Mark key words and phrases (see figure on page five) A key word is one that is essential to the text. Help others in their faith journey through discipleship and mentoring. (Mark 1:1, NIV), The purpose of this book is to tell the story of Jesus; its a historical narrative. (Josh 1:8-note). The following books are a great place to learn more about this simple methodology: Kay Arthurs inductive method has helped millions of people learn how to study the Bible for themselves. It is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Samuel addressing King Saul after his serious "miscalculation" (sin) said "Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? 3:7f+, He 4:2+), (3) Response of obedience: Genuine faith will obey. If there is a command to be obeyed, we obey it. There should never be a time when we go to the Scriptures without allowing them to change our lives for the better. (Jas 4:17+, cp Lk 12:47, 48+, Jn 9:41). But when the report came of His birth, did they go to check it out? The observation phase was all about observing what the text says, but the interpretation phase is the next step. Each book is usually read 4 - 5 times, and with each step you are given a new tool for uncovering revelation within the pages. (Skip Heitzig How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It), Puritan Thomas Manton adds that "What we take in by the Word we digest by meditation and let out by prayer.". And its in this phase we start to look at what the text means. (Keying into the term good news early will help you understand Marks Gospel, as its a critical term that he uses repeatedly.). Saturate the study of Scripture with prayer. Jude Inductive Bible Study method is one of the most effective bible study methods for personal bible study, quiet time or small group bible studies. Bringing hope and resources to military families worldwide. Write it all down (you can take notes directly in Logos), and once you feel like you have a good idea of whats happening in the text, its time to move on to the next step: interpretation. The following steps follow the inductive method's process of observation, interpretation, and application. Titus Unlike other forms of study, the ultimate goal of Bible study is not information its transformation. One of the best things about studying Gods Word is that you can come back to a book youve already studied in the past and discover all-new insights. Obadiah Read Online Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And While there are several great methods of studying the Bible, heres a simple method one can follow: Observation, Interpretation, Transformation and Application. Too often we come to Gods Word to study it, to teach it, etcto do everything in the world with it except be changed by it! Mark it down -- You can measure the eternal effectiveness of your inductive Bible study by the temporal effect it has on your behavior and attitudes. Inductive study should cause us to be mentally excited by the truth, yet we may still fail to be morally changed by it and when that happens, you know there is something wrong with your study of the Bible. The difference between studying and applying the Scriptures is somewhat like the difference between drifting in a boat and rowing toward a destination. 8. Interpretation, Illumination and Application | I shall be telling this with a sigh It is not enough just to study the Bible. I have known some rejoice greatly in the doctrine of election who never were elected, and some who were very pleased with the doctrine of justification by faith, but who had no faith by which to be justified. Believe it to be safe 1 Corinthians Application of God's Word will not always be "pain free", but it will always be profitable. Leading from values so others will walk passionately with God to grow and bear fruit. Then we have mentally to adjust the picture thus formed with the pictures already in our mindto hang it, so to speak, in its right place, so that it may blend with the convictions of truth already attained. Some people say they cannot meditate; they do not know what it means, or they have no time, or they go to sleep when they begin. Ask God that his threats may drive you out of your sins, and drive you to seek pardon in Christ. The more work you do during this part of your study, the better you will do in the rest. How much influence is the Bible supposed to have on society? Will Graham Devotion: How Do You Know Whats True? So before moving on to the crucial step of application, pause for a time of reflection. Try (Ed: in the sense of to test or examine) what you hear; try what you profess; try what you read. Three vital responses in application are (1) Response of confession: The Word of God is like a sword (it penetrates), like a mirror (it reveals), and like a critic of the heart (it judges and reproves or exposes our attitudes and actions). This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God's Word. Scripture interprets Scripture. Therefore, it is vital that you develop observation skills which might, at first, seem difficult, laborious, and time-consuming. Colossians An Example of Interpretation Revelation 13:1-10. But meditation is a matter of habit, and we can all be trained into it. John Calvin commenting on proper application wrote thatWe must observe that the knowledge of God which we are invited to cultivate is not that which, resting satisfied with empty speculation, only flutters in the brain; but a knowledge which will prove substantial and fruitful whenever it is duly perceived and rooted in the heart.. Believe it to be safe They do not seem very ancient. ", The goal of Inductive Bible study is Joshua The student has sought God's blessing on the Word, and has endeavored to find out its meaning and teaching; and it remains for him to ask, How does this passage apply to me? One who uses the Bible as his guide The OIA Bible study method consists of three parts. (Ed: And I would add that the Word of Truth ALWAYS has something to say to our heart! ", As William Temple said "Every revelation of God is a demand and the way to knowledge of God is by obedience. Do not be afraid to ask hard or silly questions. Commentaries are fantastic tools. Observation answers the question: What do I see? Who may go up to his holy dwelling place?" ( Ps 24:1-3 ). 2 Kings Youll also notice right out of the gate that Mark has introduced Jesus with two titles: Messiah and Son of God. Fourthly and this is very hard work Read And Practise. Explore answers to life's biggest questions. Turn Scripture into Prayer. When in a spirit of quiet thought we have thus resolved and revolved God's Word, we are prepared to pray over it. And when we do, like the bee, we will find that we never go away from God's Word empty. Trust and obey, for theres no other way For one thing people mistake the pleasure they have in hearing the Word of God for Christianity and worship. Is Your Interpretation Supernaturalistic, Naturalistic, Existentialistic, Dogmatic? He was there for hours writing notes, closed them, stuck them under his arm, tucked his magnifying glass in his pocket and walked away. That's a frightening statement! The Bible is the best prayer-book in the world, as it has been called the best story-book in the world. Kay Arthur on Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation & Application,Christy Tennant - Read more about spiritual life growth, Christian living, and faith. 3. They had mastered the Old Testament, but they were never mastered by the truth itself. Song of Solomon If you do not this, you are reading to your own condemnation. If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. What is the cultural and/or historical context of this passage? Ruth For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. However, interpretation can also involve separate actions or steps beyond merely observing the immediate text. Which road will you travel? never loses his sense of direction. Ask God not to let thy Bible be another mans Bible, but thine own Bible, Gods own mouth speaking to thy soul of the things which make for thy peace. King Edward VI of England would stand while the Word of God was read in worship service. Comment: Don't be like the butterfly flitting from one Bible study [preacher, devotional, commentary, etc] to another, but failing to personally apply what you learn. A (supernaturally charged and) changed life is the clearest testimony of genuine understanding of the Bible. If you're looking for the best Christian jobs and careers, check out Cru's ministry job openings for full- and part-time missionaries and professionals. 2 Samuel Be sure to visit the Precept Ministries International Web site to go deeper into inductive Bible study. For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows, -- F. B. Meyer, Read it to get the facts, study it to get the meaning, meditate on it to get the benefit. In fact, Logos even has an Inductive Bible Study Workflow built right in to guide you through these steps. As you work through these steps regularly, you will get better at them and you will be transformed. About Gods redemptive plan? Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible. )R z9=_)\_`w0s3^xT{bhi ?%\hMKINZ>0!L ik0%kjDb V >{f NGaE"VU{Z}M-9Eik$oflK pA!~~?\sDNSUke Ezra August 5, 2009. For Inductive Bible study, we don't begin with a topic and then try to find specific verses that make a teaching point. and how much we really believe what we have observed. If a servant were to hear but not do, how quickly the judgment would be given. The questions that might come out of your observations about Mark might include: Why does Mark not include the Christmas story in the beginning? (MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word or Logos). P Is there a Promise to believe or condition to meet in order to partake of the promise? And if at any time, when we study the Word, we have not this design expressly in our minds, yet if upon the discovery of any truth we endeavor not to have the likeness of it in our own hearts, we lose our principal advantage by it (John Owen). For example, notice that some form of the word suffering is used three . The precious promises lie in front of you. Lay hold on the Bible until the Bible lays hold on you. The inductive method is an investigative way of studying Scripture that can be used by both new and seasoned students alike. The botanist would lean over a certain flower and he would look for a long time and then he would write notes in his notebook. But for your study time, its helpful to use them as secondary sources after youve done some preliminary work. Have I overlooked anything or made any assumptions? And the botanist had a big notebook under his arm and a great big magnifying glass. These three parts are observation, interpretation, and application. PDF 10 BIBLE STUDY OBSERVATION AND INTERPRETATION - Home Baptist Church Part of this work is supernatural: As you study the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals truth from the text that applies to your life. Remember that the more time spent in observation, the less time you will spend in interpretation, the more accurate the interpretation and the more appropriate the application. Study the New Testament at your own pace in workable units of material that follow the inductive method of study. Bible Study Principles Again, our METHOD of reading, searching, and study must involve very precise OBSERVATION, which is absolutely necessary to accurate INTERPRETATION! This method makes observations on a passage of Scripture and then draws conclusions based on those observations. If the Bible seems dry and unexciting, check your attitude (Ed: Also do some personal inventory with 1 Pe 2:1+and then you'll be able to move on to 1 Pe 2:2+!). Memorizing God's Word - Why? It also becomes a source of support for you during difficult times. (Mt 7:13, 14+). Just like Matthew, Luke gets to the baptism in the third chapter. 2. Do with the Bible as the sick man does with the doctors prescription. Once you know what the passage means (interpretation), you are responsible to put it into practice in your own life. Before the Word of God can bring change to our world, it must first change our life. Reading the Bible without meditating on it is like eating without chewing. Bible study is intentionally digging into a passage of Scripture and using various interpretive techniques to understand what the author is saying.