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So, now for the data. Simply gauging how many Boone and Crockett deer a state has pumped out doesnt provide an accurate snapshot of which states are truly the best for killing a Boone and Crockett buck. Its inside spread is 24 4/8 inches. On the north end of Phillips County is the St. Francis National Forest. I made a series of grunts, and I waited and waited. This is what the post says -- This is up to date as of December 18, 2017 postings. Boone and Crockett Club. NOTE: This data is copyrighted and is for personal use only. The Joe Haske buck is a giant and is a true typical trophy of the badger state. 11 and 16 (respectively) on the typicals per square mile of land mass list since 2008. A cull buck program allows hunters to kill bucks with 8 points or less with a minimum 15-inch spread. Password should be at least 8 characters with a mix of letters and numbers. I didnt have to stop him.. To hone our perspective even one more degree, this buck was killed on public land in the Ouachita National Forest of Scott County and is the new Arkansas state-record muzzleloader buck. It takes a lot to get them there. From the time I saw him and shot him was less than 30 seconds. Marlin is back in the game with the re-introduction of the classic 336 and 1894 lever-action hunting rifles. Deer feed all night in the fields and then retreat back into the woods shortly after dawn. Browning's Rafę Nielsen shares details on the new X-Bolt Pro LR McMillan hunting rifle with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Here are the top states for total number of record typical and non-typical bucks produced within the last 10 years. Boone & Crockett Reveals Their Top Whitetail Hunting States With You get deer on camera like that quite a bit, Schimmel said. What is the best state to hunt whitetail deer? - Big and J Industries Thanks very much for this info. That is two months less than the statewide season, which starts the last Saturday in September and ends on February 28. Spot and range targets without wasting valuable seconds switching between gear with Luepold's new rangefinder binocular, the BX-4 Range HD. In life there are two kinds of pain, the pain of self discipline and the pain of regret. Id grunt every 30 minutes or so. On Dec. 3, 2018, William Lloyd of Wynne killed a 14-point buck in Lee County that netted a Boone and Crockett score of 200 1/8. It sheds light where there previously was none. The nameVernonwas chosen to reflect the county's green fields of wheat and to evokeMount Vernon. Bolt had long ago identified a route at the top of a ridge that the buck habitually traveled, so on the morning of Nov. 6 the week before modern gun season he set up there as hed done so many times before. The National Wild Turkey Federation's mission to conserve wild turkey and preserve hunting heritage is still going strong after a half-century. For the period 1980-1985, hunters entered 617 . The 360 Buckhammer cartridge is designed for lever-action rifles and will be available in two Remington Core-Lokt loads. Issues may also exist for Safari users. Five bucks in the show qualified for the Boone and Crockett All-Time Awards book. Ground Zero: Arkansas Record Bucks - Game & Fish - Game & Fish The South Unit is wider than the North Unit and consists of a vast, generally continuous tract of mature bottomland hardwoods, primarily oaks. Jackson Point rules require a buck to score at least 130 B&C or have a minimum 18-inch inside spread. They are truly special after all. They change even more when you just look at the most recent data (within the last decade). But Colorado is the real winner here. He was chasing and bumping them around, and he gave me a 30-yard shot, Schimmel said. The lists above will not look like the lists below. One equity share in the Jackson Point Hunting Club entitles a member to three stands. Plus, the cat has long been out of the bag that key midwestern states produce giants. It weighed about 508 pounds and measured more than 7 feet from nose to rump. Midwest: Whats most shocking about this is that Iowa drops down to No. Winchester's Nathan Robinson talks features with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. B&C World's Record Gallery | Boone and Crockett Club It kind of wears on you year after year, but on the other hand, its a huge privilege to get to chase a deer like that.. Minnesota. Licensed in OH - Jeremy Schaefer, Principal Broker. Ive hunted antlerless deer at Jackson Point several times. The 360 Buckhammer cartridge is designed for lever-action rifles and will be available in two Remington Core-Lokt loads. HUNTER INFO | BIG BUCK CLASSIC! - arkansasdraft4 I intended to try to get one with a crossbow to earn my first Triple Trophy Award, but I have lost interest. Kentucky's whitetail population, buck size, and early season opening dates create an ideal deer hunting state. Andy Anderson; St. Francis County; 1998; 187 3/8; Boone & Crockett Club, 1. Click to expand. Especially for top end bucks (160" plus) but F-n-F is correct, not an acre of public hunting. Jeremy Hutchens of Waldron killed it in Scott County during muzzleloader season, so of course it was our states biggest muzzleloader buck. Licensed in MS- Chipper Gibbes, Broker. Ohio and Indiana jump to the top when only considering non-typicals. Ive been hunting since I was a young boy, and Ive never seen a deer like that, Hutchens said. Don't Miss:Where the Biggest Booner Bucks Are Coming from Now. Check outourstories, videos and hard-hitting how-to'sondeer hunting. 'Record book' means B&C or P&Y for Arkansas deer - KAIT The County-by-County records were first published in the early 1990s after years of traveling the state going through old boxes of score sheets, measuring racks, and following up on rumors of legendary bucks. They emphasize quality deer management and are selective about killing bucks. Camping is allowed on about two dozen designated primitive campgrounds. This year, the rifle will be chambered in 7mm PRC, the hot new load that was a hit at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. Most hunters either cant or choose not to travel all over the country in pursuit of whitetails. Year: 1966. That's better than many places, like Georgia that registered 15 during that time frame, but it's not a Wisconsin, which is No. It hints at what the future of big whitetails might look like in the decades to come. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Scott County is in the western Ouachita Mountains, an area not known for producing giant whitetails. All Game & Fish subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. The Model 336 is expected to be launched soon; the Model 1894 should launch this spring. And neither Connecticut nor Rhode Island has produced a single non-typical Booner in the last 10 years, despite ranking No. Iowa continues to rank #3 for Boone and Crockett Club trophy whitetail with 1,330 total entries in the recently released sixth edition of the Club's "Records of North American Whitetail Deer." The 688-page book compiles state and provincial data of trophy whitetail deer and showcases states like Iowa that institute successful conservation measures to support healthy deer populations. Across the road, Miss Jackie's japonica is blooming. Theres even some data to suggest that big typicals arent as common as they once were. It gave me time to compose myself.. Bill Dooley; Prairie County; 1999; 238 3/8; Boone & Crockett Club, 2. It weighed more than 200 pounds and sported a tall, massive 10-point rack that scored 150 4/8 Boone and Crockett points. Its important to note that record bucks are rare even under perfect conditions. Some believe that the record books can be misleading because hunters in the county might not want it to be like Buffalo County, where the secret is out. Who would expect it to rank so well? Don't Miss:Top 5 Typical Bucks from the Midwest |Top 5 Non-Typical Bucks from the Midwest. Kevin's buck net-scored 179 4/8 inches, making it Arkansas' new typical archery record. You can kill a monster whitetail anywhere in Arkansas, but the counties in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain The Delta produce the overwhelming majority of the bucks that qualify for recognition by the Boone and Crockett Club.. Isnt that just an elk state? There were some does in front of me, and when he was walking down the road, he stopped and looked at does right in my lane. Personal defense in the hunting woods could involve taking down a charging bear. Modern gun hunting is allowed during two, two-day hunts in early November. Lloyd acknowledged in the North American Whitetail article that the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission investigated the kill and found everything to be in order. Looking at this list, several things are apparent. Deer that live in lowland thickets and swamps in the alluvial plain cross the ridge to access cropland on either side. Eldon L. "Buck" Buckner is the current Chairman of the Boone and Crockett Club's Records of North American Big Game Committee. While none of this information will directly help you kill a deer, it does tell a story. Licensed in IN - Dan Bates, Broker. That area is a fertile agricultural region containing vast farms that grow soybeans, corn and rice. It was disbelief almost. Ive definitely learned a lot of things about shot placement, making sure Im standing right, and making sure the exit is going be where it needs to be., 1. In 2016, I guessed him to be in the low 180s, Bolt said. Iowa has 3-county in the top 20 United States counties according to Boone and Crockett. Those 4 Arkansas county's comprise about 3,000 square miles and have 65 listings. This 170 inch stud makes a fatal mistake. Ohio. Desha has 20. In recent years, the Boone and Crockett Club typically adds three to five Arkansas bucks to its all-time awards book. Print Headline: Typical whitetail record set in state. Minnesota state has 4-county in the top 20 United States counties according to B&C. 5. One can only speculate as to why thats happened. View Vernon Marion County Hunting Properties. Just look at the top of theBoone and Crockett entries from last season. Jacob Ayecock; Drew County; 2016; 195 2/8; Boone & Crockett Club, 2. B&C Score: 206 1/8 One of the most famous world's record heads in Boone and Crockett Club history is the buck 22-year-old James Jordan killed near Danbury . Food strips are found throughout the woods, and every open space is planted with food, including both sides of every road. Arkansas Boone and Crockett Listings as of December 2018 They need three things to achieve record status: age, nutrition and genetics (in that order); and they need a lot of each. Hutchens buck sported a 20 5/8-inch inside spread and was taken with a Thompson/Center Omega. He said he actually shot at the same buck in 2016. All property is subject to change, withdrawal, or prior sale. Looking for a place to hunt? Buffalo County, Wisconsin, is there, but farther down the list than we expect. Schimmel said he avoided that by keeping his eyes off the prize and his mind on the objective. Farms adjacent to the refuge grow a lot of corn and soybeans, which provide excellent nutrition for deer in addition to forestland forage. So again, it isnt just about big deer. Also, interestingly enough, famous whitetail states such as Texas, South Dakota, Montana and most recently Tennessee, didnt even make the top 20 list when looking at every state on a level per-square-mile playing field. This is the first deer Ive killed in a while, Bolt said. Duck migrations have changed correspondingly. Many outfitters have set up shop there, land prices have increased and it caters to a lot of non-resident hunters who probably have no hesitancy of reporting their record book bucks. See minimum measurements below. It turned out to be an extraordinary day for big bucks. There is also a surprising amount of public land where a hunter can encounter a record-book buck. Non-Typical entries by county - 7 Ohio counties Top 100 U.S. (highest - Licking County, #10) Typical entries by county - 6 Ohio counties in Top 100 U.S. (highest - Adams County, #47) From the second I saw his horns, I knew which deer it was, Schimmel said. Missouri Pick Up They couldn't find any bullet holes and didn't have any ideas on its cause . At SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. He shot the deer from about 200 yards with a Thompson/Center Encore, a single-shot, break-action rifle, chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum. Finally, after all that effort and preparation, came the climax moment. Kentucky hunting leases may be exactly what you are looking for! I was expecting to kill a doe for meat, Schimmel said. Join the Whitetail Properties newsletter and get tips, recipes, web series, and inspiration from our Knowledge Center delivered straight to your inbox. Berryville buck surprises archer - Arkansas Online Its right beam is 29 2/8 inches, and its left beam is 29 4/8 inches. Kentucky Record Book Bucks | Kentucky Hunting Now that land has been converted to cropland that grows mostly soybeans. Here are the top overall states for Boone and Crockett bucks for total entries per square mile of land mass within the last 10 years. 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Here are the top overall states for typical Boone and Crockett bucks for total entries per square mile of land mass within the last 10 years. So, now for more reliable data that actually shows you something worth looking at outside of purely historical, nostalgic data. It never gets old, Schimmel said. 006336 entries, Illinois | 331 total entries | 0.005954 entries, Texas | 248 total entries | 0.000947 entries, Colorado | 19 total entries | 0.000183 entries, Idaho | 9 total entries | 0.000108 entries, Washington | 7 total entries | 0.000105 entries, Montana | 11 total entries | 0.000075 entries, Texas | 160 total entries | 0.000611 entries, Colorado | 14 total entries | 0.000134 entries, Idaho | 6 total entries | 0.000072 entries, Montana | 8 total entries | 0.000054 entries, Washington | 3 total entries | 0.000045 entries, New Jersey | 2 total entries | 0.000269 entries, New York | 7 total entries | 0.000148 entries, West Virginia | 7 total entries | 0.000290 entries, Washington | 4 total entries | 0.000060 entries, Colorado | 5 total entries | 0.000048 entries, Idaho | 3 total entries | 0.000036 entries, Montana | 3 total entries | 0.000020 entries. There is also habitat where the deer can survive predation. Kirk Brann; Monroe County; 2000; 232 0/8; Boone & Crockett Club*, *Buck was not hunter harvested and is listed by Boone and Crockett as a pickup.. Midwesterner Discovers Very Rare Melanistic Deer, Would've Been a Record: Giant Kentucky Typical Lost in Attic for 55 Years, Midwest Region 2023 Turkey Hunting Forecast, Southeastern Region Turkey Hunting Forecast, Wisconsin | 712 total entries | 0.01310 entries, Ohio | 457 total entries | 0.01116 entries, Kentucky | 418 total entries | 0.01052 entries, Indiana | 368 total entries | 0.01026 entries, Iowa | 354 total entries | 0.00633 entries, Illinois | 331 total entries | 0.00595 entries, Missouri | 301 total entries | 0.00436 entries, Kansas | 322 total entries | 0.00393 entries, Minnesota |293 total entries | 0.00368 entries, Delaware| 6 total entries | 0.00307 entries, Maryland | 27 total entries | 0.00276 entries, Arkansas | 84 total entries | 0.00161 entries, Mississippi| 69 total entries | 0.00147 entries, Connecticut | 7 total entries | 0.00144 entries, Michigan | 80 total entries | 0.00140 entries, Nebraska | 106 total entries | 0.00137 entries, Oklahoma | 94 total entries | 0.00136 entries, Pennsylvania | 56 total entries | 0.00124 entries, West Virginia | 29 total entries | 0.00120 entries, Virginia | 46 total entries | 0.00116 entries, Wisconsin | 526 total entries | 0.009685 entries, Kentucky | 283 total entries | 0.007123 entries, Indiana | 233 total entries | 0.006496 entries, Ohio | 259 total entries | 0.006325 entries, Iowa | 184 total entries | 0.003293 entries, Illinois | 160 total entries | 0.002878 entries, Minnesota | 193 total entries | 0.002424 entries, Missouri | 154 total entries | 0.002235 entries, Maryland | 18 total entries | 0.001841 entries, Kansas | 150 total entries | 0.001833 entries, Connecticut | 7 total entries | 0.001444 entries, Arkansas | 57 total entries | 0.001094 entries, Delaware | 2 total entries | 0.001023 entries, Michigan | 58 total entries | 0.001021 entries, Mississippi | 47 total entries | 0.001001 entries, Rhode Island | 1 total entries | 0.000956 entries, Pennsylvania | 41 total entries | 0.000914 entries, West Virginia | 22 total entries | 0.000913 entries, Nebraska | 63 total entries | 0.000819 entries, Virginia | 32 total entries | 0.000808 entries, Ohio | 198 total entries | 0.004835 entries, Indiana | 135 total entries | 0.003763 entries, Wisconsin | 186 total entries | 0.003424 entries, Kentucky | 135 total entries | 0.003398 entries, Illinois | 171 total entries | 0.003076 entries, Iowa | 170 total entries | 0.003042 entries, Missouri | 147 total entries | 0.002133 entries, Kansas | 172 total entries | 0.002102 entries, Delaware | 4 total entries | 0.002047 entries, Minnesota | 100 total entries | 0.001256 entries, Maryland | 9 total entries | 0.000920 entries, Oklahoma | 59 total entries | 0.000859 entries, Nebraska | 43 total entries | 0.000559 entries, Arkansas | 27 total entries | 0.000518 entries, Mississippi | 22 total entries | 0.000469 entries, Michigan | 22 total entries | 0.000387 entries, Virginia | 14 total entries | 0.000353 entries, South Dakota | 26 total entries | 0.000342 entries, Texas | 88 total entries | 0.000336 entries, Pennsylvania | 15 total entries | 0.000334 entries, Delaware | 6 total entries | 0.003070 entries, Maryland | 27 total entries | 0.002762 entries, Pennsylvania | 56 total entries | 0.001249 entries, Kentucky | 418 total entries | 0.010521 entries, Arkansas | 84 total entries | 0.001613 entries, Mississippi | 69 total entries | 0.001470 entries, West Virginia | 29 total entries | 0.001204 entries, Virginia | 46 total entries | 0.001161 entries, Wisconsin | 712 total entries | 0.013109 entries, Ohio | 457 total entries | 0.011160 entries, Indiana | 368 total entries | 0.010260 entries, Iowa | 354 total entries | 0. As I write this on Tuesday, Miss Laura's daffodils are budding. Record-keeping systems, such as the Boone and Crockett Clubs, help to retain important information on what states are succeeding at conservation and quality deer management, and which ones arent. I killed two bucks for the first time, and I got three does. He also had large land holding in Texas located in the area called the Golden Triangle for deer hunting around Eagle Pass, in west Tx right down on the Rio Grade basin & Nebraska in the Hasting's area, another well know area in the Midwest for for massive whitetails today. Of course, no great hunt is complete without a little drama. The Louisiana Big Game Records Program documents all-time record white-tailed deer and wild turkey harvested in the state that meet or exceed minimum antler or spur measurements, respectively, as well as deer and turkeys that meet minimum recognition requirements over a three-year span. . Of course, an abundant mast crop allows deer to disperse. During that same timeframe, only 418 bucks (typical and non-typical) have been entered into the Boone and Crockett records. Its easier in a sparse mast year when only a few trees produce. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Records by County | Boone and Crockett Club Average Price Per Acre of Raw Land: $5013. Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium. Where to Hunt in the South? Try Arkansas. - North American Whitetail