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Your eyepieces are the first accessories you should learn to use with your telescope. Unleash the full pointing accuracy of your Celestron computerized telescope with a specialized telescope control software suite. Equation (4) shows the relationship between the distance d2 and the reduction factor MR. Getting the proper back-focus for your imaging camera is a vital step in getting the best data possible out of your telescope imaging/research rig. The camera side of the focal reducer is threaded for a T-adapter with wide M48 threads, or in some cases, with smaller M42 threads. Hence, there is a chance that you may not be able to thread your SCT diagonal or other SCT accessory on to this reducer for these or for any other brand. It is recommended for . I have both the Antares and the Celestron reducers. I would not use the reducer with a 2" diagonal or eyepiece in the C6. Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 1100 Learn More. A reducer is a set of converging (or positive) lenses that cause the light from a telescope objective to converge at a steeper angle to the focal plane as if it were coming from an objective with a faster (lower) focal ratio and a shorter focal length. Better images are also obtained when using these focal reducers at a reduction factor of 0.5x 0.8x, approximately. I think I remember hearing the reduction factor is slightly different, cant remember more or less reduction. How to Set the Correct Back Focus for Your Telescope (Guide), 800-483-6287 This should not be the case if they have their purportedly different focal lengths. Sign up for OPT news, exclusive offers, and updates on the latest gear! This focal reducer from Celestron reduces the effective focal length by 0.63X Enjoy the wider field of view & faster exposure times at f/6.3 with f/10 telescopes f/11 telescopes, such as the C14 will perform at f/7 The Celestron f/6.3 Reducer has four fully-multicoated elements Reduce your exposure times by a factor of 3! The working distance (backfocus) of the Celestron f/6.3 reducer is specified to be 105mm from the base of the male SCT thread on the camera side. Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 1400 A longer effective focal length leads to higher magnification with a given eyepiece for visual observers. Reducer - Corrector Learn More. Advanced designs for Schmidt-Cassegrain scopes such as the Meade ACF or Celestron Edge HD have optical elements in the tube to correct for coma and field flatness. How does it look thats what matters. Description. 2023 OPT Telescopes. The focus barely shifts between filters and I suspect any shifts I do get are down to the filters and changes in temp. This focal reducer is made to attach to the rear cell of Schmidt-Cassegrain or Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes. Even though they may have been slightly dimmer, galaxies were a bit easier to tease out of the urban light soup I deal with. They are commonly available in 1.25" and 2" threaded cells that conveniently thread into the nosepiece of a compatible camera or the barrel of an eyepiece. For example, many focal reducers designed for f/7 or f/8 ED refractors such as those from Tele Vue, William Optics, Sky-Watcher, and Meade are designed to have a working distance (or back focus) of 55mm. Or, when the distance of the focal reducer to the focal plane of the objective d1 equals the focal length of the focal reducer FR, the reduction factor MR = 0.5x. This telescope control software replaces the hand control and allows the user to remotely control their Celestron computerized telescope from their personal PC or laptop. During checkout, you may also be shown other optional faster shipping choices.US Customers in Hawaii and Alaska: Free shipping applies to almost all products. Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 925 Learn More. Is there likely to be any differences in performance between using these on an 8 or something smaller like my 6SE? So, if you have a filter that is 3mm thick, you need to add 1mm of spacing to your imaging train to retain the correct back focus. We will be glad to help. A focal reducer does just the opposite of a Barlow lens or focal extender. As mentioned in Section 2.3, the reduction factor for these focal reducers can be varied by adding spacers to move the reducer further from the camera sensor or eyepiece. control and Sky Viewer display makes selecting your target easy. However, the China 6.3 R/C has noticeable internal reflections that I haven't figured out yet. In most cases, the easiest option is to choose the focal reducer made specifically for your telescope. I have an 8SE, and am thinking about getting a focal reducer. The most popular accessories for your new telescope! Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 800 Learn More. The designed reduction factor (0.5x in the case of the GSO reducer example above) should be considered a rule of thumb or approximate value in most cases, rather than a very precise number. Most amateur astronomers are familiar with a Barlow lens (or a focal extender), a negative or diverging lens that effectively increases the focal length and the focal ratio of a telescope's objective lens. The internal surfaces are blackened and glare-threaded to provide the highest contrast. Never used one, but read the reviews here that suggest a coating problem. This is the distance at which the reducer must be placed in front of the eyepiece or camera focal plane in order to operate at the design reduction factor. I focus using a moonlight electronic focuser and focusmax. But I am rusty, can you condense a bit for me please? The Antares f6.3 focal reducer screws directly to the visual-back thread of all popular SCTs and converts f10 instruments to f6.3. Besides observing from his heavily light polluted backyard in Los Angeles, Manish enjoys conducting astronomy outreach programs in local schools. Meade once made an f/3.3 focal reducer for SCT scopes. Watch this before you buy Celestron 8SE SCT, or a Focal Reducer or a Hyperstar 7,758 views Mar 28, 2018 145 Dislike Share Ray's Astrophotography 42.3K subscribers Note: I am not paid or. These 0.63x focal reducers were originally designed to optimize for an image circle to match 36mm x 24mm film or its digital equivalent for astrophotography. Antares' f/6.3 focal reducer provides a faster f/6.3 system for imaging or visual use when used with an f/10 SCT or other compatible telescopes. This was most noticeable on the eyepiece end of the RC, where the metal rim surrounding the lens was about 1mm thicker than on the Celestron. It covers the basic optics and design specifications of a focal reducer, and goes through some practical factors to consider when selecting and using a focal reducer. Please note, orders placed after 10am on 2/28/2023 will be delayed. Celestron & Antares f/6.3 Reducer/Corrector Shoot-out Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 1100. Some refractors such the TeleVue Nagler-Petzval (NP), the Takahashi "FSQ", and the William Optics Redcat/WhiteCat 51 have inherently flat fields because of internal optical elements. The two samples I have PERFORM IDENTICALLY. It threads onto the rear cell of 5" to 16" Celestron and Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, making it possible to have a dual focal ratio instrument without sacrificing image quality. It's highly unlikely that they could be so precisely identical unless they were. A few large telescopes and mounts are excluded from this free shipping offer. More details are found in the Appendix of this article. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The reducer features fully coated optics in an anodized aluminum filter ring with an ergonomic rubber grip. As a result, the smaller tube may cut into the light cone and effectively reduce the working aperture of the telescope. However, this also came at a cost, as the sky background in the Antares was slightly brighter. * Not a Retail Store * 16313 Arthur StreetCerritos, CA 90703, USA. For imaging, a T-adapter is threaded to the camera side of the focal reducer, which in turns connects to the camera with the appropriate hardware. Edited by Tony Bonanno, 16 April 2021 - 06:44 PM. With the Celestron Reducer/Corrector Lens, thats precisely what you get. This would tell us exactly how well aberrations are corrected. With both, using the same diagonal set-up, the exact same stars were visible at the very edge of the FOV. At a significantly lower price point, the Antares is a steal, and theres no need to upgrade to the Celestron if you already have one. Stars in the corner of the image frame are indistinguishable between the Antares and the Celestron. So ab6110 is asking for a FR only without coma correction, there are a couple of brands who make special reducers for the ACF. I use it on my C8 SCT with a 1000d, and it seems to do everything written on the tin. If you want to save a few buck watch the classifieds on CN. Focal Reducer, 2", 0.7X. Celestron's EdgeHD reducers feature a custom 5 element optical design engineered to maintain the flat-field performance of our award-winning EdgeHD optical system. The lens is housed in machined aluminum for are machined aluminum black anodized. If a stronger level of focal reduction is used, say 0.5x, then the image circle may be too small to fill the sensor of larger cameras. Several functions may not work. For both imaging and visual observing, these reducers also improve image sharpness at the edge of the field by correcting for coma and field curvature. Perfect for the serious student, professional scientist and discriminating hobbyist. Start Chat Reducer - Corrector | Celestron However, with appropriate spacers and a camera with a known back-focus, it is easy to determine the exact amount of focal reduction for a given setup (some imaging software packages will also let you derive this from images). Celestron or Antares f/6.3 focal reducer for SCT? I wonder whether, for example, Antares focal reducer for SCT belongs to the latter category. 0.63x Starizona Focal Reducer for SCTs- Awesome Astrophotography Torazz The equations and argument in the Appendix of this article shows the relationship between the working distance and the reduction factor. What I do know is that the Antares and the Celestron samples that I have perform exactly the same from the center right out to the edges. Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 925 Images in the Celestron tended to appear ever-so-slightly dimmer (maybe? The most significant mechanical variation, however, is the quality and precision of the threading. In these equations: The combined focal length of the objective and focal reducer is given by Equation 1: For example, when d1=0, that is, the focal reducer is at the focal plane of the objective, Fcomb=Fo, so the focal reducer has no effect. The visual back must be removed first. The distance d2, which measures the position of the new focal plane of the objective from the back of the focal reducer is given by Equation 5: In these equations, d1, d2, and MR are all variables that depend on each other through Equations 2 and 4. Easy solution found a very tiny dab of super lube on the threads and all was well and quiet.. Antares or Celestron? With this telescope and this focal reducer, it does not help to move to a 2" eyepiece and a 2" diagonal as the visual view will be akin to looking through a porthole within the larger apparent field of view of the eyepiece.