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If you notice, there is nothing said at all about color in the constitution concerning slaves. Another theory of the origin of the term "Black Irish" is that these people were descendants of Spanish traders who settled in Ireland and even descendants of the few Spanish sailors who were washed up on the west coast of Ireland after the disaster of the Spanish Armada of 1588. Origins of the Most Common Irish Surnames and First Names. It was common in the 1600s for the Irish prefixes O and Mac to be dropped from Irish names. Irelands most popular baby names of 2022 - by county! Were Irelands Viking invaders high on hallucinogenic herbal tea? Over the centuries, Ireland has seen much change, with invasion by the Anglo-Normans in the 12th century, followed by British colonisation in the 16th/17th century moments which significantly shaped our history. Who where these owners? Where the Black Irish really came from and no, it wasnt the Spanish Armada, Mariah Careys Black Irish liquor cannot be sold in Ireland due to legal battle, International Irish Coffee Day: The history and recipe of Irish coffee. The Irish were indentured servants, similar to Africans in the 1600s. And the extremely vague, tenuous claims as to how blacks may have acquired Irish or Scottish surnames. White people can treat their own quite horribly, history tells. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They changed things to cover up the greed, it is that cover up that is racism today. Wealthy irish were Protestants who were placed there by England to control and rule the Native population. So while many where likely shipped to the new colonies and the West Indies, it was likely as indentured servants, not slaves. Reblogged this on Eccentric and Bent and commented: Examples of famous Stewarts include actress Kristen Stewart, actor Patrick Stewart, and musician Rod Stewart, among many others. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). And this is how blacks ended up with Irish last names. Please do your own research to find out about white slavery in the Americas. Chances are, you can find her drinking coffee in some hidden gem cafe in Dublin, planning her next big trip. You see Irish people as part of your oppressors because they have the same skin colour, and you resort to the exact racial slurs and derogatory comments that the white English used against them the same white English that oppressed YOUR ancestors. the Irish along with other white Europeans were considered Indentured ServantsIndentured Servants were those people who owed money..or inherited family debts..and could work off the debts..some of these people were brought over to do just that..after they earned their way out of debt they were free from obligationfurthermore their day to day lives while being indentured were less stringent than that of the African slave.this articles conflates the status of slave and indentured servant as being similar when they were absolutely notindentured servants actually had rights..yes they were treated miserably..but their status was far higher than that of a black man or womanfurthermore the statement that there were no Irish slave owners in the Americas is absolutely inaccurateso to infer that every black person with an Irish last name is the result of the mixing of these indenture servants who lovingly gave their last names to offspring is simply off baseand perpetuates serious misinformation. I can trace my Ancestry on my Maternal Grandmothers (Fathers) side of the Family Tree back to Ireland. Chances are, you can find her drinking coffee in some hidden gem cafe in Dublin, planning her next big trip. What happened to 6 million of them? My ancestors were lucky to survive this part of history. Or the African names were difficult to pronounce and not common to them so they gave them a name that was easier? In fact, you could make the argument the latter point is a bigoted racist statement. The Celts arrived on the island about the year 500 B.C. Although there were Irish Pirates who participated in the slave trade on behalf of France, they did not discriminate and would take Irish or African slaves to sell. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was. smh. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. William Downing and Philip Welch. (And, yes, it is a fact that that term, indentured servitude, was mostly just used as a polite term for *slightly* less brutal slavery from which there was actually hope of escape.). And so on.., http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-stolen-village-des-ekin/1113681635?ean=9781847174314#productInfoTabs. Those who live in the north of the country may hold various national identities, including Irish, Northern Irish, and British. Second, how does the Civil War, even if it were just about slavery, diminish the atrocities of slavery, war, and maltreatment of the Irish? Notable OSheas include actor Milo OShea and singer-songwriter Mark OShea. Horrific story, and the things the Irish went through shouldnt be forgotten. Often, female Blacks slaves were impregnated by their masters to create more slaves. It's quite popular in Scotland. Or the violence committed by Irish American youth against POC in places like Boston and New York. Brown is another common Irish surname. I am African American and my last name is Mclilly. The Irish are ignorant beasts of the field!!!! Many people today will avoid calling the Irish slaves what they truly were: Slaves. Gee, did the Irish ever make whisky? The most famous OFarrell is actress Bernadette OFarrell. By calling yourself black you are giving your power away. ack sure the English were only RAPEING women and children for 800 years talking are homes are lands hanging us for are religion we were slaves to the English for years ack and sure only 1 million people died of starvation watching there kids dieing one by one resorting to poor houses were you worked for food. Enjoy! Here is an article written by 3 people: Liam Hogan, an independent scholar and librarian, Laura McAtackney, an associate professor in sustainable heritage management (archaeology) at rhus University, Denmark, and Matthew Connor Reilly, a postdoctoral fellow in archaeology and the ancient world at Brown University. That meant they came here and worked their debt off and paid for their freedom. Have you met Jesus . It seems some people are trying to argue as if only black people were ever slaves?? African to African forced breeding was not even a thing, much less from another race. This was about 14% of all the recorded Blake's in USA. Johnson took him to court and the judge ruled that Anthony Johnson did not have to release this man. The Irish were treated HORRIBLY, often just as horribly as Africansbut not always. A less cruel owner with black slaves who do not forget were more valuable, would treat them better than a meaner person with Irish, and visa versa. But we still must take into consideration that the Irish were hated for being Catholics, and that this was the main reason behind making them into slaves. Maybe wealthy Irish werent common, but they they did exist. Vikings had plenty through their bloody history and called them thralls. A few known facts and a few overstated kernels of truth give a false, gleaming varnish of Truth Exposed when twisted around implications and presumptions based on false logic, when theyre confidently stated as reality, and lead the non-critical reader to unquestioningly believe exactly what the writer has skewed their words to lead them to believe. They could be biological descendants of an Irish or Scottish family. There were Irish owners. Or was it an indirect outcome of the permition of owning slaves? She and many other commentators suggest and maintain that this is a racial issue, Black against White. 3. ("Defeat of the Spanish Armada", painted by Philip James de Loutherbourg). 2) Even if it were 100,000 of them (which it wasnt) , it is already documented that many of them were indentured servants-not slaves and theres a huge difference! The fact that you refer to them as settlers is disturbing. The worst and qualifying factors for slavery are oppression and dehumanization. Ill take everything you have, thank you! Although Im sure a few were clever enough to rise above and assimilate overseas using their color as an advantage. Some sources propose that the term is in reference to Spanish soldiers. One last point, as a professor in irish studies.here are some accredited sources on irish slavery, you shouldnt get your sources from Wikipedia or any other non accredited website!!!!!! Evidence of last names in Ireland appears from around the early 900s, making it one of the first places in Europe to adopt hereditary surnames. We have to stop making up excuses for white slaveholders and the damage they inflicted onto their black captives, including the removal of our names and stripping us of even the knowledge of knowing where we are (specifically) from as the Irish, English, Spaniards, Scottish, etc. I added the Facebook icon to my blog so you can share the link. Wilson 27. Just dont take my stuff from me!! Daly 25. I think slavery regardless of color is disgusting and shameful, but even more is to come out of slavery and help the oppressor with the same oppression that was previously placed upon you. Irish was not even a nationality at the time Catholic hovel living tenant farmers who couldnt vote, couldnt hold office, were taxed for their religious beliefs, couldnt pass the land to their children, couldnt learn in Catholic schools, had their language officially prohibited, subsisted on the potato, and were largely ignored when they were starving to death by their ruling government (Britain), evicted from their homes, sent off to die in the workhouses of Ireland, women shipped out in the scheme of assisted emigration, did I forget something? What Oliver Cromwell did in Ireland was a genocide. Full history, EXPLAINED. I would ask when was the last time a police-person STOPED you just because you looked the part of something bad O or you go to a nice store and your treated as if your a thief. I always wondered why a lot of families there had Irish last names (Riley, Dubbery etc.) I dont expect people to spot the difference between the Scottish Planters who shared Gaelic names and were approved to move into Ireland and take the land to quell the natives. Whether you think indentured servitude and slavery are the same is a matter of semantics, but it was on no way even close to the chattel slavery faced by blacks. The Normans originated in France, where black-haired people are not uncommon. However, let me respond. Read it again. The Vikings were often referred to as the "dark invaders" or "black foreigners." The Irish have, throughout history been very cruel to African Americans so let them the many of them wear the title of red neck like it is their badge of honor. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts. .and the slaves owners trusted their long time slaves than the white indentured servants who could killed the plantation owner and pass for his newly arrived cousin . Not Wikipedia, or self proclaimed historians with B.S. I can say MacIntyre, I dont know what a Mwanajna is, Ill call you Mo. Similar to many of the Americanized name changes coming through Ellis Island. Always a good idea not to counter generalizations with more generalizations and no sources. As a South African, I know slavery was never just of the African people. Its not to different to the world we have today. That Slavery is colour blind but profit centred. When did the Irish get declared human? Dudley or Dudlly is my family name . Thats a very open minded attitude. Irish slaves. Famous Flynns include actors Errol Flynn and Brandon Flynn. One of the most famous people with the name Campbell is model and actress Naomi Campbell. You should be ashamed of yourself and I suspect that this is a troll site rather than a site ran by a person of African descent. But this narrative of Irish victimization is being used by racist whites to oppose social progress Where they were made to feel unwelcome, they headed for the hills, which is why we have the Appalachian populations, and others like them, populating those hills to this day. For example, Barack Obama has Irish ancestors on his white mothers side. The Origins of the Term 'Black Irish'. Black slaves were the alternatives because they could bear these conditions, and also knew farming techniques which they carried with them to the New World. If I had to hazard a guess, Id say familiarity. Very few are disputing that the British were horrific to the Irish, and to some extent, the Scottish as well. The Irish may have been treated like shit way back when, but nobody sold even one of them. Word of warning: My commentary rivals the original article in length. now what were we to do not fight back the ira would never of been invented had the brits not tortured us and refused us basic human rights. Anyway, this was a great read. Thus, welcoming a new wave of dark-complexioned Irish people. This was a passage from the book noted above. Today, there are many different variations of Irish surnames, but most commonly, they can be divided into three categories. The vast majority of labourers who agreed to this system did so voluntarily, but there were many who were forcibly transplanted from the British Isles to the colonies and sold into indentured service against their will. It started with a video of the Black Irish of Montserrat. http://www.irelandseye.com/irish/traditional/names/first/dudley.shtm, The name Dudley in Ireland is often of immigrant origin having been introduced into Ulster Province by settlers from England and Scotland, especially during the seventeenth century. This has already been disproven. Most of these people in america are full of hate poisoned by their governments through their food, water and air. go and read about cromwell in ireland. Also Indians are not Asians either. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was subject to a number of influxes of foreign cultures. because of there race ? Another was the prevailing feeling among the Southern States that they were not being representing and that their votes didnt count. One of the most famous Johnstons is American actress Kristen Johnston. There is a prevailing debate amongst the commentators that leaves me with strong feelings of indignation. This answers a hell of a lot for me. If you cant even get that right!!!! However, we do know that numerous Norman invaders did settle in Ireland and integrate into Irish society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDVhUQXElTE. They account for a lot of the Irish sounding names in the south, whether they were Scots names, or co opted Irish names, they do not belong to the Irish family system. 1847 was known as "black 47." When did the law stop saying that one drop of Irish blood could give people the legal right to kill, segregate, or abuse you? Again get creditable sources!!!!!!!! Presbyterian freeholders? or any other colour or race, you just needed to be POOR. The reason why African-Americans have irish last names is literally because of the English men, they rounded up thousands upon thousands of irish enslaved woman, so they could breed more expensive slaves..yes, there you go!!! It is said that the first family of Black were converted to Christianity by Paulinus, the head of the family being Prefect of Lincoln, about 628. I never learned the whole story of how though unrelated, both husbands had the same Irish surname. No Irish Catholic had the right to own land in Ireland. http://theirishwereslavestoo.tumblr.com/post/120600939730/debunked-the-global-research-article-on-irish, Maybe those books can help youtheres many more, this is not something made up by one person on one website. Yes, Irish were often seen as lower than low, called black Irish or Irish niggers, but dont confuse abusive language with being a slave. Were they Anglo-Irish landlords? The term "Black Irish" has been in circulation among Irish emigrants and their descendants for centuries. naturally, that population mixed in with the newly arrive slave blacks as well as the indigenous blacks. Although, I recognize that the facts of this article are in dispute, with regard to the treatment of the Irish by the British Empire, knowing what I do about history, it is not entirely unlikely that much of this is true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_people#Black_Irish The name Gallagher is "O Gallchobhair" which translates as "foreign help." But have you ever stopped to think about where it originates? Today, the island is made up of the Republic of Ireland (an independent country) and Northern Ireland (a part of the United Kingdom). Family of three here by underground railroad. Im English Scandinavian Western Europe Eastern Europe, European Jew Irish my oldest ancestry comes from Africa I along with all of you are the human race we are imperfect people frail to a fault trying to make life better for each other. They either came to America as slaves, or moved to America in more modern times. Unless you know more about your name I would assume it association with immigrant Scottish planters and settlers of Northern Ireland, but it could have been adopted by some of the natives. That is sooooo stupid. I think you should be careful in your condemnation of what you apparently arent aware of, Gaelic Catholic culture of Ireland was subjected to English Protestant Supremacy, and Penal Laws imposed by the English Parliamentarian Cromwell in his brutal conquest of Ireland saw to it that the Gaelic Catholic culture be prohibited. Irish were indentured servants, never slaves. Actor Miles OKeeffeis one of the most famous people with this surname. Argentina, Mexico, and New Zealand also share in high numbers of Irish descendants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white. McCarthy 14. [] Source: How Blacks have Irish Last Names []. If a planter whipped or branded or beat an Irish slave to death, it was never a crime. So not forgotten but definitely no true or meaningful comparison. The Scots Irish, also known as Scotch Irish (especially in USA) or Ulster Scots (especially in Northern Ireland), are an ethnic group found in the province of Ulster in the north of Ireland Genealogy. However, a whopping 50 to 80 million people around the globe are thought to share in Irish ancestry. I also have enslaved Africans in my lineage who have an Irish surname. I thought it was funny when he came out with this B.S. I will admit, some of this is said by a very very very small percentage of the real irish population worldwide, they see it as being weak !!!! One of the most famous Duffys is rock musician Billy Duffy. Copyright 2019 - 2023 Ireland Before You Die | Trading under, TOP 100 Irish surnames / last names (info & facts). Please do not confuse the two. Posting this post is perpetuating the ideology of white supremacy. There was discrimination and stereotyping of Irish, and there were many Irish supporting the abolition movement, and later solidarity with the civil rights movement. Its a human one! Personally, I am offended not by the story and the facts, but by the dishonest comparison. But it seems that your fellow Irish forgot both about the atrocities done to them and working side by side with African slaves. No bagpipes or Kilts) who were part of the English invasion of Northern Ireland. The strong over the weak. There were black slave owners as well, so to say that you doubt that they were slaves because such and such was an Irish slave owner is crazy. 'Black Irish' is often a description of people of Irish origin who had dark features, black hair, dark complexion and eyes. Unique and like no other, a mere uttering of an Irish family name and youre sure to know they hail from the Emerald Isle. I have some European and native American ancestry, but I claim African American only!!!
Ciarn - Wikipedia Ireland Before You Die (IB4UD) is the biggest Irish travel and culture website. Cole -- a short name that embodies a lot of richness and depth -- has long been associated with the great songwriter Cole Porter. I am mixed with other things but my maiden name is McClure. The most Blake families were found in USA in 1880. Louisiana is one hundred apologetically AFRICAN roots. Dont think for one second that Irish were liked by their british landlords. In many cases freed slaves took the surname of people who were also kind to them. I love it !! For example, I am irish and my name in Irish is Aine Maire OFallanhaim, but it was Anglicized to Ann Marie Fallon by the British.
Black Irish rebrands after Mariah Carey spat - The Spirits Business OBrien has been a prominent surname in Ireland for centuries. My last name is Dingle.
Kelley Name Meaning & Kelley Family History at Ancestry.com Indentured servitude did not last as long as or was as vast as outright chattel race based life long slavery in America. Sharing in everyday culture and identity, as well as ancestry, human presence on the Emerald Isle dates back some 12,500 years, according to archaeological studies. The mortality rate of enslaved Africans during the slave trade was so high that white planters had to replace entire popoulations of 30,000 plus people every 5-7 years. Today black people are assimilated into western culture, et slavery hasnt ended. But I digress; apparently what Chloes real point is by this previous statement is that, when/if Whites talk about how a part of their race was oppressed and enslaved at one point in history that it somehow diminishes and lessens the Blacks slave history and only serves to to make Whites feel better about them-selves. First of all, the reason for the Civil War was the Confederates secession from the Union. If this is the case, contrary to what may often be thought (that the term refers to an Irish person with dark skin, hair, and complexion), the label is actually a reference to said invaders intentions, all those centuries ago. As an African American woman with an Irish last name, i knew the Irish were slaves and figured thats how i got my last name. You would be amazed at what all of history has been created. My last name is Shanks n I just learned from my dad that iam part Irish. Last name: Duffy. I know for some sorry isnt enough and I agree .However Im more concerned with my family that was shackled, bound, branded raped, sold. Hell is running over, with the evilness of mans inhumanity to their fellow men, women and children. Id not opt to tell a modern day slave (servant?) It was these conquerors who sold off the conquered to the Europeans. The phrase "Black Irish" has been in use for hundreds of years, and several brands of Irish whiskey. If you look at census lists or the property lists of white planters, you will see that their human property were only given first names. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Begin typing your search above and press return to search. The word 'Cearmaid' comes from Old Irish and is probably a combination of 'ciar' (black) and 'madra' (dog), thus meaning a 'black dog.' 23. could not agree more british took irish men in the 70s and 80s in belfast beat and tortured them the british government was later charged with crimes of humanity by the european courts. One issue was the Federal Government vs Individual States rights. Some people wallow in the past and stay the victim. If it were slavery, as the Africans suffered, it would have been called slavery. O'Reilly 12. The names and places may change however the game and the crimes remain the same. We got our hands on slave ledgers.
Black Irish - Who Were The Black Irish? - IrelandInformation.com Shame on you. Its my understanding that there are still people enslaved, although it is done secretly, and/or the laws are manipulated to accommodate itbut its still happening, yet today. Jim Crow laws where formulated to keep Blacks in their place, not the Irish. All the while the ruling class was laughing at us all. http://www.academia.edu/9475964/The_Myth_of_Irish_Slaves_in_the_Colonie This story has been circulated amongst white supremacist sites and through social media, has found its way into mainstream conservative consciousness.