Mary, My Mother, what a truly marvelous privilege is mine! Her name, feast day, location of her monastery, and attributes are those of the Celtic Goddess Brigit. Infirmities of the body, patiently endured, may become the occasion of great merit. How many and how great then, were the graces you received in order to reach the eminent virtue that was yours when, on Calvary, you became the Queen of Martyrs. How many sinners after losing hope have found refuge in you, and, under your protection, returned to God's grace! What was true of the effusion of the Holy Spirit on that day, is equally true of every outpouring of grace: God gives nothing to earth without causing the gift to pass through your hands. The Holy Spirit, who in virtue of your Son's merits lived in you, made you a living image of Jesus. You are God's purest and holiest creature, the one chosen to conceive and bear the Son of God. When you lived in this valley of tears, you were ever loving and merciful toward the afflicted. 1. May God dwell in me and may I live to Him alone through frequent Holy Communion and still more frequent prayer so that God may direct my whole lifemy thoughts, words and actionsto His greater honor and glory. continue our lady of sorrows feast day. In you I behold the charm of the purest of virgins, the majesty of the noblest of mothers. When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart. You knew that thousands even of His faithful followers throughout the world would turn from Him and would make His coming the occasion of their eternal ruin. Joseph, so humble, so pure, so loving respected your consecration to God, and he was willing to live with you a life of spotless virginity. He is your child and you are His Mother. In this I see God's plan that in the Kingdom of Jesus all graces should go through your hands and Heart. 3. 18, 3). you. Mary, My Mother, your power as Mother of Divine Providence is indeed as great as your compassion and willingness to help. Pray for us Christians who sigh to you in this vale of tears so that we may be comforted, enlightened, strengthened, guided, and finally saved! Mary, My Mother, I turn to you rather for health of soul than of body. You took your only Son to heart in all men born. Our Lady of Palestine stands watch over the land where she - Aleteia You were united with Him as closely as a Mother is united with her child, and your thoughts and desires were those of your Divine Son. How often am I confused in the problems of life. The closer a soul is to God, the farther it is from sin. Only thus could you become one with Your God in the salvation of souls. Help me to love Jesus with all my heart and to show my love for Him by loving you whom He has loved so dearly. Mary, My Mother, I beg you for this humility which is so necessary for me that without it I cannot enter God's kingdom, as Jesus reminded His disciples, "Unless you turn and become like little children, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. Mary, Mother of God, your Immaculate Heart is the Hope of the world. In that moment the mystery of love and mercy, promised to mankind thousands of years earlier foretold by so many prophets, desired by so many saints, was accomplished upon earth. There is nothing you want more than to give them to me, since you are even more anxious to save my soul than I am, for you know better than anyone else the price your Son has paid for it and the precious worth of each grace He so graciously offers to me through you. This is my hope that you will be a Mother to me and obtain for me the grace I need to save my soul. In 1913, Pope Pius X fixed the date on September 15. Give them zeal that by prayer and sacrifice they may cooperate in the great work of the Redemption. Never were you guilty of the least fault; never did you offer the least resistance to grace. The foundation of this doctrine is to be found in Sacred Scripture where we are taught that God, the Creator of all things, after the sad fall of Adam, addressed the serpent in words which the Church applies to you, "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed; she shall crush thy head" (Gen. 3.15). Our Lady of Sorrows Feast Day - DocsLib You formed His lips, to teach us. Your will was one with His, faithful to your promise made at the Incarnation. Since you have had such an intimate share in my redemption, I entrust my soul to your loving care. Whereas pride and ingratitude repel grace from our souls, gratitude and humility, like golden keys, unlock the treasury of heaven. I entrust my cause to you who are the Mother of Mercy, and I wish to offer you day by day my most reverent love. Though it is impossible for me to form any idea of the thoughts that flooded your mind and heart, I beg you to give me at least a spark of that fervor of divine love that burned in your soul. Bless the people of the Americas, citizens of those lands to which uncounted thousands have come to seek refuge and livelihood. 3. 2. God inflamed no other heart, after that of the Heart of His Son, with His love so much as yours. He overshadowed you at the Annunciation and on Pentecost He made your heart a furnace of divine love. Our Lady of Compassion Catholic Primary School Your own extraordinary grace and merit, your own wondrous privileges give to your prayer an irresistible force and power. You want to give me help every time I need it. Wednesday of the First Week of Lent; Ember Wednesday of Lent He was endowed by God with all a father's tenderness and love for Him who was confided to him as his Child. 3. Mary, My Mother, who crushed the head of the serpent, I pray for my country. He has reconciled us to God. Our Lady of Compassion - Feast, October 7 (Novena, Sept. 28-Oct. 6). Feasts of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary - New Advent Confidence fills my soul, for you were raised to this glory not for your own advantage only, but for that of your children also, in order to make us feel the effects of your powerful protection and intercession. Your soul filled with love and sorrow, you embraced your Son now pale in death, a victim for the sins of mankind. If we could not say that you are the Mother of God for having given a body to the Son of God, then we could neither adore this Body; nor would we have been redeemed by the sacrifice of this Body on the cross, nor would we be united to the divinity in receiving this Body in the Eucharist. His triumph over death His Ascension into Heaven, the sending of the Holy Spirit. As Christ was pleased to be comforted by an angel, so was it necessary that you should be encouraged by one. He is Son of man by His birth, in time, in the bosom of a woman. 1. What marvels of grace possessed your soul! The Archangel Gabriel expressed this very clearly: "Hail, full of grace"there was no room left for sin; "the Lord is with thee"where God dwells, Satan can have no rights; "blessed art thou among women"you were elevated above all other women in the world. Mary, My Mother, the saints have taught me that the best veneration of you is always imitation. Your Child, becoming the King of Martyrs, would make you their Queen. Help me to love God with my whole mindso that my mind may be habitually occupied with God and that I may value His good pleasure above everything elseabove my convenience, above all earthly treasures, above all knowledge and friendship, above health and life. . Feast of Our Lady of Compassion - Friday, 3 April, 2020. Figures below show what proportion of half-day sessions were missed by pupils and how this compares to local and national averages. I unite myself with your heart so that everything I have to do or suffer may become a pure sacrifice of love in the sight of God. While no gift is bestowed on us by God except in virtue of the Passion and death of your divine Son, the Precious Blood and the sacred wounds of Jesus are presented to God by you. How God has loved you by making you His Mother! You offered to the Father in Heaven the Body and Blood of the Lamb you bore and sacrificed Him with the knife of your will on the altar of your heart. Your heart watches over them tenderly. Mary, Mother of God, the apostolic mission confided to you as Queen by your Son is to help Him to the end of time in the sanctification and the salvation of all the souls that come into the world. Through your prayers all graces have come to the apostle and to the souls converted or sanctified. God has made you Queen and Protectress of the Church. How can I ever imagine the emotions of longing and most eager expectation of the Birth of the Divine Child! You often discussed the coming of the Messias, since you knew He would be of your race and family. Mary, Mother of God, though marriage and motherhood were the cherished ideals of every Jewish maiden, you vowed your virginity to God, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Since you are my Mother, I share in the love you have for your Divine Son. Your dying Son declared this in His words to you from the cross, "Woman, behold thy Son." It is under the mantle of humility that you will protect me. The Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Feasts, Friday of Passion Week and September 15 (Novena, Wednesday after the Fourth Sunday of Lent; also September 6-14). I became a child of God. You are truly my model in offering Holy Mass. Not only were you full of grace, but you also bore the Author of grace. Help me to bear in mind that the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, and that the secrets of divine wisdom are imparted only to the humble of heart, while they are hidden from the worldly-wise. Jesus was a Son to you and a sword to you: a Son on your breast, a sword in your heart. Teach me to bear my cross patiently in imitation of Jesus and you so that in this way I may prove how much I really love you. As the Mother of the Incarnate Son you were so preserved from inheriting original sin that never for a moment was as much as a shadow cast by sin upon your spotless soul. But saints and writers of the Church speak of devotion to you as a sign of perseverance in good and a happy death. Infirmities of the body are nature's warning voice concerning the approach of death, which I cannot finally escape. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE DAY CELEBRATION Sunday, December 11 from 1 to 3 PM Celebrate the Patroness of our Community & the Americas with live Mariachi Music, Food, Drinks, Games, Procession, and Blessing In honor of Our Lady. 2. Mary, My Mother, I rejoice with you that you are so privileged, so exalted as to become the worthy Mother of God. He is for us the source of all grace, the cause of our supernatural life. For as often as I offended God by mortal sin, so often have I crucified the Son of God and made a mockery of Him.
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