NOTE:Sentence length depends on a number of factors, including the persons criminal history, Implied Consent/Refusal to Submit to Blood Alcohol T.C.A. Tennessee has some of the strictest DUI laws in the country, and the penalties for a first time DUI can be severe. According to the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, a first-offense DUI is a misdemeanor. Should a person receive a fourth DUI then that offense would be classified as a Class E felony. The punishment for a first DUI conviction in Tennessee includes a fine of up to $1,500, a time not exceeding 11 months and 29 days in jail and a driver's license suspension of up to one year. If this is a first offense violation, your license will be revoked for 1-year for a test refusal. A third DUI in Tennessee is also considered a misdemeanor that carries a minimum of 120 days of jail time and a maximum of 11 months and 29 days of jail time. Legal Beagle: What Will My Probation Officer Do If I Fail an Alcohol Test? A Tennessee DUI offender who commits a DUI while a child under the age of 18 was present in the vehicle would be locked away for at least 30 days and fined a minimum of $1000 if the child was unharmed. 1st Offense DUI In TN | Get The Defense You Deserve You will also be required to show proof of financial responsibility in the form of anTennessee SR-22 insurancepolicy before the Department of Safety will reinstate your license. The average yearly cost of an ignition interlock is $810 minimum.License revocation:Your license will be revoked for a minimum of 5-years following a fourth or subsequent offense. However, a first time DUI can give you up to 11 months and 29 days in jail and a $350-$1,500 fine. A number of factors can affect sentencing, but this article address the minimum and maximum penalties and consequences for a first DUI in Tennessee. This will permit the driver to operate a vehicle for work, school, or health, but this is also issued with an order that an Ignition interlock device is used during the suspension period to regulate the driver's movement. What Will My Probation Officer Do If I Fail an Alcohol Test? Those ages 13 to 17 face license suspension until they reach 17 or for one year, whichever comes later. Tennessee does not consider a DUI or a DWI charge based on the substance used but on the offender's age. Consequences can vary, though you can expect to spend 48 hours in jail, and significantly more time than that after the first offense. First time offenders will be eligible for a restricted license if they meet therequirementsfor one. The DUI laws and regulations are confusing and seem to change frequently. Before the Tennessee DOS will reinstate your license following your revocation period or issue you a restricted license you will be required to show proof of financial responsibility in the form of aTennessee SR22 insurancepolicythat meets the states minimum auto insurance liability coverage limits. Our firm is committed to helping our clients protect their driving privileges. Once you satisfy your court sentence and complete the duration of your driver's license suspension/revocation, you'll need to reinstate your driver's license with the Tennessee Department of Safety (DPS). After the minimum jail sentence is served, the judge can suspend the remaining jail term and place the driver on probation. 2 nd Offense. Offenders may also be required to install an ignition interlock. Tennessee's DUI Laws and Conviction Penalties - Driving Laws A first-offense DUI generally carries a minimum of 48 hours in jail. You will be eligible for a restricted license during revocation period with the use of an ignition interlock.Ignition interlock:An ignition interlock will be required during restricted driving period and for an additional 6 months once your license is fully reinstated.License suspension:Your license will be revoked for 3-10 years following a third offense. We have the expertise and experience to partner with you through the process. From 48 hours to 11 months and 29 days of jail time. Under Tennessee Code Annotated section 40-32-101(G), Tennessee law provides parameters for expungement as follows: While some other states may be more lenient with first time DUI offenders and tend to let first time offenders go on probation, the state of a Tennessee gives mandatory jail time to first time offenders of at least 48hours and with a BAC of 0.2% or higher, the minimum jail time is 7 days and the maximum could be 11 months and 29days for even a first time DUI offenders and a mandatory fine of $350-$1500, A DUI charge in Tennessee can be very financially demanding as the Tennessee laws and penalties are structured to discourage drivers from driving 'under the influence.'. If youve recently been charged with DUI, youre probably feeling a mix of emotions confusion, frustration, and perhaps even fear. First-time Tennessee DUI offenders face jail time of between 48 hours to 11 months. If a victim has suffered injuries as the result of a drivers impairment, the penalty goes up to two years, and if the driver's impairment causes death to another person, they will lose their license for three years. It also stays on an offender's criminal record for life. Then, you count to 30 out loud. In some cases, a DUI charge can be reduced to a less serious offense like reckless driving or another traffic offense. Like many states Tennessee has a "implied consent" law. A first offense misdemeanor can become a felony if there are special circumstances in play at the time of the traffic stop. Attendance in a substance abuse treatment program. Your Hennepin County Sheriff Pleads Guilty to DUI Crash, Goes Back to Work Join 1,972,984 Americans who searched for Car Insurance Rates: Start Your Ignition Interlock Application Process. The officer asks you to watch a finger or pen as it moves. An immigrant DUI offender would have certain privileges withdrawn, such as; neutralization could be revoked for an immigrant, a green card and renewal of work permit may be denied to an immigrant, and an immigrant offender could face deportation. Fines And Other Penalties. The penalties for a first-time DUI offense include jail time of between 48 hours to 11 months, mandatory fines, suspension of driver's license for one year, and community service. Whether a person serves that time in a county jail or a state prison will depend on the length of the sentence. If you need proper representation for your DUI charge in Tennessee, contact the Memphis DUI lawyers at The Chiozza Law Firm. Under the influence of any intoxicant, narcotic drug, marijuana, or any controlled substance affecting the central nervous system. However, depending on the circumstances of your offense, you may This article covers the basics of Tennessee's DUI laws, including the consequences of a first, second, and third DUI conviction. A second offense violation while carrying hazardous materials will result in a permanent CDL revocation, you will never be able to drive or operate a CMV again. Second offense - fine will range from $600 to $3,500. Its unavoidable. If you are found guilty of or plead guilty to a first-offense DUI, you could face the following penalties under Tennessee law: Mandatory minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in jail. When a law enforcement officer suspects a motorist of intoxication, they are subjected to a breath or blood test. If a law enforcement officer has probable cause to suspect impairment in a driver and requests a breath or urine test, submission is mandatory. If there was any property damage or injuries to other people resulting from an accident you will be required to pay restitution.DUI school:You will be required to attend a state approvedDUI classas a third time offender.Vehicle forfeiture:Third time offenders may be subject to having theirvehicle seizedand forfeited to the state.Test refusal:A third offense refusal will result in a 2 year license revocation. Several possible aggravating factors include the following: After the offender completes the minimum jail time, the judge can order the offender to perform highway cleanup or to work at a recycling center in lieu of or in addition to the other penalties. Jail time of 45 days to 11 months and 29 days in jail. Mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device. Read More: What Will My Probation Officer Do If I Fail an Alcohol Test? One of the terms of a restricted license is that you can only operate a vehicle when using an IID. Before you can apply for a restricted license, you are required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle. A fee of $17.50 is charged for a breath test refusal. If you are convicted of DUI you will be subject to license suspension or revocation. Fourth or subsequent time offenderswill not be eligiblefor a restricted license. Alternatively, the offender will have to pay $75 if they fail to return the suspended license to the. First offense (ages 13 to 17): A license suspension of one year or until the offender reaches 17, whichever is longer. Probation fees are also charged depending on the length of time. Also, the judge can suspend the remainder of an offender's jail time on probation so long as the offender completes the minimum jail time sentence. Tennessee First Offense DUI Penalties Penalties for a first offense DUI in Tennessee include, but are not limited to: 48 hours in jail $350 to $1500 in fines 1 year revocation of your driver's license Restitution payments, if applicable 6 month ignition interlock requirement Court costs SR22 insurance requirement A first-time DUI offense in Tennessee is no small matter. Tennessee First Offense DUI In Tennessee, the only distinction between these two charges is the offender's age. The talks took you back to the good ole days, remembering all the fun you had growing up together. 11 months, 29 days suspended sentence. You will be eligible for a restricted license.Ignition interlock:The court may order you to have anignition interlock deviceinstalled on your vehicle as a condition of getting a restricted license or having your license reinstated at the end of your revocation period.License suspension:Your license will be revoked for 1 year following a first offense. You enjoyed your night on the town with your friends, catching up and making jokes. The driver can apply for a restricted license to get to work, school or court during this time. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. DUI Laws in Tennessee | DUI Cheat Sheet As mentioned above, fortunately, for those convicted of DUI, the court offers eligible individuals restricted drivers licenses. Moreover, you will have to obtain a certified order from the court, obtain an SR-22 from a liability insurance company, and pay a $65 license fee and a $2.00 application fee. DUI Sentencing Guidelines Tennessee - Criminal and Injury Attorneys Here, the officer is testing your ability to balance and your endurance. No, this one is life-changing. Tennessee DUI laws and penalties are determined by the nature and severity of the offense and the offender's criminal history. A DUI offense in Tennessee can be very expensive (even as a 1st-time offender). Is it possible to face jail time for a first-offense DUI in Tennessee? In Tennessee, a DUI is defined as driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over the legal limit of While technically a misdemeanor in Tennessee, a DUI charge can come with a plethora of consequences, including: jail time, suspension of license, court costs, fines, community service, higher insurance rates, and adverse effects on your career. If there was any property damage or injuries to other people resulting from an accident you will be required to pay restitution.DUI school:You will be required to attend a state approvedDUI Education Classas a second time offender.Vehicle forfeiture:Second time offenders may be subject to having theirvehicle seizedand forfeited to the state.Test refusal:A second offense refusal will result in a 2 year license revocation. Tennessee DUI Laws and Penalties in 2020 - The Ultimate Guide Your license will be suspended for 1 year if you are convicted of DUI in Tennessee. A person holding a commercial drivers license (CDL) can not only lose their ability to drive, they can also lose their job, as they no longer have the ability to work. If there happened to be an underage passenger present in the vehicle, an extra 30 days could be added to the minimum jail time of 45 days making 75 days minimum jail time instead. Because every case and individual are different, only attorneys who practice DUI defense day in day out will be able to give you good advice as to the best way to handle your defense. DUI Penalties in Tennessee - Aggravated DUI In the unfortunate event that you have been charged with DUI, it is imperative to retain the legal services of one of our adept and skilled team members. First DUI Offense in Tennessee - TN Penalties and Fines Driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs (DUI/DWI) is a serious offense in Tennessee and can carry heavy consequences. In Tennessee, DUI refers to driving under the influence of an intoxicant; in this case, the intoxicant may be alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medication. $75 fee, if you did not surrender your driver's license at the time of revocation/suspension. Knowing the law around drunk driving in Tennessee will help drivers avoid more severe consequences than they may already experience. First DUI Offense In Tennessee Is A Class A Misdemeanor I could not be happier with the settlement I received in my auto accident. Michelle Nati is an associate editor and writer who has reported on legal, criminal and government news for and Complex Media. Penalties For First Offense DUI In Tennessee A second offense refusal will result in a 2-year revocation of your license. Any protest or unlawful refusal will lead to the Department of Safety being notified by the court and the driver's license being suspended for between 12 months to 2 years. Jail. Increased insurance costs; some life insurance companies may completely deny policy issuance. Navigating Tennessee's DUI laws: A guide for first-time offenders If you are under 21 and are arrested for having a BAC level of .08% or greater you will be facing the same fines and penalties as someone over 21 would face for the same offense except that a person under 21 will only be facing a 24-hour jail sentence for a first offense instead of the minimum 48-hours for someone over 21 years of age will face. Can I refuse to take a blood alcohol concetrationtest? DUI in Tennessee First Offense - Aggravated DUI Notwithstanding, other factors such as the presence of a child passenger in the car could aggravate the circumstances and likewise affect presumptive amounts. Per Tennessee law55-10-415it is a Class A Misdemeanor for anyone under the age of 21 but older than 18 to drinking and drive with a blood alcohol concentration of .02% or greater. 57-5-301), Drug Free Youth Act Offenses (Ages 13 17) T.C.A. A jail fee of $650 is charged for a 48 hour jail time, and a fee of $44 is charged for each additional day in jail. Your message has been received and a Interlock Specialist will contact you shortly. However, there are other factors that can affect the nature or level of your charge, leading to greater penalties and sentences. Its important to remember that youre not alone. A person seeking to have their license reinstated after a suspension will be required to satisfy all the court-ordered requirements. A second CDL DUI offense will result in your CDL being revoked for life. Notwithstanding, persons within 18-20 can be charged with either one. The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security is tasked with enforcing the state's DUI statutes. First-time offenders will also have to pay fines that are no more than $1,500 and no less than $350. A TN driver's license suspension/revocation for 1 year. For more updates, visit The Chiozza Law Firm, on Facebook, and on Twitter. Providing proof of car insurance with an SR-22. In addition, they may have to install an ignition interlock device at their expense and will face a license revocation of up to 1 year. The judge can grant a temporary restricted license, which allows the driver to operate a vehicle for work, school, or treatment purposes. Read More: How to Get a DUI Removed From Your Driving Record. Technically, a Tennessee DUI stays on an offender's record for life. For instance, if you have a documented BAC of 0.20% or greater, you will face mandatory jail time . You will be fined $600 up to $3,500. Contact us now for more information or to schedule a free consultation. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, passenger under the age of 18 in the vehicle, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. According to the states implied consent law, a driver gives consent to chemical testing the moment they get behind the wheel on Tennessee's roads. Installation of an ignition interlock device on a vehicle may be applicable. 1st offense crash involving injury: 2 years. We encourage you to contact our office for a free consultation to review your specific situation. This charge carries penalties of eight to 30 years in prison, a fine of up to $25,000, and license revocation from three to 10 years, with no restricted license eligibility. An offender must meet all the requirements of the sentence imposed, such as the fines, court costs, and payments of all other fees imposed by the judge. No, you are not legally required to perform any field sobriety test in Tennessee. The Average First-time DUI Offender In Tennessee Spends 48 Hours In This is known as vehicular assault and carries a prison sentence of two to 12 years, license revocation of one to five years (with no eligibility for a restricted license), and a fine of up to $5,000. Holds a commercial driver's license (CDL) and has a BAC of 0.04 percent or greater. The state of Tennessee is incredibly strict with underage drinking and driving. Its important to remember that each case is unique, and the outcome will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of your situation. At Barnes & Fersten, we understand the complexities of the DUI process and can help you explore your legal options. A person suspected of impairment does not have to be actually driving for an arrest to occur. 1999 - 2023 DMV.ORG. They will also be required to pay restitution to any person suffering physical injury or financial loss, as well as a fine of $350-$1,500. You would also be required to pay court costs related to your DUI offense. Not only will you face a driver's license suspension, but you'll also likely face criminal charges in court. First-time DUI offenders in Tennessee are fined a minimum of $350. Violating the Tennessee DWI laws for a third time leads to a prison sentence of 11 months with 29 days in jail, fines of up to $10,000 and . . Probation. Five years must have elapsed since completing the sentence imposed on an offender. A first offense DUI in Tennessee is a Class A misdemeanor. Our goal is to help you understand the steps that will be taken by the court system, and to give you a better idea of what to expect as your case moves forward. Mandatory 7 days in jail if BAC is over .20%. Fines. DUI Schools in Tennessee This device must be installed by an approved provider. You can read our previous blog on this subject to find out more about implied consent law in Tennessee and how this may impact your DUI case. Jail time of 45 days to 11 months and 29 days in jail. Also, all conditions of probation must be satisfied. Specifically, the officer is testing your ability to balance and follow instructions. Is in possession of a noncommercial license and has a BAC of 0.08 percent or greater. The costs associated with a DUI conviction are both significant in both time and money. Things to Know About Giving A Deposition in An Auto Accident Claim, Ignition interlock device installed if BAC >.20, Enroll in and complete a drug and alcohol treatment program, Show proof of car insurance with an SR-22, Provide drivers license application fees. Out-of-state DUI charges also count in an offender's record. A mandatory fine of $1100 to $10000 is required of the offender, and the driver's license is revoked for six years with the forfeiture of the vehicle. For more information about what may be required to reinstate your driver's license, please visit our Suspended License in Tennessee page. If you have prior DUI convictions, those are counted against you if you face another DUI offense. receive DUI penalties with BAC of less than the legal limit. Speak with a state-approved provider, Intoxalock, Locate an installation center near you - get a quote for pricing. In Tennessee, a person convicted of DUI usually has the license revoked, even as a first-time offender. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. A CMV operator stopped and found to have any measurable amount of alcohol less than .04% in their system will be issued an out-of-service notice and will not be allowed to drive for the next 24-hours. The average cost of a first-offense DUI is nearly $6,000. 0.08%. Attorney Advertising. The implied consent law does not apply to field sobriety tests. Submitting to a chemical test is required by the TennesseeImplied consent law. It is imperative to note that the higher your BAC level, the more severe the penalties. This website is designed for general infomation only. However, the length of suspension can vary based on the details of the arrest. Third time offenderswill not be eligiblefor a restricted license. Shows obvious impairment by intoxicants, including marijuana or other controlled substances alone or in combination with alcohol. However, a first offense DUI can be enhanced to a felony offense if the offender has a prior DUI conviction or if the offender's blood alcohol content (BAC) is .20% or higher. Criminal Penalties A Tennessee second offense DUI conviction is a Misdemeanor offense and carries the following penalties: Jail time:A second offense conviction will result in a minimum jail sentence of 45 days up to a maximum jail sentence of 11 months and 29 days.Fines:The fine amount for a second offense will be between $600 to $3,500 plus associated court costs.