It has served me well in both the NRL and PRS league, and I have taken more than 30 different animals with it successfully. While the Precision Hunter ammo uses the same type of bullet for all 3 cartridges, the 243 and 6mm Creedmoor use different weight bullets with that line of ammo. While Snow moved onto other projects, the story of the 6mm Creedmoor didnt end there. But for some odd reason I would still like to build a 6 ARC from a rebarreled 6.5 gendel ruger american. Required fields are marked *. NEW 6mm 109 Grain Long Range Hybrid Target Bullets The difference is even bigger with the InterLock bullets though and the 243 has almost 6 more bullet drop than the 6mm Creedmoor at 500 yards. Bullet/B.C. 6.8 SPC. Preview: Hornady 6mm ARC | An Official Journal Of The NRA Second, I am fully set up with all components to shoot the 6.5 CM. Hornady 6mm ARC - First Look - Guns and Ammo Overall a superb if not one of the best PRS and racegun competition cartridges. In general, the bigger the bullet, the better it will perform on game animals. Im shooting 108eldm out of my 6mm creedmoor and really messing them up. Another factor to consider when choosing a caliber is recoil. Chuck Hawks(here,here, and here) provided the case capacity for each cartridge. Bullets4Bucks is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide income. If you are looking for a versatile round that can be used for both target shooting and self-defense, the sixmm ARC is a good choice. The 6mm ARC also performs better in wind. Review: Hornady 6mm ARC | An Official Journal Of The NRA The differences in trajectory are of course smaller at shorter ranges, but that 200fps advantage in muzzle velocity the 6mm Creedmoor has does result in a noticeable improvement in performance. Both cartridges have a much flatter trajectory than the 6.5mm Creedmoor. Barrel life, according to most precision shooters is basically the number of rounds expected before the rifle shows inaccuracy of more than one MOA. Barnes currently offers their VOR-TX LR line of ammunition in 6mm Creedmoor and its another great choice for big game hunters who want the best possible performance at extended range for hunting. This is reflected in the prices, availability, and variety of factory ammunition and hunting rifles currently in production for each cartridge. The Perfect 6.5 mm Cartridge The 6.5 mm Super LR is a 6.5 mm wildcat cartridge with a powder capacity of 55.5 gr of water weight (i.e. So where do we stand overall with the .243 Winchester, 6mm Creedmoor, and 6.5mm Creedmoor? With similar advantages for precision rifle competition shooting as the 6.5 Creedmoor, the 6mm Creedmoor is also a superb competition cartridge, especially for small caliber long range shooting and PRS competition shooting. You can boost the performance of the 6mm ARC in a bolt action quite easily. Im a Reloader and I have a 6 ARC, though its a gas gun. Of the three cartridges though, the 6.5 Creedmoor is likely the most popular of the three cartridges, followed by the .243 Winchester. My take on this is, why opt for 1 when you can have both? out of 25 shooters9 picked the 6 creed as the least recoiling round.8 picked the 6XC6 6mm GT2 6mm ARCThe 6mm ARC was built in a Howa action and the 6mm Creed was in a Howa action. Not only are these LRX BT bullets specifically designed for the best aerodynamic performance possible, but they still offer the devastating terminal performance and high weight retention under a variety of hunting situations that Barnes bullets are known for. In a 10-mph crosswind the 6mm ARC 108-grain bullet drifts 10.9 inches at 400 yards. Case in point. The only place where it was always claimed that the .243 Winchester won the 6mm Creedmoor, was with ammo availability. This video or description may contain affiliate links. 224 Valkyrie. Take a look at any good ballistics program Hornady and Federal both have an easy-to-use program on their websitesand you'll see the advantage of the better B.C. The 6.5mm Creedmoor isnt a heavy recoiling magnum by any stretch of the imagination, but the .243 Winchester and 6mm Creedmoor have the edge in this respect. Well yes, about 7% less velocity means a little bit less recoil. We talk to multi-discipline professional precision rifle shooter, Bryan Zolnikov about his rifle, reloading equipment and load development methods. If youre in the market for a new rifle, youve probably come across the 6mm ARC and 6.5 Creedmoor calibers and are wondering which one is better. If you have any doubt how well Hornady does this look no further than the 6.5 Creedmoor. I just just spoke to him yesterday and that's what he said he was getting with factory out of his 14.5 suppressed. The cartridges are otherwise identical up to the shoulder and both cartridges have the same SAAMI maximum pressure of 62,000. If youre looking for a round that can do it all, then the ARC is the one you want. So, if the Ballistic Tip ammo isnt really your cup of tea and you prefer controlled expansion and high weight retention, then this ammo, which is loaded with their 90gr AccuBond bullet, is perfect for you. For these reasons, long, heavy for caliber bullets will fit in the magazine and chamber in 6mm and 6.5mm Creedmoor rifles. you would be blown away at the number of people that picked the 6XC and the 6 creed. 6mm ARC vs 6mm GT vs 6XC vs 6 Creedmoor Panther Hollow 2.85K subscribers Subscribe 213 Share 11K views 1 year ago PLEASE READ.. Great questions! There are many large scale manufacturers making a 6mm Creedmoor Factory Rifle, including Ruger, Tikka and Howa to name just a few. Why would a guy opt for the ARC over the Creedmoor in a bolt action? 6.5 Grendel vs 300 Blackout Review & Comparison, 11 Reasons The Leupold VX-6HD Is An Outstanding Hunting Scope, 450 Bushmaster vs 45-70 Review & Comparison, 28 Nosler vs 300 Win Mag Review & Comparison, Best 22 Hornet Ammo For Hunting Coyotes, Bobcats, & Other Varmints, 15 Best African Hunting Books For When Youre Dreaming Of Being On Safari[2023], Best 350 Legend Ammo For Hunting Deer, Hogs, Bear, & Other Game, Best 6.8 Western Rifles for Hunting Ultimate Guide [2023], Best 300 PRC Ammo For Hunting Elk, Deer, Bear, & Other Game, Best 6.5 PRC Ammo For Hunting Deer, Elk, Bear, & Other Game, Best 350 Legend Rifles for Hunting Ultimate Guide [2023], Best 6.8 Western Ammo For Hunting Elk, Deer, Bear, & Other Big Game, Ballistic Coefficient (BC): .512 (G1) .258 (G7), Muzzle Velocity: 3,050 feet per second (2,127 ft-lbs of muzzle energy), Muzzle Velocity: 3,100 feet per second (2,027 ft-lbs of muzzle energy), Muzzle Velocity: 3,200 feet per second (2,046 ft-lbs of muzzle energy), Ballistic Coefficient (BC): .436 (G1) .215 (G7), Muzzle Velocity: 3,150 feet per second (2,094 ft-lbs of muzzle energy), Muzzle Velocity: 3,210 feet per second (1,990 ft-lbs of muzzle energy). Lastly, I am . Since this article is focused on the performance of these cartridges for hunting, I didnt include any ballistic data past 500 yards in the table above. This data is for Hornady handloads and HornadyPrecision Hunter factory ammo using a 200 yard zero and a 24 barrel. Been doing a little more experimenting 6mm ARC Complete Upper 20" SS Barrel and 6mm Reloading EVERYTHING! The powder capacity isn't even close. Do you have a rifle chambered in 6mm Creedmoor that you want to take on a hunt? Ballistics are very similar for the 6mm Creedmoor and .243 Winchester inside 500 yards, but the 6mm Creedmoor is much better suited for longer range shots since it can use those more aerodynamic bullets. 6mm ARC vs 6.5 Creedmoor: Which Rifle Caliber is Better? - YESTACTICAL I went with the 6 Creed for mine. These high velocity, rapidly expanding bullets arent really suitable for big game hunting, but theyre absolutely devastating on varmints and predators. 6mm Creedmoor vs. 6.5 Creedmoor: Cartridge Clash The 6mm Creed is anout .030 longer than the 6XC. Create and promote branded videos, host live events and webinars, and more. This is one of those cases where I think doing that really makes sense in the short term. The data used to compare the trajectory of the cartridges was obtained from Hornady (here, here, and here). The 6mm ARC gives hunters the ability to successfully hunt varmints and deer. It's not even worth a discussion, even in a 16in barrel the 6CM is hundreds of fps faster than the 6ARC. Wild. However a 300WM will always beat a 308 given the same barrel length. While competition shooters were quick to adopt the new cartridge, the small benefits it offers over more established calibers like the .243 Winchester probably arent significant enough to justify making the switch for most hunters during normal times. Ultimately, it is the shooters that decide which new wildcats or cartridges become popular and are there to stay and which arent. That's borne out by current factory ammo specs showing the 6mm Rem. The 6.5 Creedmoor is slightly larger and more powerful than the other two cartridges. While the 6mm Creedmoor was very popular among PRS competitors, thats a relatively small market compared to the American shooting population as a whole. Take that for what you will, but no animal will be able to tell the difference between an additional 100-200 ft-lbs of energy with a well placed bullet though. .223 and 5.56 are the same bullet diameter (.224") and basically the same brass. As a result, the NRA is forced to restrict the sending of certain materials and information into California. All in all, this is outstanding 6mm Creedmoor ammo for hunting medium game like deer and pronghorn. The 6 ARC can be built on mini actions such as the CZ 527, Howa Mini, Sako AI. If you already have an AR chambered in 6.5 Grendel, the ONLY thing you need to change is the barrel. 6mm GT vs 6mm Creedmoor The 6mm GT offer similar mag-fed reliability to the 6mm Creedmoor, with similar velocities, but with slightly less propellant, and is able to use the more forgiving propellants which make the 6mm GT slightly easier for load development with new barrels. A few years later, Gardner was brainstorming ideas on how to gain an advantage in the new Precision Rifle Series competition (PRS) that was rapidly growing in popularity and remembered the project hed worked on with Snow. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between these two rifle calibers and help you decide which one is right for you! The biggest advantage of the 6mm ARC is its extremely high ballistic coefficient (BC). 18 Bartlein with a Manners CS2 stock. It is also about the same size as a BB pellet. The Hornady 6mm ARC is. 6mm CM is over 200fps faster even pushing the ARC with a more compressed load. rifles come with 1:10 twists, which are not quite quick enough to stabilize today's longest, highest B.C. 6mm ARC vs 243: Cartridge Comparison by CA Ridgeline FFT BBL Break In w/Issues?!? The story of the 6mm Creedmoor began in 2007 when Outdoor Life columnist John Snow decided to write an article about how to develop a wildcat cartridge. So, what does this mean? Book an outstandingAfrica huntingsafari here. The 6.5 Creedmoor has a slightly larger bullet than the 6mm ARC, and that extra size makes a big difference in terminal performance. Head to Head: .243 Winchester vs. 6mm Creedmoor | An Official Journal From the ballistic standpoint, the .244/6mm Rem. Both of these calibers have their pros and cons, but in the end, the 6.5 Creedmoor is a better choice for most shooters. Another factor to consider is the current state of the competitive gaming scene. Heres how each cartridge compares directly to the others in general terms. It has the perfect blend of power and accuracy, and is capable of taking down even the largest animals with ease. The next video, you will see the explanation of why a high-shoulder shot, with such a bullet is the recommended shot and with expanding match bullets. bullets of the 6mm Creedmoor. Case capacity of the 6mm ARC is 34 grains. The only way that works is if his arc barrel is very fast and the creed is super slow and loaded light, similar pressures the creed will outperform the arc every time now the arc will be more efficient. Its also offers match grade accuracy. The 7mm obviously stands []. A large volume of slow burning powder takes more barrel to burn. Which it does pretty well within those limitations. Heres a quick rundown of the pros and cons of each caliber: A six millimeter ARC is the size of a pencil eraser. The 6mm Creedmoor 108-grain ELD Match is 2,960 fps. What bullet it takes and stabilizes is a function of the barrel more than the cartridge, with the same barrel specs the .243 would actually stabilize the longer projectile better via its higher velocity. I have a rifle being built for me right now, a Badrock but it is going to be late summer before I see it. I've gone back and forth on the 6mm Creedmoor, 6.5 Creedmoor, 260 Rem, 6mm Dasher, and the 6XC so many time my head is spinning! HunterMann Well-Known Member LRH Team Member Joined Jan 18, 2021 However, thats during normal times and, as Im writing this in 2021, were not living in normal times. You are using an out of date browser. If you can not see the tyranny of having a gun ban enforced by men with guns Then you fail to understand why the second amendment was written in the first place. Feel free to reach out to us or read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy. More so people are about telling others what round is better for whatever reason with no real study conducted. Hornady's new 6mm ARC was designed for a specific military requirement; the 108-gr. Always follow manufacturers instructions. All three cartridges have the same rim .473 diameter and they are all close enough in overall size that they are used in short-action rifles. My first concern about possibly switching is the 300ft/lbs lower energy of the 6mm ARC. Anyone used the Crossroad Archery Stabilizers? The 6.5 Creedmoor shoots 6.5mm/.264 class projectiles while the 6mm Creedmoor is necked down to shoot 6mm/.243. I love my Uintah rifle it shoots beyond my expectations for what it is. Cartridge Specs: 6.5 Creedmoor Vs. 6mm Creedmoor Understanding a cartridge's capabilities always begins with basic knowledge of the physical properties of the cartridge. PS - If anyone needs a box of 6mm Creedmoor 105 gr BTHP Hornady BLACK, 20 rounds, and lives in Southeast Michigan, send me a PM, I'll give ya a good deal Click to expand. 6mm ARC vs 6mm Creedmoor Shorty? | Page 2 | Long Range Hunting Forum Scopes, guns, boots and other tactical stuff in-between. When it comes to hunting, the most important factor is terminal ballistics, or how well the bullet performs once it hits the target. Hey, Peter. Available components is why the 6mm ARC makes sense, well that was the theory prior to Covid. Their 6mm Creedmoor Ballistic Tip ammo is great for hunters who want a really fast expanding bullet that rapidly delivers a tremendous amount of energy to game. The sixmm ARC has enough stopping power to take down small game, but it is not ideal for self-defense against larger animals or humans. John Snows article for Outdoor Life was used as a reference for the history of the 6mm Creedmoor. The .223 does have advantages, though. As the 6mm ARC factory load is loaded for the lower pressure AR platform. Yes it is designed to run in AR15-platform rifles. 6 ARC vs 6 CREEDMOOR | Ballistics Comparison - YouTube Your buddy has no idea what he's talking about. Its not a magical cartridge, but the 6mm Creedmoor does provide real benefits over the 243 Winchester. ADDED: 1-2-2021..Thank you, guys, for the comments. Compared to the 6mm Creedmoor, the 6.5 Creedmoor shoots heavier, larger diameter, and more aerodynamic bullets at a slower velocity. [5] A 6.5 Creedmoor barrel typically lasts between 2,000 and 3,000 rounds, while the 6mm Creedmoor experiences serious velocity drops starting between 1,500 and 1,800 rounds. Hornady 6mm ARC Joins Race to the Bottom Ron Spomer Outdoors Hornady introduced 6mm Creedmoor factory ammo loaded with match and hunting bullets in early 2017. Cartridge - Powder Fill % Charge Vel. Many hunters are still understandably skeptical about it though. In general, the bigger the bullet, the better it will perform on game animals. Additionally, I recorded an entire podcast episode on this exact subject. If youre looking for a round that can do it all, then the ARC is the one you want. Its release as a commercial round was presaged by a number of successful 6mm wildcats like the 6mm AR based on the Grendel. This shows that HORI is confident in the longevity of the new ARC, and it should give players some peace of mind as well. : 108gr/.559 Muzzle Velocity: 2900 MPBR: 326-y. In fact, while the selection of 6.5 Creedmoor rifles and ammo are also good, things are as good, and maybe even a little better with the 6mm Creedmoor with the ongoing ammo shortage. Comparing 6mm ARC to 6mm CR is is apples and oranges again. 6mm Creedmoor or 25-06? | Rokslide Forum It also has very little recoil, making it a great choice for shooters of all experience levels. 6mm ARC or - Long Range Hunting Forum
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