That's staggering when you think about it, unjust. This is the joy of a father for you, his son or his daughter. It is a life that God will richly reward by grace on Judgment Day." The Napoleonic Wars resulted in the deaths of perhaps as many as six million human beings. God isnt going to dock you for your not gaining as much as those with more. Please stand and turn to John, chapter 14, verse 1. It's a life that's characterized by, as he puts it, "Persistence in doing good, seeking glory, honor, and immortality." So, we might immediately try to distance ourselves from that drive to be praised, that drive for glory. Perhaps you remember in 1980, after the men's hockey Olympic hockey team had defeated the Russians and went on to win the gold medal. Tongues of the dumb shall sing. We see this principle also in the parable of The Sheep and the Goats. And my mind landed on the story about this woman named Dorcas from the Book of Acts. XXV. Just as the converted thief went to be with Christ, so the spirit of Eloise Roop entered into Paradise to be with Christ the moment she died. Why is that? In our service in the church and in the community. There are six characters we play out in life. And when that happens, you know, the funeral's pretty much over. "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" Bible Meaning Is it wrong to yearn for praise from Jesus? Jesus said that he stands up and prays about his favorite topic, himself. I pray my interpretations and shadings are accurate and help find some "comfort in life and death" for the community here and, with God's grace, for some others dealing with great pain while hoping in the Lord. Im going to teach you how to be happy about everything. Forever, you're going to learn joy of the increase of His kingdom, there will be no end. When we see Jesus, it will be the most important words we may hear. Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord (Matthew 25:21). No one's in a hurry, no schedule to keep. Where's my father? First, I just want to lay the groundwork, doctrinally, so we understand biblically how to think about rewards. They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years (Revelation 20:6). But not so fast, dear friends. Scripture says, You've made known to me the path of life, you'll fill me with joy in your presence with eternal pleasures at your right hand. How about spending eternity sitting at the feet of the Joy Master? And concerning fasting, be sure that no one knows that you're fasting. II Timothy 4:7-8: I have fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith. James tells us how the mechanism works. The dead rose from the grave. Note: The reward for both the one with 5 and the one with 2 is the same! Good Christians like Eloise will hear Christ say. 33. His praise means He is pleased with you and with your service. Two others, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him. Rarely is it longer than an hour. There are certain verses in Scripture that become the strength of Christians. To most sons, if it's not the central desire, it's important. To finish strong is to have a concentrated life. Funeral Sermon \ John Wilde \ January 30th, 2015 - Regina He is a richly generous master, but you must come to Him for forgiveness. FUNERAL SERMON. All of them, and these works cannot justify us. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. The Parable of the Talents 22 The servant who had received the two talents also came and said, 'Master, you entrusted me with two talents. So, it will not be obvious to men that you're fasting, but only to your Father who's in heaven, and your Father sees what is done in secret and will reward you. Then He says, generally, about all of this,"Do not store up treasure on Earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal but store up treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal, for where your treasure is there, your heart will be also." The one with the two talents, he gains the two more. We know this because God says He will do it for his servants who's serving by faith, He says it multiple times. In the kingdom of Christ, grow it, build it for the glory of God. That's genuine ownership. God praising me? theological Shall curse the earth no more! People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? The one who had taken the one mina and got five, he's entrusted with five cities to rule and to be in charge of. Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant - Quidnessett Baptist Church Archbishop Lori's Homily: Funeral for Lucia Love - Archdiocese of Baltimore Secondly, greater responsibility entrusted by God. Lame men shall leap as an hart, for then Box 15308, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Yet, even in the context of a funeral, we remember what Ezekiel learned: God's breath suffocates death. These sermon manuscripts and videos now go out to about 1,500,000 computers in over 221 countries every year at In other words, I'm willing to fight and claw and struggle and suffer and strive and study and sacrifice and hurt and wear myself out, turn my back on any earthly pleasure to embrace any earthly hardship. For most of us, that means there is still a lot of work to do in repenting of sins and in making a good unburdening confession, in engaging in self-denial, and in going out . He does it even more clearly at the beginning of the entire book of Job, when He says to Satan, Have you considered my servant Job? 36. This sermon is useful when speaking at a memorial service for an unexpected passing. On July 15th, 1815, the defeated former Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, boarded the British warship, the HMS Bellerophon, and was being sent to his final earthly destination. Enter into the joy of your master!' 24 Finally, the servant who had . Please click here to learn how you can make a monthly donation to help us in this great work of preaching the Gospel to the whole world. Wow. Let's go over it, let's sit down and watch a little video of what you did. Is that enough for you friends? However, God is not an idolater, is he? Sometimes it may be up to an hour. Well done, good and faithful servant, you've been faithful to a few things, now I'm going to put you in charge of many things. The implication of this is just staggering, friends. The only comfort some funeral sermons bring is when they are over! II. Garden of Eden restored that day! Or what about the hawk or the eagle? Denomination: Paul says if you do that, you're not really a Jew. That's the topic of our sermon here. Whoever didn't put it to work and gain. Jesus said to the converted thief, who was dying on the cross next to Him, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43). Funeral Message for a Faithful Christian "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalms 116:15 Precious is not the word that expresses our feeling concerning . I want to talk about the doctrine of Christian rewards. Thus we are told that Christ will descend from Heaven into the atmosphere above the earth. Through trust in Jesus, Richard had become so united to Jesus that his last breath was like Jesus' last breath on the cross, his body giving way was like Jesus' giving way, and when Richard finally fell asleep to the world early in the morning Sep. 22, he opened his eyes to behold his Lord and Savior saying, "Well done. IT is remarkable that David should say, in the sixteenth Psalm, "Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption," and yet that Paul should say concerning him, when preaching at Antioch, that he "saw corruption . Thirdly, He says it would actually be unjust for him not to reward us. Again, and again, this is taught in the Bible. I. Dr. John O. Pete. In Luke 19 says, The king sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, each person getting the same one mina, to find out what they had gained with it. That's after you've done everything you were commanded to do. Goodbye jealousy. He always agrees, provided they don't mind that he speaks Christian truth. As soon as he won, he turned and looked right to his father, and he climbs up over and around and through people to get up there and embrace him. It's all over the world, salvation by works. As many money giving opportunities and prayers up in secret and actions done and gospel shared, and fear overcome and everything you need to do to store up your Father's praise for you. Click on Sermon Manuscripts.. Do you know how long you'll have that? Intro: The passage opens with Jesus leaving the Gentile cities of Tyre and Sidon headed back to Galilee. Praise from God is an immensely valuable reward. Usually, it's 30 minutes long. "Here I am God to talk to you about me. Death is all around us. YOUR MINISTRY TO THE BEREAVED - Baylor University When I began my preparation I found almost no funeral sermons in print. How to Write a Funeral Sermon: 4 Principles to Herald God's Message Do you see it? In our witness to the watching world. A Funeral SERMON: MAT. Well done, good and faithful servant - Sermons and Studies Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord (I Corinthians 15:58). If you're here today and you're lost, if you don't know Jesus, and the rest of the sermon is going to be about rewards, just know this, if you stand before God on Judgment Day without Christ as your Savior, you will have no rewards, there will be none, nothing but wrath and anger for sin. Matthew 25:23 NIV - "His master replied, 'Well done, - Bible Gateway 23 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! The rewards Christ will give at this time will determine the position the Christian will have in Christs earthly kingdom (Luke 19:12-26). Revelation 20,"I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. And then to the goats, He will say, "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. The kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. Look at verse 21 again, his master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a little. What's it going to be like in the new heaven, the new Earth? "Throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." That is idolatry, to give worship to a created being. Now by way of review, you've known the reading of the parable of the talents is rich and full. taken her place among the heroes of faith now to cheer us on and to pray for us that we also might follow and finish well . Flowers at the graveside might make you feel better, but your spouse could only have enjoyed them in life. Today we're going to focus in on verse 21, verse 23, this statement you've heard already a number of times this morning, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Rev. The Greatest Love Story - A Funeral Sermon Marvin Patterson John 3:16 Introduction: The family would like for me to thank all of you for your prayers, support, cards, flowers, food and all that you have done in this time of need. And after that, and then you may have your dinner.? #4. So, we have to be told over and over again, we are never going to be justified or vindicated or forgiven for our sins by any good thing we can do. Would he not rather say, Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me. Luke 16: Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will be dishonest with much. If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, then who would hand you true riches? II.Concentrated. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears God, he lives a righteous life. He's celebrating Job, a human being. "Well Done" are the words that we want to hear the Savior say to us when we see Him. I want to learn from God how to do general happiness for the rest of my life, I want to have eternal pleasures at His right hand. There will be non-Christians in the crowd, and believers who need comfort and assurance from God. I fast twice a week and I give a tenth of all I get." Like Paul, in his vision, Eloise was caught up to the third heavenup into paradise (II Corinthians 12:2, 4). Matthew 25:23 in all English translations. You may use them without Dr. Hymers And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. Our righteous judge is going to look at the fruit of our lives, and He'll know whether we believed in Jesus or not. How can you believe, Jesus said, If you accept praise from one another and yet you make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God? Back at the beginning of the sermon, I said that Napoleon said people are motivated by a yearning for praise and honor, God made that. Feb 17, 2013. Sermon Matthew 25:14-30 "Well Done Good and Faithful Servant" Presbyterian Church of Easton November 15, 2020. Joy Terenzoni and Her Sacks of Treasure | Preaching Today Romans Chapter 2:7-8 says,"To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life. A JOYFUL FUNERAL SERMON | Adeney We cannot but be struck with the cheerful tone of these generous words. Some have a limited amount of these things. So on July 27, I did not preach the funeral I dreaded. It is one of the greatest motivators to live the Christian life. Actually, amazingly, the Scripture says, not only is it not wrong, but we must also yearn for it. To hear those words, "Well done, good and faithful servant," from Jesus, first make sure you are saved. Matthew 25:21 Sermons: "His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and Sermons and Outlines - Sermon Notebook Well done, you good and faithful servant. That's praise of the servant's character, he's good and faithful. What we do is a little, but God uses our little, doesn't he? If you are not yet converted I'm telling you to repent by turning away from your sins. It's actually sinful not to yearn for it and long for it. What is man that you're mindful of him? II. She was born on June 14, 1946. He speaks of wrestling, boxing, running, winning the race, winning the prize, and winning crowns. PDF FUNERAL HOMILY DOROTHY THOMPSON - St. Francis Xavier University Our works, good works apart from faith in Christ are actually corrupt because they're not done for the glory of God, but rather for the glory of man. I was on my own. Jonathan Edwards, in his 22nd resolution said, Resolved to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness in the other world as I possibly can, with all the power, might, vigor and vehemence, yea, even violence, I am capable of or can bring myself to exert in any way that can be thought of. Okay, and if that's not plain, I just rephrase it a bit. Without faith, he says, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. You've got to believe in rewards to be pleasing to God. Note: Ephesians 2:8-10: Works do not save us, but we are created in Christ to do them. Flee away that glory day! Please help Mr. Leslie Hymers and Mr. Kunz keep the center of the foyer open for the pallbearers and the deacons to come through with the casket. On this keen ridge But you must be converted to have these blessings. He only wanted one thing, he didn't even care about Gold Medal at that point, Where is my father? He wanted to hug him and be with his father to share that moment together. C. It should be positive and uplifting. I'd like 100 cups of cold-water rewards. II. He was being exiled to the tiny volcanic island of St. Helena, which is in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, 700 miles from the nearest landfall, several thousand miles from coastlines of Africa or South America, just in the middle of the ocean. I want to go where there's happiness. Many sons have expressed that the central desire in their life is to make their father proud of them. Dr. Hymers e-mail is To another he gave 2 sacks of treasure. A monthly gift of $5 helps us reach 400 additional people a year! Preparing well for the funerals of unknowns is vital so that those who listen might find some consolation in Christ. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Pastor of Alfred Street Baptist Church, provides a homily entitled, "Well Done" at the Memorial Service of Rev. Were all enjoying Jesus, just kneeling at His feet. How to Preach a Funeral Sermon: A Step-by-Step Guide - Gospel Relevance Remember when God's just celebrating all the stuff He's made, the stars, and the animals and all that sort of stuff, and basically putting Job in his place. I have no doubt that Brother Moore has already heard those words that await every faithful follower of Christ: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.". The one with the five talents comes and he says, "Master, I put your five talents to work and look, I've gained five more," And he hears these beautiful words, "Well done, you good and faithful servant. Sitting in on a service where I knew no one except the minister is how I came away with one . If you've not been trustworthy with someone else's property now, who would give you property of your own? B. Goodbye pride. We swam in it and you couldn't go under the surface of the water. Jesus shed His Blood on the Cross to cleanse you from all sin (I John 1:7). His name was Lazarus. the funeral sermon? But in the middle of it all is you get a sense of God's joy in what He's made. A concentrated life to the lordship of Jesus Christ results in a focused, centered life. Sometimes they are the words that they use at their funeral, or put on their headstone, or ask that their funeral sermon speak those words. Flee away that glory day! There's going to be no depression, no discouragement, just happiness. 7 Steps to Prepare & Deliver a Funeral Sermon - Give hope. Forever. Lessons from the Parables: "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" There's going to be things to do in Heaven, responsibilities. Can we all say that? They must be used for the glory of God. But genuine saving faith always results in good works. Thirdly, enter into the joy of your Master, the joy of God. I said last week that in Matthew 25:14-15, the greatest single-focused verse or two verses on the essentials of stewardship, all of the basic ingredients of stewardship are there. As a matter of fact, the rewards can go down to a small deed as in Matthew 10:42, "Giving a cup of cold water to a servant in Lord who's out on mission, and you just help him on his way." at A FUNERAL SERMON. Words fail on a day like this. It's like the honor and glory given to an Olympic athlete who wins the gold medal. Enter into the joy of your lord.' ~ Matthew 25:23. Fourth, Eloise and all good and true Christians will return to this earth to reign with Christ, Revelation 20:6; I John 1:7. . I think it's going to be detailed praise from God for each good work done, every good work you do, every time you give to the needy, and don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Two Journeys Ministry houses all of PastorAndy Davis' content. He had led armies of over 600,000 men, he had won battles in Egypt and throughout Europe, and at one point controlled most of continental Europe. Over the past week, our church has grieved over the death of two members, and the father of Nyles and Dwayne Smith. Dr. John R. Rice said it well in the song Mr. Griffith sang before this sermon. Every time you go into your room and close the door and pray for a missionary, a brother and sister in Christ, somebody sick, somebody struggling, a marriage is struggling. When Jesus Comes to Reign (by Dr. John R. Rice, 1895-1980). "Well done, good and faithful servant." Each receives the same invitation: "You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. Isn't that incredible? If you could see me now, I'm walking streets of gold, if you could see me now, I'm standing tall and whole, if you could see me now you'd see the pains erased, if you could see me now you'd know I'd seen His face. Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant (Matthew Sermon 133 of 151) The first thing we must know, and we can't say it too often, we must know that we can never be justified by our good works. This is the focus of the rest of our time. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:1-3). Are you living for yourself when you get money? You have been faithful with a few things. 3 His sword was in his hand, Still warm with recent fight, Ready that moment, at command, There are actually going to be responsibilities in the new heaven, the new Earth. funeral sermon well done, good and faithful servant It provides us with a chance to reflect on our own personal relationship with the Lord. In our mourning of her passing, let us be comforted by the Word of God: sorrow, crying, or pain for everything will, be made new just as God intended for it to, I Thessalonians 4:13-14: Dont mourn as the, world does, for we do so with hope of the.
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