Crimes Against Humanity 03/03/23 5:43 PM EST, Article I mean, that is like what COVID is, right?. Also read: Its Not Enough to Say the Govt Has Failed. The COVID Vaccination SCAM Confirmed - A Truly Crime Against Humanity But why is it a myth? The reason for this is that the blood of the vaccinated poses no added threat to recipients. Whether or not its just the 20% of us and maybe were not even in that category, lets give it a college try to catch this cold, so that we can protect the pharmaceutical-dependent amongst us! Thus, the Nazi Party as a party was subsumed under the leader, whose iron discipline ensured no dissent: In discipline, structure, and method the Nazi Party was not adapted to the democratic process of persuasion. Come on! The State Bar of California, accessed Feb. 15. She was already at odds with county commissioners, who were pushing to loosen public health restrictions in late May, against her advice. Overeating does predispose to obesity, although it is way more complicated than Bigtrees version of it, which, boiled down to its essence, demonizes those with obesity as fat slobs who lived their youth and middle age overindulging without a care in the world for what their choices are doing to their body. He also added a soundtrack of somber piano music. Bigtree returned on June 4. German efficiency was devoted to mass murder and Nazi politics like that of Milosevics, blinded by devotion to the Great Leader, was a necropolitics. Also, there is a growing body of evidence showing that masks do decrease the rate of transmission of COVID-19 to other people, as I discussed a couple of weeks ago. (One notes that he doesnt cite a source.) The persons were tried, as both Robert H Jackson, the Chief United States Prosecutor at Nuremberg and the Milosevic prosecutor CarlaDel Ponte emphasised, as individuals. We Are Witnessing a Crime Against Humanity. German Reichsmarschall, Commander of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goering during cross examination at his trial for war crimes at the Palace of Justice during the International Military Tribunal (IMT), Nuremberg, Germany, 1946. With Covid-19 cases soaring in India, acclaimed author and activist Arundhati Roy wrote Wednesday that her country is witnessing "an outright crime against humanity" as outside observers fear the crisis could hamper global efforts to rein in the pandemic.. As of Thursday, India now has the second highest number of total cases in the world--over 18 million--since the pandemic began, but a surge . Thats not to say that there isnt a grain of truth in this idea, particularly for the vaccine-hesitant, but for hard-core antivaxxers, it has been a comforting myth. Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer, accessed Feb. 13. Its great, and theyre fun to hang out with. He in the meantime hit the road, taking his anti-vax message to Connecticut and Minnesota, placing others at risk of contracting the illness that now left him fearful even after a negative test. Liberty Counsel Official Calls COVID-19 Vaccines a 'Crime Against Humanity' It redefines the production of death itself, beyond wars and natural disasters. If you are a victim of a scam or attempted fraud involving COVID-19, you can: Contact the National Center for Disaster Fraud hotline at 866-720-5721 or online at . And so I had a surgery to deal with that., He added, Im sitting on my doughnut right now, in all total candor.. When last we saw her elsewhere, she had put her foot in her mouth most spectacularly by ignorantly discounting how much education about immunology and vaccines a typical physician in training receives, which leads me to just what the heck Bigtree means by pharmaceutical dependent. He received a total of five transfusions, he said. (Feb. 16), India sees surge in COVID-19 home testing, On New Year's Eve, the Indian government wrote to states encouraging them to use COVID-19 home tests, especially people experiencing symptoms, in a bid to avoid straining local health systems. What difference does it make? Contrast that to what antivaxxers are doing now, protesting against lockdowns, refusing to wear masks, refusing to abide by social distancing, and, in essence, claiming that COVID-19 is no big deal. By pointing to those in authority who had reneged on their responsibilities, the honourable court was also implicitly probing larger questions of leadership, political parties and the state, holding each of these accountable. What are you waiting for? He then goes into a despicable diatribe, which, in case Bigtree memory-holes his rant, I am transcribing extensively because it is a near-perfect distillation of antivaccine thinking and the screw the old and infirm attitude that many COVID-19 deniers express: What is the group that is really at risk? Bigtree starts out by claiming that COVID-19 has a death rate of 0.26%. While Fuellmich and Fischerare both licensedattorneys,there is no "World Criminal Court." Last week, a prominent antivaxxer, Del Bigtree, whom you will likely remember as the genius behind the antivaccine propaganda film disguised as a documentary, VAXXED, demonstrated this hostility towards reasonable public health interventions in a segment from his online video show, The Highwire With Del Bigtree posted on June 19. I like the finer things in life. The HighWire, a radio show hosted by film producer and anti-vaccine activist Del Bigtree, pushed the unsupported claim that COVID-19 created in a lab and suggested it may have had something to do . Think about it though. Anyone whos read my work, either here on this blog or over at my not-so-super-secret other blog should know that I do not downplay the severity of measles.) The mutual legal assistance initiative focuses on the creation of a modern and detailed framework for mutual legal assistance and extradition in . Fact check: Viral video promotes conspiracy theory about COVID 'crimes In the mock trial, the "Grand Jury" is the online audience and the trial is "held" in the "Court of Public Opinion," according to captions on YouTube and Odysee. When you boil it down, both groups share a profound resistance to taking the least bit of responsibility for anyone but themselves and a tendency to blame the victim. Crimes Against Humanity in the Modern Age - Cambridge Core He was speaking with a frankness that would have been admirable were he not also energetically spreading deadly lies. If you are a potential patient and found this page through a Google search, please check out Dr. Gorski's biographical information, disclaimers regarding his writings, and notice to patients here. He contacted some doctor friends to get the Ivermectin protocol. The FDA has approved use of the drug to treat head lice and some parasitic worms, but not COVID. Once struggling, anti-vaccination groups have enjoyed a pandemic windfall She and a colleague watched weekly episodes of The Highwire with Del Bigtree from Jan. 30, 2020, to April 2, 2020. On that page, Bigtree shares disinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine, including the baseless claim it will eventually kill half of its recipients. Del Bigtree, an anti-vaccination activist, speaks before a crowd of anti-vaxxers at a VIP event in Washington, D.C. Bigtree is a controversial documentarian and one of the movement's biggest . In the case of Milosevic, all national ideals, notes Del Ponte, were made to serve one mans aspirations: An excellent tactician, a mediocre strategist, Milosevic did nothing but pursue his ambition at the price of unspeakable suffering inflicted on those who opposed him or who represented a threat to his personal strategy for power. Drink all the bourbon you want, and smoke as many cigarettes as you want, and when you find yourself pharmaceutical-dependent I will go ahead and say thank God the drug companies are there for you, but you do not get to make me pharmaceutical-dependent. She had previously clashed with them over data releases and control and had haggled over a variance regarding reopening businesses. The disclaimer was specific to the video and does not apply to Bigtrees false claim in his post that COVID-19 vaccines have been a DISASTER., Bigtrees Facebook page also shared footage from a separate January 6 Washington, D.C., event called the Global Frontline Nurses Summit. The speakers shared dangerous COVID-19 misinformation, including that COVID-19 patients can be successfully treated with holistic methods such as ozone therapy. One way of thinking about this is whether there are customary international criminal law rules on crimes against humanity that might be applicable to the United States. He also pushes dangerous falsehoods about COVID-19, including his suggestion that the disease doesnt actually exist. He is responsible for one of the greatest crimes in world history: Funding the Wuhan lab in China that led to the release of the coronavirus. Basically, they doubled down on their antivaccine propaganda. Being overworked and stretched thin because of how inadequate many states public health infrastructure was before the pandemic play a role too. COP27 Produces a Historic Result for Vulnerable Countries: A Loss and Damage Fund. The Irish famine resulted in 1 million deaths over seven years, from 1845 to 1852. Jackson offered a pithy account of the stupendous work in organization of the Nazi party: Their entire structure of offices and officials was dedicated to the criminal purposes and committed to the use of the criminal methods planned by these defendants and their co-conspirators Some of its purposes would commend themselves to many good citizens, such as the demands for profit-sharing in the great industries, generous development of provision for old age, creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, a land reform suitable to our national requirements, and raising the standard of health.. It was to be personal responsibility in each case. On December 15, Bigtrees Facebook page shared an episode in which he appears on the Daystar Television Network, an online evangelical Christian broadcast. Crimes against humanity have often been committed as part of State policies, but they can also be perpetrated by non-State . And Im worried about the spike protein.. You think COVID is over? He was marginally better when the plane took off the next morning. Profiteering from vaccine inequity: a crime against humanity? David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University. And I want to talk about this for one minute as we close this down. He goes deep into the realm of very dangerous advice. Everything everything, was an instrument in the service of his quest for power. We Are Witnessing a Crime Against Humanity. By pretending to serve a national cause, the party imposed limitations on freedoms: The forecast of religious persecution was clothed in the language of religious liberty, for the Nazi program stated, We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State. But, it continues with the limitation, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race.. This was a huge pronouncement, one that equates intentional massacres of civilian populations with letting people die of starvation, or from a lack of air. On a July 28 episode of his Faith and Freedom podcast, cardiologist Peter McCullough claimed that the vaccines are causing a "staggering" number of deaths, more than the illness itself. If you dont believe me, consider how in recent years they have manifested their hostility towards public health interventions not just in the form of resistance to school vaccine mandates, but in proposing laws and regulations that would make it more difficult for local health authorities to prevent and respond to outbreaks even leaving aside the issue of vaccines. Theres drugs that allow you to eat the Philly cheesesteak even though your body knows it hates it, but, go ahead, take the Prilosec. To let people die for want of food, and air now, is tantamount to the genocides that scarred forever the 20th century. But heres whats not OK. He and his wife enlisted the help of family friends, a couple who are both emergency room doctors. Christiane Northrup, once a New Age health guru, now spreads covid COVID Jabs: The Greatest Crime Against Humanity | Guest; Dr. Naomi Wolf Connect with . A. Go and do whats necessary. Of course, hes also refusing to wear a mask and social distanceIll give him the benefit of the doubt that hes not refusing to wash his damned handsbut primarily hes saying he refuses to be vaccinated against coronavirus once there is a vaccine. The result was negative. You have heart disease. With his crown of barely tamed grey curls, bright blue eyes and California tan, the 49 . Its also, Ive noticed, very typical of COVID-19 deniers, many of whose attitude seems to be, Screw the old and chronically ill, I need to golf and get a haircut! Indeed, this attitude started to take root fairly early in the pandemic, when a number of politicians of a certain political bent (you know which one) argued in essence that we need to sacrifice grandpa and grandma in order to save the economy. (In cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Justice has taken legal action against individuals who claim ozone therapy is a treatment for COVID-19.) The document, which obtained over 3,100 signatures around the world, blasts the "one size fits all" treatment recommendations . We were running tests on everything, but what it ultimately appears to have come down to is really Occams razor, which is the simplest answer, Bigtree said. If were really going to get into each others schiznit, thats what we could do. They identified six consistent themes and compared them to the anti-vaccine movement. The original video refers to a "criminal investigation" that is "modeled after United States Grand Jury proceedings." Grow up! His rant shows exactly why COVID-19 conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers have such an affinity for each other and have teamed up to resist public health initiatives. We must summon such detachment and intellectual integrity to our task that this Trial will commend itself to posterity as fulfilling humanitys aspirations to do justice., Also read: Why Indias COVID-19 Catastrophe Is Indeed a Crime Against Humanity, the law shall not stop with the punishment of petty crimes by little people. COVID Fraud - Lawyers; Medical Experts start legal proceedings against
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