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Position navigation (POSNAV) assists in land navigation but does not replace the need for basic navigational skills. The command and control equipment available to the SBCT infantry battalion reconnaissance platoon significantly enhances the platoon's ability to conduct effective tactical movement, both day and night. In such a case, the reconnaissance platoon leader can evaluate the situation, choose a COA consistent with his higher commander's intent or concept, and execute it without further guidance. The lead reconnaissance element (section or team) identifies an enemy element consisting of one enemy reconnaissance vehicle. What is a light mortar?
The reconnaissance platoon is not manned or equipped to conduct detailed reconnaissance of urban areas. Figure 3-11. These techniques are applicable either mounted or dismounted. A. DISCLAIMER: Answers from Experts on JustAnswer are not substitutes for the advice of an attorney. Wiki User. Actions on contact include all forms of contact: sensor; direct and indirect lethal and nonlethal fires; air; obstacle or device; electronic warfare; and chemical, biological, radiological .
What are the three variations of retrograde operations? The platoon can also use indirect fires to degrade the enemy's acquisition and observation capabilities by forcing him to seek cover. Based on the available information and his commander's intent and guidance, the platoon leader decides to leave one section in contact to support a hasty attack by a supporting MGS platoon. Coordination must include CSS activities, integration of communications, fires, passage lanes, C2, and battle handover. They should use radio listening silence except to report contact with enemy forces or to send critical information that the commander has directed them to report immediately. (1) Single-Lane Infiltration. (b) Successive Bounds. The lead vehicle then bounds past the destroyed vehicle and establishes far-side security. (1) Movement Considerations. The platoon leader moves his element to a covered and concealed hide position where he can maintain effective communications with both subordinate elements and higher headquarters. Dismounted bounding overwatch. Figure 3-6 shows the platoon in the staggered column in a two-section organization with the heavy section leading. (a) Deploy and Report. (1) During dismounted movement, the section leader allows the lead team to move along covered and concealed routes as long as it does not deviate too far from the axis, route, or direction of attack. This technique is appropriate because of the extremely short fields of view and the danger of dismounted ambush. Once the displacing section or team has arrived at the rally point, it takes up defensive positions and reports its arrival to the overwatch section or team. While attempting to develop the situation, the section or team may find that it cannot determine the exact enemy situation for a number of possible reasons to include obstacles, combat losses, suppressive fires by the enemy, or the size and extent of the enemy position. As the unit responsible for the attack moves into position, the reconnaissance element in contact may rejoin the platoon or be placed OPCON to the attacking unit to ease command, control, and coordination (Figure 3-16). The factors the reconnaissance platoon leader needs to consider addressing, such as moving more rapidly and employing greater stealth and security in the various terrains, will always be METT-TC dependent. Ask a Lawyer. (2) Exfiltration by Land. Section using traveling overwatch technique and wedge formation. Figure 3-12. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). The move-set method can be used to control bounding overwatch within the reconnaissance section regardless of the platoon organization. Sneakers typically force runners to land on their heels, sending shocks throughout the body.
OPORD Briefing Template (MS200) v2 (1).pptx - Introduce 8 Forms of Contact (DINOCAVE) Direct Indirect Non-hostile Obstacle CBRN Aerial Visual Electronic Warfare Actions on Contact A series of combat actions, often conducted simultaneously, taken upon contact with the enemy to develop the situation. Planning. (1) Before moving across a large open area, the reconnaissance platoon must make a thorough visual scan of the area. As more than one section or team becomes involved in the situation, the platoon leader or PSG (whoever is in the best location to do so) takes control of coordinating their efforts. c. Urban Areas. Once the platoon leader has enough information to make a decision, he selects a COA that is within the capabilities of the platoon, that allows the platoon to continue the reconnaissance as quickly as possible, and that supports the commander's concept of the operation. The platoon must also establish a hasty defense when the enemy executes a hasty attack. c. Methods. Troops can be garrisoned in villages, snipers can dominate approaches, and buildings and roads can be mined and booby-trapped. Leaders and soldiers must remain proficient in using basic land navigation and terrain orientation skills. The platoon must approach hills and curves cautiously, and dismounted members must clear any dead space. chemical peel near me black owned; which of the following is a recent trend in grandparenting; how to turn off air suspension on mercedes gl450 The platoon focuses on requirements for a successful friendly attack, to include. Technology can assist in navigational planning and execution, but soldiers, and especially leaders, should be trained and able to navigate and send accurate reports, day or night, using all methods of navigation. f. Examples of Actions on Contact. (3) Pickup Points. The route of the bounding element to that position. 2013-01-27 16:14:33. There are three major types of dismounted operations: local security tasks, OPs, and patrols. The lead vehicle advances to a point (first move) where it can support the advance of the overwatch vehicle. Due to the complexity of these operations, the battalion staff and the reconnaissance platoon leader conduct detailed planning. Maintain contact and bypass. Types of Traveling . All leaders within the platoon must ensure that their subordinates continuously wear their night-vision devices when moving dismounted. The size of the elements within the reconnaissance platoon depends on several factors: the assigned mission, time available, cover and concealment, target acquisition capabilities of both friendly and enemy forces, available communications assets, and navigation capabilities and limitations. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). After considering these factors, the leaders decide to infiltrate either mounted or dismounted. Infiltration is a form of maneuver that entails movement by small groups or individuals, at extended or irregular intervals, through or into an area occupied by an enemy or friendly force, while avoiding contact with the enemy. Once he identifies these areas, the platoon leader considers where the enemy will focus its reconnaissance assets and determines their fields of observation. The commander approves or disapproves the recommended COA based on how it will affect the parent unit's mission. (d) Execute the COA. Deploy and report 2. Two-section platoon line formation. Dismounted troops must check isolated buildings. amounts of protection to survive first contact and are able to send reports under directfire contact. This information is part of the mission analysis during troop-leading procedures (discussed in Chapter 2). What he wants the section to do after the bounding element gets to the next position. Indirect fire can also provide concealment, with smoke used alone or mixed with suppressive fires. They look for any other signs of enemy activity or any enemy response to the destruction of the vehicle. In doing so, the OP can provide security through early warning of enemy activity that the mounted element would not have detected. Physical contact (direct fire) with an enemy force or civilians. Movement is continuous, and interval and dispersion are maintained between sections as terrain and weather permit. (3) Column Formation. To properly execute actions on contact, the platoon must take action consistent with the fundamentals of reconnaissance (refer to Chapter 4 of this manual for a detailed discussion): c. The Seven Forms of Contact. 1. At platoon level, OPs or patrols gain contact with the enemy, then report and prepare to displace to successive positions. The platoon must conduct detailed coordination with any adjacent units or friendly elements through which it will pass to ensure these elements do not compromise the reconnaissance platoon as it conducts the infiltration. (a) Deploy and Report. Figure 3-4. As they develop new information, they send spot reports to the platoon leader. This choice is made because the platoon leader determines that the force he has located is the objective of his commander; therefore, this COA is in accordance with his commander's intent.
8 forms of contact dinocave - Once the vehicles are inside the wood line (approximately 100 to 200 meters), the platoon shuts off vehicle engines, maintains dismounted security, and conducts a listening/security halt. The platoon leader ensures that primary and alternate linkup points are not on a single azimuth leading away from the OP or exfiltration route. When a reconnaissance platoon member makes contact with the enemy, he reacts according to the circumstances of the contact. (d) Maintain Contact to Support a Hasty Attack. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). The platoon leader assigns lanes to the sections and teams. If the reconnaissance platoon must conduct a hasty defense, the battalion commander assumes responsibility for continuing to develop the situation. On signal, the overwatch vehicle moves forward to a position abreast of the lead vehicle (second move) and halts. Once he decides on a COA, he recommends it to the battalion commander and provides information on how the platoon COA will affect the current situation. The overwatching section or team provides suppressive fires, both indirect and direct (if necessary), to cover the movement of the displacing unit. Indirect. The elements conduct mounted movement to designated dismount points where they organize dismounted patrols to develop the situation from a new direction. (1) If using only the FBCB2 software, the commander must use only the necessary graphic control measures and icons for the mission to ensure clarity. What are basic infantry tactics? Actions on Contact. Once the reconnaissance section or team is set in cover and concealment and has submitted its initial reports, it must develop the situation. Just another site. It immediately sends a contact report informing higher headquarters that it has made visual contact with the enemy but is not being engaged. The platoon may infiltrate by sections, by teams, or as a complete platoon. For example, the platoon must make maximum use of all available natural cover and concealment when moving. The leader analyzes the terrain for routes that provide protection from direct and indirect fires and from ground and aerial observation. (c) Choose and Recommend a COA and Maneuver the Force. Thus, some groups must share a lane with one or more groups while others do not. These reconnaissance elements move to dismount points, set their vehicles in hide positions, and send dismounted patrols to multiple vantage points using dismounted reconnaissance techniques, with the emphasis on avoiding detection. This COA is appropriate when the reconnaissance platoon discovers enemy elements his higher commander wants to destroy but which it cannot destroy either because it lacks sufficient combat power or because it has other tasks to perform. When the platoon leader receives sufficient reports to have a clear picture of the situation, he chooses to prepare to support a hasty attack. f. Fire Support. Regardless of the likelihood of enemy contact, the platoon should always use bounding overwatch if time is available and when there is a possibility of enemy contact. (3) Bounding Overwatch. Initial Contact. METL Development The steps of attacking a strongpoint are: ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___> Recon Move to OBJ Isolate OBJ Attack to seize a foothold