Wonderful tobacco provided by one of the best online tobacconists. All of that said this is a 4 star smoke. While the ash was white, the pipe's heel usually got wet, which certainly demanded a pipe's traditional day's rest for every time smoked. Once lit, I walked back through the cloud of smoke that had been produced and of course, a rush of great memories came back to me. If you are even remotely interested in Balkan blends, you owe it to yourself to try this. Blended and aged in the British Isles, Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture is comprised primarily of Latakia with a mixture of Orientals, Virginias, and other fine tobaccos for a bold, earthy smoking experience with notes of spice and a mild sweetness. All tobacco is made the old fashioned way. Not so heavy, incredibly smooth tobacco, giving a gentle sweetness and a dry, salty smoking that reminds me of Syrian Latakia.It was smoked easily until the end of the bowl. This should be approachable to all but the most puny of smokers. Not sweet, but not really bitter like some oriental-heavy blends are. I have exceptions to all of the above. It was a beautiful blend just like it was in the 1980s. By entering this site, Also they have men in service that formerly worked for the House Sobranie. I don't know, but it should be among the top five. Now I know how was the original and now i can compare. The quality of the tobacco is very high. There are other options like the mentioned here from Peretti and White Knight , Magnum Opus and others. Orlik Pipe Tobacco To enjoy this blend, the best way is use a pipe with small bowl. If I had plenty of money, I'd have more Balkan Sobranie Original Mixture. The 1990s and later versions have drier in taste than it was in the 1980s, due to the decrease in the red Virginia, which disappeared by the mid-1990s. Has a rich experience for me and this tobacco was a unique in months because even when stored for so long, still provided good smoked, full of flavor. In true honesty, I used to rotate this tobacco with Murray's Early Morning Pipe and Standard's Mixture, just for a change of pace, but I have never smoked something quite like it. In the late 70s and 80s I took this mixture for granted and smoked a lot of it and I highly appreciated it until it suddenly disappeared. The origins of the Balkan Sobranie blend is somewhat shrouded in mystery. Smoked Balkan Supreme.love yet again. Really good stuff & I'm not a big Latakia fan but it facilitates this blend's sweet, creamy, smoky flavor. I would say this tobacco smokes better a bit drier that most others even of the same species. I smoked it constantly from 1975 through the early eighties, sporadically since then till it's disappearance. Pouches continued to be manufactured but this is another story. Awesome smoke and definitely the finest Balkan I've tried so far! Something that was better in the pouch version. During the pursuit of perfection, excellence was achieved. Afterwards, it loaded nicely and lit without trouble. Meticulously recreated by JF Germain in England. Curisoty and the words of that tobacconist, got the better of me when I saw an unopened tin from the sixties on Ebay. Balkan Sobranie literally was Our Best Blend at that time. Free Shipping A year later in 1966, I graduated to a curved Briar pipe and the Sobranie Original Mixture. Maybe the preparation or selection of red & brown Virginias topped off with tasty Yenidje? A crowning achievement in the tobacco procurement & blending craft without question. Noooo idea, I've never smoked that one like I said before. A crowning achievement in the tobacco blending craft without question. Balkan Sobranie. And the latakia, for all that time, seems to have lost its oomph. I miss it still. It was, however, obvious that the tobacco had become thoroughly dried over the years. My favorite came with a black label and I think it was called Mixture #759. Taste is medium and consistent, with notes of smoky, very bitter wood, floral, toasted bread, leather, musty herbal vegetation, incense, dry earth, acidic/spicy, citrus peel/zest, a mildly sweet stewed tangy fruit background note, and a very peppery retro. Thanks for the recommendations! Sadly, though, it's not hard to understand why. I would currently rank this as my second favorite right now. The next thing I know, I have 4 pipes and about twelve blends of tobaccos in hand, along with a quick education from a master. It reminds me of two blends sort of: Pease's Charing Cross and Bohemian Scandal. Nic-hit was felt in the mouth and throat but nowhere else. The room glowed with the fullness of the Blend. I simply loved the flavor. Because it is so hard to secure, I tend to only allow myself its indulgence at special times (while on vacation, reunionsnew additions to the family, etc.) Seeing this in the hall of fame put me on a quest to find it again, with no luck. After a few puffs, the tobacco flavors begin to meld & it just keeps getting better until the very end. it touches upon every flavor component.. sweet, bitter, salty, sour, savory, spicy etc.. but it remains one package.. it is not a shocking experience.. it is kind of gentle and simple in a way. Yet they did not update the tobacco selections. This is the grail, the standard by which all other Balkans are measured, and with good reason. It almost borders on being monochromatic unless smoked slowly. When he passed, I was notified by his widow that I had been left his cellar and pipe collection. A fine cut mix of dark and light Virginia's, Macedonian tobacco and Cyprian latakia. Purchased a new tin of The Balkan Sobranie when a small batch became available on SmokingPipes.com in December 2019 for about $15. The smoke note however was more like what I remembered, though for a more accurate Proustian journey I will have to try to obtain an unopened tin from the 1960's if they still exist. I need to first say that below, Leiconnsel's review must be the gold standard for all reviews on this amazing blend. PS: Save your coin if you think that Sasieni is going to get you any closer to those bygone days I personally think it's somewhat better than BS but not much. Oh boy, now what? Of course now it's a matter of reviewing the pouched version by Gallahers (Imperial?) Will definantly get next time some shows up here in the US. 1 in stock. In the full-English range, so over forty percent Latakia, and around twenty five percent Oriental. Just a slight leathery flavor in the background. The tobacco ranges from black to dark brown, there are some lighter bronze strands but overall it's a dark mixture. Misrepresentation of your For those who seek a refined latakia-oriental blend rich in flavor, but retrained in raw power and bluster. Free 877-70MILAN (64526) customercare@milantobacco.com I have not tried either yet. Synergy was definitely at play here. Joe maintained that the curing after carving was determined by grade, Virgins, and later Pedigrees and Uniques, getting, of course, the longest cure.). Then I happened on a shop in the Rockies while I was on assignment there. During the Second World War Joe was stationed in England, where he visited Balkan Sobranie and made a deal with them to sell Balkan canned by them in London and labelled as Best, exclusively. It just takes over the senses. The perfect aid to peace and contemplation. The king of balkans! IF you can obtain it. It is not really bad, but something got lost in the transition. A dear friend of mine had a family member send this to him from his home land of Spain.Being the gentleman that he is,he gave me a pouch of my own.My only regret is that I'm going through it quickly and that it's no longer being sold in the U.S.This is one blend that lives up to it's reputation as one of the trulyly legendary smokes.Made up of oriental tobaccos,it's smooth and rich and tasty.It's simply wonderful and I'd encourage others to send overseas for a pouch or two of THEIR own. I realize that even though The Balakan Sobranie is gone and that the tobaccos used in it's making are no more to be found, you can still get quality stuff from some dedicated blenders, finding them could be quite a challenge though. Yes, it is a nice baccy but, these days there are a TON out there that have tried to copy it over the years and some have absolutely succeeded. That's part of the hype I hear also; that it's such a great Latakia bomb it's super strongall lies. Except the lucky few. Recommended. Why no other blender has ever been able to recapture the amazing balance, complexity, creaminess, coolness, and wonder of Balkan Sobranie, I don't know. Before lighting the first bowl I was scared by a possible great strength and power. Much cheaper too, about $2.50/oz. This one gets two stars. It's definitely not worth that kind of price. From the company's (the name and the recipe's) sale and in sale after sale after that the blend has been cheapened and diminished, with production moving to Jamaica (?Made in the U.K.?) Tobacconists does not sell cigarettes on this site, nor do we sell tobacco 10/12/07 ? The smoke intensifies through the bottom part of the bowl, with the low notes coming as a nice contrast to the bright sourness of the first light. Won't bite or get harsh. My Girlfriend hated it, told me I looked like a Hippie Farmer. History. It's all about the orientals. it has been 40 years since I have smoked any. Tobacco is a thin ribbon cut of black and brown, with a little tan mixed in. I had heard the stories. I hope that I hear something of it.. It's in current production. After the bowl was done I just turned it upside down and fluffy gray ash came out leaving the bowl clean but to my surprise also leaving some evident drops of water which condensed during smoking but not to the point that intervention would be required. What else can I say about this blend that hasn?t already been said? Oriental tobacco was standardized and sold uniformly, no more to be readily had as the local varietals with exotic names. was it merely an oversight at the factory, or is this really some kind of mythic witches brew. No Syrian or Yenidje in it though. I've tried Balkan Sasieni, the current Balkan Sobranie, the current Best Blend from the current Smokers' Haven, and Balkan Sobranie throughout the '70s, '80s, 90's and '00s, as well as Margate (probably the currrent Best, as Germain now blends for Smokers' Haven, I've heard), Caravan, Penzance, McClelland's Yenidje Highlander and Yenidje Supreme (which lacks latakia), and countless other English/Balkan/Oriental blends from the late-lamented Dunhills to those corner tobacconist bulk-bought or hand blended attempts to clone Balkan. This doesn't mean that there aren't better Balkans or latakia mixtures: it just means that Original still has something that makes it different and immediately recognizable, and which is missing from ALL other imitations. Balkan Sobranie. I try to pick a time when I can set aside an hour to sit quietly and enjoy this fine tobacco. Nothing I could expect, as well as the beautiful contrasted colours and the oily texture of the tobacco in the tin. Lucky for me the Turkish did not impose itself too much so I just ignored it. I withhold most further details of the shop on the unlikely chance I can return someday and the remaining tin will be up there on the top shelf, having once been stuffed back to make room for more recent things. In just a few minutes I judged that the tobacco was moist enough, placed it on a dish and then a few minutes later, into a "ZipLock"?.After allowing the moisture to migrate throughout, overnight: Sobranie vs. Sasieni The pouch aroma is very inviting (noticeably more so than Sasieni). review from a long-time pipe smoker who is neither a connoisseur nor a gourmet. In my honest opinion J.F. As far as Italy is concerned BSOM does remain the only mixture you can truly name "balkan". Simply amazing stuff, and I mourn that it's almost gone. It was very simalar to the Original Mixture only much fresher and fuller in taste than those acient Tins you will find on ebay. A two or three months ago one friend called me on the facebook messenger, and says me: "Hi, i have a some tins from The Balkan Sobranie". But ITS GONE NOW, like many others, by the way. Once my pipe was filled I went out in the hall of the resort to light it. Once rubbed out I could pretty much gravity feed it into a pipe that is currently dedicated to it - a small to medium sized bent Dunhill shell dublin collector. If I had plenty of money, I'd have piles of Balkan Sobranie Original Mixture in the cellar. I've tried a number of blends that tout themselves as a "replacement" for Balkan Sobranie and I dreamed of what the original must be like. . Unfortunately, by now the cigarette industry had turned its unblinking eye upon turkish tobacco, consuming all there was. I also liked other mixtures of Sobranie of London, like the rare Birdseye Cut, and the famous 759 for example. The nicotine content is not heavy at all, but a solid medium. This GeoTrust Low and behold a yahoo mail message pops up at the top of my screen saying its in stock on Friday the 13th. Almost as if someone had tossed some diamond dust into the tin and shook it up. Smoking the mixture leaves you with what I would call a heavily clouded atmosphere of smoke left in your room that is similar to London Fog. U.S).Yes, this is the standard by which all other Balkans are compared to, but I do think Greg Pease has surpassed it IMO. Smokers are delighted in its medium-to-robust body, incense-like aroma and satisfying taste. Customer satisfaction Over 30.000 customers. None have answered, though many are excellent. . A great blend, but there are blends available all year long that are just as good by GL Pease, and also his Drucquer and Sons blends. Just lit you almost taste the pure latakia. This is SOMEWHAT of a comparision, understanding that I am comparing a new tin verses an aged tin and the 90's era Original Mixture was, by most accounts, not the best era of the blend. ==Highly Recommended!== prep. Finally got to smoke my fabled white whale, Balkan Sobranie.TRANSCENDENCE!!! You know how things get distorted after so many years "ahh, those were the GOOD old days.". Anybody out there game? I follow the Machiavalian point of..availability. That one's been in production since at least the mid 2000s. He figures these tins are from the late 1980's early 1990's. Maybe tobacco grown in the Balkan region has some affect on the flavor. Over the past year I have been slowly smoking 50gm's from the early 1990's and this review is based on that now finished tobacco. It was smoked easily until the end of the bowl. I finally summoned the courage to open the first tin. These packets, though lacking any dating, were "Made in the United Kingdom" and were imported by (the now defunct) James B. Russell, Inc. of Upper Saddle River, NJ. $7.99. Things were working together and it my taste buds were loving it. And the same beginning as with Mixture 759. Perhaps all of the above. Plenty of names of non site sponsors mentioned. Since in Italy it's still fully available, I can submit a review of the latest pouches. If you can lay your hands on a pouch, do so. The flowery notes are likely their stock of Yenidje. Perhaps all of the above. It is my understanding that the version that I was smoking was not the quality of tins sold in the 1970's. The aroma is heavenly, and I repeatedly left the room and re-entered so I could enjoy the room bouquet. FREE Shipping on all US orders over $95 | When Will My Package Ship? Because this is the weak spot of J.F. It was so unique, especially since I was smoking drug store brands of pipe tobacco. If you get your hands on some you are in for a treat! Over the past few days, I've had Gaslight, Plum Pudding, Balkan Sasieni, White Knight, Sextant. It has a sweet & sometimes salty flavor when the right taste receptor is hit & has an enticing aroma. Of the many Balkan blends available today, I would say that G&H's Balkan Mixture is the closest match to this, only the G&H product is considerably better. Let the smoke slowly out of your mouth and inhale through your nose and you'll see what I mean, all the hype about this tobacco is true and th ats a rare thing, when it's available again, make sure you get some, because out of the hundreds of different tobaccos I've tried over the years this would have to be one of, if not the best I've ever had, just remember, if your not into latakia, don't bother, blue smokes a tanging, enjoy. Orientals dominate the taste, almost to the exclusion of all else. Sure, maybe the initial experience won't be the same, but, overall, the smoking experience should be just as enjoyable and with a lot less waiting and frustration. This stuff tasted so good in fact, it makes me ponder; How does a tobacco blend that tastes this good, be made without a topping or a flavor additive? Combustibility: As with every version I know, excellent. Aroma of very delicate floral Orientals, slightly sour, smoky latakia and just a kiss of sweetness from the Virginia. The taste always had a somewhat bitter start - somewhat like Nightcap - but the rest of the experience was addictive. I rarely smoke now. I can confirm that, while in decline, this blend is still a staple for any serious pipesmoker. I have found many delicious blends that perfectly match my needs, and I enjoy smoking them as much as I did TBS. Very neutral aroma that does not disturbs the room. Nearing the end of the bowl the nuttyness from the Latakia returns to round off a wonderfully smooth smoking experience. Super smooth, blended perfectly. : the more it tries to be, the more it is not. Easy to understand why it is treated as the gold standard in Balkan style blends. What I remember about Sobranie is the "dirt" taste, similar to a Guiness Stout. Rocky Mountains USA but I'm an Irishman at heart. This stuff tasted so good in fact, it makes me ponder; How does a tobacco blend that tastes this good, be made without a topping or flavor additive? View All (61) Balkan Sobranie Balkan Sobranie 50g Reviews. If my wallet actually agreed with me, I would be seeking out much more of this wonderful English blend. Balkan Sobranie My friends all wondered how I could smoke such strong tobacco. In my opinion, no. To be a very good blend in the downfall years speaks to how excellent it was in years past. What can I say for me this is the gold standard for Balkans. Mailing Address: 550 Highway 9 East, Longs, SC 29568 Telephone: Local/International: (843) 281-9304 Toll Free: (888) 366-0345. This is also the case with Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture. Once the product has come back in stock, you'll need to resubscribe for future notifications. I first discovered this stuff in the early 90's, and was immediately hooked. A very full taste, so well balanced that is impossible to immagine something better. Notice | Advertising Virginia, Latakia, Yenidje (oriental) of the best quality. I was gifted a fair number of bowls of the new Germain production BS and smoked it side by side with my remaining 1990's era BS. The middle part was a bit heavier but still a good medium taste with a full room note and ample white smoke. Better! to try and capture it, but one couldn't. The return of the classic Balkan Sobranie now manufactured by JF Germain in the British Isles! Cest la vie! Unlike most Latakia blends, the room not of Balkan Sobranie is rich and pleasant, think incense or a just-spent fire. I'm glad to hear your thoughts. I know of no other in which this essentially condimental tobacco is so much to the fore. Truly a delicious smoke to be sure. Very little hydration needed. For starters, I guess it goes without saying that I don?t really smoke this regularly. tin. Cyprian latakia is present along with turkish in the nose. Germain & Son is the maker of some other legendary tobacco, Penzance. British tobacco was it, too. the blend i am smoking is the current j f germain version. Its tangy,Smokey and sweet at the same time. Is this a masterpiece Absolutely. If it's true that this means a tobacco never is as good as when fresh, this tobacco must be magical, as it is as good or better than any balkan I've ever smoked. in the lid of the old Balkan Sobranie, retracting it from the lip and reclosing the can, thus piercing the inner tin lid, the escaping hiss was divine. It is well blended. So many of the reviews for this mixture are perorations for something beautiful that is gone, and entirely appropriately so. Very tasty and I feel this blend is one most any pipe smoker would findpleasurable. Master blender Russ Ouellette was the hands-down winner, and this is his championship mixture: Black House, comprising a variety of tobacco for a complex English blend. Since 1912, Providing Premium Cigars, Quality Pipes, High Grade Pipe Tobacco, My efforts were rewarded today with my first bowl ever of Balkan Sobranie. Balkan Sobranie: Balkan Sobranie 50g Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-513-0001 Among the most celebrated and legendary English blends, Balkan Sobranie dates to the 1920s when it was crafted by Sobranie of London a blending house established in 1879 by the Redstone family. In my book this blend scores 5 points out of 5, which equates to 4 well deserved stars. The tin note was sweet and smoky it had an Oriental smell to it, but the Latakia was wonderful. The subtle interplay between the Orientals and the Latakia along with the suspected aged virginias became sublime.as well as whatever word denotes that which is greater than sublime. Please for the life of Pete, tell me where once again I may get this fine tobacco that I have been without now since the 1990's. Clean taste of mostly virgina and orientals through the bowl with just enough smokiness from the latakia. Purchased From: Some tobacconist in Spain. A couple of random memories. I see why this blend commands a premium. It is quite close to the original Sobranie, although like Balkan Sasieni it uses generic oriental rather than Yenidje. [email protected] Use Coupon Code "SPECIAL15" On Order Over $190 And Get 15% Discount. The tobacco ? I never thought the day would come and I would open it, but finally given to temptation here I amSo,the tobacco has indeed had quite a bit of age on it, but it was still quite moist and the surrounding paper stained. I loved this classic, and will always remember what a special experience it was to have some. We have in stock for your choice! This stuff tasted so good in fact, it makes me ponder; How does a tobacco blend that tastes this good, be made without a topping or flavor additive? In comparison with all those others, Sobranie certainly stands up well, even at this late date. Nice rough cut and really slow burning. I notice that the Latakia is not at all heavy in this blend. Joe had some sort of preferred agreement with Charatan, I believe, and also sold lots of Dunhills. I remember this was what it was to smoke a pipe. This is what a pipe tobacco is supposed to be! Is it as good as the 70's, 60's and before version? Room note is a killer to those who don't smoke. After a few puffs the sweetness comes forth, the Virginia's. Finally I snagged a few tins of this blend. Add to Wishlist. Top of the top. It was always ?caviare for the general?, and not, lately, much of a money-maker: English tastes, in this as in everything else, have become coarsened and vulgarised; and so, once it was deprived of its big American public, this blend simply became problematic and unprofitable. I still wonder if the dumbest thing I ever did with regards to this hobby was to not buy that second tin. The smell is definately english/balkan in nature. Sorry, I havent been around long enough to know better. Still nowadays the TBS and the 759 are THE benchmark for all Oriental Mixtures. For joy. Nevertheless to me it's still a high quality tobacco. It came in a pouch and in a large tin. I had the good luck to come across a previously opened but sealed tin, half full, stored in a consistent temperature. The legendary Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture has now been reintroduced by Arango Cigar Co. Yet at the same time, it is cool, smooth, soft, and velvetly. The Original BS smoked mellow, cool, dry and somewhat sweet. I find it to be better balanced and the flavor is outstanding. Join Our Mailing List! This blend did not achieve legendary status for no reason. Its hard not to look at the whole ball of wax and not say that this was one of best blends ever made.
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