Meaning of Jupiter as Atmakaraka - Star Oracles You are gifted with clairaudience; that is to say, you can hear messages from the spiritual world, or you can hear sounds no one else can hear because your hearing is so sensitive. That is to say, you may feel a lack in your life. However, you need solitude to balance your fiery energy. Your marriage partner (husband or wife) can be older than you because Saturn represents old age and maturity. You have excellent business skills and know-how to negotiate disagreements: therefore, you could be an experienced businessman, businesswoman, lawyer, or mediator. because of this, you like to give your support from an authoritative role. Nevertheless, you have trouble getting time to yourself and your sleep can be suppressed. Atmakaraka in Mrigashira Nakshatra means you love the thrill of chasing after a goal, dream, or objective. Because your aura is so inviting people love being in your company. You have to be patient when dealing with your children and you experienced a delay in this area. The planet under Amatyakaraka is used to understand and read the areas of career and business. Nevertheless, you are passionate about society and help in creating balance in the world. Use it as a reference but please know that hard work and perseverance are required at every juncture of life. You feel confident, powerful, and authoritative being in the safety of your home environment. I loved the predictions. So Amatya Karaka shows the path to Atmakaraka. Different planets as amatyakaraka result in various different career life.. ones affinity and skill towards a particular profession is determined by amatyakaraka planet. You can spend a good amount of time in the comfort of your home, and you may even be blessed with a home of your own. However, most astrologers simply employ the 7 karaka system. What is amatya in astrology? In addition, you could work with a company that is associated with women or Venetian products such as cosmetics, perfumes, beauty, models, or even products related to pleasure. Will your profession help you reap benefits? This is because the moon is the karaka a mother in the Levin house relate to gains. This is the energy of Mrigashira Nakshatra of being on a never-ending chasing quest. You have a charitable heart for helping people and you believe in performing good deeds for others because of this you are lucky in life and good fortune comes to you. Atmakaraka in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra means you are law-abiding, righteous, and truthful similar to Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individua. The natives will have a good career related to the lectureship, school teaching, religious leadership, scholars, and priestly activities. This is the planet that represents your spouse, husband for woman, and wife for a man. You love serving the masses because this supports the growth of humanity. Your father is very strict, disciplined, responsible, and has a cold and serious nature: however, there can be an estranged relationship when it comes to the relationship with your father. You put the energy into pursuing higher education. According to the Vedic philosophy, a soul has rebirth to fulfill all the unfinished desires of the past lives. therefore, early in life, you can have difficulties making ends meet. In addition, your mind is focused on your family, values, and finances. Atmakaraka in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra means you are an excellent counselor and advisor to other people. This is because the roots of a tree are the main symbol of Moola Nakshatra. With Atmakaraka Venus in the 1st house, you feel a sense of connection when you are around other people. Your purpose in life is to express yourself through the 9th house. How can we identify Atmakaraka planet? [Updated!] You can determine which planet is your Darakaraka by figuring out which of your planets sits in the lowest degree on your chart. Nevertheless, Agni the fire god is the ruling deity of Krittika Nakshatra you are fascinated with fire. You are passionate about understanding the operations of the hidden world; therefore, you enjoy researching any mystical subject you can get your hands on. You have the power to awaken your kundalini energy and experience spiritual enlightenment. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Atmakaraka Mars in 7th house means it is your destiny in life to balance out your relationships and neutralize any unbalanced energy. Atmakaraka Moon in 2nd House means you can accumulate a large number of resources. This is because Indra (King of the God) is the ruling deity of Jyeshta Nakshatra. Your ego is connected with your home; however, you could become so attached to your home that you may be an introvert or homebody. For instance, your own Kingdom could be owning a business or having property in your name. Because of this sun here is a good placement. Therefore, researching esoteric knowledge and mysticism helps you understand the meaning of your existence and it balances your life. Atmakaraka Saturn in 2nd house means your finances will be suppressed until Saturn matures or return to its natal position in your birth chart. You are an example and inspiration to others. Where planet sits on the chart we will find the strength of the planet we can predict more result about the planet strength. Karakamsha Lagna - It is most commonly used technique.So, see the sign position of Aatma Karaka in D-9. Venus is also the planet of romance and pleasure; therefore, you are romantic and sensually expressive. You enjoy reading books and have a fascination with always wanting to know more. You really have deep knowledge of astrology. You may very well have permanent residence in a foreign country. People can test your ego, especially your marriage partner (husband or wife. So the native with amatyakaraka Saturn can develop into good judicial officers or judges. Additional resources come through the home and mother. You enjoy socializing and being around people and you love harmonic personal relationships. Atmakaraka Venus in 5th house means you are passionate about romance, entertainment, children, ancient texts, creativity, speculation, education, and politics. This is because the Moon relates to the masses, and the 10th house is where the Sun is the highest in the sky. Because of this, you have a very inventive mind, however, once you start implementing your ideas, they could take time to manifest. you can also check career according to planets, career according to Zodiac signs, career according to houses, should you go for business or job according to your horoscope and much more. You like to dig for information that is secret and hidden. You are religious or spiritual; if religious, your go-to churches or temples in prayer or worship. Get a copy of your Vedic natal chart and look at the location of the planets. You are blessed with career success, and even when there are obstacles on the job things seem to magically work out; this is because Jupiter protects and brings blessings to your work environment. Your mother is a strong influence in your life, and she could have been the authority figure in your childhood home. a female may also have a business relationship with her spouse. You have intelligence when it comes to speculative business investments. Atmakaraka is your soul planet - the planet that is the indicator of what your soul desires. researching information on the occult and the hidden supernatural world inspires you with wisdom and knowledge of spiritual laws. Atmakaraka Venus in 10th house means you are passionate about your career, authority, government, achievements, and interacting socially with society. Consequently, you enjoy researching, investigating, and understanding the root cause of life events. The planet with the highest degree is Sun at 16:20 degrees. When Sun becomes your Amatyakarak planet, it will provide a profession related to Government Job &service Administrative officer, Magistrate, Doctor, Politician, Teacher, etc. So we should draw the conclusion that amatyakaraka Moon in their chart was significant and superb for spiritual progress and fame in their line of work. The native with the Moon as Atmakaraka is very touchy and emotional. You are blessed with an education and if pursued youre able to obtain a degree, certificate, or be skilled in trade; its because the 5th house is all about education and Jupiter blesses you with an education. Atmakaraka Sun in 1st House means you are a born leader and have a rulership personality. amatyakaraka | ASHTAKVARGA JYOTI You prefer the company of people who are like-minded (educated), and you dislike people who lack knowledge of basic subjects. Sun - Lord Rama Jupiters massive magnetic field is almost 20,000 times stronger than Earths, making it the most powerful planet in the solar system. The planet Saturn is cold and dry; therefore, you can come off as having a cold personality. Your Atmakaraka (Amk) planet can be anyone of 7 chara karakas (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). Amatyakaraka happens to be the most influential person in a hierarchy (the next most influential person after a king/ruler). Atmakaraka in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra means you have a very relaxed, sensual, and carefree nature. Whenever i have gone to other astrologers, they usually say generic stuff about me and my future but your prediction was to the point. as a result, you are a natural entrepreneur and business person. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 9th house means you are wise, knowledgeable, spiritual, lucky, fortunate, end up believer in higher education. You are all about results, and making things happen in addition, you put energy into things to create a manifestation. You are very sensitive and can tune into the energies of an environment. Role Of Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka Planet In Vedic Astrology Your Atmakaraka is used to understand your soul purpose and is a prediction tool for the first house significator. You are blessed with a good spouse who supports you and guides you. The spouse (husband or wife) its very intelligent and good when it comes to negotiations. You are a true humanitarian and want to help others for the greater good. Because of this, you are very lucky in life because you create good karma. Thus the Benefic auspicious friendly relation or aspect between AK (aatmakaraka) and AMK (amatyakaraka) has been considered as Raj yoga of the highest order. Because of this, you have good karma. You have very beautiful children, and your first child can be a daughter since Venus its a feminine planet. You are confident and have high self-esteem. As a result, you live life according to how you believe. Sun, Moon and Rahu are in the 10th; Jupiter is in the 2nd house. You are charismatic and can easily win people over with the use of your words. You have an emotional connection with your family, and your family influences your values in life. On the other hand, Saturn represents structure, stability, Security and the 4th house is the home. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. This is because a Beautiful Jewel is the main symbol of Chitra nakshatra, and everyone loves looking at a pretty gem. You are socially adept and love the company of others. To clarify, a personal relationship can end then restart again with a stronger foundation. You enjoy socializing, entertainment, and parties. Since the planet Mars is the lord of Chitra you are very active, enthusiastic, energetic, and dynamic. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Jupiter relates to travel; therefore, you may travel when it comes to educational pursuits. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 10th house you are a counselor and very knowledgeable when it comes to the work you perform in your career. Because of this, you love living a luxurious lifestyle, such as, staying at the best hotels when traveling and dining at five-star restaurants. Darakaraka | Your Husband or Wife Secrets | Predict Your Marriage Age The Moon also represents ladies, so a career in ladies products would also be fruitful. Ashtakavarga calculator online will help to generate ashtakavarga chart. To find out your Amatyakaraka Planet follow this instruction mentioned in this article. Atmakaraka Jupiter means the character of your soul is a philosopher, spiritualist, counselor, religious, and educated. You can work in a profession in which you are a writer, journalist, public speaker, accountant, marketer, copywriting, columnist, or computer programmer, etc. Youre able to calm others raging emotions with the power of your words. Since Chitra Nakshatra is partially in the Virgo range, and Virgo relates to perfecting and polishing ideas and forms: this means that you can polish any type of rough or unedited form to perfection. Free D10 Chart Calculator (Dasamsa Chart) & Analysis - Bodhi I have written many articles on career, please search for them and implement those rules to predict successfully. With Mars in the 1st house, you are good when it comes to taking actions that contribute to your wellbeing, personal fulfillment, and accomplishments. Nevertheless, with Atmakaraka Sun in 10th House, you can have a career in which you give you a service to the government. This is because a blade of grass in the wind is the main symbol of Swati nakshatra, which is a symbol of an independent nature. When Sun Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:- When Sun becomes your Amatyakarak planet, it will provide a profession related to Government Job &service Administrative officer, Magistrate, Doctor, Politician, Teacher, etc. Because you love searching and finding you can be a collector of many rare and hard-to-find items. Jupiter additionally signifies Money. . Atmakaraka in Hasta Nakshatra means you a skillful with your hands. You will have an aura of protection that safeguards you in your ventures. Atmakaraka in Revati Nakshatra means you are benevolent, compassionate, and kind to others. So Amatyakaraka mars relatively try to carry that power in Profession and Careers like Engineering, Police, Military, Surgeon, Investigator and so on in other security forces. Your Dharma (Karma) in life is to express yourself through the 5th house. Your mind is on foreign travel, and you might as well travel or live permanently overseas. On the other hand, because two faces is one of the symbols of Purva Bhadrapada you can have two sides to your personality. Planets occupying the 5th house from Karakamsha will show you about your inherent talents and life path. Your energy goes into the strength of your speech. Since the 3rd house is related to hobbies investing your time in these creative hobbies brings joy to your heart. Your purpose in life is to seek spirituality and enlightenment; you achieved this by being in isolation in which you can pray, meditate, chant, or practice your spiritual beliefs. Important to check the position of planets for deciding whether a person should move towards a government job. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 8th house means your purpose in life is to gain knowledge in occult, mysticism, esoteric, and hidden information, even astrology is known to be a hidden knowledge. You shoot for the target and get what you want in life; because of this, you are very motivated when it comes to your dreams and desires. You have a very beautiful face that gets lots of attention. This makes you a counselor and advisor to others. You have very restless energy, and you must keep moving around or going after something. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Atmakaraka Venus in 8th house means you are passionate and love the occult, mysticism, metaphysics, and secret sciences. You have a very natural loving heart that radiates like the sun. Atmakaraka is calculated from D1 chart and is the planet with the highest degree . Jupiter is the significator of husband in a female chart; therefore, a female will meet her husband at work or in a business environment. The Amatyakaraka can be compared to the 10th lord or the 2nd lord as both hold immense value in terms of action and finance. In a birth chart a planet with the second highest degree except Rahu is called Amatyakaraka. A combination of all important rules will help you to know about someones career or which career the person should go for. However, if Saturn is afflicted (combusted, debilitated, enemy sign) you are impatient and become pessimistic when you do not see the results from your efforts. You can receive wisdom from younger siblings and people in your immediate environment (neighbors, coworkers, cousins, and friends). Saturn in Different houses suppresses the house Saturn is placed in. You have the intelligence to outwit opponents and outthink your way out of obstacles. It is your purpose in life to express your creativity in a career. Saturn is the planet that signifies jobs related to repetition, hard work, and service to society since its the planet of justice and karma. If you do not have your own personal space this creates a mental and emotional unbalance. You can adjust your personality as needed to accomplish a goal. Atmakaraka Moon in 10th House means you can have fame, recognition, and high status in life. Because you are so learned, you may come off as a know-it-all to others. This is because part of Uttara Ashadha is in the ambitious sign of Capricorn. Rahu is included, however his karaka position is determined by subtracting 30 degrees from his position. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This creativity is because Venus the planet of the arts and creativity is the ruling planet of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. The real meaning of Amatya is companion or follower of the King. things seem to magically work out for you or you can get ahead in life went little work. This is because the 8th house relates to spouses income and Jupiter is abundance. For instance, if your Atmakaraka is in Purva Ashadha and placed in the 11th house of friendships you like being truthful with your friends and expect them to be truthful to you. Manage Settings You are mechanical or skillful with your hands. Since Mars element is fire, you have a very fiery nature. Atmakaraka And Amatyakaraka | My Astrology Signs Atmakaraka Sun in 8th House means you have a deep interest in mysticism and esoteric knowledge. So when Jupiter turns amatyakaraka in a horoscope, Jupiter can provide an excellent position in the Banking Profession or profession in astrology, gemology, intellectual sports like chess and progress in the path of meditation, yoga. People look up to you for guidance on how to go about performing tasks. You are naturally gifted with clairvoyant powers and often have ESP experiences. Atmakaraka in Pushya Nakshatra means you are generous, caring, nurturing, and you enjoy helping people. We use cookies in this site to offer you a better browsing experience. When Jupiter Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:- We all know that Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, education, wisdom, Religion, and so on. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. Atmakaraka in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, Atmakaraka Sun In Different Houses Meaning, Atmakaraka Moon in Different Houses Meaning, Atmakaraka Mercury in Different Houses Meaning, Atmakaraka Venus in Different Houses Meaning, Atmakaraka Mars Mean In Different Houses Meaning, Atmakaraka Jupiter In Different Houses Meaning, Atmakaraka Saturn In Different Houses Meaning, personalized Vedic astrology birth chart report. Growing up in your childhood home there could have been many rules you had to follow which suppressed your freedom. People in your social network are loving, supportive, and inspire you with creativity. It show the numeric number between zero to eight based on the twelve signs. Therefore, you have the characteristics of Indra, powerful and authoritative, and the characteristics of Agni (fire God) which gives you an unquenchable thirst for life. therefore, extra resources can come from Venusian investments, such as womens products, beauty, gems, precious stones, relationships, clothing, beauty, accessories, etc. The AK planet is calculated from the highest degree planet of the chart. When your relationships are going good you feel that sense of balance; however, if your relationships are out of order you put the effort into your relationships so balance can be restored. During the Mahadasha of the Moon, you can experience positive results in your career. You want to make sure everything is done equally when working with others; similar to the balanced scale which represents Libra. It gives success in water sports as well. Atmakaraka in Jyeshta Nakshatra means you are powerful, authoritative, and destined to sit in a seat of rulership. Jupiter Atmakaraka will make a person forever dedicated to the acquisition (and sharing) of knowledge. In the above table, the planet with the highest degree is Moon. Let Atmakaraka Reveal the True Desires of Your Soul this is because you never give up and are determined to realize your hopes and wishes. How to calculate the Atmakaraka in Navamsa - Quora Since the main symbol of Jyeshta Nakshatra is a Round Talisman or Circular Amulet, you enjoy wearing rings, circular earrings, medallions, or amulets which symbolize your great power. You have very pretty handwriting, and you are very poetic with your words therefore you have a natural talent for calligraphy, romantic writing, or you could be a blog writer in which you write about love and romance. Planets in Signs. For example, say your Sun is 23 degrees of Capricorn, Mercury is 12 degrees Aquarius. To make a D10 map, simply divide any sign into ten equal parts. I have provided some details, stating the role of planets regarding predicting the probability of securing a Government Job in astrology. You are the jack-of-all-trades in your profession, and you have a variety of skills that you use on the job and in your work environment. You must ask online astrologers for an online solution for knowing which planet is your AK. Atmakaraka Moon in 3rd House means your mind is focused on intellectual curiosity. Moon as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. Atmakaraka Mercury in 10th house means you can get recognition in business, marketing, writing, or using your logical intelligence on the job. Atmakaraka means a planet with highest degree in horoscope n amatyakaraka has a second highest degree .. Atmakaraka _ destination of our soul, sole purpose and meaning of our birth. To determine career and profession there are many ways in Vedic astrology and one of them I have mentioned below. You are naturally intelligent and can master any subject you take an interest in. Atmakaraka Venus in 11th house means your support system (friends, elder siblings, social network, and organizations) helps you fulfill your purpose in life. The Amatyakaraka can be compared to the 10, When the Sun becomes Amatyakaraka in the birth chart, it takes position at the 2, Some of the greatest examples of famous people with Moon as their amatyakaraka planet include, Politics will also interest the natives and thats why we have, PLUTO and Our Misunderstanding With LIFE, The Freedom Astrologer, Taurus Man: Complete Personality Decoded! Yes. You are a natural group leader and take the leadership role when it comes to gatherings of large groups. When you are reading a book and learning something you absorb the information better in isolation. You are very beautiful, so beautiful that you attract the attention of many people. As a result, youre often thinking about work or giving your service to someone or something. Your own Kingdom could be a business prospect or owning property. Jaimini Astrology Calculator - Jaimini Chara Dasha Calculation - RVA The planet Mars in the 4th house is like putting a soldier in the kitchen; consequently, when a soldier is in the kitchen he cannot fully live up to his potential. The twelfth house from the karakamsha in your D9 chart is called the Jivanmuktamsha. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 3rd house means you are born to use your communicative power to preach and to teach. You enjoy traveling and taking road trips. Atmakaraka (from Sanskrit atma- 'soul', and karaka- 'significator') is the significator of the soul's desire in Jyotisha ( Hindu astrology ). Therefore, youre a Guru and give wise counsel to your mother(4H), your father(9H), your spouse(7H), and your children (5H). Take this as a reference, but make sure you put in all the effort and hard work into the profession you choose. If its positioned in 10th house from ascendant or with 10 lords it creates a Raja Yoga of prosperity and fame through a career as well. Your Soul is here to balance out the karmic scale by repaying past life karma debts, learn lessons, and fulling desires. Nevertheless, you are very protective of your heart and can put up a hard shell to avoid being hurt; Therefore, other people need to be careful what they say to you because your feelings can easily be hurt. As a result, the planet with the second highest degree is known as Amatya Karaka. On the other hand, you are very visual you learn best when you are shown a demonstration of what you want to learn instead of reading about it. Many natives with this combination rise in life financially with tact and effective communication and presence of mind. This makes you highly intelligent because youre able to process information rapidly. the sense in literature and writing and career in acting, singing, dancing, anchoring, graphics designing, style designing, etc. you need your own home to feel secure in life. of the company youre working for. Therefore, you could be a master or Guru when it comes to ancient text, religion, and spirituality. However, if you are working for someone else, youre best suited to be the boss, supervisor, CEO, etc. The birth of children brings blessings into your life. If amatyakaraka planet in strength and in good dignity, it will probably execute all the orders of the natives Atma or soul. The Moon represents the masses, and the 7th house is the 10th from the 10th house; therefore, the seven house is the highest when it comes to status and fame. The planet Venus is exalted in the 12th house which is the original house of Pisces; however, the 12th house is a Dusthana house. Atmakaraka Sun in 5th House means you experience a lot of good luck and fortune from past life deeds. Optional: Tropical/Sidereal Zodiac. This is because when asked about something you must give the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Atmakaraka Saturn in 5th house means you have to be patient when it comes to your learning, education, children, and learning ancient texts. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 5th house means you are blessed with children, a good education, spiritual knowledge, and you do well in business speculations. From the first house Jupiter aspects the 4th house, 5th house, 9th house, and 7th house. Atmakaraka Mercury in 7th House means you are proficient in communicating with others so you can be successful in public relations, mediations, and written contractual agreements. You often put up a hard exterior because you are very sensitive, and your feelings can get hurt easily. You have a very active and wild imagination; you channel stories from the subconscious mind and are an extraordinary writer. You may feel uncomfortable in your home or homeland; therefore, you can leave your birthplace to find your purpose in life. You are emotionally connected to your spouse (husband or wife) or significant other. These include Saturn, Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, and the Sun. Mars has travelled the most degrees in the sidereal zodiac, according to this transit chart, because it is at 29 degrees. To find out your Amatyakaraka Planet follow this instruction mentioned, Career and Profession By Different Amatyakaraka Planets, To determine career and profession there are many ways in Vedic astrology and one of them I have mentioned below.
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