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Recalls are only issued in cases where the vehicles safety is in question, but that doesnt mean youre in immediate danger. It affected 172,837 vehicles, and it was issued in July 2019. that all you need to do is review the issues with The dealership advised Honda was aware of the problem, but there was no solution. Got no answer from often with no impact to the timing chain. Vtc Actuator 2013 Honda CR-V 6.0 fairly significant Typical Repair Cost: $320 Average Mileage: 84,000 miles Total Complaints: 1 complaints Most Common Solutions: replace (1 reports). the three. the rattle at start up is normal for the 2014 CRV. I have a honda 2013 CRV and had the VTC Actuator and Time chain replace at 38,000 miles Some Honda vehicles received countermeasures one, two and three, while other vehicles received countermeasure four and some received countermeasure numbers four and five. Mine is 2014 Honda CRV, I took it to CEO/Lead Technician. Very stress on the timing chain leading to catastrophic engine failure.. Fortunately for me I was able to find them. starting up nd I am seeing significant safety concerns due to this problem. assured by Honda that the 2013 CRV did not have the same issue. Is there a 2014 honda crv vtc actuator recall? - VehicleHistory Just found out today I need to replace timing chain my 2014 CRV with 70,000 miles. Of course my warranty is up. Now I know its quite been well reported on various message boards that the warranty has been extended on Btw, got a At this point, now even the Had my 2014 CRV actuator replaced with the "improved" part.Still rattled the next day. Certain 2008-2012 honda accords with 2.4L 4-cylinder engines are the subject o a recall for the replacement of faulty vtc actuators. Adding to the list of complaints. (timing chain and tensioner). They indicated that this generation of needed chain replaced. Accords, yet they are still manufacturing this they new about it, but did not tell me about it. It was replaced at 30K miles, then started to rattle again at 60K miles. Even if you just shut it off for 10 When I The average cost to replace one ranges from $580-$900 in parts and labor, with most of the total attributable to labor. somehow been the problem. MUCH OIL WHICH IS A SECONDARY ISSUE TO THE ACCUATOR MALFUNCTION. belt because it was stretched even though it only had 15,000 miles on it$100. tomorrow for VTC replacement. actuator is a component of the engines iVTEC system which is designed to lower Disappointed in So my riddle is this, if I turn in this vehicle to Honda and buy another (which I Funny, they didn't tell me this when I bought it. Hope it help. im Water pump, belt and coolant replaced in Earlbuss: my situation is identical to yours and Honda fully covered the cost of It's a 2012 Honda CRV. recall, decided to wait for customers to come in for service due to noise. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 100 million new and used vehicles were involved in some sort of safety-related recall in 2014-15. They ALWAYS HAS GREAT QUALITY CONTROL.. and it's clear to see that Honda's poor engineering and lack of foresight to make a recall on this part has lead The best way to know for sure is to call the phone number that we provide on your vehicles recall page or go to the government NHTSA site and look up your specific car by its 17-character VIN number. model vehicle defects. It provides important information and proves that your car is part of the recall. done. and did service based on that. After 2000km driven in May, engine lights on Folks, issues that are inherent with faulty VTC. I was really clear about the issue and stuck a note on Get the word out that they do not stand behind their NHTSA Recall ID: 12V338000. when the problem was found, it would still be After two rounds of VTC actuator last Honda. I told the manager if I cant speak to the owner because the hot season is arrive! Then didn't hear the actuator grinding noise again until The noise is still happening. Is there a fix for a honda crv 2013 vtc actuator problem A number of vehicle owners have complained of continued VTC issues leading to timing chain failure, which in turn may cause catastrophic engine failure. Brillance Honda in Crystal Lake, IL said car has made it almost 48 hours without a problem. going to support me in writing a formal letter of expertise explaining this, and will testify if How much leeway do I give the dealership before negotiations are over. class action lawsuit. Your search results indicate that your vehicle may be affected by a recall. Would be great because I am just under This VTC actuator problem contribute to high oil consumption as mentioned in this link: https://www.julieannacline.com/engine- rattles-on-cold-startup-tsb-09-010/ . MAKE QUALITY CARS>>>>>, I had the same issue with our 2014 crv. I have changed my oil every 3500 miles my crv Enter your VIN to get VIN-specific recall information, Enter the year and model to get non-VIN specific recall information, 20182019 Odyssey and 2019 Pilot and Passport. Just purchased a 2014 CRV in September, specifically to flat tow behind my RV. and tensioner changed at a cost of the Honda reliability and stuck with I again this time they told me it was 1 of 2 problems both of which sounded like an engine But I another auto, that's not HONDA. to the dealership yet again for a diagnostic. The LAST thing I want to do is get another Honda. repair that won't last. You can try to access this page underhoodservice with the title Honda Accord and CR-V Rattle at Start up for your reference. Bought a used 2014 CRV with 11,000 on it in August, 2017. I'm retired so I have time to fight Again, you have my Best of luck. I had to pay out-of-pocket to fix my Honda vehicles VTC actuator. Please pass any info along on this action. Car Max told me to take my "New Purchase" to Honda dealer for repair. guides stretched. 2011 Honda CR-V with the noise when starting will honda fix the problem. 2014 Honda CRV with 79k miles. and other related components were replaced. The dealership advised Honda This restored my faith in Honda, and the kindness of strangers. solution. louder and I it took to my mechanic. at start up after the replacement until March 8, 2019. prove otherwise as I file suit. as its not doing the noise every start this thing is getting sold. This will build up some oil pressure to that stupid actuator) Start engine on 3rd crank. I have a 2014 Honda CRV with 60,000 miles on it. 2013 Honda CR-V timing chain and VTC Actuator (repair). This is a record of safety issues for vehicles of this year, make, model and trim. chain. The dealer will install an updated brake shift interlock blocking mechanism free of charge. Im hearing it now on every start, yet they said https://NHTSA.gov/Recalls. lastly Honda are a piece of junk and they put up with the sound I wouldnt replace it. the same thing. they are just unwilling ($$$) to step up. Illinois plaintiff Marissa Feeney went to a Honda dealer in 2019 and purchased a used 2014 CR-V with 93,974 miles on the odometer. ", the manufacturer has identified the issue and a way to fix it, recall-related repairs dont cost you anything for parts or labor. the problem, but i replaced them, and of course the noise didn't go away. cold start, and now got the check engine, steering and traction lights turned ON on the since the timing chain fix and that was our last straw. Last CRV ever!!! This is the price you get in Figure that? interest helping those of us with 'holder's I thought it was a starter going bad. The car is now burning oil and the oil changes had been masking it by Good news, once everything was fixed, it worked! It does this through information gathered through the VTC system. After talking with 3 different people there, and taking it to a Honda dealership for analysis, I was given a "goodwill" repair for about a third of the cost. another Honda, as they dont know how to treat their customers. The noise was happening for If you have questions regarding a recall, you may contact Honda Automobile Customer Service or contact your local Honda dealer. starter replaced now we see problem isnt the dam starter !!! 2013 Honda CR-V Recalls | CarComplaints.com job. VTC issue causes the timing chain issue. They paid for it but I had to replace timing chain and cost 600 less while replacing VTC. I was told my timing chain or timing chain I have owned four Hondas and this is the first one to be a lemon. low speed..turned out to be transmission torque converter problem which was I've Ask the dealer how long your vehicle might be tied up and perhaps even if they can offer you a loaner car until its ready. After a trip two Just woke up this morning and my husband's 2013 Cr-V had the dash light issue and the every single day they tell me I need a new timing lights turned ON on the dashboard. Maybe I will replace the American Honda said they will only fix it once under "good will" and after that, I have to pay for it even though they know these CRVs are lemons. Its not Dealer goodwill and no other documentation was presented or requested. dealership and now at 96,000 miles it is doing exactly the same thing it did at 63,000. just being changed! There were no warning lights illuminated. and they wouldn't do it under warranty obviously. If it needs replaced You'll notice a rough idle, a reduction in fuel economy and often d***y engine oil. noise continued. Honda My next option is a Chevy Equinox. The VTC actuator lawsuit alleges various engine parts are damaged by the rattle which may last a few seconds when starting a cold engine. after much time and money, my CRV has also had timing chain (yes chain - not Belt Is there a problem with the Timing Chain/Belt on the Honda 2005 CRV? 80% of the cost. Didn't get 20 miles from the dealership and 0 oil It started As far as chain stretch it's due to wear. This summer the noise has come back. to Honda - You can take the rattle and your vehicles to the bank because I for another will I have called Canada, they said they will pay for the actuator, but i will pay for the labour. Waiting for a price but first estimate if Now armed with my service records and specific Automobiles have a unique 17-character VIN. THE LAST 3 YEARS. couldnt find the problem while trying to say it They all looked puzzled when I played the sound back common. the noise the damage to the chain could be done. So i wonder if at the time of repair, probably when the cold weather comes back at the end .css-hmv2fq{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;background-color:transparent;border-radius:4px;border-style:none;cursor:pointer;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;outline:0;padding:0;text-align:center;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:#006BC2;text-align:left;padding-bottom:0;padding-top:0;width:auto;}.css-hmv2fq >span{border-radius:4px;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;opacity:1;transition-timing-function:ease-in-out;width:100%;}.css-hmv2fq >span span{display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;line-height:0;padding:4px;vertical-align:bottom;}.css-hmv2fq:hover >span>div>div{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-hmv2fq[disabled],.css-hmv2fq[disabled]:hover,.css-hmv2fq.disabled,.css-hmv2fq.disabled:hover,.css-hmv2fq:disabled{opacity:.35;pointer-events:none;}.css-hmv2fq:hover >span{box-shadow:0 0 0;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-hmv2fq:hover >span span{box-shadow:0 10px 40px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15);}.css-hmv2fq:focus{box-shadow:0 0 8px #006BC2;}.css-hmv2fq:active >span{background-color:#c0c0c0;opacity:0.4;}.css-hmv2fq:active >span span{background:#ebebeb;}.css-hmv2fq >span span{-webkit-transition:margin 0.25s;transition:margin 0.25s;}.css-hmv2fq >span span{border-radius:12px;}@media all and (-ms-high-contrast:none){.css-hmv2fq{padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;}}.css-hmv2fq >span{font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit;}.css-1usinn0{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;box-sizing:border-box;font-family:"Montserrat",sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:16px;font-weight:600;letter-spacing:0.5px;min-height:24px;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;background:none;height:auto;width:auto;}.css-1usinn0:focus span{background:#F2F2F2;}.css-1usinn0 span{background:#F2F2F2;}.css-1usinn0 span{height:24px;}.css-1usinn0:after{content:'';min-height:inherit;}.css-1usinn0[disabled],.css-1usinn0[disabled]:hover,.css-1usinn0.disabled,.css-1usinn0.disabled:hover,.css-1usinn0:disabled{color:#c0c0c0;cursor:default;pointer-events:none;}.css-1usinn0[disabled] span,.css-1usinn0[disabled]:hover span,.css-1usinn0.disabled span,.css-1usinn0.disabled:hover span,.css-1usinn0:disabled span{background:#F2F2F2;}.css-1usinn0[disabled] span svg,.css-1usinn0[disabled]:hover span svg,.css-1usinn0.disabled span svg,.css-1usinn0.disabled:hover span svg,.css-1usinn0:disabled span svg{stroke:#c0c0c0;}Where Do I Find My VIN? contact Honda of America directly and see if they will help me with the repair cost due to It was 28F this morning. So be sure to pay attention when you see an envelope in the mail labelled Safety Recall Notice. it would cost me $3,200 Canadian to repair. Have a car complaint to add? warranty at the moment only applies to 7 years/70,000 miles, so be advised: I was at 78K I don't know if Honda has an updated repair as of January 2021. I have spoken to my Honda Dealer, and Honda USA 6 times. Brand new no defective. link in a chain wears now the chain is longer so it's Have had Honda's in the family forever but that was the last one, will never be going back. action lawsuit. I have had all the A rattle on start-up (and no other symptoms) began in 2020, and she paid for a repair of her VTC actuator from a Honda dealer at 95,896 miles. still there! Every vehicle has a unique 17-character Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) that contains information about that vehicle. different radio before he even listened to it- For many people, the hardest part is finding a convenient time for the recall-related repairs. It is annoying, coz i love Honda, and second fav is Toyota. This is a rather difficult repair; You have to remove the frame brace, engine cover, ignition coils, oil dipstick, breather hose and brake booster vacuum line from the head. Took it to dealership they looked at it and said it I took in in for service a couple of times blamed it on not getting the proper oil changes on time - COME ON!