Suddenly, her ears got pierced by a womans screech. Its the 13th century, king Louis IX has finally decided to leave the Holy Land and return home with his knights. What she does know is that if she stays on the path she is on now, her 'Lord' doesn't have what she expected in store. What did Draco do when Bellatrix was torturing Hermione? Bellatrix began. Her muscles protested in spasms and she felt absolutely exhausted. Add this story to your Library to get notified about new parts! She didnt want Ron to see her die like this. They further rescued Luna, Dean, Griphook, and Ollivander, who all proved to be essential in the fight against Voldemort. Her voice in any form was like a spike running through her stomach. She caught her breath and heard a clicking noise of high heels behind her, getting closer. Wow, I can't believe I am the first commenter! Hermione Granger whimpered in pain as the notorious Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange, twisted her fingers through her hair and jerked her up from the wooden floors of Malfoy Manor's drawing room. Youre my soulmate. Hermione is Bellatrix's pet | Archive of Our Own If not, I am afraid we will have to do this the hard way." Bellatrix's Mistake - Chapter 1 - Wattpad Bellatrix Black, was it?. Hermione cried out and staggered to the side, suprised and scared. I thought your depiction of the hermione/bellatrix torture was done very wellit really gave me the chills at some points when you thoroughly described the extent of Bellatrix's cruelty and Hermione's reaction to it. Bellatrix demanded, though Hermione knew that in the cavernous room, silent but for Hermione's sobs and Greyback's glee, she had heard the words. Unfortunately, younger Bellatrix takes an interest in the new 'pureblood' and makes everything harder. Then someone grabbed her shoulder. Disappearing. Seconds before her eyes had been unfocused and bleary, but now as she looked at him she appeared much more alert. Ron attempted to fight against Greybacks restraint, but given the lack of food in the past few weeks and a general exhaustion, it was pointless and soon, he stopped struggling, staring at Hermione, who was now in Bellatrixs arms, looking back at him, breathing heavily and shaking in fear. What follows are weeks of both witches living together trying to find out how to get unattached. I got really into this fic because I love Nietzsche and kept thinking to myself, I relate to this. Rita tiene una idea bastante equivocada sobre la Adivinacin. Hermione was trying to act the least suspiciously she could, but it was hard for Dobby to cover up the squeaking of the old screws. Living together is sharing space, but also struggles and bits of life. Bellatrix lets go of Hermione and throws herself to the side. Lucius came and took her and held her while standing up. They further rescued Luna, Dean, Griphook, and Ollivander, who all proved to be essential in the fight against Voldemort. Bellatrix was supporting Hermione, who seemed to be unconscious, and was holding her short silver knife to Hermione's throat. Yet here she was, sneaking away in the dead of night onto the ship of the most fearsome pirate on all the seas. Since the movies are not and can't be as detailed as the novels are, there was a small change in the movie "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 1". Background music: sexyback by Justin Timberlake and Timbaland, Draco can't imagine any more. 2. Then it struck her. Please enjoy - Gothellestrange90, #bellatrixlestrange Greyback, youll lead the lover boy into the cellar. Greyback snarled and walked over to the couple and ripped Ron apart, leaving deep gashes in both their palms. The knowledge of being owned is one thing. Thank you so much! It vanished after that and the sadistic look returned and a cruel looking smirk appeared on her face. Y esta no va a ser la primera. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It was hard, but possible. She's got a fever again Hermione thought as she touched the older woman's forehead. Said one of the other snatchers. He yanks it round and stares at himself. crimson, then violet, then brittle, bitter black around the edges. My apologies. Simple. The Wizarding World has been turned on its head since Voldemort and his Death Eaters were victorious the The Battle of Hogwarts. For half-bloods, it will merely make them pure through agonizing pain. That knowledge didnt stop him. The same wont be said for this one. Said Bellatrix and Hermione raised her eyes at the dark figure with a wand in hand leaning above her and embraced herself for the worst to come. hey! Hermione was wondering if thinking like this was normal or not. "Then never wake up." Hermiones blood froze and so did her whole body as a cold-ice chill ran down her spine. Im not about to let pride get in my way when an Azkaban sentence is on the line.. Boy, I was not wrong with my choice. hermione is the only one who can take him in. It was difficult since her ankle was in a sharp pain and she was sure Bellatrix had quite a good fun. Don't know where this will go or if I even will continue this lol but yeah James realizes that he is a she and Lily is nonbinary and likes women. come back to me when youre done with this to get O-Z :), for reference, here is the first list (A-F), [i know i have a few dramione fic recs floating around out there, but i thought it might be fun to spice it up a bit! Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange. those eyes of course she knew that look. And I'm happy that you think of it the way I wanted! Hermione stared up and as Bellatrix lowered down her head, Hermione flinched and closed her eyes shut as tightly as she could. Her arm throbbed and Bellatrix sat upright and then got up. aka Neville and Draco's bodies get switched and it's very upsetting, especially for Draco. When Dobby arrives to rescue Harry and his friends from Malfoy manor, Bellatrix doesn't let Hermione go and they are forced to leave her behind. "Draco has been telling me of Ms. Granger, Bella. What If Bellatrix killed Hermione? - Quora He disarmed Bellatrix. At the start of the sixth year at Hogwarts, Dumbledore is found dead in his office. Suddenly, her head started spinning. Draco is in his mother's study, trying to find the convoluted documents about his convoluted inheritance, when he finds it. Bellatrix marched slowly over to her. , . Please, as a couple more sobs escaped, she found herself out of breath. Bellatrix spilled the location about Hufflepuff's cup. She had dabbled with women when she was at school but that was never on the cards for her because of her traditional parents and marriage contract with Lucius and the Malfoys. Responsible, meticulous, and always overlooked, Petunia longs to step out of her perfect little sister's shadow. So, then, Narcissa started looking for a woman to satisfy her needs and wants. In the next second, however, she heard the unbelievable. I sobbed. When Hermione keeps being rescued by an oddly familiar stranger and discovers a new author she feels she knows through the pages, she doesnt know if she is losing herself more or if she is finally found. She heard the clicking of high heels going closer and circling her, looking at her like at a piece of meat at the butchers. I know the Mudblood scar is movie only but it doesn't matter to me one way or the other if that's included. Saving You Chapter 1: Captured and Tortured, a harry potter fanfic A collection of 'toujours pur' drabbles; further explanation inside. No, I thought. #hermionegranger Slow-burn AU Romance. When a witch arrives to give her that chance, she almost can't believe it. Show more featured Draco has realized he has certaincravings. Crucio, escaped Bellatrixs lips. Narcissa had seen Bellatrix in this type of rage and so, she wasn't phased by Bellatrix's rage. RON! Hermione suddenly shouted on top of her lungs, so Ron could hear her. No matter what Hermione needed, she would provide it and if that included having a sweet baby girl, eager to help cook some treats, shed be happy. She had gone down a dark path. Bellatrix trying to get Draco to identify Harry When the group arrived at Malfoy Manor, they were greeted by a disdainful Narcissa Malfoy, who let them in and called her son Draco, who was home from Hogwarts for the Easter holidays, to identify the prisoners. Captulos Cortos:Draco y Harry han sido rivales, desde que Draco rechaz su mano en el primer ao, a pesar de estar en el mismo grupo: Las serpientes.Pero un acercamiento durante una fiesta, cambiar la vida de ambos para siempre. Bellatrix's eyes glittered with happiness when she felt the thrill of torturing a mudblood. Chapter 1. there is drama, there is violence, there is pride, prejudice, blood, pain, angst, drama, and love. Odia las formalidades y el hecho de ponerse un vestido de gala para luego fingir frente a un grupo de importantes y respetables magos desconocidos que est orgullosa de estar all. Porque todo lo que sucede en Slytherin, queda en Slytherin.Serie de historias con parejas GLPor favor leer las etiquetas/ No quiero quejas. Chapter 3. She saw Bellatrixs wide grin. Enter them here!" It all played in her mind like a short film. "Tell me filthy mudblood, or else I will kill you!". The nights were when she bloomed and started again.She was such a beautiful flower. This happened a lot. Hermione started feeling tears rolling down her cheeks as the terror within her reached the red alert. happy crying reading! I thought it was great, and I can't wait to read more so I hope you post that next chapter soon. Its only 15 chapters so if you want a quick dramione fix, there you go. Suddenly, she nudged Hermione forward. bellatrix tortures hermione fanfiction dracodiameter and circumference of a soda can in cm. I felt the bile rise in my throat when I saw Bellatrix Lestrange waiting at the gates. She was just given a short break before the terror continued. Press J to jump to the feed. STOP! Bellatrix shouted and Hermiones breath stopped as she realised she was at the brink of life and death. I think that will make for an interesting turn of events, and that there is a lot of potential to such a plot. Thats why I rated this EE. Hermione started to panic and attempted to wiggle her way out from under the older witchs body. It didnt help, though. And of the dark secrets they kept, hidden from all. Not one person expected Narcissa Malfoy to plead to Minister Kingsley not to send her sister back to Azkaban, even after she and Bellatrix had fled from the battle that night. Ive never written this before, and at some point towards the end, I threw my hands up in the air and conceded defeat. I cried. Bellatrix. The dagger Bellatrix Lestrange used to cut into Hermione's arm was cursed with a powerful spell to remove any muggle blood. Hermione started to panic and attempted to wiggle her way out from under the older witch's body. Now she is back and she expects to find her happy and healthy but she couldn't have been more wrong. Be informed. I stumbled on a werewolf type HP mix that drew me in again so quick and now, back on the Dramione ship - sailing full speed. For a split second, her sadistic look vanished. dumbledore instructs hermione to keep an eye out for draco. Petunia Evans has never been the favorite sister But in the summer of 1970, Petunia is the special one. 2022-06-29 / Posted By : / uno chef in fattoria ribs / The pain was too much for me. Some moments added. realizationthe realityit numbs and it scars and it festers; a wound gone Let's see how this works ;), Still in shell-shocked disbelief, Hermione cleared her throat awkwardly. Bellatrix grabbed her chin roughly and forced her to look up at her. "Now muddy, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. From the way you ended this, I am assuming you are taking the story in the route of Hermione getting left behind at the manor? Bellatrix reacted immediately. She then yanked me by my hair and threw me to the cold, hard floor. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). The perfect little swotty Mudblood. Actualizaciones espordicasNo hago ships a pedido. Time passes, and storm "Cissy put the boys in the cellar!" And then his mom came assist.Mind the tags and the title. Time Heals by anthfan deals with Hermione's and Harry's traumas after the war (the scar is a big focus). Draco es un tritn y Harry un muggle. calm even. Thread recommendations using linksub(thread_id)! here's the rundown: draco goes into hiding at hogwarts. But her muscles gave up. Draco yelled and Bellatrix held down his head, making him watch as the knife made contact with his Dark Mark. "I'm going to have a conversation with you muddy! By some cruel twist of Fate, she was now stuck in 1968 where she only had her memories and books to keep her company and perhaps a broken girl who was cruelly taught obsession is love and was just as quickly bewitched by the brunette as the first time. He has a wrong idea about the prefect. hmm pregnancy!dramione isnt really my cup of tea but here are a few i loved! During her husbands long absence lady Bellatrix Lestrange has grown accustomed to freedom and tranquility. Headmistress McGonagall had already mourned her once favourite student. if youre not into that, skip this one. When it finished, she lay on her stomach, the fingers on the right hand bled as she scratched the marble floor with them when she was under the curse and her throat was hoarse. Hermione covered her ears and Ron held her tighter. When I first started reading FanFics I was in highschool and I am currently a nurse trying to find a moments escape during this crazy world pandemic. She yelled at me. Bellatrix looked me directly in the eyes. A physically and mentally wounded Draco needs someone to help him, whether he wants to admit it or not, after his father lands in Azkaban and his entire world crumbles theres a sequel up, too. If you answer my questions truthfully, we can do this the easy way. That is the reason I decided to write my own. She heard Ron scream for her. Unexpected Chapter 3: Tortured, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Hermione has been waiting to find her soulmate for as long as she can remember. Oct 2014 A sharp pain shot up her forearm and Hermione screamed and turned to the side to see, what was happening, although she already knew. Emptiness One minute Hermione is crying because she doesnt want to marry him, the next they are in love. Until her flowers show up on an unexpected person's arm. Draco Malfoy overhears the torture of his old classmates, and he desperately wants the screams to stop. ), Leave the mudblood. A tear rolled down her cheek and she started to lose consciousness. Es todo lo que dir. Still worth the read, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hermione gave another scream and Bellatrix yelled: How did you get into my vault? We found the sword, we found it, PLEASE! Hermione shouted quickly, thinking it might save her another painful moment. The unconscious bodies of Hermione Granger and Bellatrix Lestrange lay, side by side, begging him to choose between them. Narcissa Black however knows full well what has to be done to save her, her son, and both of her sisters. But when a horrific event involving their students occurs, Hermione begins to wonder if maybe Narcissa hasn't changed as much as she'd like to believe. Hermione's pain at Malfoy Manor earned them some huge gains though: Bellatrix delayed calling Voldemort in her panic over the sword, thus giving Harry & Co time to organize an escape. No Archive Warnings Apply. Mi madre me ha dicho que discutimos con quienes nos sentimos reflejados seal y tom un trapo para ayudarlo con el trabajo. Life tends to have an interesting sense of humor, you know.. I was a little confused for the first couple chapters and had to do a little potter wiki searches to understand the family trees, but it was amazing. Hermione is lost, convinced she is coping in the most efficient way in the aftermath of the war. there are a bunch of stories there :). Draco's stunning spell hit Bellatrix squarely on the shoulder, and she collapsed to the floor in an undignified heap. With some additional clinking, the chandelier began falling down. He even wants the well-dressed prefect Bellatrix to borrow handcuffs from Muggles on his wrist. Inspired by Adam Mickiewiczs ballad by the same name. She shook her head again and shivered. Just another site bellatrix tortures hermione fanfiction draco 1. Im so sorry. The familiar voice spoke again. 3. from hogwarts to st. mungos and azkaban to the ministry, theres a little bit of everything here. James, Bella, Amelia y Tom, estn cansados de la tensin entre los alfas Lucius y Sirius. Im so sorry. 1 685. ***silencio by akashathekitty: THIS SHIT MADE ME CRY. She thought about her current situation and felt little hope. Big trouble. It burned, it hurt, it ripped her insides apart, turned her skin inside out and back again, it was like acid ran through her veins and like every cell of her body turned into burning coal. Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Draco Malfoy - Archive of Our Own 279k words, 48 chapters, complete. Later, Hermione bent the very wand that tortured her to her will, impersonated the very person who tortured her, and robbed that person's most prized possession. Minutes are Esta remueve parte de los cimientos de la antigua relacin entre las hermanas Black pero, Bellatrix nunca ha fallado en ninguna misin para el Lord Oscuro. But she could tell something was off. The writing wasnt the greatest, I found it fast-paced. [4]: "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: "The maintainer". Bellatrix began to torture Hermione, using the Cruciatus Curse, again and again, demanding the answer where did they get the famous sword. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. You may have just been J.K Rowling because you are so good at writing not good but Great, Brilliant, Fantastic, I could go on for years. post-hogwarts. Bellatrix takes Hermione into her house after the Light looses the Battle of Hogwarts. If he doesn't obey, she will torture him with crucio. Money? long one-shot. Adems si hemos chocado es porque quizs somos parecidos, con personalidades similares volvi a fruncir sus hombros y comenz a lavar lo usado.Uhm, puede ser. She locks them in a room where they can't use magic and some how she has there wands. Dumbledore didn't believe that she would ever come back to the light, even for all his faith in Snape. You took your time and didn't rush through the torture, and was very thorough in effectively conveying Hermione's emotional transition as the time passed and torture worsened.I think this is where many other authors who have attempted to write a chilling recap of Hermione's torture went wrong. Their past relationship looms large in the interrogation room. draco and . you no longer live in a story about a girl.this story is about a wolf. You know when you sit and read online so much that you almost start to feel nauseous because you arent leaving the house and get dizzy from small font? It was obvious Bellatrix has shifted. Bellatrix lifted Draco's left sleeve, and pulled out a knife. I'll be checking regularly :). She was in a small stone room. WIP. Hi, I'm looking for Hermione fanfictions preferably done well that are the aftermath of her dealing with what Bellatrix did to her. She stared directly at the ceiling above her and suddenly, she saw a tiny houself silently apparate onto the large and luxury crystal chandelier above her head. You WILL NOT regret it. All of that had to have such an effect on her that we never get to see because everything really picks up from that point. i love the writing and the plotline, although the beginning was a little slow for me. The daughter of Orion and Walburga Black. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However, not everyone is happy about it. Her hips hurt by being pressed together by her tormentors sharp knees and the locks of black curly hair tickled her cheeks and her nose. Kidnapped By Voldemort Fanfiction Stories | Quotev "S s someone gave i i it to us." Prompts are accepted. Bellatrix and Rodolphus are obsessed with Hermione. Hermione stared down at the knife that almost threatened to run through her chest. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. It all starts out as a normal day for Draco, but then, Potions with the Gryffindors comes and everything starts to change when Snape pairs him with Hermione for their Polyjuice assignment. He was cowered in the corner, his eyes fixed upon her, white as a wall, his mothers hand on his shoulder. Additional character and tags to be added as more one shots are published. Their eyes both wander to the same bushy haired bookworm and their therapist suggests having a third is not a bad idea. I haven't forgotten and still do check for updates here and there :).
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