if youre on zwift and intentionally cheating to get whichever fake virtual badge or win whichever fake virtual place in a race, then youre real-life literal loser. It points to the need for a results-based categorization system, which I discussed a month ago in the final post of my race category series. This calculates that this heavy rider would take 23:14 to do the distance a justRead more , Everyone has a sweet spot for weight. In the many B races i have done it was more fun because i was competitive. Is it doping though? This clearly shows the power of the Zwift blob it impacts more than just drafting. If you're putting out enough power, then you can make your way up the ranks and keep on racing. On a flat ride I would beat every sub 60kg cat B rider too. I currently weigh 59kgs but my BMI is 25 which technically overweight. There could be Zwift level weight bonuses instead of another pair of socks. I never reverse weight doped. I think theres another more interesting angle than just trying to stay down a category. Enforce race category entry and youll fix much of the problems with Zwift racing. We check over 250 million products every day for the best prices. I mean youve both got a point. On Zwift, weight dopers seek to gain an advantage by entering a lower-than-life weight into their Zwift profile. As a 96kg, 51 year old with an FTP of 317 and a resting HR of about 48 (and a theoretical maximum HR of 174) Im not sure why my lower HR during an event should seen as suspicious. Theyre only cheating themselves and it all comes out in the wash eventually. It all has to do with the way Zwift's racing categories work. Honest mistake on my part and one I wont make again, so fair enough to be filtered outRead more , Related (and apologies if the answer is obvious but Ive only done one Zwift race), really what is the point of the categories? I think you can force it with the Refresh Profile button in your ZP Profile but again, not sure if that triggers it immediately or overnight. We like this move from Zwift. Kudos to Zwift for listening to their customers and admitting they made a mistake. I agree WTRL ZRL races dont feel like they have cheaters. In the future, well continue to bring potential product ideas and changes to members of the Zwift Racing Community, with the hope that youll embrace this as a collaborative effort to help shape the experience. I tried racing a D race, and finished way off the front behind about 2/3 of riders after Id ridden at 2.9W/kg for the race. I have been cycling since I was a kid and now close to 50. Any thoughts on verifying? What stone have you been living under? Im more concerned about the guy who finished 5th with 144bpm. ZwiftPower - Login Please update your Zwift ID on the connection page to complete registration. Just sign up for A races from now on. So am I a super-drafter, the king of indoor efficiency? The key phrase there is have the same W/kg its very easy to boost your W/kg simply tell Zwift you are lighter than you really are. Which brings me to todays topic: reverse weight doping. What you see a lot are riders who are (claiming) to be really light with decent but not exceptional watts. Secondly, Zwifts statement says they agree there is a need for tools that deliver greater transparency to Zwift racing. Thats good to see, and we completely agree! I am alleging that weight cheating is endemic in zwift, especially among those who care about winning. I once made myself much heavier so I could compete against my 11-year-old son in a head to head Zwift climbing race. It all has to do with the way Zwifts racing categories work. But It doesnt mean that that person is going to be the person riding the bike on the trainer during the race does it. Although does WTRL encourage reverse weight doping? Youll move a little slower with the added virtual weight, but youll be able to hang with the front of the Cs instead of getting shelled off the back of the Bs. Now head back to ZwiftPower, click 'Connect' at the top of the page, then enter your Zwift ID in the box when prompted. Example: have you ever purposely avoided weighing yourself (especially you who have a Withings scale that automatically updates your Zwift weight) because you know youve put on a few pounds over the weekend? Then everyone would know who is legit or at least somewhat legit. Living at 5,900 ft. adds a performance restriction on me, I get it. I guess I shouldnt be surprised. Why not only require weight and height for entry to A and B races? It just makes a mockery of the whole system. The 33-pound Hub is 14 pounds lighter than the 47-pound Wahoo Kickr, even though the two trainers are almost exactly the same size. The Tour de Zwift events this year were much moreRead more , Wait. Keep hammering the point and finding ways that Zwift can improve controls. I climbed the Alpe last night for Stage 3 of the Tour of Watopia, missing my target of going under an hour by just over 12 seconds (Aargh!!). If you gave the power, it will come out. The bottom line is that in any competition there will always be someone who wants to cheat to win.Read more . yea but realistically is it worth it for them to dedicate the resources to that $$$$$$$, Well, thats good news. This is how racing is supposed to work. Then weigh yourself, and open Zwift, and see if it reflects the change. Thats a good thing. Zwift power usually looks at numbers vs the category race he entered. Email zwiftpower@zwift.com if you want to reset everything. USA Cycling has categories that are based on experience and performance. I am racing in the Cs finishing in the 40-50s but there are 30 + racers ahead of me posting watt/kilo of A, and strong B racers. Race specific phase: 3x10min 50-60rpm intervals with . Doing this will bring up a box at the bottom of the browser showing a web address something similar to: https://s3-fit-prd-uswest2-zwift.s3.amazonaws.com/prod/000000/a2e1b7f8-27610843. My weight is showing orange everytime. The algorithms very much help heavier riders in descents, which gets forgotten when all we discuss is climbing. Racing the As resp. I suffer from excess sweating and will easily lose 10kg in a race on Four Horseman, for example (although Im certainly not the norm, but to say no one is untrue). Yes, there are plenty of variabies, but power is power. Heres an idea: Take weigh out of the equation. Incrasing virtual weight would probaly downgrade me to B again. Among the communicated changes were plans to hide the visibility of height and weight from ZwiftPower in an effort to encourage individual health and wellness. Okay, I now see in ZP where it has my minimum racer category (B) in my profile based on my last race, so I can choose B or A going forward. Or theyll ignore leaders instructions and ride off the front of a group (flyers). Now I know it is a thing. Keep writing this sort of thing. But without any hard and fast rules, we cant say anything is illegalat least for certain races. I love reading it. When you're in the game, click "Menu". There was a problem. Have you considered age category racing. Sandbagging is pointless if winning means youre going to move up (unless you want to take 3 months off after your win. The latest race content, interviews, features, reviews and expert buying guides, direct to your inbox! Bath First up, you'll have to head to Zwift.com and log in, then click on Settings > Profile > Connections and choose 'opt-in' under the ZwiftPower logo. I have wondered about this subject on a few occasions. If its a big hill, well then w/kg has us equalised. If you're on Zwift and planning to get racing, then signing up to the third-party app ZwiftPower (opens in new tab) is an essential step. You can record your weight n height n have it verified by experts etc up to five minutes before an event. Completing this first step means that you've given permission to share your results and activity history with ZwiftPower, so now all of your performance and race data can be transferred across to the website. Plus imagine how bigRead more . 0.5kg discrepancy either side is actually quite small. Contribute a post, shop through us, make a donation, advertise on this site. Please refresh the page and try again. 2 Likes _Jynxy_EVO (:)) October 1, 2021, 1:41pm #8 thxs mike, What is that!?! The categories are power to weight divisions. But youre training and racing and getting stronger, and eventually your FTP improves to 260 watts, which is 3.25 w/kg. That's it! ZwiftPower FAQ We're sure you have several questions about ZwiftPower and what it is. That guy who weighs 300lbs and gets 1st place in Cs for a month straight should be automatically upgraded to Bs and Bs to As. Head to http://my.zwift.com/ and hover your mouse cursor over the 'Download' button under one of your activities. When a rider can change categories by modifying their virtual body weight, thats an issue. there's a million and 1 reasons why it is not a legitimate sport. If I were to drop say a kg obviously the watts required would not change to keep at the speed of the group andRead more , Youll go faster at a lighter weight on the flats. Think of ZwiftPower, then, as something similar to Strava, only entirely Zwift-focused, and free! Or theyll ride races 1-2 categories below their actual W/kg so they can still win and feel like that theyre legends. Even some of the regulated weight rides will give 2kg leeway. There are two ways to do this. Terms of Use/DMCA Copyright Policy How many cyclists do you see in real life who are 65kgs, but they are ten a penny on Zwift. If thats not something that needs fixing then why run any races? How big of a problem is reverse weight doping? The easiest way to qualify for a higher category is to cut weight. Tour de Zwift events were races? (Its not the only part, of course! Frankly I struggle to believe these are real. Not sure why its hard for you to believe that there are a lot of riders under 70kgs. This site contains affiliate links to Amazon, Wahoo, and other brands. 2. Everyone races at the same weight/height. But for most riders watts per kilo rules the day, determining which category you race in Zwift. Hopefully ZHQ will take a harder look the changes that have been proposed over the past year or so. Its also why the Zwift Transparency Facebook group was created, where racers post videos of themselves weighing in using a particular protocol which makes it difficult to fake your numbers. Racing on the Zwift virtual platform has only increased, with the professionals getting in on the act, too, via the Zwift Tour for All, the Virtual Tour of the Gila, and e-races organised by Team Ineos. They do? stop worrying about whatRead more . bottom line for me, its a virtual training world, a virtual hammer isnt the same as a real hammer. IRead more , Aaron, do you know what is the wattage requirement for Cat A? Yes thats completely unacceptable, you should never be at a disadvantage at any time in your life, just as your mother raised you. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (www.zwift.com), although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. light guys categorically do NOT have an advantage on the flats vs heavier guys, assuming both riding at same w/kg, heavy guy WILL be going faster on Zwift. My power is often in the top few. Race them if you want, but Rides like Tour de Zwift are not based on rider category, they are based on distance. Hide the weight who cares let them upgrade all the way to As where you have strict reporting requirements. (better than any bike upgrade i could afford) Yes its great to win,but as long as you improve yourself who cares what anyone else does.You will always get cheaters,dodgy equipment and so on so just enjoyRead more . All lists are full of 190cm lads weighting 65kgs. In theory (at least) weight dopers could game the results based categories as well. My HR numbers are almost identical to yours. See how you can support Zwift Insider! If you set your weight high enough that you fail to do well you will drop in the categories. If I feel happy in my body thats the most important thing for me, and why I rarely weigh myself. Someone with my FTP should be CAT B, regardless of weight. He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. You only change it in Zwift and it should get picked up with regular backend processing periodically (maybe overnight). There is enough variation in power profile to make it interesting without weight, what makes racing fun is trying to create tactics that favour yourRead more , Interesting & well reasoned article which answers a lot of things which were puzzling me. The winners are almost always people with recorded weights sub 70kgs, more typically 65kgs, even 59! In some cases this even happens unfairly. Ugh! My performance IRL then probably looks pale compared to when Im racing in Zwift, I use the same power meter on Zwift as I do outdoors and I only push it outdoors during FTP tests and during closed road events (i.e. Ive seen many A Riders with 300 FTP on Zwift who I beat by a HUGE MARGIN at triathlon events, including the cycling portion. Zwift can wipe your Zwift Power profile and give you a clean slate to start over if you want, but I think you will lose all past data. Its ridiculous. . nothing more. Contribute a post, shop through us, make a donation, advertise on this site. A recent Crit City A Race is a very good example of this: I finished in the front pack, sprinting it out for 9th place. I averaged between 300 and 310 watts for all segments and my heart sat pretty consistently between 140 and 144.Read more , saying x number of watts per kg at xxx hr is flawed anyways max and resting hr can vary alot. Whats the cheaters solution? A strict w/kg classification isnt perfect. On Zwift Power categories have both a wattage requirement and a w/kg requirement. Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviour What are they trying to protect? Why can we just all race together and the fastest person wins? Im quite heavy, at about 85kgs, but also 183cms tall (and 52 years old). Then lets stop with all athletic competition! I have just accepted that at my height I will always be heavier than the average cyclist. How come I get beat in sprints when a 60kg guy puts out 700W, when I put out over 1000W at 76kg? Keep it on. Im not heavy (68kg), have a typical climber/TT phenotype (no short sprint but good FTP). If someone on zwift holds an avg power at a given heart rate, then goes out on the road and holds that same heart rate but cannot sustain even close to that power, I am sorry, but that isnt physiology; that is hardware. True, but not necessarily in the way you think. Bikecalculator suggests not Go to http://bikecalculator.com/ enter an 85kg rider, riding on the drops for 16.2kms (ie an ITT) leaving all else unchanged. People still rode at B level pace in a C group. Share your thoughts below, and you may also wish to share those thoughts on the actual forum post. Maybe with a KICKR Climb it might be possible. But it highlights a bigger problem, and that is the fundamental flaw of using watts per kilo for race categorization. ur allowed +/- 5% weight for pro zwift races so +/- 0.5 kg is not going to make a difference :p. add weight if u want to stay in D. lower weight if u wanna move to C. up 2 u. Withings scale that automatically updates your Zwift weight, a month ago in the final post of my race category series, https://smartscalesync.com/?utm_source=tr, https://zwiftpower.com/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=5528, https://zwiftinsider.com/how-does-zwift-calculate-my-speed/, Zwift x UCI To Host Cycling Events for the Olympic Esports Series 2023, Race London ZRacing March Series Details, Notable Zwift Events for the Weekend of March 4-5. Races can use different schemes to categorise riders, but most of them use this scheme: You can, of course, progress through the ranks as you race. Bob, what on earth is that all about? Most of the time, this will be what you use to figure out your race category. I ride B category races & never podium but have been puzzled as I always seem to have a higher w/kg than most of the other riders in the race. Zwift should offer a Validated Racer package for a slight premium over normal membership. this is how it is in real life , big ian stannard putting in hard fast miles on the front for (was) team sky , while all the small guys tuck in the peloton getting drafted along saving energy for later on in the race , because they can`t compete on the flat with the big boys .
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