Rivals: Underground Crips,Budlong Gangster Crips, 104 Hustler Crips, Denver Lane Bloods. We would hit anal canal real deep and then sign silly love songs while drinking cups of thick white cum from homeless men. It name we got it wwe c u we comong ur rrmarks go hunt u on m we c u its on wr no ur nsmr msfia, Perfect example this Local Sucker SHIT!IF it dont make dollars dont make dangerous jokes!stop the local sucker shit L.A county, Hoova Groova slob remover West Upk Groova. 92 Hoover Criminal Gang - GTA World Members of this organization often refer to themselves by a secondary moniker . The Hoover Criminals in Portland are similar to their LA Hoovers counterpart, who main rivals are the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips, who also have a subset in Portland, Oregon. If the homies from 52 was about to go suck a better bigger dick for $1 then all the homies from the 43 to the one-way was gone play with his juicy balls in the dark. U know how we do 3rd Coast 5WWM. Pkxxdie grxxve fuk wit me if ya Hxxver, Fucc skissiesk!! LIKEA HOOVER VACCUM NAGGA WHAT 7*94#;*9/#68*:!*. BE A MAN. NB also feuded with the Tiny Rascal Gang, Cheap Boys, and Dragon Family. 107 Hoover Criminals Gang - unitedgangs.com when is open enrollment for these gangs? "DAPO agents are out there working hard to make our communities safer," DAPO Director Guillermo Viera Rosa . List of Crips in Hip-Hop | Hip-Hop Database Wiki | Fandom Meaning of hoover criminals. We would call meetings at Manchester Park just to get every Hoover Groover set focused on the 40sK then do the same steps on our next enemies. NIGGA KEEP IT REAL JuSt LiKe In ThE PeN SuGgA. Lawton Man Sentenced to More Than 32 Years for Violent Crimes | Bureau anybody know lady floss facebook, twitter or instagram? This aint a kendrick lamarsong yall are lame come se side or n side see how long u last in the thick,fuck ur shit GET THE FUCK OFF DONT LOOK BACK!!!!!! What a joke. R crip..and who ev3rsaid ee aint crips they aint got enoghh rank to say so cuzz they aint oundin fathers do fuc big homie with a sic dumu dic cuzz im goin keep grooven in til the world stop movein and m y c in side of hcg is keep standin 4 crip, Fucc u snoova as niggas, 610 wit an s at tha end nigga!!!!! Still shit was real between South Los and the hoovers personally from wat I see and hear SOxLOS is HCG #1 enemy and vice versa. 107 Hoover Criminal Gang. 812 tok all my Hxxver Criminal nkiggas, 52 137 Groove on any nd everything that disrespect it, Hoova Groovin on my end Coming live from the 936 streets fw ya nigga ta all my LoCs ion got no OG I gotta 6ig Homie Throwing all my Cs ta the sky jamming Live ya Life S/H to the 6ig Homie Z~Ro and errbody on the Loyal side, Mane C safe to all my hogs mane dis ETGC on my end NBA bashin wit a passion ya smell me i bang wit my hoova niggas too so s/o to the vers mane foreal keepin it m8v3nk n Gvin, Yeah we grxxve wit yall . Imma take a wild guess and say youre no longer dating him? I think all you white ass honkey ass bitches who dont have a clue need to not ask stupid questions 1. cause of u dont know u dont desirve to 2. So this should fix yall issue, Im 52 Hxxva && We Under The Cripk Card join us my nigga we free. > be who the world already knows that you are. What it do all da grooves?? This is OG Twin in Houston, Texas. Alday, 74 Hxxva take Xver still gxing HCG or nothing Birmingham Alabam, @@Yung villain 8tray HXXVA BATMAN BASHING ALL TOAST MEATLOAF AND NAPPZ, Og bub from the boot was up no click needed no drive bys we do walk ups . Napkpk bkashink wit a pkassionk its killa niggas !bkashin anythang rllink or hd fucc all slbks and dierus t dirty ass tampknks, Trays bout to be EBK soon watch them niggas beef wit hella folks like hoovas, Gxt lxve fxr all my grxxvin nigcas 8tray tx hxxvas 1 lxve cuz mxvin nd grxxvin yall already knxw lxC 3 fingas upk, West grvin lc holla at me.. fonziedagreat@yahoo.com. During this time we are still open and accepting new clients! Seattle weak af. > Racial make up: Black Nigga fuck 5k ward slxbK ass mutt ass flea pacKn ass bitcKH made ass fuck bxy come txx w/s sHady eigHty verr GanKg.. bloods,crips,criminals and pirus are the same black people or africans born in america that have been tricked and vanbooseld once again. The Hoover Criminal Gangs originated in the 1960s and were originally known as theHooverGroovers. > Successors associates and current racist gang members are: led by Joshua Austin Vicksburg Miss Mark Austin Raymond Austin Joyce Austin Darlena Austin Campbell Dee Chatman Georgia Denton, Ronald Glenn Taylor, Mark Austin,Attoinette Alexander, Tosha Jones, Tami Little, Ann Jones, Veronica Cobb,Verna McGhee, Gwendolyn Regina Taylor,Lorraine Taylor Robinson, Antoinette Neely, Brittany Neely, Harold Austin Carla Hill Marshall, Pookie Kinchelow Mary Kinchelow Elaine Rankin, Marcus Payne and Girlfriend, Lillie Bell Chatman, Denitra Chatman, Erick Chatman, Anthony McGhee, Anthony Chatman,Humphrey Moore Jr and Girlfriend, Glenn Harper, Willie Braddock Jr, Doris Little, Dave Wilburn,Shea, Ira Morgan, Robbie Moore, Lisa Moore Edwards, Vickie Marshall, Charles Kinchelow Jr and III, Jamberlyn Voss, Jamberlyn Voss, Georgia Denton, Doris Little, Tosha Jones, Milton Owens, Charles Kinchelow III, Terrance Owens , Charles Owens Jr, Ira Morgan, Shea , Brighette Taylor, Deidra Austin, Tami Little, Terri Little ,Charles Austin , a dark complexion woman named Liz, Emma Jean Rankin, Joseph Smith, Humphrey Moore Sr, Vanessa Taylor Chatman, Joshua Austin Vicksburg Miss Sheila Smith Sheila Austin, Tasha Presley, Kiesha Presley, Tiffany Presley, Shereta Royal, Frenchie Louellen,Anthony McGhee, Jessica Chatman. The52 Hoover GangsterCripsare the only Hoover set to still sportblue,along with orange. Phoenix Metro Phone: 602-960-1731. DOLLA.GEE 60k D.stk oo4bk slobk kuz on Geeeersoon!!!! Home Forums Allen, was wearing an orange bandana when he was approached byKristoferThomas,a member of the Main Street MafiaCrips. Shit changes tho lol. Its well known crip is the largest gang in the country. sixties rock with treys in da lou, Mst these niGGa5 dnt n what hva even mean s all my real h52vas dnt spit shit cuz niGGas tryna Get they knwleGde up cuz they dnt n shit s grxxv light and dnt let the fakes n nthing Hs t my real grxxv5, West up grxxve naw imma c light and grxxve harder fuk that crip lxve shit nkixxa its H blocc on my end Hxxver Criminal gang 4 life, FUCK ALL BOOVA ASS NIGGAS STRAIGHT UP W/S ROLLIN 20S NEIGHBORHOOD BLOOD BOOVA KILL CKRAB KILLA, Lmao at u rxlling sessy fuk nhbk nkigga im frxm Hxxver Street grxxve wut u knok bout that fuk nkigga. Love to all HOOVAS,WE RIDING DOWN HERE GROOVE!However these craccrrs think its play,but its Groove &we killing bitches,polices we ve problem with so we riding @ st.Clair prison in Birmingham,Alabama Ill hip da gang n keep this this going its wont stop Groove.checc da news 74HOOVERS ALL CRIPS ALL SETS RIDING together against da polices anykind of officer. we dont take no shit so fucc yall niggas that wont funk my niggas ant playing thug town 918 one life winnie locc ms 13st, what it do cuzo its winnie locc we keep it criping all day thug love 107 min, 107 SELO HOOVA GROOVIN OVER EVERYTHANG STROLLINK DLBK SXLK NHCK ECCK LAPDK LACSDK FUCK CRABSK AND SLOBSK MONK#5 DA LOK SAID IT BITCH 98X84MSCK, Cuz on mafia 98 u will get roll up. He looks like the back of a dirty baboon in the Jungle somewhere. Murderous brutality of Fresno's 107 Hoover gang revealed in 82 pages of did homie right here said when is interview lmao shit im a 32 gangsta crip out here in denver. Allen died shortly after the shooting, he was only thirteen years of age. get educated and go to school,stop blasting away your own people.malcom x,martin luther king jr, Groove In Peace Fat Rat3 All yall nxn-bkanger muhfucca need to gangbkang some fuccn bxxks. The Low Downs are located in the housing projects on the corner of Innocence Blvd and Roy Lowenstein Blvd, and can often be seen posted up at the projects, or the corner store near Davis Avenue and Innocence Blvd. DoWn LoW BrOtHa FoR LiFe FoR ReAl My LoVaBlE NiGgA. Here is the secret how the Hoover Groovers ran South Central LA in the 70s & 80s. The enemy tries to divide and conquer our Jailhouse Asshole Bangin Hoover Groovers by using dick suckin techniques that we invented but We Hoover Groovers all on dick. we been trying to make a statement homie. Matthew Lopez Law, PLLC 212 W. Riverside Dr. Ste. P-NUTT VERZZZZ. Email polohilljp13@gmail.com, West Gr1v7venk smebkdy upkdate me nk what sel meank im ut here ink the A, Mxvin nd Grxxvin til the wxrld stxp mxvin! The74 HooverCripsoffshoot set in Seattle, were started in the mid-1990s, by George Edward Hendricks,Jr.,also known on the streets asOGP-Nutt.. deuce and trays for gay pride and unite against all straight people, tacos. Meaning of 107 hoover criminals gang. 107 Hoover Criminal Gang. Founded by Big Moo Moo. One of their - Reddit The superseding indictment is the result of a two-year investigation conducted by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) into the "107 Hoover Crips" street gang and its criminal activities of drug dealing, extortion, and violence, including shootings. we aint shame no more. The Hoover Gangster Crips became one of the most notorious street gangs to participated in the Drug world. The Hoovers fall under theGangsterCripsbrandHoovers GangsterCrips.. Aint shid u can do to change it except die for it. > Threat: High 52hgc still maintain dat cripk identity sok they still wear bklue flags to shokw lxve tok ETG. MY LOVABLE LOVABLE NIGGA. Actually for that matter all the black gangs. Jailhouse Asshole Bangin Hoover Groovers because it dont mess up the Grooveline from friday to gay day. Enemies tried to destroy our homosexual history but Im here to drop knowledge of the Grooveline. MY LOVABLE NIGGA. > Alliances: Unknown If yxu bkankGinG Hxxva Cripk GankG & yxu werent put dwnk nk tHe lankd yxure nkot a crim, yxure a crip so FIVE DUCE HXXVA CRIP GANG Is a proper Hxxva set. Wats poppin Locz Wats poppin Groovez Dis Moon in Painesville OH Theyre AlWaYs. Grand Jury Superseding Indictment Alleges Drug Charges Against Top I wish we could atop arguing over who set harder when this shid started in the same place by the same niggas. You tackled this challenge of BA 1st Year Time Table with great skill and inventiveness. Niggas that bang are married to the streets, even Selos. > The family notorious for violent crimes to African Americans and other races that controls women and benefit from fraud crimes and assault to women. West side Hxxver CRIMINAL gang if u bkang Hxxver street we grxxvin until da world stopk. Portraying LA gang life but cant come close. Yall want to know more bout dem gangs? A superseding indictment alleged that Duncan agreed with other members of the 107 Hoover Crips gang in Lawton, Oklahoma, to commit armed robbery. Gr52VIIN til da world stop movin On August 1979, Raymond Washington was murdered in a drive-by shooting. it was lovely our enemies became our friends. (hgg) hxxva grxxva gang which it was frxm day xne and Hcg since 72 The power mustard and the seed the original 15/7s cet u cant name em. !NAYBORHOOD, Its dime blocc rollin 60 crip 6 0 till da world bklow, FUCCK ALLK HOOCHKIESK SNOOVAK FUCCK ALL cKRABZ ccK cK hK lK lhK caK cbK ftK bhK bK cvK ms13K az13K 18sK ANYBODY KILLA PIRU GANG, THAT LLK STAND 4 LOLLY LIMEN KILLA FUCCK LOLLYPOPSK FUCCK LIMEN HEADSK THEY DEAD FUCCK SMEADERBLKK FUCCK FALSE ATGAINTICK FUCCK FROG TOWNK FUCCK BOOTY HOLESK FUCCK ALL cKRABS ccK cK cKRABZK FUCCK SNOOVAK HOOCHIESK FUCCK ALL MEXICANK GANGS FUCCK ALL NAPPY HEAD ASS CKHILLDREN GANGS 2 BL662D FUCCK ALLK YALLK BL626D LLK LK LHK FTK CAK CBK BHK CCK CK MS13K AZ13K 18SK CVK THIS BE P1RU NIGGA WE WAS BLOODS BACCK IN THE DAY WEN THIS BLOOD SHIXT FIRST STARTED BUT NOW WE GOT SO DEEP WE OFF ON ARE OWN WICKHK MAKES US PIRUS WE WEAR BURGUNDY AN THATS IT AN THATS ALL AN ALL PIRU HXXDS WILLK TELLK U THAT BLOODS WEAR RED PIRUS WEAR BURGUNDY BUT WE WEAR RED SUMTIEMS BECKOZ WE PIMPS IN RED UNIFORMS AN WE SAY BLOOD CKOZ WE DONT SAY THE CKRAB SHIXT SO WE SAY BLOOD CKOZ WE RELATED BL626D ON PIRU, i rufuse to have a flee pacin ass nigga on my side fuc piru and bloodsand bounty hunters its 52 hoova gansta crip my c iz for crip til i die aint tryna to hear what anotha nigga gotta say cuzz hoova iz foreva is going to stay cripin on my end fuc thsy nogha who said we aint and aint no truce with no piru cuzz they dirty dogs an, MAN FUCCK SNXXVA YALLK NIGKGKAS GOT BLOODS AN RIPS AN CRIMINALKS IN YALL SHIXT YALL NEED 2 GET YALL SHIXT TOGEHTER YALLK WEAR FLUE ORANGE AN RED YALLK ARE A KONFUSED ASS GANG DONT NO IF YALL BLOODS OR RIPS PICK ON CKOZ U KAINT BE BOTH ON PIRU NOW US PIRUS HELKP START THE BLOOD ALLOWIENCK THATS TRUE BUT NOW PIRU DON GOT SO MF DEEP IT AINT NOTHIN BUT PIRU NOW AN WE WEAR BURGUNDY ALL PIRUS DO SO WE PIMPS IN RED UNIFORMS YEA BUT DAT DONT MEAN SHIXT CKOZ WE STILL ROCCKIN THAT BURGUNDY RAG BURGUNDY FLKAG NOW WE WEAR RED SOMETIMES TO SHOW ARE LUV 4 THE BLOODS SO PIRU 2 DAMU AN PIEU 2 BLOODS NOW WE SAY BLOOD BECKOZ WE RELATED AN AM FROM MOB PIRU BOMPTON 2 WESTBOVINA 8OOBLK cKBLK PIRU cKBLVD GANG AM NOT PUTTIN MA HOOD NAME ON THIS BS BUT IF ANYBODY GOT A PROBLEM WIT WAT I JUSS SED THEN GET AT ME BL662D ON PFONK KOZ U GOT DAMU RIDAZ DAMU BLOOD LUV & U GOT PFONK RIDERS PFONK LUV AN PFONK GANG NOW ALL PIRUS DONT GET ALONG AN ITS ONE BL00D GANG THAT ALL PIRUS BEEF WIT AN MOB PIRU IS ANYBODY KILLA CK BLOCCK MOB EBK ABK CBK CAK FTK LK LHK BHK CVK 18SK MS13K AZ13K CCK CK HK NHCCK NHCK GSCK PJCK FUCCK ALLK CKRABZ AN FUCCK ALLK CKAPTAIN CKRUNCHKES CBK BHK CAK LK LHK FTK CCK CK HK CVK 18SK MS13K AZ13K PIRU GANG WE AINT BLOODS WE PIRUS NIGGA IMA RUSTER SO IF IT AINT PIRU THEN IT AINT U WHK662P WHK626P 662% 626% DAMU PIRU, fuc u fleaapacin ass dirtydumu ass nixxas and yall nihhad is the first flipflop set cuzz hoova is hoova gang cuzz and fuc anydumu and any bloodthats y i said u cant jsve a truce ith across the street as nigga cuzz they fake and dirty thats y i rather, say hoova crip gang fuc a dumu so i willl stay cripin idc what a 6ig homie say he aint king so fuc him and what he claim r what he goin throughh cuzxits hoova crip gang til my casket drop crip, Nigga u fake as fucc what hoova replaces their b wit a 6 false bkangin ass nigga on gangstaz cuz, mKanK3 Xts W3$t$xd3 83rd sKtr83t H716VER cKrKxmKxnKal GKanKgK r nKunK fKucK dKa tH3r SKxd3 RasKalz TaK3nK V3r, MAN FUCCK HKOOVA I GOT MA SNKOOVA REMOOVA ITS E/S MOB PIRU 800BLK CKBLK PIRU CKBLK MOB IMG EMG ABK EBK PIRU GANG BOMPTON 2 BOVINA WHK662P WHK626P 662% 626% 464% EVILKSIVE MOB PIRU INSANE MOB GANG MOB GANG MPG MG PG MP FUCCK CCK CK HCGK HGCK HCK HK NHCK NHCCK GSCK CBK CAK FTK LK LHK LLK BHK BK ANYBODY KILLA DONT FUCCK WITH THE MOB U EITHER MOB OR DIE ON PIRU GANG BLK662D PIMPS IN RED UNIFORMS BUT ALL PIRUS WERE BURGUNDY WHK662P RU GANG OR DONT BANG MOB GANG OR NKO GANG, fuCC yaLL shKyt its riCh roLLiN NeighK6orhKood CripK hKytx fucc hKoover fuCC grave gang aNd dats a LoC sayiN dis shKyt hKytX yeeN lived if you aiNt CrippKiN fuCC yall flea ass Niggas.
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