Judaism: The religion of the Pharisees the antithesis of Christianity: There are three main branches of Judaism; Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?, The well known rabbi, Isaac Wise, was emphatic when he concluded: Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.. Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. Jesuits: The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) is a Roman Catholic religious order founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. The "Sinner's Prayer" Will NOT Save You! They have infiltrated the U.S. government and taken it over from the inside and are using the U.S. Government to fight Israels wars for them. with Dr. Lorraine Day, Learn How to Understand God's Word *Boutros-Boutros Ghali, the former Secretary General of the United Nations was married to an openly Jewish woman named Leah Nadler. In the early 1990's, she was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer but rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects. Believing is Seeing! Because the commercial media, TV, newspapers and now much of radio, is owned and controlled by these same Jewish Zionists and Illuminati, there are few outlets for truth. Covid-19 Scamdemic - and Death! But the tumor soon recurred, became very aggressive and grew rapidly. You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -, The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World. Enter your email below and donate now! 4.The present Jewish curator of Auschwitz, Franciszek Piper, has admitted publicly that the number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz, was highly inflated. They are ruthless demons. There is NO New Mutant Strain of Covid-19! The Jewish Agenda for Genociding the White Race, So, What IS the Great Legacy of Queen Elizabeth. Their Jesuit Oath demands the initiate to lie, steal or murder, without hesitation, if ordered to do so by his superior. The members of these churches sit at the feet of their pastors, with great adoration, imbibing every word they speak. (See What Happens at the Judgment?). Dr. Lorraine Day is back to give some updates on the Covid-19 pandemic situation, which is clearly an entirely manufactured and fraudulent public health crisis. End of absolute property rights. Eventually, they will join ALL religions together into a One World Religion. Any More than Flies Cause Garbage! If one worshiped the true God of heaven, he was termed a Judean a Believer since most of the Believers (in the true God) lived in the area of Judea at that time. Most Jews will respond, Abraham was the FIRST Jew! But Abraham was NOT a Jew! In addition, they are NOT Conservatives, but, in fact, are almost always frighteningly liberal! Shem was one of the sons of Noah). Whats REALLY Going On with the Alex Jones Defamation Case? The rank and file Jews have no idea how expendable they are considered by their own leaders. It is Israels plan to use the armed forces of the United States, the sons and daughters of Americans, to fight and die for the so-called War on Terror which is nothing more than Israeli expansionism of their own borders, Israels plan to take over all the oil-rich nations in middle east, Israels plan to wipe out the Palestinians and as many Arabs as possible from the face of the earth, and eventually rule the world with an iron fist. Going on in the World. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers will be destined to a horribly painful, premature death in lands filled with tons of deadly, depleted uranium, purposely and knowingly placed there by Israeli-backed U.S. military leaders. Click Here. And it is possible that Annan, himself, is a Jew. Dr. Lorraine Day's Tumor - Dr. Day Responds to Stephen Barrett If one is not worshiping God, the Creator, then he is worshiping Satan, while holding the illusion that he is worshiping the earth and nature. Social Distancing is a Scam perpetrated by the The religion of Judaism, based on the Babylonian Talmud, and the Jewish Kabala, an alchemical system of magic and deviltry, form the basis for the Scottish Rites 33 ritual degree ceremonies. Masonic Jews Plot to Control the World, Texe Marrs. Orthodox: Traditionalists who observe most of the traditional dietary and ceremonial laws of Judaism. The most anti-Semitic group of people on earth are the Jews, themselves. She strongly advocated the handling of the AIDS epidemic as a public health issue rather than a political issue, a position that was contrary and offensive to the controlled media. Why? Ruth Bader Ginsburg DIED ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO! 6. But as The BIG Jew, Bertrand Russell, wrote in his book, The Impact of Science on Society, Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially the suffering of others.. You aren't sick Because you have Cancer - Im a Doctor: This Epidemic is a HOAX! or Vaccinated? Know Your Enemy! The dancing couple have been parading their slimmed down . Copyright 2006 Spencer Publishing. The Lockdown of the Whole World in One Week PROVES that On the other hand, the Doctrine of Universalism states that God will save everyone, no matter how they behave. ACH (2027) Dr. Lorraine Day - You Can't Improve On God: The Book Testimonials Remember the barbaric spirit of the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages when true Christians were horribly tortured by supposed holy men of the Church. We discussed: the four books Dr. Day has written in less than two years; why artificial intelligence cannot make people smarter; how the human body is designed by God to heal itself . The U.S. Government LIES to You CONSTANTLY The rank and file Jews do not understand the true goal of Zionism. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share . Are the Vaccinated Shedding and, The rank and file Jews have been CONNED by their own self-proclaimed Zionist Jewish leaders! 13. California Governor Gavin Newsom Is a Jew, Now the Government Can Legally Kill Christians, Title: Dr. Lorraine Day's interview on the Coming Other Books and Videos February 24, 2020 Their Ultimate Plan: 1) Crash the Economy world-wide, 2) Begin "Culling the Herd" with Deadly Vaccinations, 3) Create Problems that Seem so Huge that the people will gladly accept the Satanic One World Government to "Save the World"!!! Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. The Germs Don't Cause Disease It was through her experience of speaking out regarding the AIDS epidemic, in addition to her personal struggle with life-threatening cancer, that she learned of the extensive cover-up of truth in politics, medicine and even religion. the SILENCE of Hospitals, Doctors and Nurses, How the Jews are MURDERING the Elderly Gentiles. Communism, Jewish Lies and How They Plan to Kill us, To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You are NOT 967 views, 19 likes, 8 loves, 6 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lillian McDermott's Radio Show: Because of the instability in the nation and the events on 1/6/21, our scheduled. Jews against the Gentiles! Brilliantly Evil! Centers for Disease Control: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), founded in 1946 as a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is the principal agency in the United States government whose perceived job it is to protect the health and safety of all Americans. January 1, 2023, More on the FAKE WAR Between Ukraine and Russia, What Are They Putting Into Your Brain These will be nothing but kangaroo courts aimed at railroading into the Gulag Concentration Camps, (and worse) all those who object to any and all policies of the New World Order. Their Ultimate Plan: 1) Crash the Economy world-wide, 2) Begin Culling the Herd with Deadly Vaccinations, 3) Create Problems that Seem so Huge that the people will gladly accept the Satanic One World Government to Save the World!!! If one tells the truth about the Jews, such as The Jews own Hollywood (something they admit to each other), or The Jews own the media (something they brag about among themselves), one is considered an anti-Semite., This is a clever subterfuge to eliminate any criticism of any Jew for any thing. Virology: There is NO EVIDENCE of the Polio virus, Herd Immunity is a LIE - and Fauci KNOWS it! Everything the Jews Do is Meant to Kill Us! We do not apologize., Catherine Bertini, Executive Director U.N. World Food Program Beijing, China, U.N. 4th World Conference on Women, September, 1995. on the Corona Virus HOAX, the Satanic NWO, the Mark of the Beast, and other things we need to know! United States copyright law. The Good News About God - Telling the Truth and Exposing Lies It is alive and well and running this country, the United States. Communism is NOT dead. 107 Degrees in LA and NO ONE Can Get a Haircut, Covid is a HOAX, Jews Plan to Slaughter Gentiles, and the 4. Project for a New American Century (PNAC): A neo-conservative think-tank that promotes total world domination through the use of force. George W. Bush has spoken publicly about this issue, threatening to establish Human Rights Tribunals in America and in the different countries where torture prisons are run by the U.S. (and Israel from behind the scenes). Documentation for Physician Credentials for Lorraine Day, M.D. If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? or ANY OTHER VIRUSES! When they are testing you, they are vaccinating you! Truth-tellers are becoming an extinct breed. There is NO New Mutant Strain of Covid-19! He will save them FROM their sins, NOT IN their sins. Official Dr. Day website; Who is Dr. Lorraine Day? Microwave Weapons in Our Home? Holocaust Revisionist: Revisionists, in general, spend their time in research, attempting to find the truth in history, and then Revise back to truth, the myths that have so often been written into the textbooks and the history books by hired agents of the elitists for their propaganda purposes. A Walk Through the Bible Our Life Miserable! The answer is obvious. . That is why they must rule by force! and Communist New World Order. Open Your Eyes For over seventy years, they have promoted the "New World Order., As the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America, the CFR includes most influential politicians, academics and media personalities in America as members. Brilliantly Evil! The polices which are espoused and proclaimed by Pope John Paul II, and the present Pope Benedict, are as follows: 1. Is There Any Way to Heal After the Covid Injection? There are also, in every one of these groups, those who tell Lies. Jews have no right to point the finger at anyone else for bigotry while they humiliate, mutilate and assassinate the Palestinians, and while the Jews hold as holy a book (the Talmud) that denigrates all non-Jews as beasts. The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. General Albert Pike, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, USA, One of the unheralded and least known facts about Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge is its Jewish origins and nature. Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. I believe the "Organized Churches" have usurped the place of Jesus Christ. The Bible translators made up the word Jew., The word Jew is a mistranslation of the word Iudean or Judean which was a location in Palestine, and referred to the group who, at that time, worshiped the one God of heaven (they were believers even though they were constantly straying from God), as opposed to the Nations (often mistranslated Gentiles) who worshipped many different gods, and were the Unbelievers., In the Bible, the word Iudean or Judean refers to a geographical location (Judea) or a religious belief, NOT an ethnicity. After the group multiplied, God, through Moses, brought them OUT OF Egypt and into the desert wilderness where they stayed for forty years. Promote interdependence. They will sacrifice Jews as easily as they will sacrifice non-Jews - if it serves their purpose. Jesus vehemently denounced the teachings of the Pharisees, as well as the Pharisees themselves, and took His followers OUT OF the synagogues, the Organized Church of that day. A personal message from Dr. Lorraine Day: Above all things, I want you to be well, both physically and spiritually. This Truth, coming from the Auschwitz Camp curator himself, is reaching the general population causing increasing investigation into these crucial events. It is not hard for them to do this. 3. In addition, the Bible tells us that the group that left Egypt was a mixed multitude (Exodus 12:38), meaning there were some Egyptians and other nationalities among them. Kabbalah: A system of Jewish mysticism, essentially witchcraft, that has recently become popular especially with many actors in Hollywood, the majority of whom are Jewish, including Madonna, Demi Moore, Roseanne Barr, and many others. David Rockefeller sneers at those who say the Trilateral Commission is part of a grand conspiracy to take over the whole world, but he has stated in speeches to Congress that the average citizen of the U.S., or any country, does not have the brains or ability to make the proper decisions about anything, including their own life, therefore, the elite, like Rockefeller and his friends, have the right and the obligation to run the world and everyone in it. When is Jesus Coming? Build Back Better? But the ruling elite of International Jewry, the Zionist Jews, have a diabolic agenda - - total control of the whole World by force, for their own greed and desire for power. Dr. Day is an author, renowned trauma surgeon, medical professor, and AIDS expert. That is why the Zionist Jews are kidnapping and illegally imprisoning anyone who questions the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, including Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolph, David Irving, Siegfried Verbeke, and others. America has been combined with Canada and Mexico and we have inherited The Pope as the head of the Vatican is also the head of a foreign national power. It determines who will become rulers, and removes from power those it dislikes. Subsequently Israel doubled the amount of territory it controlled by means of its illegal occupation of the West Bank in the 1967 and 1973 wars. An Open Letter to the Jewish Rothschilds and .Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases,including Cancer and AIDSDr. Some who practice wicca contend that they are white witches, claiming to cast only good spells. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spider web of elite conspirators, including the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Committee of 300, to name a few. The original Greek word is Iudean (later changed to Judean) and referred to an area in Palestine inhabited in Bible times mainly by those who worshiped the true God. The Israeli governments plan is to annihilate all Arabs in the same way they are genociding the Palestinians. There are various levels of witchcraft, from the festivals and seasonal days of celebration - to outright Satanism, the worship of Satan. I will have more about Wackenhut later. Holocaust: A term that for years was defined as any devastating event. Total disarmament. It is unclear whether the NHS and Dr. Kanani still stand by their claims, now that the UKHSA has decided to stop offering the vaccine to 5 to 11-year-olds. It was specifically used to describe World Wars I and II, in general. There are over 100 texts in the Bible that support this doctrine. Practitioners of these various levels of wicca/witchcraft will deny the accuracy of this analysis, claiming that their practices are benign, but they are unaware of the dangers they are courting. Dr. Day is a trained orthodox medical doctor who not only taught surgery at a medical school, but was also a high ranking staff member in a major hospital. Holocaust Revisionist, Ernst Zundel, was tried under this ridiculous, unlawful, and treacherous system in Canada. Just as they have encouraged illegal Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, so they will encourage illegal Jewish settlements in these other countries, as soon as enough American men and women have tragically died, securing these lands for Israel. End of sovereignty for the United States and other countries. (See Zionism, below.}. This is a blatantly UNBIBILICAL doctrine. The Committee of 300, the 300 richest families in the world, looks to social convulsions on a global scale - followed by depressions, to decimate the economy of all nations, to keep Third World countries in abject poverty and to turn First World countries, such as the U.S.A., into Third World countries. Plans to Slaughter SIX BILLION Gentiles. You have Cancer Because you are sick! Conservative: Do not hold to the importance of a Jewish state, but put more emphasis on the historic and religious aspects of Judaism, doctrinally somewhere between Orthodox and Reform. Israelites: A term used in the Old Testament to define those who were followers of the true God, even though some followed God very poorly. Human Rights Tribunals are operational in Canada and Germany, and are completely controlled by the Zionist Jews. This decrease of almost 3 million, straight from the mouth of the Auschwitz Camp Curator, should reduce by HALF, the total of 6 million supposedly killed in the Holocaust. We should no longer hear about the 6 million. If any number is used by the Jews, it should be 3 million. To be blunt, they are nothing more than Trotskyite Communists dressed up in Republican clothes. They are NOT New or neo, because they are communists and communism has been around for hundreds of years. Chip in for gas - $10 goes a long way! It only matters if the people in control are offended by what the defendant has said. The Communists have owned the Democratic Party for years. Harvest of Despair: MUST WATCH - Communist Famines in God's "Chosen People" are the true followers of Christ who are "Chosen" for one thing only: to exhibit to the world the character and disposition of Jesus Christ, no matter what happens to them. A Book So Fascinating you will not be able to put it down! On the other hand, there are some Jews who believe they are better than other ethnic groups, just as some whites, Asians, and others may believe they are superior. LIE Upon LIE Upon LIE! More recently this term has been hi-jacked by the Jews who use it, incorrectly, to describe the purported treatment of the Jews at the hands of the Germans during World War II. But in reality, the World Health Organization is the euthanasia arm of the United Nations. The ancient Celtic Druids who practiced witchcraft were involved in casting evil spells as well as offering human sacrifices. Super Starter Package They constantly propagandize the rank and file Jews of the world with the lie that every non-Jew is their enemy, terrorizing them into a cohesive group. Contacting Dr. Day God will save them IN their sins. If anyone believes in the Talmud, they are, by definition, a Zionist, no matter what they pretend to be! The Jews are Destroyers! Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine But their attempts were unsuccessful. But this assimilation into the land of their residence must be stopped, according to the Zionist Jews, who need more Jews to inhabit the lands they are planning to take over for themselves, such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other oil-rich countries. The majority of Israelis are atheists, and therefore do not qualify as Israelites - worshipers of the true God. That did NOT make his sons Jewish. Then the whole family moved down to Egypt which certainly did NOT make them Jewish. The whole group stayed in Egypt for 400 years while their numbers grew, but there is no evidence that they mystically became Jewish while living in Egypt! Subsequently, she was contacted by some of the remaining good people in high places, including some in positions above our government (Yes, there is a group above our government), who proceeded to feed her information. He Loves Me. World Health Organization: The World Health Organization (WHO), established in 1948, is the U.N. System's authority on international public health issues. Without the belief in the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust by the average Jews, and everyone else as well, NONE of these things could occur!
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