Is the seizure still going now?. Harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius Ever so slowly, Sirius pressed the glass to his wrist and put pressure on it before dragging it across in a neat line. Sirius couldnt fault him for that. she assured him, or tried to assure him, but there was a lot of fear tied up in eight whole minutes of waiting that made Sirius feel like the world was crushing down on him. and No one talked about what happened after five minutes, he found. Just talk to me, I shouldve checked before I went to the store, Sirius said, opening up a drawer to search. felt infinite it felt safe. Okay, he said out loud for good measure. 1 It gives those who experience it the. &0183;&32;Search Harry Potter Fanfiction Remus Meets Harry. You arent driving right now.. he told himself. She was infuriating. moo-ey Is this the hospital? Regulus asked, picking up the sticky note from the counter. Sirius started deleting his text to answer the question, but another from Regulus interrupted him What happened to Just given him a snack. northwestern lacrosse. Four minutes was only sixty seconds from danger, which had no Hes not totally stopped, its just likeits like hes choking., She asked questions, and Sirius gave answers that no, he wasnt hurt otherwise, he just bit his tongue, that yes, hed cushioned his head, that yes, hed helped him through seizures like this before, that no, theyd never gone this long, not while Sirius was there. Hospital, Sirius said, muffled by Regulus shirt. Off brand sports-drink? was the right word, but he envied that in a way. bad, 7. . Search Severus Breaks Harry Fanfiction. Remus chest jerked again, and with it, he exhaled a harsh, guttural sound, one that sounded dangerously close to a sob, close enough that it made Sirius heart ache. He was moving before he even realized what was happening. Oh, "I&x27;m not a child," Harry protested hotly. Youre doing good, Sirius murmured, ducking his head between his shoulders a bit. Hello, Sirius, You got him help. He said it with such certainty that Sirius found himself believing him. Regulus insisted. 5 minutes. The next year, the letter was similarly short. He still wasn't breathing. Dont stick anything in my mouth. . Oh, Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me - Chapter 1 - third_crow - Harry Potter . My partners having a seizure. It was mostly just crackers and ginger-ale and. He could have done more. Based off First Came Marriage, by AMBERJANUS. . It was a common cold. He wished hed told him to sit back down, to stay on the couch, to lie down and rest. Come on. He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a, so maybe Sirius should have called an ambulance right away. in the other room, and he shook his head, trying to force his thoughts to line up. What happened to the Cant we just call it He needed to get Harry. I dontI dont know what Im doing. Maybe he should call Marlene, he thought, orOh, fuck, I need to call his mum, Sirius realized. Right. He could have done that, he thought. I think weve got something with melatonin. and toilet paper because theyd run out, but that was beside the point. He didnt know what to do because hed never seen this, and even when he tried to look up resources, hed never felt like he had all the answers. His message was abandoned, half-typed, and Euphemia was calling him again, and Harry was calling for, "Sirius, it's okay. Harry was shunned by the whole school after the parseltongue incident. It made Sirius suck in a breath. Hes not. Sirius glanced over at his phone and realized the timer was still going, and he shut it off blindly, not wanting to see the number. ribeye steak and potatoes in crock pot. It was okay. 27. . brief mentions of blood. He tended to avoid most cold and flu medicines, worrying about how theyd react with his epilepsy and medications, even though his doctor had told him which ones were alright to take. Without Wormtail, Sirius would not now be dead. How many Tylenol can you take before its too many Tylenol? He put his own palm against his forehead, frowning. Tell him to get Euphemia to stop calling Sirius, Ill ring her in a minute, Regulus added. Open your eyes.". And I need okay. His thoughts were slowly lining up. He still wasn't breathing. "I don't want to leave him," Sirius choked. just please stop. loud house fanfiction different lincoln; goose parade netherlands. By Harry Potter was severely abused There was a flash of golden light and now to the public also until she was 17 the girl on the bed was Hermione Granger but in truth she was Hermione Potter wife of Harry Potter harry potter fanfiction snape sees scars on harry, harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius, During a break from. a few notesthis isn't necessarily a "sequel" but more of a continuation of the worldbuilding/characters of Like Real People Do. ooh! Sirius realized his phone was buzzing. Can you keep talking, Sirius? He practically sprinted back to Remus' side. Sirius held back a laugh. Maybe theyre in the walls. Theyd been together over a year now, and Sirius had seen Remus seizures in all of the forms they took, but familiarity brought him no comfort. Okay. . Thats relaxing. it's been so genuinely touching to hear from you all and hear that this really hit you in such personal ways. It meant he was out of commission for a few days, but Sirius would learn that Remus handled illness with far more grace than Sirius himself did. It was laying next to his head. He shoved the barstool off to the side, far from Remus face, and some far corner of his mind wondered if Remus had hit his head when he dropped. It was too fast. Alright. Regulus opened his phone. He should have done this first, should have started the timer right away. Gatorades He handed Remus medical binder to someone. Harry Potter has Epilepsy Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Regulus was here, and he wasnt alone, and he could do this, because he He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a They had little fun facts on the lids, Sirius recalled. Make sure the areas clear, and if it stops, you can move him onto his side to help recovery,. I need to, he urged himself. "It's strong," Sirius said. He could feel Regulus heart hammering as well. That was written on one of Harrys baby foods, I think. Absent-mindedly, Sirius made a note that Harry would be up from his nap soon, probably hungry. The jerking slowed to the point that it was just this full body tension, coiled like a spring wound far too tight, like an explosion waiting to happen, and he just trembled. So that someone was there with him when it became five minutes? Remus asked, twisting the cap off with a crack. harry potter fanfiction. Gatorade?. Sirius nodded. He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself on the counter, looking around the room for something that would spur him into motion, some indication of where to, He needed to get Harry. Shell understand.. He needed to make sure the first phone call Hope Lupin got about her son wasnt a call from the hospital asking after an emergency contact. Blueberry Superfruit, what-if. A nine year old boy; Harry Potter, was in his bed dreaming peacefully about what he would be up to at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; when he attended in two years' time. meltina osu. He put the kettle under the tap and started filling it. Maybe twenty. Before, after, duringtheyd been over them. He needed to get up. Okay, Sirius murmured. It was safe. His voice was desperate, but it matched his thoughts, so he really couldnt be bothered to filter it out of his tone. the operator said. They had little fun facts on the lids, Sirius recalled. He read the back. and Sirius talked to him, because it made it better, even if Remus wouldnt remember it. It didn&39;t work. It wasn't difficult. Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family&x27;s belief in blood purity and defied tradition when he was Sorted. He didnt mean to, but it happened nonetheless. Sleepytime. Harry had started calling for him, going Theres triggers, Sirius said, picking at the skin around his fingernails. At five, call 999. Whats the timer say? just then as though he could help it. Love is a deep, powerful, and ineffable emotion of attachment to, and affection for, another being or beings other than oneself. Twenty seconds to be safe. Harry potter fanfiction harry and neville are soulmates. Acting purely on rage alone, Sirius charged forward, growling, and slammed into Voldemort. His arm was sliding off of the granite corner of the countertop, and his shoulder was colliding with the barstool to his right, and his body was thudding against the hardwood, and the only warning Sirius got was his name. calling for Sirius breathed, trying to still his shaking hand so that he could feel it. Maybe not melatonin yet, though. Think, ", "Okay," Sirius said for the hundredth time. Breathe.. He was pinching his phone between his shoulder and ear. Wont be more than eight minutes. Six minutes and sixteen seconds., Can you do me a favor? But his eyes werent focusing, and his breathing was becoming shallow, and it didnt make sense. and becoming more insistent because he was awake and he was hungry and he didnt know what had happened, because he was just a kid, but the noise made pressure build behind Sirius eyes. "No, he's he's going again," Sirius rasped. "You'll have to let them in, love," Breathe. Sirius thought. Lovely, Remus sighed. Remus asked, twisting the cap off with a crack. it's been really amazing to hear that these boys mean as much to you as they do to me. Little Neko - Chapter 4 - DayDreamer315 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Think, He was fine, and then he wasnt. It was very cute. the operator added. How complicated this was about to get. Second, as always, I only write happy endings, but this fic will discuss a lot about fear and recovery when dealing with chronic health conditions from different perspectives. Remus would say. Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, yes its another hozier title dont come for me. Everything was blurry. four "Okay, it it's stopped, or Sirius kept his hand on Remus shoulder. His whole body jolted all at once. 102 guests . Thatnot breathing its His shoulders went lax, and as soon as Sirius saw that last thread of tension leave him, he wasted no time turning him onto his side. Four minutes didn't have that one minute buffer. Lets call Hope.. Remus was meticulous about these things, even if he was a force of chaos in every other way. Les livres et le script de la pice ont t. . He couldnt think. He heard a siren, and he knew that was a good thing, he really did, but it made him nauseated. He was on his back, not his side, but he wasnt supposed to move him. is he alright? Right. Thanks. He pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes. I think it mightve gotten a bit worse, actually.. It made it real. He could have done anything. Because Harry couldnt ride in the ambulance with them. Dont move him while hes still seizing. When the story made the prophet, the boy would be politically untouchable. and becoming more insistent because he was awake and he was hungry and he didnt know what had happened, because he was just a kid, but the noise made pressure build behind Sirius eyes. Kind of. It hurt. gonna come sue me for mislabeling merchandise?, You never know, Sirius said ominously. He couldn't even form a thought. He needed to get up. "That would be my name, sir. He was insistent about it, like somehow the simplicity of that statement would undo the chaos that had come before this. Absentmindedly, Sirius wondered if this was how Marlene felt all that time ago, the day that Sirius had asked Remus out to dinner. Can youcan you stay on the phone? he asked. she said. Labor of Love - Chapter 1 - QueenyMidas - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Just a minute ago, it had been so loud, and now it was so quiet. Theyd skipped getting safely to the ground. Fifty-nine seconds, a minute, a minute and one he added ten seconds in his head, or maybe fifteen, because he hadnt started the timer right away. He wished hed taken Euphemia and Monty up on their offer to watch Harry while Remus was sick. Work Search: It had just been a cold. A million other ways this could have gone. faang companies in boston; old testament violence catholic; maybach chauffeur miami. This was how quickly things could go wrong. Fuck, Reg, he shook his head. He looked over and someone was pressing a needle into the vein in Remus' arm, and Sirius' mind went blank, because was that his left arm or his right arm, and did it matter, and would the nerve damage make a difference, and should they use his right arm instead, and was he breathing yet? Hes with EMTs and doctors and thats who he needs, right now. Remus sort of puttered about his life as usual, sniffling every so often and huffing just a little bit more when he had to stand or sit. He wished hed asked more questions about that, now. The breath punched out of Remus lungs all at once with a strangled sort of shout, the way it always did when he was about to hit the worst of it, when his breath was about to become strained and thin and painful, and with that awful, thready moan, Sirius mind seemed to snap into place. really Hed been so out of breath before, panting like hed run a marathon, and now it was gone again, and there was nothing he could do. It sounded so obvious, something that didnt even need to be said. i can come too Youre okay, Moons, its alright. He wiped his hand over his face, trying to unwind the tightness that was gripping his heart. minutes to call an ambulance, what if it was too late? On the day that he actually talked to Harry Potter, Draco was terrified. He said it softly, like a statement, almost casuallyso casually that Sirius turned expecting him to ask something about what they were having for dinner, or telling him he wanted honey in his tea, or complain about how off brand sports-drink didnt taste as good as Gatorade. I could do tea, Remus replied, taking another swig. Its unpredictable, right?. Id have gone to another store, Sirius grumbled, and Remus laughed, pinching the bag open. Cause of Death: After Harry and his friends destroyed all the Horcruxes, Harry enters a final duel with a weakened Voldemort. It was okay. The corner of Remus mouth had begun to foam red. They waited for a long, tense second, and then another, and then finally it seemed like Remus' jerking got loose, almost lazy, his head lolling, and he took a strained, thready breath in. Thats all it had beensomething simple, congestion, body aches, a sinus infection at worst. Yeah. Remus?" Sirius traced a finger down one of the fine white lines still visible on Harry&39;s face. And then he waited. He didnt know who. the operator said. After their beautiful wedding, Draco supposes he has to hold up his end of the bargain on the topic of offspring. The uncertainty in that number made him tense. That was He exclaimed, smiling. Harry whined, finding himself suddenly in a halter top, blonde, curly wig and knee high boots with fishnets and short shorts. He often dropped by just to say hello when he felt like it. And now Sirius had to call his mum and explain how her son had to be carted away in an ambulance because he wasnt getting enough oxygen for the past however-many minutes. It was grounding. Four minutes was different. Thats a new one, Sirius had mused. He wished hed convinced Remus it was okay to take a stronger cold medicine. One of us can bring you stuff from here if you need it.. Please. Put me on my side, he thought. Theyll help him. "They'll be there in just a second, you should hear them soon.". houses for rent in ellijay, ga. ann reinking autopsy results. he wanted to say. Alright, Moony, he said, a strange sort of determination entering his voice. He opened the calendar by accident first, and then fumbled and tapped a text notification that popped up, and then finally switched to the timer. He could. Okay. problem. Sirius had never seen Remus get to four. They couldnt just skip them, they couldnt. Regulus put his hand on Sirius' shoulder, holding him in place, and Sirius felt himself getting frustrated. Get it together, he asked cautiously, but Remus' eyes were still half-lidded and rolled up into his head, and his breathing was fast and shallow, but it was slowly deepening like he was panting after a run. Sirius couldnt make his thoughts catch up to the reality that was in front of him, the reality that Remus had dropped like a rock and gone straight into it, no warning, no aura, no nothing;there and then gone. After a moment, Harry joined them. Hed bitten his tongue. Its different, hes, Messages were pinging on his phone. Sirius caught one of his hands in his own. He took the phone from Regulus. Okay, Sirius breathed, but the dial tone was already changing. I know what to do. Except, they aren&x27;t. One night while out on the grounds of Hogwarts, Remus smells the s of his mate and fallows it Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets "I thought you were going to buy me a present Missing POA moment - Remus sees Harry. Regulus texted back first while Sirius was halfway through writing his next message, something about how Harry couldnt come with them in the ambulance The second, hed called for James once when he nearly knocked himself out playing football in high school after colliding with another player. Harry choked out when he saw the looks of fear in their eyes. Remus swallowed and winced a little. we'll have our serious moments and also our fluffy moments <3 i promise. Is he breathing at all?, Some, Sirius nodded jerkily even though she couldnt see him. Sirius wiped at his eyes with the back of his wrist and picked up his phone with shaking fingers, trying to get back to the stopwatch. H/LL. Regulus crossed the space between them and Sirius reached out blindly. Youre doing good, Sirius murmured, ducking his head between his shoulders a bit. Theres two nearby, theyve both been dispatched,. Hes still not waking up. Remus inhales were becoming longer than his exhales, catching against his throat so they grated in his throat. Harry couldnt ride in the ambulance with them, and Sirius couldnt leave Harry home. "No, Moony, no, please" he felt like he was begging him, as though Remus could hear him, as though Remus could help it, but he didn't know what else to do, he didn't "What do I do? breathed. Okay, he cut her off. jealous His whole body violently shook in Voldemort&39;s arms. &0183;&32;Harry Potter A History of Magic Meet the man illustrating the latest editions of Harry Potter books Non-canon Harry Potter erotica mm Narcissa wants to protect Draco and so she saves Harry harry potter fanfiction harry dies in front of sirius, Fanfiction-Suche Sirius finds them however, and convinces Remus that he was innocent and Peter. He needed to handle this. I know what to do. Sirius shot his hand out to grip the forearm of the EMT who was nearest to him because he needed to hold onto something or he'd collapse right then and there. , It wasn't dangerous yet, because it was a minute Harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius But right before sixth year, he is diagnosed with leukemia, which is not treatable by magic. His elbows locked. content pre-moving in with the potters sirius black x fem any-house. It was mostly just crackers and ginger-ale and While he gets some redemption, he also makes terrible mistakes Dance Lessons Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy Although a bit off the prequel&x27;s grim tone follows in the first chapter, it quickly collapses into a delightful froth powered a ditzy Dumbledore and a discombobulated Snape It is similar to Waiting&x27;s story Count to Three (HarryRonHermione) (defunct, Wayback) Count to Three (HarryRon. It sounded so obvious, something that didnt even need to be said. He said it softly, like a statement, almost casually- so casually that Sirius turned expecting him to ask something about what they were having for dinner, or telling him he wanted honey in his tea, or complain about how off brand sports-drink didn't taste as good as Gatorade. Braden gave the man a small smile in return, wondering his mood but not about to mess that bit up. was the right word, but he envied that in a way. i know this one is heavy, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on what parts resonated or made you feel things your comments mean so much to me, especially in this series. now, werent they? papa, the operator asked, and Sirius startled a little, forgetting she was still listening. I should have called the ambulance right away, Reg. before? My partners having a seizure. There was no aura, no warning, no metal taste, no sense of something coming. What what do I", "No, it's he's" Sirius forced himself to let go of Remus' hand as his arm jerked back, his elbows tucking in close to his stomach. Hed rested his head against his shoulder, his head tilted sideways, and he looked very much like a sad little puppy, Sirius thought. minutes, because if he waited until LF fanfiction that has Harry break down from Sirius dying Those You've Known Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction He was sick, right?, It was just a cold, Sirius shook his head. Any fics where Harry follows Sirius through the veil? Come on, he added, picking up Sirius phone from the counter. Just gone and made sure Harry was okay. Sirius couldnt make his thoughts catch up to the reality that was in front of him, the reality that Remus had dropped like a rock and gone straight into it, no warning, no aura, no nothing;there and then gone.
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