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Thank you for supporting our journalism. "The amount of energy pulling from nature into the collider itself, you can actually see it. During a regular briefing at CERN headquarters, he told reporters, Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.[i] The notion of higher dimensional beings traversing such doorways conjures up the denizens of legend, orcs, ogres, elves, fairies, dwarves, and giants. Are scientists intentionally trying to open portals to other worlds? Compared to the LHC, it would be absolutely gigantic. "It is amazing they keep messing with nature and denying it. Enter Werner Karl Heisenberg, a renowned German Nobel laureate physicist who is often called the founder of quantum mechanics. He served as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during World War II, heading up the Nazi push to create an atomic weapon. The evidence: CERN has "666" in its logo and the collider's loop is 16.6 miles in circumference, which is apparently close enough to the devil's number to count. But Im a physicist talking about our research.. View our online Press Pack. Soon CERN will open a larger size portal or even open the portal all the way and those which have been trapped will be free. In the meantime you can visit our permanent exhibition in the Globe. Clouds Over Geneva Show CERN Opening a Portal to a New Dimension? Physicist Lisa Randall believes an extra dimension may exist close to our familiar reality, hidden except for a bizarre sapping of the strength of gravity as we see it. 2019 West Coast Mandela Effect Conference in Ketchum, Idaho. An example of this is found in the classical play by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus, The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, in which Cassandra repeats more than once, Apollo, thou destroyer, O Apollo, Lord of fair streets, Apollyon to me. Accordingly, the name Apollo turns up in ancient literature with the verb apollymi or apollyo (destroy), and scholars including W. R. F. Browning believe apostle Paul may have identified the god Apollo as the spirit of Antichrist operating behind the persecuting Roman emperor, Domitian, who wanted to be recognized as Apollo incarnate in his day. They found that people consistently had the same false memory, meaning that people consistently selected the wrong image as the one they remembered.. Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes. The Mandela Effect, in which large numbers of people all misremember the same thing about pop culture (it's always been "Double Stuf" Oreos), is a highly interesting conspiracy theory, in part because it is verifiably real. NEW images of bizarre cloud formations above the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could be shock proof the world's biggest experiment is about to tear open a portal to another dimension. In the video, the topic of discussion is the European Council for Nuclear Research's (CERN) collider, which CERN will use to reach the depth of the earth and open the new dimension. But the viral video recorded at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (a.k.a. Instead, the model predicts that black holes may form at energy levels of at least 9.5 TeV in six dimensions and 11.9 TeV in 10 dimensions. ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measurement at LHC. "There are many other colliders all over the world.". Hence, it's no surprise that on July 5, 2022 . [iv] Whether the scientists responsible for the name believe it or not, wormhole portals are studied very seriously. The goal is to advance mankind's knowledge of our universe and the mechanisms of physical processes down to a quantum scale. A mix of conspiracy theorists, researchers like Larson, and regular people have been searching for an explanation for this collective cognitive dissonance and false memory for decades. Here's the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. It also seems fair to examine indigenous spiral petroglyphs (described elsewhere in this book) that very often feature horned humanoid figures in close proximity to a vortex. And is it not even more astonishing that this collective of the worlds finest minds mirrors one of the darkest events in biblical history, that of the Tower of Babel? This intertwined and sometimes antagonistic relationship is similar to that of Shiva and Kalian important point to make because it is Shivas statue that welcomes visitors to CERNs headquarters in Geneva. In appearance the locusts were like horses prepared for battle:on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces werelike human faces. His name in Hebrew isAbaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. Video also mentions that Shiva, Hindu God of destruction, represents a token of CERN, whereas the logo of the research council depicts three six. . A graviton might escape our detectors, leaving an empty zone that we notice as an imbalance in momentum and energy in the event. Reportedly, the crew had confused the two, though the story certainly leaves a lot of questions.). . People repeatedly inserted the same wrong characteristics from their own memory: The scientists found that there are certain images that elicit a specific false memory, despite high familiarity and confidence. They specifically demonstrated that seven familiar images from popular iconography have low memory accuracy, with a specific incorrect version consistently remembered across people, suggesting that something about the logos was being misremembered by large numbers of people for unknown reasons. The laboratory we know as CERN was born in 1952, not long after World War II and the emergence of the nuclear bomb. Engineers have spent the past two years reinforcing its connections and building in safety devices to prevent a short circuit. The narrator adds: "Is it a coincidence they had just started the Awake experiment? In everyday life, we inhabit a space of three dimensions - a vast 'cupboard' with height, width and depth, well known for centuries. ENOCH, THE WATCHERS, AND THE FORGOTTEN MISSION OF JESUS CHRISTPART 4: The Sin of the Watchers and the Apkallu, PART 3: THINGS COULD GET SO BAD BEFORE THE MYSTICAL HEBREW YEAR 5785 (THE FOCUS OF DR. THOMAS HORNS UPCOMING NEW BOOK WE ARE LEGION, FOR WE ARE MANY [DUE THIS FALL] THAT YOU NEED TO PREPARE NOW: What Happens First. In 1935, Albert Einstein and his student, Nathan Rosen, proposed that connecting two black holes would form a tube-like gateway between two regions. So far, every attempt to locate Dark Matter has failed. And in those dayspeople will seek death and will not find it. The wave passed through the Gate of the Sun, an ancient megalithic stone arch in Bolivia. According to the bizarre tale, all 170 passengers, along with the plane, spontaneously teleported 5,500 miles from Bolivia to the Canary Islands, where they were able to land safely, though confused. It may be covered up by some scientific jargon words, but it is known CERN could lead to opening a door to another dimension. Collisions in particle accelerators always create balanced events just like fireworks with particles flying out in all directions. . This is why there have been some strange things taking place in Switzerland. Is it not astonishing that, following upon the heels of two world wars in which millions upon millions of human lives were sacrificedand upon the discovery of a mighty weapon that changed history forever, that being the atomic bombthe victors in both wars would come together to form a scientific endeavor that would unlock the secrets of the universe? It lies on the border with Switzerland, nestled into the foothills of the Jura Mountains and Lake Geneva (Lac du Leman to the French)and, because of its unique location, it is governed by the cross-border area of Geneva.The ALICE, ATLAS, and MERYN experiments lie within this region. The scientists do not consider whether this might be the result of alternate dimensions. The extraordinary images were of dark clouds filled with lightning, and a rainstorm underneath the skies above CERN. They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt peoplefor five months is in their tails. One option would be to find evidence of particles that can exist only if extra dimensions are real. They were allowed to torment themfor five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. CERN is preparing for a major announcement, that they have discovered something inside the collisions happening at the large hadron collider (LHC). While Larson and the International Mandela Effect Conference board of directors are open to the theory that CERN is responsible for some Mandela Effects, neither believes it can explain the entirety of the Mandela Effects they have experienced. [viii]The Nataraja Dance of Shiva, Wikipedia, (accessed January 20, 2015). While scholars admit to speculating as much as anyone else, they typically interpret these spirals as symbolizing the portal to a long journey. This sounds eerily similar to what the Watchers did during the creation of the nephilim and to what scientists are doing this century through genetic engineering of human-animal chimeras. The thinking here is that there actually was a movie called Shazaam for a specific subset of the population who lived in one universe or version of reality, and those people have somehow either collectively switched realities, or reality itself has shifted, and a certain subset of the population has a collective memory of what things were like in the before times, when it was Looney Toons instead of Looney Tunes, for example. He is Apollo, Cernunnos, Abaddon, Osiris, and Horus, and he is returning as king of the locusts (hybrid fallen angels) from the pit! began at its facility at CERN on June 16, 2016, to host the International Linear Collider, European Organization for Nuclear Research, NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth, Gets Put On Ukrainian Kill List, Bill Gates Arrest Warrant Issued in Philippines For Premeditated Murder Linked To Vaccine Roll Out. Now CERN is proposing to build an even bigger 21-billion supercollider in search of the god particle. For billions of years this has been happening in our universe, she said. Whats more, the Bibles accuracy concerning this subject is alarming, including the idea that pagan justice will require surrender to a satanic system in a final world order under the rule of Jupiters son.[xi]. Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC - raises "major concerns" about what the LHC is being used for. They were successful. Einsteins general theory of relativity tells us that space can expand, contract, and bend. Yet, prior to the discovery of spinning Kerr black holes, traversing the magic sphere meant being obliterated down to the atomic level by the enormous gravitational force. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. They were toldnot to harmthe grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not havethe seal of God on their foreheads. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope reveals myriad of galaxies. In my opinion, some of the things being misremembered make more sense as what they should have been, she said. The project has been a work in progress for three years. A British military analyst later quipped: Were looking here at an imminent visit from a race of carnivorous dinosaur-men, the superhuman clone hive-legions of some evil genetic queen-empress, infinite polypantheons of dark mega-deities imprisoned for aeons and hungering to feast upon human souls, a parallel-history victorious Nazi globo-Reich or something of that type.[ii]. The Shiva statue depicts the Hindu god in his nataraja position, a cosmic dance that destroys the old universe in favor of a new creation. It's housed in a circular tunnel, 27 kilometers (17 miles) in circumference and 4 meters (13 feet) wide, buried several stories underground. CERN has been a longtime target of conspiracy theories. The Hebrew word translated as began to be is khalal, which implies sexual profanity or genetic pollutionand a process. However, that may be just enough . According to his story, CERN would go on to create microsingularities, which would then be harnessed to essentially open portals into these other worldlines, or timelines, allowing for backward travel through time.