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No one is killed without a reason. She was the (In crowd) Bernadette was desiring to be the incrowd. She is the younger sister of Tony Delvecchio. The costas still have to deal with pain and grief and it doesnt matter if she was angry nobody thought about kirsten or her family by letting bernadette get a slap on the wrist! Anonymous, Kirsten had a bigger heart than people knew about. Oh youre so pretty and popular and amazing I think thats what Kirsten meant by her friend getting weird Then she killed her rather than have Kirsten tell everyone she was a lesbian. Kirsten she liked everyone, she wasnt any bully by any means, she was so cute and funny. It was only a matter of time before she d get caught so she came forth. Bernadette was snotty to. Tori spelling who actually played Kristen Costas was so incredibly unlikable on screen that she almost felt as though she deserved what she got. Still wasnt right. So I would say to any bully, we all have our weaknesses, Social Work is in my soul Angela Delvecchio - @Ang_Delvecchio Santa Mira High School She doesnt leave her house hardly at all anymore. The Judge felt sorry for her, and felt that the Community was using her trial as entertainment purposes and amusement. Leave a review . Your point is irrelevant and has absolutely nothing to do with the case. Bernadette is Sick. Sometimes she could come off the wrong way, but if someone rubbed her the wrong way, she would let them know. There is no justification for murder, and I am not siding with the criminals, but you can push someone so far. with this Virus going around. Kirsten was Cute and so funny and bouncy and full of energy and Life. She was friendly and outgoing. After the terrible event, Protti legally changed her name and shifted to another place to start a new family. Some thought Bernadette was Stuck up, there were a few that thought she was to. I dont think she was, just a teen girl who was like the rest in competition. It was a tragedy that affected so many lives at that time. Paris Mahone did you know Kirsten? . LOL. She was given birth in a luxurious home by her parents, Arthur and Berit Costas, and she had a brother named Peter who was raised in the unremarkable suburb of Orinda in the state of California. The guys did reject her, and that insensed her inferiorityand self esteem. Like I said, I wasnt there, but if she was Bullying Bernadette, why didnt Bernadette just beat her up and whip on her good? I have also wondered if her self esteem was also riding on the two most important people of all-her parents!! Leave a review . Not true, I have heard from people at Miramonte in the class of 1986 saying that they dont want to be found right now due to their experience at Miramonte was not good at all. Ok, I agree with you that Kirsten was better-looking, but you realize that Bernadette was part Italian, right? In USA is more important to be popular, not smart, no matter how you treat others you become popular just because you say some joke or anything else to molest the person. A popular and pretty cheerleader, Kirsten Costas, was dead, and sheriff's deputies were searching for the girl who stabbed her. Youve got to be kidding right?! She could of been real nice and friendly. Also, Kirsten was upper middle class and lived in a less expensive area than Bernadette. No right to Murder a person. very sad. She loved to play Nancy Drew. It gave me the creeps. Id known both girls in a recognize them and know their names kind of way not as friends but they always seemed just like nice, normal kids. I didnt know Kirsten very well. How do you know she was mean? Kirsten was SelfAbsorbed not mean and bullish. If Mrs. Cistss forgave Bernadette then great. Whos to say she hasnt Murdered again, if so, she Covered her tracks better, and probaly let an innocent person take the blame and maybe jailed for it. She had friends to, some were Bernadettes, and they dont care to hear from or about Bernadette anymore. Well she had her Spirits and was funny ( if not funnier) like that. If Bernadette hadnt of lied under false pretense she wouldnt of been so mad at her. She was given a sentence of nine years in jail before she could begin her life on her own, but she was granted parole after serving only seven of those years. You took the words right out of my mouth! Rupaul and Sarah, Bernadette has friends and fit in. Most teen girls are smart alecky and mean. To bad Kirsten didnt get a chance to grow up and grow out of it. She only had Certain friends. >> Whoever wrote this article is not being honest All of the pictures featured here are photos taken from newspapers, not the authors private collection. Some are quick, rich, own the finest and the most expensive of anything. Protti legally changed her name and departed to another location to start a new family following the traumatic incident. Even if you werent rich, if you were smart and acted sensible you were accepted.
Angela J Delvecchio | University of Michigan School of Nursing She didnt bully Bernadette either. Is it respectful to write in another comment that Kirsten had it well deserved, which suggests that you think Kirstens murder was justified? She should of told the truth and met Kirsten at the house and talked there with her parents present. We all moved on, every time we rehash this, it just brings up the past to that very day. I been bullied to. I hope shes not sick esp. No I would never kill someone from being bullied but I totally understand some people who do. No in the documentary where the new wave girl was actually interviewed, she ACTUALLY said I want you dead and to see your blood drip Her own words in the interview on true crime via Amazon Prime she said those EXACT words. Youre no better than Bernadette haters as well. She was always listening to music, making phone calls, dancing. She was jealous of Kirsten and wanted to be everything Kirsten was, but could nt so she killed her. Bernadette even tried to point her finger at Joanna as the one who killed Kirsten. I mean she stabbed another girl to death because she was afraid to get made fun of at school or be outed or whatever. I hear she suffers from depression to. That part of LPs life is over with I guess. Who is Ms Bunch? Basically ,she liked everybody. Is it so hard to do without hurt someone? While Arnold was sitting in his automobile at the Costas residence, he observed Protti assault Costas. Dont let that Sweet Melancholy fool anyone, she was not that unless you were in the group. It made me feel oh so special. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? Room 2160 400NIB. Art became an executive with the 3M Corporation, and Berit stayed home, looking after the kids and the house. Theres other Measures to take other than Murder. Yes at times maybe she was Snippy, but were teens, who isnt! Kirsten understandably didnt appreciate the fact that she was lured out of her house under false pretences, so she left Bernadettes car. Bernadette was obsessed with her, a friend of ours, she thought Bernadette was guiltyall along. I cant picture Kirsten being Mean or Rude, so hard to picture that one. The 90210 star had also worked with Marley Shelton before, who played Jamie Hall in the 1996 movie,Scream. Bernadette admitted to many friends she craved the wealthy life, and hated that her own parents (whom I feel sorry for) were so old. The school was no more competitive than any other school around anywhere. They grow out of it as they get older. Thats a much more obvious motive. Some of these girls ( not Nancy or Joanna) acted like Hoes, and ppl dont take kindly to that. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Im sure today Ms. Stuff, D and Beauty and the Beast could still be the life of the Party if they wanted to be. She did have the cutest clothes of all time and knew it. I think you take things way to personal like Bernadette did, I believe MissKiwi Bernadette took things so serious that it became serious and a fatal obsession. It is abundantly clear from your comments that you do not have class and were not raised to treat others with respect, you odiously sanctimonious deluded ignoramus. [7], Protti claimed to have found the kitchen knife by chance, and her elder sister, Virginia Varela, testified in court that she kept that knife in her car to cut vegetables. Kirsten was more popular she was up there high She had it all, and some were jealous of her popularity. Yes Kirsten and them all thought they were better than a lot. As I wrote in another comment to you, If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? [3] The Costases' neighbors called an ambulance, but Kirsten was mortally wounded and died at a nearby hospital. Bernadette chased her, tailgated her home when Alex Arnold took her home, if Bernadette hadnt of bothered her, she wouldnt of bothered Bernadette, she didnt have to like Bern, and she didnt owe Bern a thing. So thats not bullying, thats rejecting you, cause she knew Bern was off beat. Bern was more well off than a lot of people in the Neighborhood she grew up in. Maybe you need (a Life of your own). She is In her 50 s now, thats if shes alive. So classy and dead on. My big . I can tell its you before I even read the first line. Bernadette is hated to all over so she has answered for it. All. Kirsten would of long outgrown that before now, if she had of lived. WOW MIRANDA, IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU MIGHT HAVE A TRIGGER TOO. We had our own group, and we didnt really talk much to them, (other than hello) Some of those kids there that were misfits, hate to tell you, some of them werent Angels They dressed rough and acted (Bad) and cussed. The alternative rock band Marcy Playgroundrecorded a song called "Death of a Cheerleader" for their 2003 album Marcy Playground 3. I was in 8 the grade with Kirstens brother Peter and Bernadette had babysat me years prior and was very sweet. In the spring of 1984, Kirsten had been asked to join the Bob-o-links, or Bobbies, an elite sorority-like organization of thirty to thirty-five of the best looking, most popular girls in school. Bet you didnt walk on Water yourself as a teen, bet you were smart Aleck, most teen girls are, and they grow out of it, dont give them the right to be killed. Kirsten didnt really Bully Bernadette, some of the other girls there did Bully her a little. This is what makes her an easy choice every single time. Hostile people do. Real class comes from decent human beings who have respect for others, and treating others the way that they want to be treated. Youre the same one I bet. I just didnt bother with them. And ironically the real Kirsten was the brunette and the kiler was the blonde. Did you go to School with Kirsten and really know her? Her one friend in the group changed, she now fights for womens right. Read the article. Theres a reason why they changed the names for the movie because it was a fictionalized version and seemed entirely based on Bernadettes version of events and not anyone elses. Her family was not the same. Who cant see that part? She is evil and a Monster (with a very dark Soul). One girl said stupid stuff that embarrassed you, and cussed all the time, and other girls who smoked or cussed, she didnt associate with them, she didnt want around them. So there actually is no first degree evidence that is solid and beyond a reasonable doubt. And yes, I was bullied in high school too. Kirsten liked almost everybody. It stayed with me for many years, not as bad as it did, but it did for a long time. 3 decades later thats ridiculous. She watched 2 girls take the blame and did absolutely nothing about it. Facebook gives people the. Whats wrong with you? ( Some did) I did cause it was getting ridiculous. Executive Director @ Non-Profit Agency. . Bernadette was better looking then Kirsten.