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Landings: The approach is easily flown, and configuring for landing just requires gear, flaps, and the other items on the checklist. It has sleek lines and looks unbelievably fast. 4) BLR Aft Body Strakes (Available for purchase direct from BLR). 3 Comments. 389 Lt prop 723, located in Camarillo, CA (CMA), 5 seats, not a trainer, airline pilot owned. Browse Beechcraft Aircraft. Flying or not. The real question is, Do you want an F150 or 418-871-0047 After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. I regularly see cruise speeds of 290 KTAS, and when the temperatures are right, I can see 300-plus KTAS. With the lesser climb rate I had a lesser pitch attitude and a higher airspeed (150-160 KIAS). Its a sold, robust system that will seldom if ever fail you, but the Max Diff is lower than desired. We noticed you're using an unsupported browser which may result in limited or no functionality for portions of our website. Theres a definite niche in the marketplace for a Royal Duke, but its not for everyone. Reaching the cruise altitudes in the mid-20s is easy and happens very quickly. Not so in the Dukethe Dukes landing gear is much more forgiving and smooth landings are easily found. An active instructor in the PA46 and King Air markets, he has accumulated 14,300-plus hours of flight time, with more than 5,200 dual-given as a flight instructor. 8 aircraft listings most relevant to your search. If I had more than two people riding along, someone was cramped in the back seat. You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. American Aviation Intercoolers Initially known as the King Air (series 90 and 100) and Super King Air (series 200 and 300) well over 3,000 have been produced over the years. Max Ramp Weight - 7039# You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. Garmin 530 IFR GPS, King KX165, Century Four AP, Fresh Annual, Original Interior. Whereas the JetPROP burns 32 gph to obtain 260 KTAS, the Royal Turbine Duke will burn 64 gallons to cruise at 290 KTAS. Tremendous control authority. Copyright 2023Trader InteractiveAll Rights Reserved. The aircraft uses the 'McKinnon' livery (Canadian) and carries the number C-JMCK. 3) BLR Vortex Generators (CHECK! So, hows the Turbine Duke perform? If you are transitioning from any piston airplane, youll have a tad bit longer transition simply because youll have to get used to managing excess horsepower. And, the C90 will carry more, have a bigger cabin, have more seats, have a lot more availability of already-trained pilots in the local area, have a toilet and be a middle of the road investment. Itll show up to FL250 later than the Duke and arrive at the destination later than the Duke but it is safe, reliable, big and comfortable. Beechcraft Bonanza (36) (piston-single) (BE36) Aircraft (page 1 1968 BEECHCRAFT TRAVELAIR D95A $99,850 FOR SALE 1968 Beechcraft D95A Travel Air, Ray Jay turbos, excellent condition. As you can tell, Im a huge fan of Rocket Engineering and their turbine conversions. Climb: At max climb, the Royal Duke will climb well above 3000fpm, but I found myself climbing out at 2500fpm routinely. Frakes Exhaust Stacks Soundproofing Search. In the past 30 days, the price has ranged from as low as $1,350,000 and as high as $1,350,000. 860-608-4206 Do you want to sell your Beechcraft Duke Royal Turbine or other aircraft? 300 Kts on 66 gph with 7 onboard. Beechcraft began design work on their new Model 60 in early 1965, with the first flight of the prototype occurring the following year. Browse a wide selection of new and used BEECHCRAFT 60 DUKE Aircraft for sale near you at Aviation Trader Australia, the leading aircraft marketplace in Australia / Asia & Pacific. In other words, start with a $150,000 to $200,000 Duke, buy the Royal Turbine conversion for $887,000, and you could be in a 300-knot, six-seat, twin turboprop for just over $1 million, albeit one fitted with two new engines. The most strikingly attractive airplanes ever built - Royal Turbine , ! Air Conditioning (134a) I fly both routinely and I just love the multi-engine Beechcraft products, all of them. Boeing 737 MAX 8 (2-. .) (B38M) Aircraft (page 6) - FlightAware None are the fastest, none are the fastest climbers, but all are solidly built airplanes. Rocket Engineering has a long history of taking a piston airplane with good bones and adding horsepower. Autopilot: I love the KFC-150 Autopilot (found in MANY PA46s) and call it an oldie, but goodie. Number of transactions last month: Month to Month Growth Percent: Year over Year Montly Growth Percent: . 1225 Since LH & RH Engines underwent IRAN inspections by WestStar due to camshaft replacements on both engines. Precise Pulse Light Strobes D-IUSA was built in 1981. LH: 0 SNEW (3600 Hour TBO) RH: 0 SNEW, #1 NAV/COM/GPS: Garmin GNS-530W (WAAS) The Turbine Duke literally leaps forward and jumps in the air. Cruise fuel flow is almost always 32-33 gallons per side (64-66 gallons/hour total). The takeoff performance is so good that I migrated to departing with less-than-full power habitually, simply not needing the additional power. Hi, If you have four people and bags, want to go 800 nm routinely and you prefer a multi-engine steed, youll probably look closely at the Royal Turbine Duke. Any year! Any condition! Your email address will not be published. All Dukes are powered by 380-HP Lycoming TIO-541 engines. tbo) (flat rated to 525 hp each) Prop (s): Hartzell 4 Blade Reversing, hot props 370 since new Avionics/Radios: Garmin G600 w/Synthetic Vision Garmin 750 WAAS GPS Nav/Com Taws B RealAir Simulations ceased trading in December 2016. Beechcraft For Sale - Beechcraft Aircraft Near Me - Aero Trader Me? External Nose Baggage, Matterhorn White with Dark Blue, Silver and Gold Accents (2009). Do you want to sell your Beechcraft Twin Engine Turbine or other aircraft? But, too much is asked of the big piston engine on the Duke. It is a fabulous short field airplane, for both takeoff and landing. PDF NEW TWIN PT6A TURBINE POWERED DUKE CONVERSION Specifications Call or email anytime - 318 278 0822 - Airframe Total Time 3554.0 Airframe Notes ACTT 3554 Engine Program Engine Program Notes Turbine Pilot - AOPA View our Q&A right here And the Royal Turbine Duke has gobs of excess horsepower. Both the Jetprop and the Royal Duke are easy-to-fly conversions that are VERY well designed. Don't Miss This One! Admittedly, the C90 is not nearly as sexy, fast or sleek as the Turbine Duke. Calls Only 7604216731 Total time: 3553. This family of engines has logged over 220 million flight hours over the past 50 years of production. Plus, the rudder pedals are adjustable, making the Duke slightly better. But, the C90 beats the Duke in every other category and in those categories where the C90 is in second place (climb, cruise and short-field performance), the C90 is no slouch. Nobut, I sure wish that Beech would have made the Max Diff higher (in fact, I wish they had made it higher in many of the other Beech aircraftespecially the 100 series and 90 series). Turbine Duke BE-60T Our Head of Pilot Training Kenneth Petschow offers a highly accredited Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rating experience, delivering a high-quality flight and ground instruction on the Turbine Duke. And, they love going fast. There are a few reasons this might happen: To regain access, please make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled before reloading the page. Beechcraft Aircraft for sale | AvBuyer You've disabled cookies in your web browser. The excess power translates into performance that is much like any vehicle that has high power-to-weight ratio. Air Greece Beechcraft Duke Turbine (Fictional) Images related to this file: realair_duke_turbine_v2_agj-2.jpg. Its certainly a safe bet for purchase as therell always be the owner/pilot that wants the most bang for the buck. So, with all of this good news, why isnt the Royal Turbine Duke a hot commodity on the market? Also required for Royal Turbine Duke conversion are BLR Aft Body Strakes ($5750 direct from BLR + 16 hours installation labor & paint). Cost? Flugzeugfotos und Luftfahrtfotos - Fotos ansehen, suchen oder hochladen! Noise level: I found the noise level to be comparable to a turbine PA46, which means it is quite low. Call me!! FSX McKinnon Beechcraft Turbine Duke. King KX-165 Nav/Com King KX-155 Nav/Com King KLN 90B Approach Certified IFR GPS King KR-87 ADF Collins PN-101 HSI Avidyne EX-500 with XM Downlink RDR 160 Beechcraft Duke Guide and Specs - Aviator Insider Pratt & Whitney PT6A-35 (525 HP) For a tall guy (like me) the seat goes fully back and fully down, and theres plenty of room in a Duke. Call or email anytime - 318 278 0822 -, P&WC PT6A-35 617 snew (3600 hr. Soloy MKII Turbine 206. Both are Beechcraft-strong, both are powered by a PT6 and both are great airplanes. Proven reliability has made the 250-B17F/2 the premier and most valued light turbo-prop engine on the market today. Garmin GDL-69A Satellite Weather/SM Radio After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. The angle of climb is greater than my Pitts S2B, an airplane known for ridiculous performance. NEW TWIN PT6A TURBINE POWERED DUKE CONVERSION Specifications MODEL Factory BE60 DUKE ROYAL TURBINE Conversion Power Plant (2) Lycoming TIO-541-E1C4 (2) Pratt & Whitney PT6A-35 or -21 Horsepower (flat rated) 380 hp 927 TSHP (-21 663 TSHP) Both 550 hp flat rated Empty Weight 4,926 lbs 4,650 lbs. Use The Email Form. Airplane Photos & Aviation Photos - View, Search, or Upload Photos!