C++ library dependencies exist on your computer. I was just wondering though Do all windows platforms have this issue with Microsoft Visual C++ ? And indeed, this could force a split with the old. Even my more modern Android system seems like a big mess. It will also help others to solve a similar issue. Any additional versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable you see on your system were installed along withsome program that required it. Table of Contents. Time for my most common yet most annoying answer ever. They are not upgrades. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. I have many versions and I am not sure which to delete. Thanks for the reply!! He has more than 30 years of experience in the computer industry and over. Use the InstallCleanup tool only as a last resort if repair or uninstall fail. Getting Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes on Windows 10? I deleted that visualc++ and had to reinstall windows xp cuz it totally wrecked my pc. Theres really no way to say. I never received any confirmation email in my account yet on my third attempt, I got the message Different Address Needed You cannot subscribe to this list with the email address you entered. You gave enough information of what they do and the risks involved of deleting them, so, I am taking your advice and leaving well alone. As a columnist on MiniTool, Ariel has provided numerous solutions ranging from data backup, disk management, and data recovery. Visual C++ is a code compiler for the C programming language family. But as they are used by many apps, it is usually not necessary, except when there are problems with some apps. Open the Control Panel. Visual C++ redistributables are software packages provided by Microsoft that other programs can use. Both the x86 and x64 versions are needed on 64-bit systems. Walter Glenn is a formerEditorial Director for How-To Geek and its sister sites. However, since most people wholl be using the application arent going to have the entire Visual Studio developer suite installed on their computer, the redistributable contains those libraries that a given application needs and can be bundled along with its installer. Unfortunately I have no way to tell you what that software might be. can contact Dennis through the website Ive got plenty of hard drive space. 3. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/can-i-uninstall-all-these-microsoft-visual-c/86216e8c-2cb1-4517-9d52-b1303eec4e05. I have no idea if you need just one or both.. He has more than 30 years of experience in the computer industry and over20 years as a technical writer and editor. Please read the article you just commented on. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Troubleshoot Visual Studio installation and upgrade issues, Default if no other switch is passed. Removing them, while tempting, is fairly risky. Huge. It may irritate you seeing so many sitting there in your list of installed programs, but if things are running well on your PC, the redistributables arent causing any harm. Unfortunately, its often hard to narrow a problem with an application down to a bad redistributable installation. Once bitten, twice shy is me. That said, if you have multiple programs using one specific version of the Visual C++ Redistributable package, uninstalling that package may break any of the remaining programs which rely on the framework. If you're having trouble with your instance of Visual Studio, try the Repair Visual Studio tool. Its also possible that youll see what look like multiple versions of the same redistributable installed, or at least multiple versions from the same year. OK after reading your articular how do i get back 2013 redistributable x64 to x86.., AvG, sum-mink or other .., which Ive just uninstalled !. Many applications written in C, especially those created using the Microsoft Visual Studio developer environment, rely on a standard set of software libraries, without which the software cant run. C++ is one of several languages programmers use to create software. If they were cumulative the size of the redistributable would balloon over the years and become hard to maintain. Have you any other opinions on the subject? For me, this is a strong argument for reinstalling windows every six to twelve months. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables are code libraries that many Windows applications require to run. This also affects the standard software libraries in each version. If it doesnt, you might not. Another special case is that you see multiple Microsoft Visual C++ versions with the same redistributable packages or some versions from the same year. From Microsoft Visual C websiteThe Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86) installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run applications developed with Visual C++ on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2005 installed.. having multiple instances of .NET framework installed on the system. Run Fix it tool to fix problems that block programs from being installed. I have 3 versions of 2008 and one version for 2010. When you remove components designed to be shared, theres always a risk of breaking something. Might sound like a lot of work, but with either two drives (or a partitioned drive) you can keep data on one drive and windows and applications on another. Of course, I will not provide my other email address, as I have known of some sites in the past that try to get All the email addresses from a person and then turn them around to mailing lists. Explained: If I Reset Windows 10 will it Remove Malware? EVEN WHEN THOSE PROGRAMS FIRST STEP WAS TO DISABLE THE ANTIVIRUS AND SPYWARE PROGRAMS, those companies allowed it. Further more, you should just avoid computers. Repair corrupt Excel files and recover all the data with 100% integrity. That means that, for example, if a developer used Visual C++ 2005(or Visual Studio 2005) to create a program youre installing, you can expect to see the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable installed on your system along with the program. I e-mailed MS and got free (!!!) Failed to Uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable Hackers use the same code techniques as non-hackers. ok I will dig further and get back to you. As you can see in the screenshot, these packages don't accumulate too much space (each pack takes up about 10MB to 20MB). Graduated from Purdue University in 2010, Arial has about 10 years of working experience in the field of hardware technology. I have no idea if you need just one or both.. Most systems today have 2,000GB or higher, so you might be looking at 0.005% of space accounted by the packages. Now, the more important thing is to solve the low disk space issue. One might indicate that its a service pack, while others might just have slightly different version numbers.
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