Excessive recoil, debilitating blast, and marked overpressure remain its claim to fame, thereby making it unsuitable for comparison for most of us. Maybe in a rural area where ranges stretch out, but movement here will be a rarity. Probably not. They are an LMT Mars-H with a 20 6.5 CM barrel, Leupold Optics Mark 5 HD 5-25 T3 reticle using 95 grain Hornady VMAX. The laser rangefinder, in part. Looking at putting together on of lower powder capacity 6mms in an effort to possibly extend barrel life a touch and have a nice smooth/easy shooting gun. Unless youre carrying this into combat, Im not sure it matters. Claims for the 6mm ARC are that it is better in every category. If the wind is changing from 4 -7 miles an hour (and it ususally is), you will have more trouble bracketing or holding the 6BR in the 10 or X ring. Should You Use the 6mm for Deer Hunting? - John In The Wild It still turns the steel and is very consistent holding 9 mils at the top. and 6mm Rem., but it pushes them a little faster. This isn't your grandpa's muzzleloading system. A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. Take a look at any good ballistics program Hornady and Federal both have an easy-to-use program on their websitesand you'll see the advantage of the better B.C. 6mm ARC Cartridge SAAMI Specs, Build Requirements, Videos Short, fat cartridges leave room for long necks that hold long, high B.C. Ill be publishing a full overview story covering this rifle, but in the meantime, here are some specs from the CMMG Product Page: CMMGs ENDEAVOR line of rifles are now available in Hornadys new 6mm ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge). Not a contest. As for the 6ARC, I would take a vital shot at 600 meters without hesitation given a solid platform. pavementends Junior Member. Both were termed Pointed Soft Point Core-Lokt bullets. Then the AR-15 platform exploded and the game changed some more. (Ret.) 6mm ARC vs 6mm BR. The Zev Technologies .223 is still the most fun you can have with an AR out to 600 meters. Recoil is subjective and using the same bullet weight they were all close. Were going backwards! L. to R. are 243 Winchester, 6mm Remington, 240 Weatherby Magnum. Learn more here: http://bit.ly/1G7xXag. 6mm ARC vs 6 PPC vs 6 Grendel - Sniper's Hide Forum Its a long-distance for any of these and conditions were anything but ideal. Winchesters strategy for the .243 was twofold and well thought out. Maybe, if you are shooting farther out. GD. From a precision standpoint, 6mm ARC does tend to beat 224 Valkyrie. Sectional densities are similar, and both should be good penetrators. This increased size means the 243 has a case capacity of 53-54.8 gr H2O. This makes it a factory cartridge, although no factory ammo is available, and guns chambered for it are all custom jobs. Always enjoy your videos. Because it's been around longer there are many, many more factory loads . A new 100-grain factory deer load completed the rounds metamorphosis. 6mm ARC: Fact or Fiction? Whats the plus delta on each? If you want to shoot at distance with your AR-15, this is the cartridge. The first set of data is loaded to the SAAMI maximum average pressure (MAP) of 52,000 psi, which is stated to be suitable for gas-operated firearms such as the AR-15 platform and its derivatives. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? This rifle originally started out as a 224 Valkyrie using their IRMT upper and NX15 lower. This means that during a 1,200-yard flight to the target, gravity and wind will pull and push on the 6 mm ARC between one- and three-tenths . Hi Gavin, 6.5 Grendel vs. 6mm ARC Ballistics. It will be interesting if they chamber this in micro-action bolt carbines like the Grendel has been. The overall length of the 6mm ARC is 2.26 inches which is almost half an inch shorter than . Ok from the perspective of one 6mm ARC lover. There you have it. All barrels will be . From an LE perspective, changing calibers is like pulling teeth on a ticked off Grizzley, very low rate of success and its hard to beat a .223 for patrol. It gave dependable accuracy and high velocities. Before there were scopes or red dots there were iron sights. Has any one who has both ever measured the case capacity (H2O) My google foo has failed me. 6MM ARC AR-15 Barrels for Sale at Joe Bob Outfitters! I had a 20 AR-15 to test with, so I had to do some math :). Overall, the 6mm ARC delivers optimum all-range performance and barrel life. The old 243 Winchester can beat that by about 300 fps. 6mm ARC Rifles | Wilson Combat Based on the .204 Ruger, which was created from the .222 Rem. Full house loads will likely burn about 27- to 29-grains of suitable powders such as H4895, Reloader 15, and AA 2520, so handloads should be relatively inexpensive to build. The IRMT upper locks the barrel in place with unparalleled rigidity. CZ 527 in 6 MM ARC discussion starter - CZForum.com I must note here how hard it hit. That bullet and Hybrid 100V powder recently grouped into a remarkable 0.44 inch in a Ruger Model 77R. Mid-20th Century 24-calibers shoot much faster than the new Hornady 6mm ARC, but are they ballistically better? Slower, sure, but not enough to matter in the real world on real threats. This is only a slight victory, however. After entering my measured capacities, measured muzzle velocity with 27 grains of VARGET under the 108 ELD-M of 2554 is now within 2 FPS of Quickloads estimated 2552 FPS. Some tactics never die, they just get regenerated. The 6.5 Grendel was made by modifying the 220 Russian parent case. Will it supplant mainstream calibers? Consistency remained about the same with 2 or 3 out of five the norm. Based on my best estimation, my H-4896 108 ELD-M load would produce approximately 2,754 FPS in a 24 bolt-action rifle. Using QuickLoad, I worked up the following load: For this load, I shot a group of 5 shots on the chronograph, and observed the following: This load produced very mild indications of pressure on the case rim, and functioned in the rifle well. (The company envisioned it as primarily a deer-hunting round, with occasional use on varmints.) Required fields are marked *. 6mm ARC has the potential to be the most versatile cartridge of all time for a few reasons: (1) 6mm ARC can handle projectiles anywhere between 55 and 115 gr. Ammo capacity is about the same, 20 rounds with the longer Grendel mags. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; height: auto; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }, Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer:(by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms), This section is from my 6mm ARC Announcement Post. Thankfully most bantering moved back to more pressing issues like high demand (and low supply) of firearms or ammunition and that pesky election coming up in a few short months. I have the 6 ARC and getting great results of .250 groups when I do my part. I did not try to shoot past 900 today because of limited ammo and Applied Balistics indicates that at 2550 FPS MV these 108s are going transsonic just past 900 and I didnt want to waste the last few shots. Yes it is designed to run in AR15-platform rifles. Cartridge experimentation was in its heyday in the 1950s, and it was a rare cartridge case that didnt get shortened, blown out, or necked up or down. Those I know that can pick their own stuff are still proving out the 224V and many like it, not sure the differences are enough right now, time will tell. Savage Model 110 Timberline 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle: Full Review, SIG Sauer P365 Pistol Now Offered in .380. 6MM AR vs 6 BR | Shooters' Forum pathfinder76 #14942491 06/04/20. Poll: What Reloading Components Cant You Find? of H2O, almost right inbetween a 6 mm PPC, around 32 gr. In my mind, if 6BR would readily fit in a small frame AR there would be no reason for 6ARC. Hornady BLACK 6mm ARC 105 Grain Boat-Tail Hollow Point Match Centerfire Rifle Ammunition, 20, BTHP Match (Save 10%) $34.99 $1.75/Round. So what about Hornadys published 2,750 fps number for the 108 grain ELD-M bullets in 6mm ARC? It was essentially the Huntington cartridge, but with a 26-degree shoulder for easier case manufacturing. The old 243 Winchester can beat that by about 300 fps. Head to Head: 6 mm ARC vs. 6.5 Grendel - An Official Journal Of The NRA Required fields are marked *. With the 6PPC you have to turn necks and fire-form the cases from smaller 220 Russianbrass. Do not attempt to repair or modify any firearms based on information on this website. The powder loads for the test spanned 1.6 grains and I fired 24 shots and only two were more than 1 MOA out. Do not attempt any of the processes or procedures shown or described on this website. was not, and the .243 Win. Joined. Hornady 6mm ARC Losing Ground Hornady is claiming its 6mm ARC will yield 2,750 fps with a 108-grain ELD-M bullet from a 24-inch barrel. has not been on game, some loads stand out. The 6.5 Creedmoor shoots 6.5mm/.264 class projectiles while the 6mm Creedmoor is necked down to shoot 6mm/.243. The newest 6mm cartridge is the 6mm ARC, which Hornady just introduced. The 6mm ARC is a more aerodynamic bullet than the 6.5 Grendel. Mag. 6mm ARC vs 243: Cartridge Comparison by Ammo.com Ballistic Calculators & Field Results . Many handloaders like the 6mm Rem.s sharper shoulder and longer case, and while its not nearly as popular as the .243 Win., it is nonetheless a great 6mm round. As such, SAAMI maximum average pressure is set at a relatively mild 52,000 psi. In 1955, on the heels of the .243 Win., the .243 Rock Chucker was modified slightly by Remington and became the .244 Remington. Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. But the 6mm ARC drops 22.2 inches. Hornady found a solution with the 6mm ARC. Contact ultimate reloader by clicking here. Many shooters necked the BR case down, and a 6mm version ultimately became the 6mm BR Remington. The 6mm ARC is a brand new cartridge that Hornady designed to fit into a standard AR-15. All Rights Reserved, Borden's 7mm Rem. The bullet diameter of each caliber is the same at .243". But no matter, new is new. .458 Winchester Magnum History: The Complete Story, 6.8 Western Ammo Options: The Load of Long Yardage, A World Record Attempt: Practice Round and Media Day, Interview with Israeli Defense Forces, Part 1. The 6mm ARC is designed to run in existing in M4 rifle platforms. Those held a water weight of 34.74 grains with a SD of .14 grains. It hits way above its weight class. shoots the same cadre of 0.243-inch bullets as the .243 Win. This is a much more confidence inspiring correlation with regards to safety and predictability. Mag. Factory loads were available, and it was moderately popular for both varmint and deer hunting and target shooting. Copyright Ron Spomer Outdoors document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) If you are looking for 6mm ARC ammunition, components, or parts/gear, check out the following: Dont miss out on Ultimate Reloader updates, make sure youre subscribed! Hold for elevation never changed, 4 mils at the top garnered hits at from 4.2-4.7 mils each time, misses were generally wind. But because 6mm arc is currently $34.95 per box and 6mm CM is $31.50 there is not enough cost difference to worry about since I don't reload yet . Real Performance Results, From-Scratch Experimental Load Development, 6mm ARC Landing Page at Midsouth Shooters Supply, Subscribe to Ultimate Reloader Reloading Blog by Email, NEW DAA Infra-Red Low Powder Sensor (Hands-On). Should I consider another upper? PDF 6mm ARC (Bolt Gun) - Hornady They still do. Its almost boring. The 6mm ARC cartridge is a new SAAMI-spec cartridge based on the 6.5 Grendel case necked down for 6mm bullets, with the shoulder moved back 0.030. Some have stated that it offers comparable ballistics to larger 6 mm cartridges like the 6mm Creedmoor and .243 Winchester, but out of a smaller cartridge, however this simply is not true when comparing muzzle velocities between them. Unlike the WSSM, the Hornady 6mm ARC was engineered around a long, high B.C. I chose to start with Varget because of what I read about 6mm PPC, and I have a lot on hand! Soft-report, low-recoil cartridges prove ideal for starting new shooters, many of whom never see the need for escalation. Twist rate was one turn in 10 inches, which handled the 100-grain deer bullets nicely. I had three high capacity magazines using white followers, two 17 rounders with green followers. If this development strikes you as the opposite of progress, you might have spent the bulk of your life in the 20th century. It was the wildcatters who brought it back to life by fiddling with a couple of popular designs. For now, though, it is anything but a sea change amongst the broader Special Missions Units. The biggest differences between the 6mm PPC and the 6mm ARC are the shoulder angle (30 for 6mm PPC, and 40 for 6mm ARC), and the base-to-datum spec for the shoulder (6mm ARC is pushed back further). I fall into the latter category. Probably the most recoil came out of the 6 Creedmoor. wasnt the only knife in the drawer, even if it was the sharpest one. muvef Junior Member. Ballistically, thanks mostly to heavy-for-caliber, high B.C. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And it made the new round available in the very attractive and accurate Model 700. There is a lot of hoped for or imagined history related to the 22 BR and 6 BR cartridges. ARC stands for "Advanced Rifle Cartridge." The caliber is 6mm or .243. Subscriber Services. Its small, and its availability is limited, but its accuracy and ballistic performance really qualify it for the Great category. The 243 has a case length of 2.045" compared to the 1.49" of the 6mm cartridges. There are probably better choices in a bolt gun, The 6 BR Rem has been around for a while but not fifty years, yet. The case capacity of a 6mm AR is about 36 gr. In 100-200yd benchrest competition, the 6PPC is still the "winningest" cartridge around. This is, after all, a rifle forum and accuracy matters! Reduced recoil minimizes flinching and enables shooters to see their hits or misses so they can correct for subsequent shots. It is NOT for use in AR-15 style (gas gun) rifles. Posts. Blue collar reloading had 25 boxes of brass right now. The .223 75-grain bullet, by contrast, drifts more than 15 inches at that range, and the ARC's advantage becomes more pronounced at longer ranges. Topic: 6MM BR or 6MM Dasher?????? | ReeseBottom This is the Great short, fat 6mm PPC that was developed by Dr. Louis Palmisano and Ferris Pindell. SPC, 350 Win. The latest, sleekest, high B.C. The only difference is the Proof Research 18 1-7.5 twist barrel, 6.5 Grendel bolt, and E-Lander magazines. With the super bullets and modern powders of today, I cant imagine a better deer and antelope round. 260RemGuy: I began a five year long search (bribery fest!) Did the 6 ARC outperform the .223? The short reality is somewhat different. 6mm ARC | Handloader Magazine : 2.095" G1 B.C. Another round that was designed for the steel shooters is the 6mm BR Remington. And its performance is effective with a variety of bullets. It would seem to make a dandy handgun round as well. ), 6mm ARC brass (new), 6.5x47 (New) Sierra 6mm Gamechanger 90gr and 6.5 130gr Gamechanger, Update on my BadRock 6mm ARC bolt gun and new Hornady Podcast, Custom 700 in 6mm Norma BR (ARC, Timney, Bartlein) *Price drop*. Minuteman. I had a 6mm Norma BR built on a Remington 700 and I could not get it to feed from the magazine. L. to R. are Berger 95-gr. Remington surmised that the .244 would be used mostly as a varmint cartridge, with only an occasional application on deer-sized game, so the initial factory ammo was loaded with a 75-grain bullet. The cartridge is specifically designed to maximize performance in AR-15s with barrels between 12 and 24 inches. By accepting these terms, you agree that you alone are solely responsible for your own safety and property as it pertains to activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this website. Precision Rifle Podcasts - 4 Podcasts Hosted by Top 10 Shooters. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. anyone jumping on the 6mm arc? - PredatorMasters Forums It fits in an AR mag. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. The 6mm Rem. Hey Gavin and fellow Ultimate Reloader Fans: I had a chance to do more testing today as I finally received some Hornady factory 105 grain Black ammunition. Posts: 38 Threads: 10 Joined: Aug 2020 #1. Advanced Marksmanship Unit. A fun challenge. Benchrest (BR) shooters will go to almost any length to shave 0.001 inch off of their aggregate average, and there is a diverse assemblage of 6mm wildcat rounds for BR shooters. The Hornady 6mm ARC | Midsouth Shooters Would love to get this thing shooting consistently under .5 with enough speed to reliably ring steel at 1000. Read it here. Always cross-reference load data with manufacturer's published data. After that, it was the 6.5 and 6CM show. VLD, Hornady 108-gr. After consulting Quickload, I also shamelessly lifted Gavins 27 grain VARGET load under 108 ELD-Ms. My Ballistic Advantage barrel is a little different than Gavins. . Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. This 6 ARC was an excellent performer, not a precision rifle but thats not what its for. Jeff, I would have it fluted well to reduce weight and chop +/- 20" - with 95 BTs, it will be a deer slayer, varmint bullets for said creatures. Ok from the perspective of one 6mm ARC lover. It would also be used as a deer rifle for new shooters (small deer, sitka blacktails). I followed up with three at 300 meters and a 600 Meter shot on a 22 x 16 silhouette steel. CMMG MK47 Banshee Review 25 Hogs Plus Coyotes Helped the Research, Top 5 Braced Pistols for Hog Hunting in 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykTfyrMiXps, Remington at Gunsite! This is because loading data given in some manuals such as the 11th Edition Hornady Reloading Manual[8] ,for example, has two sets of data. of Israeli Defense Forces, joins David Fortier for an exclusive interview for Shotgun News. Wildcatters have had a field day with the 6mms, and the list of their creations is long.
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