But when the Pisces man eventually reveals his highly emotional and sensitive nature to the Aquarius woman, she will see that he cant always be a source of comfort for her, after all. And Pisces should remember not to play games with Aquarius, because the Aquarius will see right through it and be offended by fakeness. Hello DK, Thank you so much for your input and honesty. You can have a shower afterwards to wash off. I am headstrong, and so is he! On that note, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this couple a 4. This means that it is hard for them to find common ground. An Aquarius woman will like how easy-going and laid-back a Pisces man is. Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility - The Definitive Guide Also, a Pisces man is unusual enough that she may just find him fascinating. The cheating thing, from my own experience, I couldnt do it. TONY I am an Aquarius woman and have been for a very long time. She worked at my doctors office, so I only saw her about every three months, but it was evident she liked me, she was turned on by my presence. Pisces men are often attracted to Aquarius women because they are smart, independent, and interesting. I dont know your ages but it sounded like she is younger, so maybe part of hookup culture generation. We are quite close, very good friends, can talk for hours on the phone day after day, even have phone and text sex. Of course I want him near me, and I miss the sex and cuddling and kissing and just being present with him. Her Pisces partner will be open to her suggestions and ideas, but eventually, he will feel like hes not enough for her and that she cant be pleased. Her need for independence eases, and together that touch of crazy that they play with together sends her into a love that she holds onto forever with faith and loyalty. Ill be blunt, and some of the answers may stem from my own personal deep-seated issues and psychological problems, because at the end of the day people do have varying upbringings and disorders. So why bother. Free to join to find a man and meet a man online who is single and looking for you. He and I divorced finally after the 34 yrs. They squirm and moan, entirely at each others mercy. I have known him since I was a kid and have always known him to be selfless, loyal and no matter how tired, dependable. There are some arguments and differences between Pisces man and Aquarius woman. If trust is broken, it is almost impossible to fix. I know that, as an Aquarius woman, Im not easy to handle. Pisces Man Predictions for March 2023 He emotionally tortures me if I even dont do the dishes. 2023 numerologysign.com, part of the Hopnetic network. The pisces man should be more optimistic and adventurous, while the aquarius woman should be more open emotionally and patient if you want it to work. Since these two signs are right next to each other, you might wonder, can Aquarius and Pisces be soulmates? Pisces Male Positive Traits. For this reason, he may not discuss his feelings and expect her to just know what he wants and needs. Aquarius man will adore her for this, and her love will lift him up without feeling smotheringthis is very important for an Aquarius man, because if he feels cornered in a relationship, he will start to get itchy feet. Of course, I still get people coming out of the blue, saying: I have been wondering what you are doing. (thid=s is on my property) As I have no wish to justify myself, I reply: I dont have the slightest curiosity about what you are doing. We finally divorced and he remarried, and then after 9.5 yrs. They love in a different way, very fantastical and dreamy, but not at all passionate and deep. I just hope that no matter what comes of this relationship that Ive been building with this pieces man that no matter what we enjoy each other to our fullest and always put our friendship first. How long it takes for a Pisces man to commit in a relationship? 7. Am aquarius woman, divorced since a few years from a very domining Aris husband. Logical and straight forward. Just remember if it is possible for yourself to be loyal and just want one person, it is possible for the other person as well! sorry. I never reached this level before but once I did, emotions with sex is the most important thing. Spend some weekends with your friends or family, and resist the urge to check in often. It was so intense. They will not fight with each other per se, but there will be many opportunities for miscommunication. I am a scorpio woman but I feel like this too. A loving Aquarius heart turning cold slowly is a sad thing to witness. The Pisces man will like an Aquarius ladys quirky charm. But quarreling is sometimes a funny thing when it occurs between two people who love each other, especially when it is Aquarius woman and Pisces man. To woo a Pisces woman, be funny 4. The more eccentric her friends are, the more she enjoys them. Some zodiac signs are more affectionate than others and need physical touch from their partners to feel loved. Personally I like to empower women and encourage them to still be themselves but appreciates balance in realationships My life has been building towards this man and being 32 I finally feel like my life has started on its proper path. They will fall in love deeply and adore their partner/man and can be very loyal to him, however marriage may not be their cut of tea simply b/c they want to be free. 9 Secrets To Seduce Cancer Man With Text Messages. Open comms and mind, integrity, someone who tries to understand and/or who matches the energy and effort shown/given to them. Im an Aquarius woman and I was with a Pisces male for almost 2 years. On a first date, follow these Scorpio love tips : Keep the conversation neutral but interesting. For me teamwork is essential. And violent when pushed. He is emotional and intuitive, and she is rational and intellectual. Pisces is a water sign that is mutable and Aquarius is an air sign that is fixed by nature. They will show them the importance of dreaming, working, being an upstanding human being, and learning how to work well with others. He knows how to bring me back when I have had enough yet he goes back to the same old nasty human being he was before. We just get eachother in ways that we cant have with anyone else. 13. 20) yes but with personal things. Aquarius women please dont reply on behalf of Pisces men,thanks! If you care about a woman you should show her while she is yours. Theyre just too different and really dont balance each other very well either. Respond to body language and suggestive looks. She also put her precious hand in mine. I am super independent and in some ways I am relieved that I still dont have a boyfriend. This match up could be rather chaotic or it could work out. Join and search! 18. I can not live my life with him unless he completely changes. Is your Pisces man not communicating with you? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why a Pisces Man Suddenly Becomes Distant? Yes and sometimes no. And I behaved the way I did to turn him off. It didnt make it justified but he was away, I was young and I lived close to the beach which seem to make it even worse. Aquarius women cant stand weakness. But first be good friends n go from there. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. 5. I have problem in my love life. 1. I want the emotional connection when it comes to sex. He can also begin to seem a bit controlling. There's a certain sage wisdom that the 11th and 12th house will want to share. I needed to show her my love But this star sign is just not impressed if she's the sexiest woman alive but doesn't use her brain. Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman - Love Compatibility, Friendship Hope it works out for your benefit. In reality, the Aquarius woman is not such a wild card as she's made out to be. She is not so easily surprised either. I have never felt so loved by a person before and I feel as if I can not live without this woman. Your previous relationships or past experiences definitely shaped your opinions and thoughts.Your Libra Moon and Aries Rising would probably be a better match for an Aquarius with lots of air in her chart.I wonder if you have a Scorpio Venus because I havent known many Pisces men who openly admit to being possessive of their partner. 1) be chased A Pisces-Aquarius relationshipa union of water and aircan be incredibly rewarding. but in May of 2011 he passed awayI now date online but one man cant keep my mind satisfied so I am dating 4 at the same time online. I couldnt believe how easy its been. Though, she herself is the one who usually does the surprising, especially with her whimsical and crazy thoughts that float through her head. Obviously this man isnt in touch with reality. 6) depends on our mood but for the most part no. We are both used to doing everything alone since we were both loners, so it takes awareness to make sure we actually do things together, but you need to, it makes everything so much better and brings us closer. They dont like men to suffocate them. Aquarius man and Pisces woman Love Compatibility - MyPandit I met a gemini man and wow we are so compatible. If he sits close to you on the couch or looks for other ways to make physical contact, its one of the signs a Pisces man is in love with you. 3 years ago i got into a relationship with a Leo (never again toxic relationship and somewhat mental torture!) A Pisces man is not one to push against resistance or make ultimatums, so he will go along with whatever she wants to do. Would he prefer someone who likes to spend all of her time with him, or someone more independent? I really feel as if we are connected the most in that moment. Pisces Man & Cancer Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? With other signs, this would not be as much of a problem, but an Aquarius woman can be extremely difficult to read, even for a sensitive Pisces man. Yes on both accounts. That may be something for you to consider. Pisces craves romancethe hidden lilies behind the facts of life. Its not a kink or fantasy but actually a strong emotional need.I am in anyway not suggesting to paint each other with blood but I have my reasons to specifically ask for this.I will explain this so that men can benefit from this information and may find it useful in future even if they arent with an Aquarius woman(squeamish people please dont read ahead).Some women may not desire it at all due to period cramps and bloating but other women like myself experience high increase in libido during PMS and period which is caused by hormonal changes.This desire is all time high compared to other times of the month because ovulation starts 14 days after the first day of period as the female body is getting ready to become pregnant.I feel most feminine, most vulnerable, most aroused and most emotional and in need of my partner during PMS and period.Its one of the most intimate experiences one can have with the partner.Obviously there are less messy ways to do it like wearing protection, putting a dark towel on the bed or doing it in the shower. But this would be totally us if it works out. with her he passed away in 2011 Aquarius and Pisces should put all their needs,desires and expectations on the table instead of being passive aggressive and complaining about each other. I wondered if a Pisces is willing to forgive, bring us back to reality and help us express thats all. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility She needs you everyday and through her life The previous one had typos and inaccuracies. And yes! I enjoy the peace and quiet of not needing to justify myself to any one. Weve been talkin for 8 weeks and I want to take it to the next level. I was recently talking to him about how I dont know where the relationship with the pisces is going, and with his scorpio powers he somehow got me talking about what I am really REALLY looking for in a relationship which is eventaully marriage and children. She also really enjoys travelling and seeing what all is out there. In an Aquarius woman, he sees his own strengths in self sacrificing himself for her without a hesitation. An Aquarius woman collects friends. He left (long story short here) in June, and remarried her in October of the same year (on the rebound apparently). Pisces is a devoted person. Also, the sweet feminine demeanor of a Pisces woman and her tendency to be flighty about practical matters can mask her intelligence. Never married and never had children of his own. Theyre more likely to be very short lived if they try to actually have love together. Chasing her may freak her out and make her want nothing more to do with you as it would make you seem desperate and Aquarius women do not like that at all. A Pisces man and an Aquarius woman are not one of the exceptions. and yes communication is so important with us. He wants to get to know you on a deeper level and he enjoys analyzing feelings with his loved ones. I know it is up to him. Both of these signs struggle with communication in general, making it even more difficult for them to connect. certain things and the way you say them makes everything feel really intense and maybe just, keep everything light hearted. I think you should take her somewhere fun some place that she would really enjoy then have a nice time to talk to her about moving things further. A Pisces guy is also old-fashioned and likes to be the one who pays for dates. Am now in touch with my emotions fully and seriously. SO, sorry Im not an expert on this. Maybe. Id say about 70/30 in favor of being chased. Also dont forget to joke with her. The typical Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in friendship is not the strongest bond, although these two can learn a lot from one another and may enjoy each others company. WHAT? Also, an Aquarius woman is set in her ways and does not like to be told what to do, and because a Pisces man is so adaptable, he will easily adjust to her. and younger women of any sign many not be it. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. The good thing about it is that he always supports whatever she decides to do with a gentle smile and strong cooperation. Albeit I am always easy, friendly in her office. There are many other factors in the relationship equation. If you are asking yourself, What does a Pisces man look for in a woman? The answer is someone as devoted and loyal as he is. The Aquarius is kind and generous; This is something your partner will like . What physically attracts Aquarius? From the moment we met I could sense something so different about him and that feeling certainly didnt stray me wrong. I wonder if he will text me or call again. Aquarius woman loves life and carries this into her sexual bond with her Pisces man, and he realizes that long treasured dream he has only been able to dream until his Aquarius woman helps him find it. Pisces Man Aquarius Woman Compatibility Degree. Making a Pisces male angry is like witnessing a very different and stern side of him, but this rarely happens. 10. Aquarius Man Obsessed With Pisces Woman - Zodiac Compatibility In my experience, most definitely not. What attracts a Pisces man is a woman who is as caring and compassionate as he is. Both star signs are capable of plucking information seemingly out of nowhere, and navigate their lives through either unfathomable insight in the case of Aquarius, or instinct, intuition and gut feeling in the case of Pisces. Did I cheat, unfortunately several times, why b/c he was away, I was ALL alone and a very young military wife to boot. My suggestion to you aqua ladies is learn how to be more consistent and reliable. It CAN be fixed but you would have to give up a lot of your freedom pisces, and I know you would hate that. Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with a piscean. Pisces man feels hes getting closer to his Aquarius woman and she feels as though sex is fantastic with this dreamy guy with talent. For Aquarius woman you need to show consistency and undying devotion. Pisces women are very insecure and they are looking for a man who is strong and confident. If you are just looking to be reassured that she is being loyal, you cant approach the topic by being suspicious. I also realized I was actually in love with her; All I could think of is her. I also didnt realize at the time that I was still very much in the fog after having suffered the loss of my husband of sixteen years. He is sick in his head. Ive felt like the relationship has been stagnant for a while and sometimes he is so cold towards me I start to feel insecure about his feelings for me and if we will last. She is usually very set in her ways, and bringing someone new into her life is a big change. Im an Aquarius woman and Ive been in love with my Pisces husband since we were 8 years old. A Pisces woman generally does not initiate contact with a man, and an Aquarius man rarely initiates contact with anyone. The love connection was something out of this world, but we looked at relationships very differently. But you need to get to that point with her first. Can these consecutive signs come together in a blissful relationship? I really wanted her to be happy. Its just for myself, I dress modestly and I am not an attention seeker. The previous one had typos and inaccuracies. I think these two will come to each other very easily in empathy. Maybe a bit of both but definitely leaning more towards the former. Pisces is imaginative and Sagittarius is hopeful. Virgo man and aquarius woman dating - Best Online Dating Site - Free Yes I need to feel that he is there for me all the time, but when you have aquarius womans trust she will always be there for you. I tend to overthink, I dive into logic way too much sometimes, and he helps me to go and feel more with my heart, and a little less with my mind. Most aquarians are honest and have a lot of self control. If its going well then immediately. This is an incredible pairingone that can be incredibly psychic, nourishing, and imaginativebut both will need to grow as individuals in order to step into this kind of relationship properly. Trust is a long hard road and once people before have destroyed that, its hard to trust people in any capacity. Pisces woman will know this, instinctively, and she will also know exactly how to express herself without making it seem as . PLEASE dont tell me anymore about this sick situation until you get the heck out and do something about it. They know each other, understand the needs of each other and support the other whenever required. If you are not ready, this relationship could get dismissed too easily. 18. whoever wrote this knows me and Sheila pretty well, just WOW!. Sexual. Sometimes people ignore the emotions of Aquarius because they are so focused on Aquarius' brain. While we love each other, I wouldnt say we have the most harmonious of marriages. They give each other the benefit of the doubt and keep trying to forge a bond that will be strong. Let her know you love her and you are hers. Most other people would die for their family, but pisces would gladly sacrifice their family in order to pursue their superficial dreams. His otherworldly nature causes him to do things that are often surprising, and she makes it a point to regularly confound expectations. A Pisces man often has brilliant ideas, but it is hard for him to put them into practice. i need her back. Likewise, an Aquarius woman does not really want to have to explain herself, so she may not communicate with him either. The Aquarius man brings an air of reason to the Pisces' dreamy nature, preventing her head from getting caught up in the clouds. Do you think I should talk with her or just trust her and deal with this issue myself? Staying with him b/c you think there is a chance he will change is (in my humble opinion) not very smart or wise Aquarius ALWAYS falls in love with the mind first, then comes personality/soul and looks comes last. Left to his own devices, he is likely to flit from task to task, leaving many projects unfinished if he actually starts them at all. he has ignored my need for attention too long. A Spiritually Based Connection He often seems a bit unusual in some way. Im a female Aquarius and whenever my male Piece is not around because of work he delivers flowers to me of he sends me a long text telling me how much he adores me. 11. A Pisces man adores it when a woman is confident in her appearance and likes the way she looks. When you win her she is forever for pisces. Words mean nothing to these men. They need attention and some of them need it everyday. A Pisces and Aquarius friendship can be enjoyable, but they will never bond closely enough to become the best of friends. They want your attention but not for you to cling to them. Yes but also read when space is necessary I feel and love like a Cancer and Im also a Scorpio Rising so I want all or nothing kind of romance. In this, we see the clear distinction between Aquarius and Pisces. No need to harp on about it. 17. The Pisces and Aquarius compatibility in friendship is perhaps the strongest bond between this pair. Out of friendship and into a relationship ? I like to know where we stand sooner than later. All rights reserved.