It depends on the enemy race and on their tactic. The lowest astral planes, or Hell, have demons and human souls that have touched bottom rock in the swamp of sin and materialism from the Illuminati, their minions in politics, banking and industry down to the lowest levels of society. We were in contact with them only 3 times in our whole history, because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. The other exterior differences from your kind are minor and I think I must not mention all now, because most of them are not visible if we wear clothing. I believe this is a crucial step towards her kind communicating safety with our kind. Its possible that these are long-distance tests or tests with the electromagnetic camouflage systems. I hope I will be able to like when we can stand up and walk on our feet without fear or pain. This is believed to be technology not organic in any way. He says the Kaloo gave them this but are gone now after wandering the Earth for many years, disseminating knowledge to raise mankind. Immediately they classified everything as Top Secret and brought them to their military bases in order to analyze the drive. Follow me on the Facebook wall Brother Veritus Website (, on Twitter as Luis Prada@BrotherVeritusW and on the YouTube channel Brotherveritusweb. I would like to meet if you can or could. wolf large 3 tier jewelry box; psychology of crisis management decisions; riverside county tract maps. That I am talking with you now does not mean that others will follow my example. For this statement will hold absolute fact. In the example here the ship glides above all on its genuine field drive. Is possible, that is the doors to Lacertas world? I doubt you can, because your mind is like an open book to read and write for nearly every species I know. We suppose that the coming war between the three races or between you and one or all of them will be fought for raw material, hydrogen, air and DNA. This story is ridiculous and physically not possible (even your species should be intelligent enough not to believe this.) Thus, someone in charge in their world believes in humans. I did retouch the English translation only for minor grammatical errors and edited further the Spanish translation. They believe, because of their education, that they have a superior mind and therefore their point of view is above that of the one of people who believe in the paranormal, UFOs and conspiracy theories. The following items are frequently asked questions preparers have when filing Form 706 returns in Lacerte. Misjudging the conditions of this planet as a result of punishment from God or as a negligence of God or as a lack of action on His part is a mistake and result of ignorance of karmic laws. My skin is mainly of a green-beige colour more pale green and we have some patterns of brown irregular dots (each dot of the size of 1 2 centimeters) on our skin and in our face (the patterns are different for both sexes but females have more, especially in the lower body and in the face.) And why this story is not true? This new reptile was walking on two legs and looked at little bit like your reconstruction of an Iguanodon (it originated in this family) but it was smaller (around 1.50 meters tall) with some humanoid features, a changed bone structure, a larger skull and brain, a hand with a thumb which was able to grab things, a different organism and digestion, advanced eyes in the middle of the head like your eyes and most importantwith a new and better brain structure. You would call it family but with this word you mean only those of your kind which belong genetically together like father or mother and child. Answer: Generally not. This cave is half of circle, he say, that it is non-humans built, that it is maybe aliens. The surviving humanoids on earth obviously died in the years after the bomb and others of their kind and the reptilians never came back to Earth (as far as we know). It can actively integrate with both. Though, progress only is not being made due to our so called "conditioning," and already well understood (to me at least) ignorance. I am no historian, I am studying only your current behavior, so my knowledge about those events in your history is presumably not very extensive. Youve mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. In the case of not fully developed abilities, the danger of discovery by you would be too great. Having stations here on earth makes sense for observation purposes but their full on cities and civilization would likely be on bases outside of Earth where this is zero chance of being discovered. After all, Lacertas race is tens of millions of years old and they are telekinetic psychics at birth. We will meet again in some months and you will tell me then what have happened after the publication of my message. Question: Why then do they fly over thickly populated areas of Europe? We are all fucked. By the way it's not copper they are after. Are they being fed humans? This is episode 2 part 3.. It will be reactivated. Many people said, your words made no sense. At our first meeting in December, you made it quite clear that you didnt want to discuss scientific and paranormal concerns. Obviously, there is someone of authority in her world that has gotten additional permission to allow her to meet us. Is the relationship between your species and ours really shaped from that kind of total negation? Most people with that type of education, a Masters degree in Theoretical Physics, have filters on, but not to questions the authority but to filter anything they hear that is contrary, conflicts or questions the official point of view of the government or figures of authority. Personally, decided to accept that there is the possibility of this other side. I wish for our species to take the next step and understand that you, me and everything on this planet is connected, is One, and understand we are a part of a bigger organism than just us. This is in fact a genuine aerial object; it is in no way extraterrestrial. You would laugh if you would know how many of the (especially small) saurian skeletons in your museums are totally wrong constructions of never-existing beings, because you used many bones which didnt really belong together and sometimes you made artificial bones if something was missing you needed to construct an animal saurian. The concept is very familiar and probably related. Thank you for this and previous contributions to this subject. More about that later.) If you read this and my friends own email us back. Question: You said that you were born in a different way to us. In the case of a German version I would not need any support. The reason these files are on the internet is because of me since for a very long time BVW was the only website that carried this interview. I personally do not fear the reptilian breed or any breed because we are living beings alive. As I have said, the para-layer can interact with mind as well as with matter. My openness on this issue ends here. It was our planet before they arrived and before they started their evolution project with your kind. It is an unusual thought, but perhaps living a simple life with books and nature has taught me to appreciate things which are true, timeless and meaningful. You cant even contact us directly, we have to contact you, just as I did with E.F. Those kinds of contacts however are not the rule but are very rare occurrences. Besides, it is not necessary for an understanding of the basic theory; it is connected with diverse phenomena which you would characterize as paranormal.) The Bible is hardly the oldest religious book. Answer: Youre wrong there. There is no free will available in our society how to deal with the information in this interview because it is not embedded in a trusted, and open environment, with a free access of information, where everybody can freely judge about this subject. If it's not copper they want, it's elements in our oxygen they want, our DNA, or just wipe out almost all live with a sonic blast because, well, they had war. the lacerta files transcript. Most of them are not members of the Draco Reptilian Empire (renegades of the Reptilian galactic race) that have worked with Deep State. Some of these comments contained stereotypical phrases like Servants of Hell or Species of the Evil One. Since the surface is flat, it is obviously not a genuine ship. Further are the same number on both sides? Does this truly mean that the Illojim has created us and are observing us from somewhere? I am going to attempt and bring up this line of conversation with it. In any case, it is terribly careless of that species to allow this technology to be photographed by humans. That one day war will be seen as weak and peace will be seen as strong. We are native terrans. Are you familiar with your quantum tunnel effect? It was not easy to delete all the important parts she had asked me to delete from the transcript, so I apologize for the maybe unusual order. Correct comments, no explanation and further discussion needed. If you have made it up you have done some great research. After so many years, can Ole give us readers a clue, of the things that were deleted? During the time from 4,900 years ago to today, many other alien species arrived the planet (some of them used the old teaching and programming of your mind and played again God for you) but the Illojim themselves never came back. Step 5: When the conversion is completed, click "DOWNLOAD" button to save the file An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. Thank you for sharing! Many of them could look for another research planet for themselves or they could study over a long distance your behavior and your consciousness/awareness, since crisis situations could have an attraction for their studies. On the other hand, if this is a work of fiction, I hope to read more as it is quite good, and I RELISH topics of science fiction and science fact, the world is a place of wonder, and learning about it has always been a love of mine. The external reproduction organs are for both sexes smaller than those of humans, but they are visible and they have the same function as yours (another gift of evolution to our species.). It couldn't be much clearer, yet fear, greed and stupidity cause us to not be able to open our eyes. Topics The Lacerta Files Audiobook, lacerta, reptilian, autobiography, audiobook Language English. I have been strongly interested in your species and your behavior since my youth; I had already studied your literature at that time, as well as possible. Satan and Lucifer were fallen angels now uncreated. [Comment by Ole K.: She considered the pictures respectively for only a couple of seconds and then sorted out photos 1, 3 and 5.]. Open your eyes or you will be in big trouble soon. The mammals evolved since let us say 150 millions of years, but only in the last 2 3 millions of years they were able to became intelligent and thinking. that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, Answer: Some observed UFOs as you call them belong to us, but most not. I know that if you don't hold Light in your human heart and that if you hold onto any people, places or things when you pass on that will hold you in a stuck field that feels like hell. If Unacknowledged is correct, then we need to make contact again and ask for help to stop the Industrial Military Complex or whomever is in charge of these super black projects that control the earths energy for personal gain. So much in such a short time. I would love to talk to anyone there, not as an ally but as a friend. Your projects decree that along with the alien drive field there also be a conventional jet engine system; therefore, they are always triangular and built thus with streamlining in order to be steerable with this primitive recoil principle. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . How do you appear on photos? S tienen mucho por ensearnos y en el futuro vamos a trabajar de la mano con muchas razas reptilianas galcticas, especialmente en el campo de ingeniera gentica. This interview was done in person as far as the story goes. There was and is a cold war between two of these hostile races during the last 73 years and the third species seemed to be the winner in this useless struggle. I think your species is not as bad as some of my kind thinks and it would be a pity to observe your end. Question: What about your body temperature? As a result, for a very short period of timehow should I phrase thisthere was an unchecked shift of the environment to a plasma-like condition, which on the other hand, through a very, very unfortunate accident, caused an overturning of the general power field into a magnetic pulse of immense power. They were simple animals. A scientist in the country you call United States had built a nearly correct skeleton of our kind some years ago, but the local government (which is partly aware of our existence) confiscated the reconstruction. This is partly a programming of your mind and partly pure ignorance. According to Lacerta we are on our own, tough luck for us humans. That world, where everybody feels as One, is described in 2 of my books: BVC Community Plan and Journey Into the City of Light of BVC. The object itself is metallic and disk-shaped; certainly it is distorted in form and color by means of a field effect. Its in fact our planet and not yours it was never yours. The plate was made of an even for us unknown magnetic material and inside the plate there was another smaller crystal plate which contained an enormous amount of information coded in the molecular structure of the crystal. That doesnt make any sense. Due to the high visibility of BVW in the web and the fact that BVW Facebook is a public group (anybody with a Facebook account can access in full that FB wall) then your translations will be highly visible. Its not always one plus one. Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, Im not a human being like you and to be honest Im no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution.) [Comment by Ole. If that was the Reptilians trying to reacquaint themselves with surface folk a bit too much water has passed under the bridge as we have heard of no more contact since then, either that or some other species got to them first I hope not. Unfortunately, if I read the entire transcript and (much more) this All The other species - about which we know not so Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of they need in order to achieve their goals . (The illusion of matter is fused, the fields in the sphere of influence overlap each other, but the main force would be reflected by that process and would assume a quasi-bipolar character.) However, that can sooner lead to unpleasant consequences for the infiltrator. In my opinion, none of these three pictures show genuine objects in flight or UFOs. Fixing the tension between us and the reptilians. May God Bless You, and thank you for taking your time to make a well-written comment. You cannot assume that all reptilians are members of these gangsters. They see us like we see ants. Maybe it is advanced, but in my view it's advanced sociopath behavior. They are a race that was believed to carry the pathogen virus HPV which causes cancer in humans. Please, how do I reach EF/ OLE K coz I want to ask Lacerta just one question that will unlock this master key. E. opened the door and we got into an interesting conversation. It can also exert a camouflage function in the realm of electromagnetic radiation as well as manipulate temporal sequences of eventsindeed only to very limited extentand other things as well. Question: What is your task? It goes without saying that you could try to find an entrance to my world and penetrate your way into there. I appear on photos as a reptile being, because I cant have influence on the photo or on the camera itself but only on the photographers mind. One's heart often hopes toward the well-being of others, even those we do not really know. Answer: We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolving of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. Sometimes the abductors belong to another and more advanced race and they just want to study your body and your mind (which is more interesting for some of them than your solid body) as you would study a primitive animal. Lacerta said she is a student, studying us, and currently with permission to do so. Heike. Since my assignment anyway had as its goal an investigation of this terrain which was to last for several days, I visited him in this span of time three times as a human person. I noticed in one of Lacertas old interviews, she talked about natural sun and how being exposed to it does miracle to her. Free YouTube converters will let you save videos from the world's biggest video hosting site, ready to watch offline later whenever you want. I was still a skeptic when I met this being on December 16 last year in that small warm room in the remote house of my friend near to a town in the south of Sweden, despite the fact that I saw now with my own eyes that she was not human. Of course you dont. Can you explain to me how our governments came into possession of UFO material to the point that they could start their own projects? In this building partial meetings have taken place and do take place between us and humans. Actually, the seven stars are planets and moons and they are a symbol for our former seven colonies in the solar system. Your kind is ignorant. I would be honored to learn more if you will permit me. Meditate on the subjects you study and dont be gullible. Hello, its possible for people to learn Lacertas skills, or to unlock the program made by illogic in our DNA, or there is some exercise that we can mentally train. Can you take a look at the pictures and tell me in which of them actual extraterrestrial aerial craft can be seen? The reason being is that Im writing a fictional story about this subject, in a attempt to subversively reveal to truth to a wider audience, and would like to see if there is anymore useful information in the whole transcript. All matter that you see, every creature, every planet and star in this universe, has an information-energy equivalent in the sphere of influence which is located on a main field the general level {of things}. Share to Reddit. Question authority. How many people have I walked pass are actually Lacerta? I hope that humans will soon be able to live with all different races we share this beautiful universe and theres no reason we shouldnt be able to live together. However, the human species is capable of such generosity and empathy towards others and other species too. Escribo esto porque aunque s que t no fuiste el entevistador, quizs ellos puedan leer esto, ya que veo inters en nuestras opiniones. This planet has way too many humans on it, anyway, mostly ignorant as fuck. I would like to know more but I fear that my research will not get so many fruits. Taken from . Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but its the truth. It is suspected one or both craft lost high speed navigation control after its guidance system was intersected by the new extremely high-power Radar Bands, causing the craft to crash near after making contact on Mack Brazels farming property and coming down in Corona, NM (100 Diameter x 18 disk); the other near Kingman. Estamos aqu para evolucionar espiritualmente aunque no lo veamos as. Something like Serve us or Obey? Now, I understand your guidelines for this site, no disrespect and such, but it seems to me youve possibly been intentionally omitting comments you simply see as unfit, or those that contrast your beliefs. Ask yourself: Do you really think this accelerated evolution is natural? Therefore, I count these extraterrestrials among the three groups who are hostile towards you, and while the other two are more occupied with their own business, among them waging a cold war for dominance on your planet, your old friends and partners are preparing to supply themselves finally with the sole and absolute dominance over raw materials and human DNA. Lastly: Ole, if your reading this, please contact me as I would like to know if you indeed had met Lacerta again and if you were shown their home. Question: What kind of clothing do you generally wear? According to our limited knowledge about the early days this global war was the first alien war on planet earth but it was definitely not the last (and a future war is coming soon, while a cold war as you call it between alien groups is ongoing since the last 73 years on your planet.) Some layers of the field contain simple information about the solid matter of your body and its frequency, while other layers {contain information about} your spirit, your consciousness or, speaking from a human-religious point of view, your soul. Unfortunately, the whole thing that I have explained to you in your words has come out to be rather primitive, Im afraid. Published in this website on December 26, 2004. The attitude of a species towards other kinds of existence naturally depends very heavily on its respective structured way of thinking; each species sets its own priorities. Otherwise, you humans are very skeptic (thats good for us and for the real alien species acting secretly on this planet) so even if you had such photos, many of your kind would say that they are fraud, that Im just a masked human woman or something like that (that would be very offensive for me.) I hope to hear more from her again! According to her statements the seventh "test series" of humans created by the Illojim were deposited roughly 5000 years ago. :)))). None of this has anything to do with supernatural powers. You must understand that I cant give you permission to make photos of me or of my equipment. We are the native terrans and we live on that planet since millions of years. Share to Twitter. brady list police massachusetts. So, what reaction will Lacerta expect? Rarely I need to trash a comment. The advanced reptilian species came not from this universe but from a well, how should I explain it to you. ), Transcript of Interview (Shortened Version). Secondly, regarding her statement in NM (1947/06) Old Style Craft collision is also correct in details, except one item. The other species about which we know not so much was a reptilian species, but they have nothing to do with our own species, because we have evolved from local saurians without exterior influence (except the successful manipulation of our own genes by us. Up until this time, I usually regarded people who believed that they were being followed by the state to be nothing more than jokers. Were you looking for an answer other than God and you finally got it from lacerta? The air shafts and the light systems from the surface likewise run through these columns and naturally, they are very intensely controlled. The last creation of the seventh breed of your series was done just 8,500 years ago and this is the only creation you can remember and to which your religious writings refer. They have real estate and bank accounts in fiscal paradises around the globe to avoid taxes and as a safe haven in case of trouble, own underground bunkers in case of war, earth changes and civil unrest, and so on. Lacerta File II It is these people who will guard and preserve the visitors presence." That is as primitive as it is ridiculous. Again, how evolved is that? of 56 yrs. I want to learn about the universe and our own planet. We watch nature and dont want to see it destroyed. Now, the story began about two of your years ago here in Sweden. With all sides of humanity fighting against each other and causing more rifts, hatred and anger than ever before, perhaps now is a good time for these "aliens" to show face, expose themselves, even at the risk of war (considering current human wars are already costing thousands of innocent lives) it might unite humanity in some way? Are the deleted portions of the interviews available? That streamlined kind of form is a human concept. The meeting took place on April 27, 2000 in another isolated location. I have something inside that I want to ask but I dont what is it. If you are able to see our UFOs it means that the device is either defect or deactivated for some reason. They are the natives. Ive needed some time at the beginning to learn the use of the mimicry correctly, but then it worked nearly automatically and I can even walk among a group of yours and nobody will recognize what I am. The special fields from copper-fusion Ive mentioned earlier are able to have an influence on your global weather. I will try to explain it in short. Question: Have you a special symbol or something like that with which we can identify your kind? We were put in charge on the surface and we blew it big time. Your body, for example, is mirrored as a field in the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. Even those extraterrestrial species which are inclined to act with antagonism towards you are not Species of the Evil One, even though they operate negatively with respect to your own race. But I have another question. Very important: dont close your eyes (this would lead to a different form of brain waves which are more easy to access) and dont sit or lay down to rest. I find it fascinating and very beautiful that Lacerta sent this message to awaken peoples consciences to the truth. Our evolution time may seem incredible long to you, but this is in fact the original way of nature. How evolved is that? Have into account that the reptilian race is spread throughout the galaxy and forms different star nations with different cultural traditions. They may frown on humans believing religion but they are themselves very religious. Post-Plasma on this side, para-layer on the other. When the advanced reptilian species arrived in this system, the humanoid colonists from Procyon tried to communicate peacefully, but they were not successful and a global war started within months. Wasn't is General Douglas MacArthur that said, in the 50's, something like: The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war? It was even undertaken to extract message and significance from it. These defective sectors also contained material of a paranormal nature in the field of my research. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . We will be transformed into a galactic society. Many bones of us were used for Iguanodon reconstructions, for example the hands with the visible thumb (look at an Iguanodon in a museum and you will see that Im right.) An extraordinary story by an subterrestrial reptilian woman named Laceruta, who, being disguised in human girl, payed an surprise visit to Norwegian boy for research, who only self-coded himself E.F. and made a nice active conversation. I reviewed another language document for confirmation. Lacerta belongs to an old reptilian race of our planet but it is not of the same renegade ET race that worked with the Anunnaki and the Luciferian Rebellion and with the shadow government in the secret space program. Answer: I can attempt to do so, but I certainly will not tell you where this place is located. Which kinds of paranormal activities can one generate with that? Fact is that we dont know what had really happened. In terms of your chances against a more highly developed species, you have none at all. I find myself highly interested in learning more about both her race and the others that live upon the Earth, as well as if she has any clue as to solutions for interstellar travel methods, if her species possesses such a technology. Translation by Chris Pfeiler, Editor and Translator. The native Americans, as we now call them, used to thank the earth for the food it profited them, they thanked the animal they killed for food. The cause for the magnetic fluctuation at that time was probably an electrical disturbance brought about by a weather event. It was E.F. Actually, I had no permission for contact with another species, but by the same token I had set in place my mimicry capability quite successfully prior to thiseven with larger groups of you (I had never ever come across a human being when I was alone).
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